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Korean barbel, Hemibarbus mylodon, is an endangered freshwater species endemic to Korea. In order to undertake a conservation program for this species in Korea, it is essential to evaluate its genetic diversity and population structure. For this purpose, we developed 10 polymorphic microsatellite markers and examined their allelic variation using a total of 60 wild individuals collected from three different localities. The number of alleles per locus ranged from three to 26. The expected and observed heterozygosities per locus ranged from 0.19 to 0.94 and from 0.20 to 0.98, respectively. Significant departures from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium expectations occurred in four loci. These markers will be useful for the assessment of genetic diversity for this species.  相似文献   

Twenty-nine primer pairs flanking microsatellite repeats were designed from an AC-enriched genomic library of Psilopeganum sinense and tested using 24 individuals derived from a natural population. A total of 11 microsatellite loci were found polymorphic. The number of alleles per locus varied from two to eight, with an average value of 3.7. The ranges of observed and expected heterozygosities were 0.000-0.750 and 0.365-0.800, respectively. These microsatellite loci have been directly applied to the ongoing conservation genetic studies of P. sinense.  相似文献   

We report the development of polymorphic microsatellite markers for the endangered North American cactus Astrophytum asterias (Cactaceae). Six loci, averaging 8.5 alleles per locus, were found to amplify genomic DNA consistently in 94 individuals from four geographically defined demes in South Texas. These markers will permit the generation of appropriate data for estimating population genetic parameters, population structure and the degree of inbreeding in the small, fragmented populations of A. asterias that currently exist. These are the first microsatellites reported for the genus Astrophytum and for the tribe Cacteae.  相似文献   

Twelve polymorphic microsatellite loci were isolated and characterized from an AC‐enriched genomic library of Nothotsuga longibracteata. The average allele number of these microsatellites was 8.3 per locus, ranging from two to 13. The ranges of observed and expected heterozygosities were 0.03–0.97 and 0.09–0.88, respectively. These polymorphic markers provide useful tools for the study of evolutionary history and conservation genetics of N. longibracteata.  相似文献   

The forest tree Santalum insulare is endemic to the archipelagos of eastern Polynesia and is threatened by important anthropic pressures. In order to investigate the genetic diversity and structure of this species, we developed eight pairs of primers for nuclear microsatellites. One hundred and sixty‐two individuals distributed in 10 islands were analysed. These loci were all polymorphic and displayed three to 15 alleles per locus. Significant Hardy–Weinberg deviation was detected and interpreted as a result of Wahlund effect. These markers constitute an efficient tool in investigating the genetic patterns of S. insulare populations.  相似文献   

Afzelia xylocarpa is listed as an endangered species on the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources World list of Threatened Trees, due to overexploitation for its valuable timber and habitat loss. We isolated eight polymorphic microsatellite loci from A. xylocarpa using dual suppression polymerase chain reaction technique. These loci provide microsatellite markers with high polymorphism, as the number of alleles ranged from two to seven, and the estimate of gene diversity was between 0.285 and 0.795. The markers are now available for more detailed investigation of population genetic structure and gene flow among A. xylocarpa populations.  相似文献   

Japanese huchen, Hucho perryi, is an endangered fish in Japan. In order to promote a conservation program for this species, it is necessary to evaluate its genetic diversity and population genetics. For this purpose, we designed 15 primers containing dinucleotide microsatellite regions and examined their allelic variation using a total of 23 wild individuals collected from two different localities. Eight loci showed moderate allelic variation ranging from two to four alleles, with expected heterozygosities from 0.043 to 0.548. These markers will be useful for the assessment of genetic variation for this species.  相似文献   

The Miho spine loach (Iksookimia choii) is an endangered freshwater fish endemic to Korea. To aid a conservation programme for this species, 20 polymorphic microsatellite loci were isolated and characterized in 67 individuals from three populations. The number of alleles per locus ranged from 8 to 33. Within populations, the observed and expected heterozygosities ranged from 0.59 to 1.00 and from 0.56 to 0.96, respectively, indicating its usefulness in population genetics studies. Cross-species amplification of the loci was tested in six species of the family Cobitidae, and 18 loci were amplified in two or more related species.  相似文献   

Ten polymorphic microsatellite loci from Lasiopodomys brandtii have been isolated and characterized. Two to 11 alleles per locus were detected from 52 Brandt's voles samples collected from a single population. Expected heterozygosities ranged from 0.406 to 0.840. For the majority of loci observed heterozygosities were similar to or greater than the expected heterozygosity. One locus pair appeared to be in linkage disequilibrium. The microsatellite markers will enable the studies of genetic diversity, population structure and relatedness in this species, and perhaps in closely related species of vole.  相似文献   

Microsatellites have been applied in a variety of fields, including conservation genetics. Species‐specific microsatellites are considered as more powerful genetic markers to generate an accurate genetic composition of a species itself. Accordingly, we characterized 15 polymorphic microsatellite loci from Korean goral, Nemorhaedus caudatus, one of the most endangered species in South Korea. The new markers should benefit future studies of the endangered species of other Asian gorals and their relatives for the study of genetic diversity and potential conservation management.  相似文献   

Premise of the study: Nuclear microsatellite primers were developed to analyze the clonal diversity and population genetic structure of the endemic polyploid herb Callianthemum miyabeanum. • Methods and Results: Using a protocol for constructing microsatellite-enriched libraries, 15 primer sets were developed for use in C. miyabeanum. The number of alleles found ranged from five to 22. The estimated range of expected heterozygosities was 0.574 to 0.907, and the Shannon–Weiner diversity index ranged from 1.061 to 2.733. Cross-amplification of all loci was also successful in the closely related endemic species C. kirigishiense and C. hondoense. • Conclusions: The development of these microsatellite loci will facilitate a deeper understanding of the genetic diversity, mode of reproduction, and population structure of not only C. miyabeanum, but also the other Callianthemum species endemic to Japan.  相似文献   

We report on the isolation and characterization of eight microsatellite markers from enriched libraries for Arenaria nevadensis, one of the most critically endangered plant species in the Iberian Peninsula. These are the first microsatellite loci reported for Arenaria species. The number of alleles ranged from two to eight, and the expected heterozygosity from 0.067 to 0.873. These markers will be useful for characterizing the genetic diversity in A. nevadensis and understanding its population structure, and will provide important genetic data for the conservation and recovery of this species.  相似文献   

We developed polymerase chain reaction primers for nine dinucleotide microsatellite loci in the marine deep‐sea fish, the tusk (Brosme brosme). All markers were obtained from a partial genomic DNA library, and characterized in 100 unrelated individuals from one putative population. The number of alleles ranged from two to 60 with an average of 15/locus. The observed heterozygosity ranged from 0.020 to 0.826 (average 0.438). Several of the markers amplified multiple alleles from the two other gadoid species tested.  相似文献   

We developed polymerase chain reaction primers for eight dinucleotide microsatellite loci in the marine deep sea fish, roundnose grenadier (Coryphaenoides rupestris). All markers were obtained from a partial genomic DNA library, and characterized in 90 unrelated individuals from one putative population sampled on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. The number of alleles ranged from two to 61 with an average of 21 per locus. The observed heterozygosity levels ranged from 0.301 to 0.987 with an average of 0.672. Several of the markers amplified multiple alleles from either the Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) or the deep-sea fish roughhead grenadier (Macrourus berglax).  相似文献   

Carex macrocephala (Cyperaceae) is a species of great conservation concern along the northwest coast of North America. Using a biotinylated-streptavidin bead protocol, we successfully isolated and characterized 11 microsatellite loci from a C. macrocephala genomic library. Although these loci are polymorphic, the scored populations exhibit a significant deficiency in heterozygosity. Carex macrocephala is a self-pollinating rhizomatously spreading sedge, consequently this may contribute to the observed patterns.  相似文献   

Microsatellite markers were isolated and characterized for Hopea hainanensis Merrill & Chun, an endangered tree species with scattered distribution in Hainan Island and northern Vietnam. Twenty‐six microsatellite markers were developed based on next‐generation sequencing data and were genotyped by capillary electrophoresis on an ABI 3730xl DNA Analyzer. Twelve markers were found to be polymorphic in H. hainanensis. GENODIVE analyses indicated that the number of alleles ranged from 2 to 6 per locus, and the observed and expected heterozygosity varied from 0 to 0.755 and from 0.259 to 0.779, respectively. Primer transferability was tested with Hopea chinensis Hand.‐Mazz. and Hopea reticulata Tardieu, in which 3 and 7 microsatellite markers were found to be polymorphic, separately. The results showed that H. reticulata and H. hainanensis had similar levels of genetic diversity. A neighbor joining dendrogram clustered all individuals into two major groups, one of which was exclusively constituted by H. hainanensis, while the other consisted of two subgroups, corresponding to H. reticulata and H. chinensis, respectively. The 12 polymorphic microsatellite markers could be applied to study genetic diversity, population differentiation, mating system, and fine‐scale spatial genetic structures of H. hainanensis as well as its close relatives, facilitating the conservation and restoration of these endangered but valuable Hopea species.  相似文献   

The Miami blue butterfly (Cyclargus thomasi bethunebakeri) is a state-endangered taxon in Florida and a candidate for federal listing. Here we report 12 polymorphic microsatellite loci appropriate for use in population and conservation studies. We genotyped 114 individuals sampled from a metapopulation in the lower Florida Keys over a 2-year period (2005-2006). These results show 4-14 alleles per locus, and ranges of observed and expected heterozygosities are 0.02679-0.79630 and 0.06154-0.69565, respectively. Large deviations from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (HWE) are observed across the whole sample set. When a single breeding population is analysed alone, seven of the loci are in HWE.  相似文献   

Twelve polymorphic microsatellite markers were isolated from the phytopathogenic fungus Alternaria brassicicola, the causal agent of black spot of crucifers. An enrichment protocol was used to isolate microsatellite loci, which were then analysed in a collection of 46 isolates sampled from seven different countries. The number of alleles detected in 12 loci ranged from two to 10 (mean 3.5). Investigation of cross‐species amplifications showed that the designed primers were specific to A. brassicicola.  相似文献   

We report here on the development and characterization of 15 microsatellite loci isolated from Mangifera indica L. These markers were evaluated using 59 Florida cultivars and four related species from the USDA germplasm collection for mango. Two loci were monomorphic and 13 polymorphic, with two to seven alleles per locus. Four loci departed significantly from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium and have significant heterozygote deficiency. Nine loci exhibited significant linkage disequilibrium. Cross‐species amplification was successful in four related species. These loci are being used to investigate patterns of genetic variation within M. indica and between closely related species.  相似文献   

We report the isolation of 19 primer pairs for amplification of polymorphic microsatellite loci for Hypericum cumulicola. These markers were evaluated in 24 individuals from one population; two to four alleles were detected per locus, and observed heterozygosity ranged from 0 to 0.5. Two loci demonstrated significant heterozygote deficiencies, possibly due to null alleles, and significant linkage disequilibrium was found between six pairs of loci. The remaining microsatellite loci will help determine if genetic differentiation is responsible for life‐history differences between natural and anthropogenically disturbed populations of H. cumulicola.  相似文献   

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