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As a result of examination of type-material and other specimens representing species previously assigned to Paranisakis Baylis, 1923, it is proposed that this genus be reduced to one species, namely P. squatinae Baylis, 1923. The other species are distributed as follows: pastinacae Rudolphi, 1819, australis Johnston & Mawson, 1943 and laymani Mozgovoy, 1950 are assigned to a new genus Mawsonascaris. The main features differentiating Mawsonascaris from Paranisakis are: dentigerous ridges on the lips (absent in Paranisakis), digitiform extensions of the labial pulp (absent in Paranisakis), excretory pore posterior to the nerve-ring (anterior to the nerve-ring in Paranisakis) and long filiform spicules (short and stout in Paranisakis). The following new host records are reported: Rhinobatos cemiculus for P. squatinae; and Aptychotrema banksii, Rhinobatos batillum, Rhynchobatus dijddensis and Taeniura lymma for M. australis. Specimens were not available from teleosts. It is considered that the proposal of Yamaguti (1961) to raise the subgenus Ortoanisakis Mozgovoy, 1951 to full generic status be upheld provisionally, Ortoanisakis containing species from teleosts, formerly in Paranisakis, but described as having no dentigerous ridges and no gubernaculum. These include O. lophii (Yamaguti, 1935), O. halieutaeae (Yamaguti 1941), O. muraenesocis (Yamaguti, 1935), O. lophii hoplobrotulae (Yamaguti, 1941) and O. sciaenae Khan & Begum, 1971. The remaining species formerly in Paranisakis are relegated to the status of species inquirendae.  相似文献   

Vertical starch gel electrophoresis and trefoil immunodiffusion were used to study the systematics of some ascaridoid nematodes. Within the Ascarididae, the time scale of divergence was too great for intergeneric electrophoretic comparisons. Congeneric electrophoretic comparisons of Baylisascaris procyonis (host--raccoon) versus Baylisascaris transfuga (host--black bear), and Toxocara canis (host--domestic dog) versus Toxocara cati (host--domestic cat) yielded Nei genetic distance coefficients of 1.21 and 1.55, respectively. Estimates of times of divergence made from 1 electrophoretic clock calibration suggest that the Baylisascaris species have not shared a common ancestor for 25 million years (Myr), and that the Toxocara species diverged 33 Myr ago. The Baylisascaris divergence estimate corresponds to host-family divergence estimates based on immunological and paleontological evidence, which suggests that cospeciation has occurred. In contrast to this, Ascaris suum (host--pig) and Ascaris lumbricoides (host--human) have a distance coefficient of 0.09. This indicates that these species diverged comparatively recently and may represent a case of host range expansion. Trefoil immunodiffusion comparisons of ascaridoid albumins yielded reactions of identity for A. suum, A. lumbricoides, Parascaris equorum, B. procyonis, B. transfuga, T. canis, and T. cati. This confirms that these taxa are members of a monophyletic group.  相似文献   

This paper describes and evaluates the efficiency of a simple technique for recovering larval ascaridoid nematodes (Anisakis simplex and Pseudoterranova decipiens) from the flesh of marine fish. The technique involves mechanical disintegration of the flesh in a domestic food processor, followed by visual inspection of diluted portions of the resulting homogenate under short-wave ultraviolet light. The nematodes, which remain intact, fluorescence brightly and are easily detected, particularly if the musculature has been frozen and thawed previously. The technique recovers a much higher proportion of the total number of nematodes than candling and slicing, is more rapid than pepsin-HCl digestion, and would therefore be suitable for large-scale surveys of ascaridoid nematodes in the flesh of marine fish.  相似文献   

Species-specific identification of ascaridoid nematodes at any developmental stage is a prerequisite for detailed investigation of the life cycles, systematics and epidemiology of this important group, and is also crucial for the diagnosis of associated infections. The morphological identification of some species and/or their larval stages can, however, present considerable difficulty. Recently, PCR-based methods, using genetic markers in the internal transcribed spacers (ITS) of ribosomal DNA, have been shown to provide reliable alternatives to more traditional methods for the specific identification of nematodes. This article provides an account of recent research on the development of PCR-based methods (utilizing ITS sequences) for the specific identification of ascaridoid nematodes of zoonotic potential, for the diagnosis of infections, and for the analysis of genetic variation within and among individual nematodes and their populations. Prospects for using these diagnostic and analytical tools to investigate epidemiological and population genetic questions relating to ascaridoid parasites are also discussed.  相似文献   

A checklist of the parasitic nematodes of Chinese marine fishes is presented. This fauna comprises 90 species, representing 31 genera, 13 families, nine superfamilies, three orders and two subclasses. Additional details for each species include the hosts, localities and references which represent the source of these data.  相似文献   

Sokolov SG 《Parazitologiia》2006,40(4):355-362
Faunistic and some morphological data, as well as nomenclature notes on dracunculoid nematodes parasitising fishes in the Volga River delta, are presented. The author replaced a preoccupied generic name Molnaria Moravec, 1968 (Skrjabillanidae) by the new name Kalmanmolnaria nom. nov. The validity of Philometroides lusii (Vismanis, 1962) comb. nov. as a senior objective synonym of Philometroides lusiana (Vismanis, 1967) Ivaschkin et al., 1971 is restored.  相似文献   

Five species of philometrid nematodes (subfamily Philometrinae) are redescribed on the basis of newly collected materials from marine fishes from Japan. The species Philometra sciaenae Yamaguti, 1941, considered by Rasheed (1963) a synonym of P. lateolabracis (Yamaguti, 1935), is re-established as a valid species and the male of this nematode, collected from the ovary of the type-host, Argyrosomus argentatus, is described for the first time; the latter is characterised mainly by the length of equally long spicules (0.108–0.126 mm) and the length ratio of the gubernaculum and spicules (1:2.25). Other species redescribed on females include Philometra inimici Yamaguti, 1941 and P. sebastisci Yamaguti, 1941 from the ovary of their type-hosts, Inimicus japonicus and Sebastiscus marmoratus, respectively, and also Philometroides seriolae (Ishii, 1931) from the musculature of Seriola quinqueradiata (type-host), and Clavinema mariae (Layman, 1930) from the subcutaneous tissue of Pleuronectes schrenki and Acanthogobius flavimanus (a new host record). For the first time, cephalic ends of some of these species were studied under the scanning electron microscope (SEM) and the character of their cephalic papillae was described. The importance of a knowledge of male morphology for the taxonomy of philometrids is stressed.  相似文献   

The gross and histological morphology of the larvae of 4 ascaridoid nematodes, Toxascaris leonina, Baylisascaris procyonis, Lagochilascaris sprenti, and Hexametra leidyi, are described. The larvae of T. leonina, B. procyonis, and L. sprenti were recovered from experimentally infected mice at 32, 14, and 75 days of infection, respectively. Hexametra leidyi larvae used for morphological study were collected on day 159 postinfection from a rhesus monkey, Macaca mulatta, while H. leidyi larvae used for histological study were collected from mice when they had reached the same size as those found in the monkey, i.e., at 23 days postinfection. Larvae for morphological study were collected by pepsin digestion, fixed in glacial acetic acid, and cleared in glycerin. Tissues for histological study were fixed in 10% formalin or Bouin's fixative. All sections were stained with hematoxylin and eosin. The differences in the morphology of the larvae of these 4 species were found to be length of the body, shape of the anterior end, and shape of the tail. The major differences in the histological anatomy of these larvae were found to be the body diameter, form of lateral alae when present, presence or absence of internal cuticular bars, shape and internal patterns of the excretory columns, and size and number of intestinal cells. These 4 larvae are differentiated from other described species of ascaridoid larvae that may cause visceral larva migrans, and keys have been devised to aid in the making of a diagnosis.  相似文献   

Cannon L. R. G. 1978. A larval ascaridoid nematode from Queensland scallops. International Journal for Parasitology8: 75–80. The morphology of a fourth stage larval ascaridoid found in Amusium balloti is given with observations on the double nature of the excretory system. The infection rate was 5.6% with rarely more than one worm per scallop. No seasonal change in incidence was detected and no change in incidence with host size. The systematic position, possible life cycle and economic importance of the worm are discussed.  相似文献   

Proteocephalid cestode hyperparasites are reported from numerous proteocephalids occurring in pimelodid fishes in different regions of Brazil. In addition, three specimens of a nematode hyperparasite are reported from the proteocephalid cestode Choanoscolex abscissus from the pimelodid fish Pseudoplatystoma corruscans in Brazil. Previous records of cestode and nematode hyperparasites of cestodes are listed, and the possible identities of the Brazilian records are discussed.  相似文献   

A total of 242 larval forms of Anisakis collected from marine fishes at different sites off the Moroccan and Mauritanian coasts, recognised as belonging to Type I and Type II larvae, were identified by PCR-RFLP (Polymerase Chain Reaction-Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphisms) of the ITS (Internal Transcribed Spacers) region (ITS-1, 5.8 subunit rRNA gene and ITS-2), using a previously established molecular key. The Type I larvae were found with a frequency of 98.34% and were identified as belonging to the following species: A. simplex s.str., A. pegreffii, A. simplex s.str/A. pegreffii heterozygote genotypes, A. typica, A. ziphidarum and Anisakis sp. A. The Type II larvae were found to belong to A. physeteris, with the frequency of 1.65%. The results reported in the present study provide further epizootiological and biological data on the Anisakis spp. in marine fishes off the Moroccan and Mauritanian coasts, improving the picture of the occurrence of these species in the central Atlantic coasts.  相似文献   

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