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The cyanobacterial community composition in the mesotrophic Lake Blaarmeersen was determined by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) of PCR-amplified 16S rRNA gene fragments during two consecutive years to assess the importance of different classes of explanatory variables (bottom-up and top-down factors, physical variables and phytoplankton) in cyanobacterial community dynamics. The most dominant cyanobacteria in Lake Blaarmeersen were Synechococcus (three genotypes), Limnothrix redekei and Anabaena/Aphanizomenon. Analyses of Similarity revealed that the cyanobacterial community in Lake Blaarmeersen differed significantly between the growing season and the winter season as well as between the epilimnion and hypolimnion during the stratified periods. Mantel tests revealed significant correlations between the DGGE data and bottom-up factors, physical variables, the phytoplankton community composition and, interestingly, the zooplankton community composition. In general, the zooplankton community composition (especially the cladoceran community) was more important in structuring the cyanobacterial community than the total zooplankton biomass. This study shows that grazing zooplankton communities can have a relatively strong impact on the cyanobacterial community dynamics and that this impact can be equally important as bottom-up processes regulated by nutrient concentrations and/or physical variables.  相似文献   

The phosphopantetheinyl transferases (PPTs) are a superfamily of essential enzymes required for the synthesis of a wide range of compounds, including fatty acids, polyketides, and nonribosomal peptide metabolites. These enzymes activate carrier proteins in specific biosynthetic pathways by transfer of a phosphopantetheinyl moiety. The diverse PPT superfamily can be divided into two families based on specificity and conserved sequence motifs. The first family is typified by the Escherichia coli acyl carrier protein synthase (AcpS), which is involved in fatty acid synthesis. The prototype of the second family is the broad-substrate-range PPT Sfp, which is required for surfactin biosynthesis in Bacillus subtilis. Most cyanobacteria do not encode an AcpS-like PPT, and furthermore, some of their Sfp-like PPTs belong to a unique phylogenetic subgroup defined by the PPTs involved in heterocyst differentiation. Here, we describe the first functional characterization of a cyanobacterial PPT based on a structural analysis and subsequent functional analysis of the Nodularia spumigena NSOR10 PPT. Southern hybridizations suggested that this enzyme may be the only PPT encoded in the N. spumigena NSOR10 genome. Expression and enzyme characterization showed that this PPT was capable of modifying carrier proteins resulting from both heterocyst glycoplipid synthesis and nodularin toxin synthesis. Cyanobacteria are a unique and vast source of bioactive metabolites; therefore, an understanding of cyanobacterial PPTs is important in order to harness the biotechnological potential of cyanobacterial natural products.  相似文献   

大沙河水库冬季浮游植物群落结构与水华分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李季东  肖利娟  胡韧 《生态科学》2011,30(5):500-506
于2009年12月、2010年1月和2月对广东省大沙河水库湖泊区距水表层0.5m、5m和10m三个水层的浮游植物进行了定性与定量分析,同时对环境变量进行了测定.采样期间三个月的总降雨量为263mm,水温范围在15.5~19.4℃之间,水体处于混合状态.三次采样中,共检测出浮游植物69种(属),隶属于6个门,浮游植物丰度范围在4.1×106~14.8×106cells·L-1之间.三个水层的浮游植物优势种类差异不显著(p>0.05),丰度的主要优势种为蓝藻门的卷曲鱼腥藻(Anabaena circinalis)、铜绿微囊藻(Microcystis aeruginosa),这两个种的丰度之和占总丰度的70%以上,在2009年12月和2010年2月的表层出现了轻度鱼腥藻和微囊藻水华.蓝藻自身的浮力调节机制和适应低磷的生活策略是其成为优势种的重要原因,相对稳定的外部条件、水体混合与富营养共同导致的光的可获得性的减少是形成蓝藻水华的关键外部因子.  相似文献   

Currently defined ecotypes in marine cyanobacteria Prochlorococcus and Synechococcus likely contain subpopulations that themselves are ecologically distinct. We developed and applied high-throughput sequencing for the 16S-23S rRNA internally transcribed spacer (ITS) to examine ecotype and fine-scale genotypic community dynamics for monthly surface water samples spanning 5 years at the San Pedro Ocean Time-series site. Ecotype-level structure displayed regular seasonal patterns including succession, consistent with strong forcing by seasonally varying abiotic parameters (e.g. temperature, nutrients, light). We identified tens to thousands of amplicon sequence variants (ASVs) within ecotypes, many of which exhibited distinct patterns over time, suggesting ecologically distinct populations within ecotypes. Community structure within some ecotypes exhibited regular, seasonal patterns, but not for others, indicating other more irregular processes such as phage interactions are important. Network analysis including T4-like phage genotypic data revealed distinct viral variants correlated with different groups of cyanobacterial ASVs including time-lagged predator–prey relationships. Variation partitioning analysis indicated that phage community structure more strongly explains cyanobacterial community structure at the ASV level than the abiotic environmental factors. These results support a hierarchical model whereby abiotic environmental factors more strongly shape niche partitioning at the broader ecotype level while phage interactions are more important in shaping community structure of fine-scale variants within ecotypes.  相似文献   

In vitro incubation of three Kai proteins, KaiA, KaiB, and KaiC, with ATP induces a KaiC phosphorylation cycle that is a potential circadian clock pacemaker in cyanobacterium Synechococcus elongatus PCC 7942. The Kai proteins assemble into large heteromultimeric complexes (periodosome) to effect a robust oscillation of KaiC phosphorylation. Here, we report real-time measurements of the assembly/disassembly dynamics of the Kai periodosome by using small-angle X-ray scattering and determination of the low-resolution shapes of the KaiA:KaiC and KaiB:KaiC complexes. Most previously identified period-affecting mutations could be mapped to the association interfaces of our complex models. Our results suggest that the assembly/disassembly processes are crucial for phase entrainment in the early synchronizing stage but are passively driven by the phosphorylation status of KaiC in the late oscillatory stage. The Kai periodosome is assembled in such a way that KaiA and KaiB are recruited to a C-terminal region of KaiC in a phosphorylation-dependent manner.  相似文献   

Soil microbial communities have a profound influence on soil chemical processes and subsequently influence tree nutrition and growth. This study examined how the addition of a commercial inoculum or forest‐collected soils influenced nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) dynamics, soil microbial community structure, and growth in Liriodendron tulipifera and Prunus serotina tree saplings. Inoculation method was an important determinant of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) community structure in both species and altered soil N dynamics in Prunus and soil P dynamics in Liriodendron. Prunus saplings receiving whole forest soil transfers had a higher rhizosphere soil carbon/nitrogen ratio and ammonia content at the end of the first growing season when compared to unmanipulated control saplings. Inoculation with whole forest soil transfers resulted in increased inorganic phosphorus in Liriodendron rhizosphere soils. The number of AMF terminal restriction fragments was significantly greater in rhizosphere soils of Liriodendron saplings inoculated with whole forest soil transfers and Prunus saplings receiving either inoculum source than control saplings. Forest soil inoculation also increased AMF colonization and suppressed stem elongation in Liriodendron after 16 months; conversely, Prunus AMF colonization was unchanged and stem elongation was significantly greater when saplings were inoculated with whole forest soil transfers. Longer term monitoring of tree response to inoculation will be essential to assess whether early costs of AMF colonization may provide long‐term benefits. This study provides insight into how practitioners can use microbial inoculation to alter AMF community structure and functioning, subsequently influencing tree growth and nutrient cycling during the restoration of degraded lands.  相似文献   

Chlorophyll (Chl) f, the most far‐red (720–740 nm) absorbing Chl species, was discovered in cyanobacterial isolates from stromatolites and subsequently in other habitats as well. However, the spatial distribution and temporal dynamics of Chl f in a natural habitat have so far not been documented. Here, we report the presence of Chl f in cyanobacterial beachrock biofilms. Hyperspectral imaging on cross‐sections of beachrock from Heron Island (Great Barrier Reef, Australia), showed a strong and widely distributed signature of Chl f absorption in an endolithic layer below the dense cyanobacterial surface biofilm that could be localized to aggregates of Chroococcidiopsis‐like unicellular cyanobacteria packed within a thick common sheath. High‐pressure liquid chromatography‐based pigment analyses showed in situ ratios of Chl f to Chl a of 5% in brown‐pigmented zones of the beachrock, with lower ratios of ~0.5% in the black‐ and pink‐pigmented biofilm zones. Enrichment experiments with black beachrock biofilm showed stimulated synthesis of Chl f and Chl d when grown under near‐infrared radiation (NIR; 740 nm), with a Chl f to Chl a ratio increasing 4‐fold to 2%, whereas the Chl d to Chl a ratio went from 0% to 0.8%. Enrichments grown under white light (400–700 nm) produced no detectable amounts of either Chl d or Chl f. Beachrock cyanobacteria thus exhibited characteristics of far‐red light photoacclimation, enabling Chl f ‐containing cyanobacteria to thrive in optical niches deprived of visible light when sufficient NIR is prevalent.  相似文献   

Population and evolutionary dynamics of phage therapy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Following a sixty-year hiatus in western medicine, bacteriophages (phages) are again being advocated for treating and preventing bacterial infections. Are attempts to use phages for clinical and environmental applications more likely to succeed now than in the past? Will phage therapy and prophylaxis suffer the same fates as antibiotics--treatment failure due to acquired resistance and ever-increasing frequencies of resistant pathogens? Here, the population and evolutionary dynamics of bacterial-phage interactions that are relevant to phage therapy and prophylaxis are reviewed and illustrated with computer simulations.  相似文献   

Lake Taihu, the third largest freshwater lake in China, suffers from harmful cyanobacteria blooms caused by Microcystis spp., which do not fix nitrogen (N). Reduced N (i.e., NH4+, urea and other labile organic N compounds) is an important factor affecting the growth of Microcystis. As the world use of urea as fertilizer has escalated during the past decades, an understanding of how urea cycling relates to blooms of Microcystis is critical to predicting, controlling and alleviating the problem. In this study, the cycling rates of urea-N in Lake Taihu ranged from non-detectable to 1.37 μmol N L−1 h−1 for regeneration, and from 0.042 μmol N L−1 h−1 to 2.27 μmol N L−1 h−1 for potential urea-N removal. The fate of urea-N differed between light and dark incubations. Increased 15NH4+ accumulated and higher quantities of the removed urea-15N remained in the 15NH4+ form were detected in the dark than in the light. A follow-up incubation experiment with 15N-urea confirmed that Microcystis can grow on urea but its effects on urea dynamics were minor, indicating that Microcystis was not the major factor causing the observed fates of urea under different light conditions in Lake Taihu. Bacterial community composition and predicted functional gene data suggested that heterotrophic bacteria metabolized urea, even though Microcystis spp. was the dominant bloom organism.  相似文献   

We investigated the possibility of using starter cultures in sauerkraut fermentation and thereby reducing the quantity of salt used in the process. This, in turn, would reduce the amount of waste salt that would enter in our water resources. Phage, naturally present in sauerkraut fermentation, could potentially affect the starter cultures introduced. Thus, a mechanistic mathematical model was developed to quantify the growth kinetics of the phage and starter cultures. The model was validated by independent experiments with two Leuconostoc mesenteroides strains isolated from sauerkraut and their corresponding phage. Model simulations and experimental evidence showed the presence of phage-resistant cell populations in starter cultures which replaced phage-sensitive cells, even when the initial phage density (P(0)) and multiplicity of infection (MOI) were low (P(0) < 1 x 10(3) PFU/ml; MOI < 10(-4)) in the MRS media. Based on the results of model simulation and parameter optimization, it was suggested that the kinetic parameters of phage-host interaction, especially the adsorption rate, vary with the initial phage and host densities and with time. The model was validated in MRS broth. Therefore, the effects of heterogeneity and other environmental factors, such as temperature and pH, should be considered to make the model applicable to commercial fermentations.  相似文献   

Transposon Tn5-692 mutagenizes Synechococcus sp. strain PCC 7942 efficiently. The predicted product of the gene mutated in the Tn5-692-derived cell division mutant FTN2 has an N-terminal DnaJ domain, as have its cyanobacterial and plant orthologs. Anabaena sp. strain PCC 7120, when mutated in genes orthologous to ftn2 and ftn6, forms akinete-like cells.  相似文献   

Transformation of clay minerals (smectite-zeolite, illite, kaolinite, and bentonite) and admixtures of iron oxides (hydroxides) under the action of an alkaline cyanobacterial community was studied. The results demonstrate that the processes of transformation of clay minerals such as intensification of removal of exchange bases and dissolution of silicates and iron oxides occurred in the presence of the alkaliphilic cyanobacterial community. The main factor that determines resistance of a mineral to biochemical weathering is its composition. Transformations of clay minerals in the course of active cyanobacterial photosynthesis (up to 14 days) and at decomposition of organic matter (OM) (28–60 days) are different. For smectite-zeolite and illite, these processes are dissolution of silicates and oxides (removal of Si and Fe) and removal of exchange bases (K), which were observed at both the of biomass production and OM destruction stages. For two other clays, the processes of neosynthesis are more typical: formation of carbonates (most probably siderite for bentonite clay and Mg-calcite for kaolin clay) and transformation of ferrihydrite into the more thermodynamically stable goethite.  相似文献   

Rates of carbon (C) specific growth and nitrogen (N2) fixation were monitored in cultures of Baltic Sea Nodularia and Aphanizomenon exposed to gradual limitation by inorganic phosphorus (P). Both cyanobacteria responded by decreased cellular P content followed by lowered rates of growth and N2 fixation. C-specific growth and cellular N content changed faster in Aphanizomenon both when inorganic P was lowered as well as during reintroduction of P. Aphanizomenon also showed a more rapid increase in N-specific N2 fixation associated with increased C-specific growth. When ambient concentrations of inorganic P declined, both cyanobacteria displayed higher rates of alkaline phosphatase (APase) activity. Lower substrate half-saturation constants (KM) and higher Vmax : KM ratio of the APase enzyme associated with Nodularia suggest a higher affinity for dissolved organic P (DOP) substrate than Aphanizomenon. Aphanizomenon, which appears more sensitive to changes in ambient dissolved inorganic P, may be adapted to environments with elevated concentrations of P or repeated intrusions of nutrient-rich water. Nodularia on the other hand, with its higher tolerance to increased P starvation may have an ecological advantage in stratified surface waters of the Baltic Sea during periods of low P availability.  相似文献   

Bacteriophage are ubiquitous in nature, yet many central aspects of host–phage biology have not been integrated into mathematical models. We propose a novel model of host–phage population dynamics that accounts for the decreased ability of phages to lyse hosts as hosts approach their carrying capacity. In contrast to existing predator–prey-like models, we find a parameter regime in which phages cannot invade a host-only system but, nonetheless, can stably coexist with hosts at lower densities. The finding of alternative stable states suggests clear linkages with observed life history strategies of phages. In addition, we solve a limiting case of the proposed model and show that conservative predator-prey like systems do not inevitably exhibit population cycles. Finally, we discuss possible extensions of the present model and scenarios for experimental testing.  相似文献   

The dynamics of photosystem I assembly in cyanobacteria have been addressed using in vivo pulse-chase labeling of Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 proteins in combination with blue native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The analyses indicate the existence of three different monomeric photosystem I complexes and also the high stability of photosystem I trimers. We show that in addition to a complete photosystem I monomer, containing all 11 subunits, we detected a PsaK-less monomer and a short-lived PsaL/PsaK-less complex. The latter two monomers were missing in the ycf37 mutant of Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 that accumulates also less trimers. Pulse-chase experiments suggest that the three monomeric complexes have different functions in the biogenesis of the trimer. Based on these findings we propose a model where PsaK is incorporated in the latest step of photosystem I assembly. The PsaK-less photosystem I monomer may represent an intermediate complex that is important for the exchange of the two PsaK variants during high light acclimation. Implications of the presented data with respect to Ycf37 function are discussed.  相似文献   

The coupling between community composition and climate change spans a gradient from no lags to strong lags. The no‐lag hypothesis is the foundation of many ecophysiological models, correlative species distribution modelling and climate reconstruction approaches. Simple lag hypotheses have become prominent in disequilibrium ecology, proposing that communities track climate change following a fixed function or with a time delay. However, more complex dynamics are possible and may lead to memory effects and alternate unstable states. We develop graphical and analytic methods for assessing these scenarios and show that these dynamics can appear in even simple models. The overall implications are that (1) complex community dynamics may be common and (2) detailed knowledge of past climate change and community states will often be necessary yet sometimes insufficient to make predictions of a community's future state.  相似文献   

Nowadays, food, cosmetic, environmental and pharmaceutical fields are searching for alternative processes to obtain their major products in a more sustainable way. This fact is related to the increasing demand from the consumer market for natural products to substitute synthetic additives. Industrial biotechnology appears as a promising area for this purpose; however, the success of its application is highly dependent of the availability of a suitable microorganism. To overcome this drawback, the isolation of microorganisms from diverse sources, including fermented food, adverse environments, contaminated samples or agro-industrial wastes is an important approach that can provide a more adaptable strain able to be used as biocatalyst and that exhibit resistance to industrial conditions and high yields/productivities in biotechnological production of natural compounds. The aim of this review is to provide a solid set of information on the state of the art of isolation and screening studies for obtaining novel biocatalysts able to produce natural compounds, focusing in aromas, biosurfactants, polysaccharides and microbial oils.  相似文献   

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