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A self-consistent model of radio-frequency (RF) plasma generation in stellarators in the ion cyclotron frequency range is described. The model includes equations for the particle and energy balance and boundary conditions for Maxwell’s equations. The equation of charged particle balance takes into account the influx of particles due to ionization and their loss via diffusion and convection. The equation of electron energy balance takes into account the RF heating power source, as well as energy losses due to the excitation and electron-impact ionization of gas atoms, energy exchange via Coulomb collisions, and plasma heat conduction. The deposited RF power is calculated by solving the boundary problem for Maxwell’s equations. When describing the dissipation of the energy of the RF field, collisional absorption and Landau damping are taken into account. At each time step, Maxwell’s equations are solved for the current profiles of the plasma density and plasma temperature. The calculations are performed for a cylindrical plasma. The plasma is assumed to be axisymmetric and homogeneous along the plasma column. The system of balance equations is solved using the Crank-Nicholson scheme. Maxwell’s equations are solved in a one-dimensional approximation by using the Fourier transformation along the azimuthal and longitudinal coordinates. Results of simulations of RF plasma generation in the Uragan-2M stellarator by using a frame antenna operating at frequencies lower than the ion cyclotron frequency are presented. The calculations show that the slow wave generated by the antenna is efficiently absorbed at the periphery of the plasma column, due to which only a small fraction of the input power reaches the confinement region. As a result, the temperature on the axis of the plasma column remains low, whereas at the periphery it is substantially higher. This leads to strong absorption of the RF field at the periphery via the Landau mechanism.  相似文献   

Results are presented from experiments on the injection of solid pellets into a plasma heated by an electron beam in the GOL-3 device. For this purpose, two pellet injectors were installed in the device. The target plasma with a density of ~1015 cm?3 was produced in a solenoid with a field of 4.8 T and was heated by a highpower electron beam with an electron energy of ~1 MeV, a duration of ~7 s, and a total energy of 120–150 kJ. Before heating, the pellet was injected into the center of the plasma column transversely to the magnetic field. The injection point was located at a distance of 6.5 or 2 m from the input magnetic mirror. Polyethylene pellets with a mass of 0.1–1 mg and lithium-deuteride pellets with a mass of 0.02–0.5 mg were used. A few microseconds after the electron beam starts to be injected into the plasma, a dense plasma bunch is formed. In the initial stage of expansion, the plasma bunch remains spherically symmetric. The plasma at the periphery of the bunch is then heated and becomes magnetized. Next, the dense plasma expands along the magnetic field with a velocity on the order of 300 km/s. A comparison of the measured parameters with calculations by a hydrodynamic model shows that, in order to provide such a high expansion velocity, the total energy density deposited in the pellet must be ~1 kJ/cm2. This value substantially exceeds the energy density yielded by the target plasma; i.e., the energy is concentrated across the magnetic field onto a dense plasma bunch produced from the evaporated particle.  相似文献   

The effects of interaction of solar cosmic rays (SCRs) with the heliospheric current sheet (HCS) in the solar wind are analyzed. A self-consistent kinetic model of the HCS is developed in which ions with quasiadiabatic dynamics can present. The HCS is considered an equilibrium embedded current structure in which two main plasma species with different temperatures (the low-energy background plasma of the solar wind and the higher energy SCR component) contribute to the current. The obtained results are verified by comparing with the results of numerical simulations based on solving equations of motion by the particle tracing method in the given HCS magnetic field with allowance for SCR particles. It is shown that the HCS is a relatively thin multiscale current configuration embedded in a thicker plasma layer. In this case, as a rule, the shear (tangential to the sheet current) component of the magnetic field is present in the HCS. Taking into account high-energy SCR particles in the HCS can lead to a change of its configuration and the formation of a multiscale embedded structure. Parametric family of solutions is considered in which the current balance in the HCS is provided at different SCR temperatures and different densities of the high-energy plasma. The SCR densities are determined at which an appreciable (detectable by satellites) HCS thickening can occur. Possible applications of this modeling to explain experimental observations are discussed.  相似文献   

The energy that can be released in plasma due to the onset of instability (the excess plasma energy) is estimated. Three potentially unstable plasma states are considered, namely, plasma with an anisotropic Maxwellian velocity distribution of plasma particles, plasma with a two-beam velocity distribution, and an inhomogeneous plasma in a magnetic field with a local Maxwellian velocity distribution. The excess energy can serve as a measure of the degree to which plasma is nonequilibrium. In particular, this quantity can be used to compare plasmas in different nonequilibrium states.  相似文献   

A study is made of a toroidally linked mirror system with a zero rotational transform and a three-dimensional magnetic field that ensures good confinement of charged particles. A toroidally linked magnetic mirror configuration at low plasma pressures is calculated by numerically solving the isometry equation for the magnetic field to second order in the small parameter of the paraxial approximation. The calculations carried out with the VMEC code for a particular linked magnetic mirror configuration demonstrate the possibility of achieving good confinement of drifting particles. The calculated results show that it is, in principle, possible to link mirror cells into a toroidal configuration capable of providing plasma confinement at a tokamak level.  相似文献   

The review is devoted to plasma structures with an extremely small transverse size, namely, thin current sheets that have been discovered and investigated by spacecraft observations in the Earth’s magnetotail in the last few decades. The formation of current sheets is attributed to complicated dynamic processes occurring in a collisionless space plasma during geomagnetic perturbations and near the magnetic reconnection regions. The models that describe thin current structures in the Earth’s magnetotail are reviewed. They are based on the assumption of the quasi-adiabatic ion dynamics in a relatively weak magnetic field of the magnetotail neutral sheet, where the ions can become unmagnetized. It is shown that the ion distribution can be represented as a function of the integrals of particle motion—the total energy and quasi-adiabatic invariant. Various modifications of the initial equilibrium are considered that are obtained with allowance for the currents of magnetized electrons, the contribution of oxygen ions, the asymmetry of plasma sources, and the effects related to the non-Maxwellian particle distributions. The theoretical results are compared with the observational data from the Cluster spacecraft mission. Various plasma instabilities developing in thin current sheets are investigated. The evolution of the tearing mode is analyzed, and the parameter range in which the mode can grow are determined. The paradox of complete stabilization of the tearing mode in current sheets with a nonzero normal magnetic field component is thereby resolved based on the quasi-adiabatic model. It is shown that, over a wide range of current sheet parameters and the propagation directions of large-scale unstable waves, various modified drift instabilities—kink and sausage modes—can develop in the system. Based on the concept of a turbulent electromagnetic field excited as a result of the development and saturation of unstable waves, a mechanism for charged particle acceleration in turbulent current sheets is proposed and the energy spectra of the accelerated particles are obtained.  相似文献   

Currently, the GOL-NB multiple-mirror trap is being developed at the Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences. The main scientific goal pursued by building GOL-NB is direct demonstration of suppression of longitudinal losses of particles and energy from the trap by using sections with a multiple-mirror magnetic field, which can be attached to the central gas-dynamic trap. Plasma heating in GOL-NB will be accomplished by neutral beam injection with a power of up to 1.5MW. The paper presents the first results of modeling the dynamics of the plasma parameters and fast ions under the reference operating scenario of the trap in which traditional short magnetic mirrors, rather than multiple-mirror sections, are attached to the central trap. In such a configuration, the plasma lifetime in the trap is expected to be minimal. The modeling was performed by using the DOL kinetic code. As a result, the initial conditions of the experiments are refined and the requirements to the system of maintaining the particle balance in the trap are determined.  相似文献   

Stochastic heating of plasma electrons by a large-amplitude electromagnetic wave propagating across a strong external magnetic field is studied theoretically and numerically. An analytic estimate of the threshold wave amplitude at which heating begins is obtained. The dependence of the average electron energy on the magnetic field and plasma density is investigated using particle-in-cell simulations.  相似文献   

Plasma methods for processing spent nuclear fuel are analyzed. It is shown that, by ICR heating in a nonuniform magnetic field, the energy of the heated ash ions can be increased substantially, while nuclear fuel ions can be kept cold. Two methods for extracting heated ash ions from a cold plasma flow are considered, specifically, that by increasing the ion gyroradius and that due to ion drift in a curved magnetic field. It is found that the required degree of separation of ash and fuel ions can be achieved in systems with quite moderate parameters.  相似文献   

The decay instability of a lser pulse propagating across an external magnetic field in a subscritical plasma is investigated analytically and numerically. It is shown that, when the relaxation of the pulse is taken into account, the hydrodynamic growth rate of the decay instability is slower than that obtained earlier in the constant-amplitude pump wave approximation. The results of numerical simulations by a particle-in-cell method demonstrate that an increase in the amplitude of the parametrically excited waves is accompanied by a decrease in their group velocity; in this case, up to 85% of the laser energy is converted into the energy of the plasma particles. It is found that, under resonance conditions, the magnetic field acts to increase the energy of the accelerated ions that escape from the plasma slab through its front boundary.  相似文献   

We study the dynamics of plankton in the wake of a jellyfish. Using an analytical approach, we derive a reduced-order equation that governs the prey motion which is modeled as neutrally-buoyant inertial particle. This modified equation takes into account both the effects of prey inertia and self-propulsion and enables us to calculate both the attracting and repelling Lagrangian coherent structures for the prey motion. For the case of zero self-propulsion, it is simplified to the equation of motion for infinitesimal fluid particles. Additionally, we determine the critical size of prey over which instabilities on its motion occur resulting in different dynamics from those predicted by the reduced-order equation even for the case of zero self-propulsion. We illustrate our theoretical findings through an experimentally measured velocity field of a jellyfish. Using the inertial equation, we calculate the Lagrangian coherent structures that characterize prey motion as well as the instability regions over which larger prey will have different dynamics even for the case of zero self-propulsion.  相似文献   

Experimental data on the processes in edge plasma that accompany the transition to an improved confinement regime during lower hybrid heating in the FT-2 tokamak are presented. The poloidal and radial distributions of the plasma parameters and drift particle fluxes were measured with the use of mobile mulitielectrode Langmuir probes and were found to be substantially nonuniform in the poloidal direction. The evolution of the plasma parameters in the course of heating and during an L-H transition is investigated. It is shown that, in FT-2 experiments, the drift of plasma particles in a slowly varying (quasi-steady) electric field and the fluctuation-induced particle fluxes make comparable contributions to the radial particle transport, whereas the contribution of fluctuations to poloidal plasma fluxes is negligibly small. The effective coefficient of radial diffusion is determined. The measurement results show that the L-H transition is accompanied by a substantial decrease in this coefficient.  相似文献   

The motion of a charged particle in a dipole magnetic field is considered using a quasi-adiabatic model in which the particle guiding center trajectory is approximated by the central trajectory, i.e., a trajectory that passes through the center of the dipole. A study is made of the breakdown of adiabaticity in the particle motion as the adiabaticity parameter χ (the ratio of the Larmor radius to the radius of the magnetic field line curvature in the equatorial plane) increases. Initially, for χ?0.01, the magnetic moment μ of a charged particle undergoes reversible fluctuations, which can be eliminated by subtracting the particle drift velocity. For χ?0.1, the magnetic moment μ undergoes irreversible fluctuations, which grow exponentially with χ. Numerical integration of the equations of motion shows that, during the motion of a particle from the equatorial plane to the mirror point and back to the equator in a coordinate system related to the central trajectory, the analogue of the magnetic moment μ is conserved. In the equatorial plane, this analogue undergoes a jump. The long-term particle dynamics is described in a discrete manner, by approximating the Poincaré mapping. The existence of the regions of steady and stochastic particle motion is established, and the boundary between these regions is determined. The position of this boundary depends not only on the adiabaticity parameter χ but also on the pitch angle. The calculated boundary is found to agree well with that obtained previously by using the model of a resonant interaction between particle oscillations associated with different degrees of freedom.  相似文献   

The transport of charged particles in a field reversed configuration (FRC) was previously considered to be turbulent because it is much faster than classical predictions. Classical transport has mainly been developed for plasmas in which the gyroradii of particles are small compared to the scale lengths of the variation of the density and magnetic field. This assumption is quite inappropriate for an FRC where the magnetic field vanishes on a surface within the plasma. Classical theory has been extended to include large ion gyroradii. A classical loss-cone process is revealed that is consistent with the transport experiments in which the ion gyroradii were comparable in size to the plasma radius.  相似文献   

A set of wave equations is derived that describes electromagnetic waves at frequencies on the order of the ion gyrofrequency in a plasma column with an arbitrary electron temperature. This set takes into account, in particular, the resonant interaction of electrons with waves in the transit-time magnetic pumping regime. The effect of the amplification of the electromagnetic fields of current-carrying antennas by the plasma is analyzed. The evolution of the fields with an increase of plasma density from a zero value (vacuum) is considered. The main parameters are determined for minority ion cyclotron resonance heating in the planned EPSILON system.  相似文献   

The generation of an Alfvén wave by an azimuthally drifting cloud of high-energy particles injected in the Earth’s magnetosphere is studied analytically. In contrast to the previous studies where the generation mechanisms associated with the resonant wave-particle interaction were considered, a nonresonant mechanism is investigated in which the wave is excited by the alternating current produced by drifting particles. It is shown that, at a point with a given azimuthal coordinate, a poloidally polarized wave, in which the magnetic field lines oscillate predominantly in the radial direction, is excited immediately after the passage of the particle cloud through this point. As the cloud moves away from that point, the wave polarization becomes toroidal (the magnetic field lines oscillate predominantly in the azimuthal direction). The azimuthal wavenumber m is defined as the ratio of the wave eigenfrequency to the angular velocity of the cloud (the drift velocity of the particles). It is shown that the amplitudes of the waves so generated are close to those obtained under realistic assumptions about the density and energy of the particles.  相似文献   

Thermodynamic properties of a Yukawa system consisting of dust particles in plasma are studied in the presence of an external magnetic field. It is assumed that dust particles interact with each other by a modified potential in the presence of a magnetic field. A molecular dynamics code is developed to calculate this internal energy for the entire system. Based on the values of the internal energy given by the code, the Helmholtz free energy and pressure are calculated for the system.  相似文献   

By numerically calculating the second-order nonlinear time-dependent equation for the wave phase on a particle trajectory, the effect of the longitudinal (with respect to the external magnetic field) momentum of electrons on the dynamics of their surfatron acceleration by an electromagnetic wave propagating across the external magnetic field in space plasma is analyzed. It is shown that, for strongly relativistic initial values of the longitudinal component of the electron momentum (the other parameters of the problem being fixed), the electrons are trapped into the ultrarelativistic regime of surfatron acceleration within a definite interval of the initial wave phase Ψ(0) on the particle trajectory. It was assumed in the calculations that Ψ(0) ≤ π. For the initial wave phases lying within the interval of 0 < Ψ(0) ≤ π, the electrons are immediately trapped by the wave, whereas at π ≤ Ψ(0) ≤ 0, no electron trapping is observed even at long computation times. This result substantially simplifies estimates of the wave damping caused by particle acceleration. The dynamics of the velocity components, momentum, and relativistic factor of electrons in the course of their ultrarelativistic acceleration are considered. The obtained results present interest for the development of modern concepts of the mechanisms for the generation of ultrarelativistic particles in space plasma, correct interpretation of experimental data on the flows of such particles, explanation of possible reasons for the deviation of the fast particle spectra observed in the heliosphere from the standard power-law scaling, and analysis of the relation between such deviations and the space weather.  相似文献   

Magnetic responses of superparamagnetic nanoparticles to high-frequency AC magnetic fields with sufficiently large amplitudes are numerically simulated to exactly clarify the phenomena occurring in magnetic particle imaging. When the magnetic anisotropy energy inevitable in actual nanoparticles is taken into account in considering the magnetic potential, larger nanoparticles exhibit a delayed response to alternations of the magnetic fields. This kind of delay is rather remarkable in the lower-amplitude range of the field, where the assistance by the Zeeman energy to thermally activated magnetization reversal is insufficient. In some cases, a sign inversion of the third-order harmonic response was found to occur at some specific amplitude, despite the lack in DC bias magnetic field strength. Considering the attenuation of the AC magnetic field generated in the human body, it is possible that the phases of the signals from nanoparticles deep inside the body and those near the body surface are completely different. This may lead to artifacts in the reconstructed image. Furthermore, when the magnetic/thermal torque-driven rotation of the anisotropic nanoparticles as well as the magnetic anisotropy energy are taken into account, the simulated results show that, once the easy axes are aligned toward the direction of the DC bias magnetic field, it takes time to randomize them at the field-free point. During this relaxation, the third-order harmonic response depends highly upon the history of the magnetic field. This is because non-linearity of the anhysteretic magnetization curve for the superparamagnetic nanoparticles varies with the orientations of the easy axes. This history dependence may also lead to another artifact in magnetic particle imaging, when the scanning of the field-free point is faster than the Brownian relaxations.  相似文献   

Electron-ion collisions in relativistically strong electromagnetic fields are considered. Analytical and numerical analyses both show that all qualitative effects characteristic of collisions in nonrelativistic strong fields [1–3] occur at relativistic intensities of an electromagnetic wave as well. Expressions for Joule plasma heating and for the energy distributions of fast particles are derived from simple analytic considerations and are confirmed by numerical simulations. It is found, in particular, that, due to the relativistic increase in the mass of a scattered electron, Joule heating in ultrarelativistic fields becomes more intense as the field amplitude grows.  相似文献   

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