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The pollination ecology and breeding system of the Hamamelidaceae tree species Rhodoleia championii were studied in an evergreen broad-leaved forest in Nankunshan National Forest in Guangdong Province in China. Rhodoleia championii produces lipid-rich pollen grains and dilute nectar (averaging 0.7 mL/d and 9% sugar), with nectar production peaking before 0800 h; the species is self-incompatible and does not set seed asexually. Seven species of nectar-foraging birds visited the inflorescences, with the most common visitors being Japanese white-eyes (Zosterops japonicus, Zosteropidae) and fork-tailed sunbirds (Aethopyga christinae, Nectariniidae). Bumblebees and honeybees played limited roles as pollinators. As documented by fossils from Europe, the Rhodoleia stem lineage dates back at least to the Paleocene. Bird pollination, however, is unlikely to have evolved before the Oligocene when sunbirds arrived in Europe, and pollination by Z. japonicus cannot be much older than 250,000 million years ago, when Z. japonicus diverged from its closest relative.  相似文献   

The present paper reports the habit,habitat and the morphological characters of inflorescences and flowers of Corylopsis trabeculosa (Hamamelidaceae),a species endemic tothe Dulongjiang Region,Gongshan County, Yunnan Province,China. The morphological comparison supports the opinion that it is an independent species.  相似文献   

We describe the isolation of 11 polymorphic trinucleotide microsatellite loci from the stonefly Arcynopteryx compacta. Loci were highly variable with 3 to 14 alleles (mean = 6.45). Observed heterozygosity ranged from 0 to 0.867. Seven loci showed significant deviation from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium across both populations. There was no evidence for null alleles, and thus, Hardy–Weinberg departures could have resulted from genetic structure between populations or subpopulations. No linkage between loci was found. The 11 loci should prove highly informative for population genetic studies.  相似文献   

Grubbs SA  Dewalt RE 《ZooKeys》2012,(194):1-15
A new Nearctic species of Perlidae (Insecta, Plecoptera), Perlesta ephelidasp. n., is described from the male, female, and egg stages. This species has been previously reported as, or confused with, Perlesta shubuta Stark from several central and eastern U.S. states. Perlesta ephelida is distinctive from Perlesta shubuta and other regional Nearctic congeners mainly according to male genitalic and egg characteristics. Perlesta ephelida is a widely-distributed eastern Nearctic species, whereas Perlesta shubuta appears to be restricted to a narrow latitudinal belt in the Gulf Coast region from Louisiana east conservatively to the Florida panhandle. The egg of Perlesta shubuta is depicted with scanning electron microscopy for the first time.  相似文献   

A new species of perlid stonefly, Agnetina den, is described from Vietnam. Male adults of this species can be easily distinguished by their black body color pattern, submedian patches of sensilla basiconica on hemitergites 7–8, and clusters of long dense fine setae on the inner sides the abdominal tergites. Illustrations of habitat and diagnostic characters are presented.  相似文献   

Floral variation among closely related species is thought to often reflect differences in pollination systems. Flowers of the large genus Impatiens are characterized by extensive variation in colour, shape and size and in anther and stigma positioning, but studies of their pollination ecology are scarce and most lack a comparative context. Consequently, the function of floral diversity in Impatiens remains enigmatic. This study documents floral variation and pollination of seven co‐occurring Impatiens spp. in the Southeast Asian diversity hotspot. To assess whether floral trait variation reflects specialization for different pollination systems, we tested whether species depend on pollinators for reproduction, identified animals that visit flowers, determined whether these visitors play a role in pollination and quantified and compared key floral traits, including floral dimensions and nectar characteristics. Experimental exclusion of insects decreased fruit and seed set significantly for all species except I. muscicola, which also received almost no visits from animals. Most species received visits from several animals, including bees, birds, butterflies and hawkmoths, only a subset of which were effective pollinators. Impatiens psittacina, I. kerriae, I. racemosa and I. daraneenae were pollinated by bees, primarily Bombus haemorrhoidalis. Impatiens chiangdaoensis and I. santisukii had bimodal pollination systems which combined bee and lepidopteran pollination. Floral traits differed significantly among species with different pollination systems. Autogamous flowers were small and spurless, and did not produce nectar; bee‐pollinated flowers had short spurs and large floral chambers with a wide entrance; and bimodally bee‐ and lepidopteran‐pollinated species had long spurs and a small floral chamber with a narrow entrance. Nectar‐producing species with different pollination systems did not differ in nectar volume and sugar concentration. Despite the high frequency of bee pollination in co‐occurring species, individuals with a morphology suggestive of hybrid origin were rare. Variation in floral architecture, including various forms of corolla asymmetry, facilitates distinct, species‐specific pollen‐placement on visiting bees. Our results show that floral morphological diversity among Impatiens spp. is associated with both differences in functional pollinator groups and divergent use of the same pollinator. Non‐homologous mechanisms of floral asymmetry are consistent with repeated independent evolution, suggesting that competitive interactions among species with the same pollination system have been an important driver of floral variation among Impatiens spp.  相似文献   

银缕梅属花形态及其分类学意义   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
以1995年在江苏宜兴发现的一较大银缕梅居群的花为材料,观察确认金缕梅亚科单种属银缕梅属(ShaniodendronM.B.Deng,H.T.WeietX.QWang)的花序为近头状短稳状花序,由4~7朵花组成,花序内轮4~5朵花,两性;外轮1~2朵花,常为雄花,构成雄全同株。花无柄,无花瓣,花喜常合成浅林状,杯缘及杯背早期簇生长硬毛(hirsute),花生于初生苞片腋处,初生苞片卵形或阔卵形。雄蕊不定数,5~15枚,花丝长,直立。与其他无花瓣属植物比较表明,银缕梅属与特产里海南岸的Parrotia形态极为相似,主要区别在于本属花萼合生成浅怀状。银缕梅属花形态特征的阐明,对探讨金缕梅亚科无花瓣类群的系统发育具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Karyomorphology in 14 species of 12 genera representing a variation of Hamamelidaceae and in one species of Platanaceae (Platanus only) is investigated in an effort to contribute to an understanding of chromosome evolution and inter- and intrafamilial relationships. All genera investigated show similar chromosome features at resting stage and prophase, excepting that at resting stageRhodoleia shows the simple, rather than the simple-complex, chromocenter type as in other genera. At metaphase all the genera investigated of Hamamelidaceae, like other ‘lower’ Hamamelididae, have chromosomes with median centromeres (m-chromosomes), those with submedian centromeres (sm-chromosomes) and those with subterminal (or terminal) centromeres (st-t-chromosomes) at different frequencies, although frequencies ofst-t-chromosomes are always less than 33%. InPlatanus,m-chromosomes are lacking and insteadst-t-chromosomes are predominant (86%), a feature seemingly very specialized. We confirmedx=7 in Platanaceae,x=12 in Hamamelidoideae and Rhodoleioideae, andx=8 in Exbucklandioideae and Altingioideae (Hamamelidaceae). An analysis of chromosome morphology supports the hypothesis thatx=12 in the former two subfamilies is of tetraploid origin fromx=6, rather than of triploid origin fromx=8. We further give brief comments on the suprageneric classification of Hamamelidaceae that was recently proposed by Endress.  相似文献   

Buide ML 《Annals of botany》2006,97(2):289-297
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The floral display influences the composition of pollinators interacting with a plant species. Geographic and temporal variation in pollinator composition complicates the understanding of the evolutionary consequences of floral display variation. This paper analyses the relationships between Silene acutifolia, a hermaphroditic perennial herb, and its pollinators, based on field studies in the north-west of Spain. METHODS: Studies were conducted over three years (1997-1999). Firstly, the main pollinators of this species were determined for two years in one population. Secondly, pollen limitation in fruit and seed production was analysed by supplementary hand pollinations, and counting the pollen grains and tubes growing in styles for two different-sized populations. Finally, the effect of flower size and number on the rate of visitation and total seed number was examined for 15 marked plants. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: The primary pollinators were long-tongued insects, including Hymenoptera, Lepidoptera and Diptera, but the composition and visitation frequencies differed between years. Pollen limitation occurred in one of the years of study. There was between-population variation in the number of pollen grains and pollen tubes found in styles, suggesting pollen limitation in one population. Overall, pollinators visited plants with more open flowers more frequently, and pollinated more flowers within these plants. Conversely, petal and calyx sizes had no effect on insect visitation. Plants with higher rates of visits produced higher number of seeds, suggesting that pollinator-mediated limitation of seed and fruit production may be important in some years.  相似文献   

Il’ja Krno 《Biologia》2007,62(4):446-457
A total of 57 stonefly species have been recorded in the Hron River. The natural gradient (slope and stream width) and pollution gradient of the river were defined using CCA based on physical, chemical and stonefly data. Stonefly metrics (abundance, richness/diversity, sensitivy/tolerance and functional metrics) were used to estimate the quality of the Hron River and the degree of proximity to its natural state. Similar results were obtained using two different methods. The first method was based on the homogeneity of variance and the interquartile range of different groups of stretches of the Hron River and the second was based on deviations from the expected values of biological metrics in a given stretch of the river. These values continuously decreased with increasing distance from the spring area, with the exception of the saprobic index, which increased in a downstream direction, and the stonefly average score, which did not change significantly along the whole river flow. The Stonefly Average Score (SAS) metric is universal for a variety of habitats such as the Hron River upstream and downstream, and is a reliable indicator of water quality and the natural course of a stream.  相似文献   

Ipomoea habeliana is an endemic, night‐flowering member of the Galápagos flora. Pollination experiments, flower‐visitor observations, nectar sampling, pollen transfer, and pollen to ovule ratio and pollen size studies were included in this project. The large, white flowers of this species set fruit via open pollination (55%), autonomous autogamy (51%), facilitated autogamy (91%), cross‐pollination (80%), diurnal open pollination (60%) and nocturnal open pollination (60%). Fruit set is pollen‐limited. Ants, beetles, crickets and hawk moths regularly visit the flowers. Ants are the most frequent visitors, but hawk moths are the only effective pollinators. Nectar is available throughout the night, but is most abundant early in the evening when hawk moth visits are most frequent. Experiments with fluorescent dust demonstrate intra‐ and inter‐plant pollen movement by hawk moths. Although this species is adapted for hawk moth pollination, it readily sets fruit via autonomous autogamy when no visits are made. Thus, it is concluded that it is facultatively xenogamous. Additional support for this conclusion is provided by the pollen to ovule ratio of 1407 and by the fact that the plants grow in a region that has few or no faithful pollinators. Conservation efforts for I. habeliana should include hand pollinations, which could significantly increase seed set. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 160 , 11–20.  相似文献   

银缕梅木材解剖特征及其系统学意义   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
报道了银缕梅(ShaniodendronsubaequaleM.B.Deng,H.T.Wei&X,Q,Wang)木材的解剖学特征,通过比较研究支持将银缕梅(“小叶金缕梅”HamamelissubaeqalisH.T.Chang)从金缕梅属(族)中分出的处理,其合适的系统位置应归入弗特吉族。  相似文献   

Abstract We have studied some aspects of Besdolus ravizzarum biology in the Apennines. This stonefly has a very localized distribution in southeastern France and northern Italy. This species is considered threatened. For this reason it is especially relevant to improve knowledge about its natural history, previously unknown. Despite the large size of nymphs, this species shows a univoltine life cycle. The growth is slow but uniform from October to April or May when the short flight period occurs. The analysis of the gut contents indicates this species is a predator, feeding mainly on Baetidae and Chironomidae. It is notable that the development of this carnivorous species through cold periods coincides with the season with higher richness and density of potential prey in Apennine streams. Further studies are needed to improve knowledge of the distribution of the species and to start planning effective conservation efforts.  相似文献   


Holcoperla magna n.sp. is described and figured from material collected on Headlong Peak, Mt Aspiring National Park. New information is given on H. angularis (Wisely) and H. jacksoni McLellan, and the 3 species are compared. Larvae designated as type specimens of H. angularis are shown to be Apteryoperla monticola Wisely.  相似文献   

The nymphal biology (life cycle, secondary production and feeding) of a population of Protonemura intricata was studied in a calcareous stream with almost constant temperature (7–8 °C) through the year at Prosiek valley (Chočské Vrchy Mts., West Carpathians, Slovakia). The results were compared with those previously known for this species in other areas. According to our data, the species has a complicated life cycle consisting of two cohorts with different duration (probably a cohort splitting). This life cycle seems to be uncommon among the Plecoptera, which usually has simple univoltine or semivoltine life cycles, and could be probably attributed to the constant temperature regime similar to that of tropical environments. One factor, the photoperiod length, was positively correlated with monthly growth rates. The nymphal growth varied throughout the year, but the highest growth was in late spring and summer, and the lowest was in winter. The annual secondary production was very high (909.4 mg · m–2) despite not being the most frequent taxon in the stream. The highest monthly production values were observed in the autumnal‐winter period (November–December) due to massive hatching of nymphs. The lowest production values were observed in late summer and early autumn. Analyses of gut contents showed that this species behaves mainly as gatherer‐collector, but also as shredder and, occasionally, as scraper. Changes in the gut content composition were detected in relation to the size. Comparing our results with those of the literature, it can be inferred that different populations of P. intricata can show notable differences in their life history when inhabiting places with different thermal conditions. (© 2009 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

The geographical distribution of pollinators is an important factor determining the biogeographical pattern of floral evolution and diversification. In Africa, a guild of plant species has converged in a floral syndrome for pollination by long‐tongued hawkmoths (predominantly Agrius convolvuli). It is hypothesized that such floral convergence could track the geographical distribution of long‐tongued hawkmoths, so it may not be confined to Africa. We investigated the pollination biology of Lilium sargentiae E. H. Wilson, which is endemic to China and exhibits traits suggestive of long‐tongued hawkmoth pollination. Lilium sargentiae was visited by A. convolvuli as well as small beetles (Nitidulidae) but pollination was mostly or totally effected by the moth. It was consistent with other hawkmoth‐pollinated plants in terms of floral tube length, nectar traits, tepal reflectance, and scent composition. We present the first experimental evidence for the hypothesis proposed above and for hawkmoth pollination in the widespread and ornamentally and economically important genus Lilium L. in a natural habitat. Our findings imply that long‐tongued hawkmoths (especially the extremely widespread A. convolvuli) as a distinctive pollinator niche may have underlain the evolution of long‐tubed (>8 cm) flowers across different continents.  相似文献   

The reproductive biology of Loropetalum subcordatum was studied. The floral phenology, pollen histochemistry, pollen-ovule ratio (P/O), pollen viability and floral visitors were investigated and determined. Assisted pollination experiments were carried out to examine the breeding system of L. subcordatum. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and fluorescence microscopy (FM) were employed to check the pollen germination and the growth of pollen tubes. Results were obtained as follows: (1) The flowering period of L. subcordatum was from September to the next February with a peak at September-October; the longevity of a single flower was 4-6 days. (2) L. subcordatum was protogynous, and pollen grains could be found on self-stigmata when the anthers opened 12-24 h after petals unrolling. (3)The pollen viability (MTT test) maintained for ca. 26 hours; the pollen was starchless; the P/O was 8420±720.86 (n=10); no nectar secretion was observed. (4) Thrips (Thrips sp.) were the only floral visitors observed but which seldom moved among inflorescences, thus played limited role in pollination. (5) Fruit sets of untreated bagged (5.30±1.83%) and hand assisted cross pollinated flowers (6.67±1.91%) were not significantly different from that of open flowers (4.79±1.45%). (6) SEM and FM observations proved that pollen germinated on self-stigmata and pollen tubes growed in self-styles. The results indicated that L. subcordatum was facultatively autogamous and without apomixes. The possibility of outcrossing and the protogyny might indicate that the species was originally a crosser. Flowers pollinated in September-October usually start ovule growth in next summer, and set mature fruits in next October (after the next flowering peak), suggesting the occurrence of retard embryo development. The possibility that autogamy in Hamamelidaceae could have been developed from fly pollination was also discussed.  相似文献   

红豆杉的胚珠发育,传粉滴形成和传粉过程   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
观察了红豆杉(Taxus chinensis (Pilg.)Rehd)的花粉形态和水合特性及胚珠发育、传粉滴形成与传粉过程。成熟花粉为单细胞,无气吓,形状不规则,外壁表面具大量乌氏体。花粉水合时,内壁膨胀,外壁开裂。通常情况下,外壁保留在水滴或传粉滴的表面,而花粉的其他部分进入水滴或传粉滴内。在8月下旬,可观察到下弯的雌性生殖芽。下弯这一特性是雌性生殖芽区别于营养芽的重要特征。这一时期的雌性生殖芽  相似文献   

Many alpine plants are predominantly outcrossing, thus plant reproductive success is highly dependent on effectiveness of pollinators. How pollinators transfer pollen from one flower to another is of great interest in understanding the genetic structure in plant populations. We studied (1) the role and effectiveness of insect visitors for pollination, and (2) their contribution as pollen vectors for gene dispersal in a Rhododendron ferrugineum population. Various insect visitors were recorded, including Hymenoptera, Diptera, Coleoptera, and Lepidoptera. The most frequent and effective insects were honey bees and bumblebees. Muscid flies were considered as important pollinators, particularly due to their relatively high visitation rate. Syrphid flies, Formicidae, and Coleoptera were ineffective in transporting pollen, while the effectiveness of Lepidoptera and Empididae was negligible. A fluorescence labelling experiment revealed that pollen dispersal was restricted (0 - 2 m) in a dense R. ferrugineum stand and decreased in a leptokurtic fashion. This might lead to geitonogamous self-pollination that could explain the close relationship between individuals found in genetic studies of R. ferrugineum. However, some pollen grains may travel 40 - 45 m, which implies the occurrence of cross-pollination through the foraging activities of bumblebees and honey bees.  相似文献   

Sacci of conifer pollen do not function primarily to increase the efficiency of wind pollination as is widely thought. Rather, they are bladders and cause pollen to float upwards in a liquid drop into the ovules. This observation is seemingly unsupported in the case of oriental spruce (Picea orientalis (L.) Link), which has saccate pollen. Ovulate cones are pendant at the time of pollination, which requires that pollen sink into the ovules. Pollen of oriental spruce floats at first but within 1-2 min sinks into the ovule. As sinking does not occur in saccate pollen of other Pinaceae, a variety of techniques was used to determine anatomical differences leading to this uncharacteristic tendency. Light, scanning electron, and confocal microscopy of the pollen surface yielded no significant appearing difference between pollen of oriental spruce and white spruce. However, transmission electron microscopy of freeze-fixed/freeze-substituted hydrated pollen revealed that the ektexine of oriental spruce pollen sacci is porous compared to that of white spruce. Confocal microscopy allowed examination of pollen hydration dynamics. Water enters pollen at the distal pole between sacci, and resulting rapid expansion of the tube cell forces air out of the saccate space. White spruce pollen remains buoyant because of enclosed air pockets in the saccus ektexine. Evolutionary change in pollen wall anatomy with resultant loss of saccus function is correlated with a change in ovulate strobilus orientation at pollination in oriental spruce. A suite of characters interact in the conifer pollination mechanism, and concerted change in these characters may lead to speciation.  相似文献   

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