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Sinking aggregates provide important nutrient-rich environments for marine bacteria. Quantifying the rate at which motile bacteria colonize such aggregations is important in understanding the microbial loop in the pelagic food web. In this paper, a simple analytical model is presented to predict the rate at which bacteria undergoing a random walk encounter a sinking aggregate. The model incorporates the flow field generated by the sinking aggregate, the swimming behavior of the bacteria, and the interaction of the flow with the swimming behavior. An expression for the encounter rate is computed in the limit of large Péclet number when the random walk can be approximated by a diffusion process. Comparison with an individual-based numerical simulation is also given.  相似文献   

In the bioremediation of low-permeability soils, pollutant and, especially, the oxygen bioavailability are often the rate limiting steps. In cases when a biopile treatment can represent an applicable technique, pretreatment of the excavated soil is often necessary to attain an adequate air-filled porosity in the soil and to avoid the presence of large soil aggregates. The present work was performed to evaluate the influence of soil aggregate size in the bioremediation of a silt-clay type soil contaminated by PAHs. Microcosms were arranged with spherical soil aggregates of different diameter in near water-saturation conditions. Concentration of two and three aromatic ring PAHs, total biom-ass, and respiration rates were monitored. PAH concentration profiles inside the particles were also obtained. A simple and quick way to estimate the critical dimension of the soil aggregates was developed based on the evaluation of an oxygen penetration depth, that is, the distance from the external surface to the aggregate core beyond which oxygen concentration is practically zero. A very different time course of PAHs consumption was found in the external layer and the inner core of the aggregates as well as in aggregates of different dimensions. The results suggest that only the 3 mm external layer of the sphere is not limited by oxygen diffusion.  相似文献   

The global need to improve bacterial detection in liquid media has motivated multidisciplinary research efforts toward developing new approaches that overcome the shortcomings of traditional techniques. We recently proposed the use of oligomers of acylated lysyls (OAKs) in their resin-linked form (ROAKs) for the efficient, robust, and inexpensive filtration of bacteria. Here, to investigate the potential for the use of ROAKs in downstream applications, we first examined the capacity of ROAKs to capture bacteria as a function of environmental conditions and structure-activity relationships (SARs). We next assessed their ability to release the captured bacteria and then combined both abilities to improve real-time PCR outcomes. ROAKs were able to deplete liquid samples of bacterial content after incubation or continuous flow, illustrating the efficient capture of different bacterial species under a wide range of ionic strength and pH conditions. We also show circumstances for the significant release of captured bacteria, live or dead, for further analysis. Finally, the SAR study revealed a shorter ROAK derivative exhibiting a capture capacity similar to that of the parent construct but the increased recovery of ROAK-bound bacteria, enabling improvement of the detection sensitivity by 20-fold. Collectively, the data support the potential usefulness of a simple, robust, and efficient approach for rapid capture/analysis of bacteria from tap water and, possibly, from more complex media.  相似文献   

Quantifying the rate at which bacteria colonize aggregates is a key to understanding microbial turnover of aggregates. We used encounter models based on random walk and advection-diffusion considerations to predict colonization rates from the bacteria's motility patterns (swimming speed, tumbling frequency, and turn angles) and the hydrodynamic environment (stationary versus sinking aggregates). We then experimentally tested the models with 10 strains of bacteria isolated from marine particles: two strains were nonmotile; the rest were swimming at 20 to 60 μm s−1 with different tumbling frequency (0 to 2 s−1). The rates at which these bacteria colonized artificial aggregates (stationary and sinking) largely agreed with model predictions. We report several findings. (i) Motile bacteria rapidly colonize aggregates, whereas nonmotile bacteria do not. (ii) Flow enhances colonization rates. (iii) Tumbling strains colonize aggregates enriched with organic substrates faster than unenriched aggregates, while a nontumbling strain did not. (iv) Once on the aggregates, the bacteria may detach and typical residence time is about 3 h. Thus, there is a rapid exchange between attached and free bacteria. (v) With the motility patterns observed, freely swimming bacteria will encounter an aggregate in <1 day at typical upper-ocean aggregate concentrations. This is faster than even starving bacteria burn up their reserves, and bacteria may therefore rely solely on aggregates for food. (vi) The net result of colonization and detachment leads to a predicted equilibrium abundance of attached bacteria as a function of aggregate size, which is markedly different from field observations. This discrepancy suggests that inter- and intraspecific interactions among bacteria and between bacteria and their predators may be more important than colonization in governing the population dynamics of bacteria on natural aggregates.  相似文献   

The spatial organization of cells within bacterial aggregates on leaf surfaces was determined for pair-wise mixtures of three different bacterial species commonly found on leaves, Pseudomonas syringae, Pantoea agglomerans, and Pseudomonas fluorescens. Cells were coinoculated onto bean plants and allowed to grow under moist conditions, and the resulting aggregates were examined in situ by epifluorescence microscopy. Each bacterial strain could be localized because it expressed either the green or the cyan fluorescent protein constitutively, and the viability of individual cells was assessed by propidium iodide staining. Each pair of bacterial strains that was coinoculated onto leaves formed mixed aggregates. The degree of segregation of cells in mixed aggregates differed between the different coinoculated pairs of strains and was higher in mixtures of P. fluorescens A506 and P. agglomerans 299R and mixtures of P. syringae B728a and P. agglomerans 299R than in mixtures of two isogenic strains of P. agglomerans 299R. The fractions of the total cell population that were dead in mixed and monospecific aggregates of a gfp-marked strain of P. agglomerans 299R and a cfp-marked strain of P. agglomerans 299R, or of P. fluorescens A506 and P. agglomerans 299R, were similar. However, the proportion of dead cells in mixed aggregates of P. syringae B728a and P. agglomerans 299R was significantly higher (13.2% ± 8.2%) than that in monospecific aggregates of these two strains (1.6% ± 0.7%), and it increased over time. While dead cells in such mixed aggregates were preferentially found at the interface between clusters of cells of these strains, cells of these two strains located at the interface did not exhibit equal probabilities of mortality. After 9 days of incubation, about 77% of the P. agglomerans 299R cells located at the interface were dead, while only about 24% of the P. syringae B728a cells were dead. The relevance of our results to understanding bacterial interactions on leaf surfaces and the implications for biological control of pathogenic and other deleterious microorganisms is discussed.  相似文献   

Bacterial biofilms are usually assumed to originate from individual cells deposited on a surface. However, many biofilm-forming bacteria tend to aggregate in the planktonic phase so that it is possible that many natural and infectious biofilms originate wholly or partially from pre-formed cell aggregates. Here, we use agent-based computer simulations to investigate the role of pre-formed aggregates in biofilm development. Focusing on the initial shape the aggregate forms on the surface, we find that the degree of spreading of an aggregate on a surface can play an important role in determining its eventual fate during biofilm development. Specifically, initially spread aggregates perform better when competition with surrounding unaggregated bacterial cells is low, while initially rounded aggregates perform better when competition with surrounding unaggregated cells is high. These contrasting outcomes are governed by a trade-off between aggregate surface area and height. Our results provide new insight into biofilm formation and development, and reveal new factors that may be at play in the social evolution of biofilm communities.  相似文献   

Microelectrodes for ammonium, oxygen, nitrate, and pH were used to study nitrifying aggregates grown in a fluidized-bed reactor. Local reactant fluxes and distribution of microbial activity could be determined from the microprofiles. The interfacial fluxes of the reactants closely reflected the stoichiometry of bacterial nitrification. Both ammonium consumption and nitrate production were localized in the outer shells, with a thickness of approximately 100 to 120 μm, of the aggregates. Under conditions in which ammonium and oxygen penetrated the whole aggregate, nitrification was restricted to this zone; oxygen was consumed in the central parts of the aggregates as well, probably because of oxidation of dead biomass. A sudden increase of the oxygen concentration to saturation (pure oxygen) was inhibitory to nitrification. The pH profiles showed acidification in the aggregates, but not to an inhibitory level. The distribution of activity was determined by the penetration depth of oxygen during aggregate development in the reactor. Mass transfer was significantly limited by the boundary layer surrounding the aggregates. Microelectrode measurements showed that the thickness of this layer was correlated with the diffusion coefficient of the species. Determination of the distribution of nitrifying activity required the use of ammonium or nitrate microelectrodes, whereas the use of oxygen microelectrodes alone would lead to erroneous results.  相似文献   

Molecular Basis of Bacterial Outer Membrane Permeability Revisited   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28       下载免费PDF全文
Gram-negative bacteria characteristically are surrounded by an additional membrane layer, the outer membrane. Although outer membrane components often play important roles in the interaction of symbiotic or pathogenic bacteria with their host organisms, the major role of this membrane must usually be to serve as a permeability barrier to prevent the entry of noxious compounds and at the same time to allow the influx of nutrient molecules. This review summarizes the development in the field since our previous review (H. Nikaido and M. Vaara, Microbiol. Rev. 49:1-32, 1985) was published. With the discovery of protein channels, structural knowledge enables us to understand in molecular detail how porins, specific channels, TonB-linked receptors, and other proteins function. We are now beginning to see how the export of large proteins occurs across the outer membrane. With our knowledge of the lipopolysaccharide-phospholipid asymmetric bilayer of the outer membrane, we are finally beginning to understand how this bilayer can retard the entry of lipophilic compounds, owing to our increasing knowledge about the chemistry of lipopolysaccharide from diverse organisms and the way in which lipopolysaccharide structure is modified by environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Most soil microbial community studies to date have focused on homogenized bulk soil samples. However, it is likely that many important microbial processes occur in spatially segregated microenvironments in the soil leading to a microscale biogeography. This study attempts to localize specific microbial populations to different fractions or compartments within the soil matrix.Microbial populations associated with macroaggregates and inner- versus total-microaggregates of three diverse soils were characterized using culture-independent, molecular methods. Despite their relative paucity in most surveys of soil diversity, representatives of Gemmatimonadetes and Actinobacteria subdivision Rubrobacteridae were found to be highly abundant in inner-microaggregates of most soils analyzed. By contrast, clones affiliated with Acidobacteria were found to be relatively enriched in libraries derived from macroaggregate fractions of nearly all soils, but poorly represented in inner-microaggregate fractions. Based upon analysis of 16S rRNA, active community members within microaggregates of a Georgian Ultisol were comprised largely of Gemmatimonadetes and Rubrobacteridae, while within microaggregates of a Nebraska Mollisol, Rubrobacteridae and Alphaproteobacteria were the predominant active bacterial lineages. This work suggests that microaggregates represent a unique microenvironment that selects for specific microbial lineages across disparate soils.  相似文献   

Anaerobic mixed-culture aggregates, which converted glucose to acetic, propionic, butyric, and valeric acids, were formed under controlled conditions of substrate feed (carbon limitation) and hydraulic regimen. The continuous-flow system used (anaerobic gas-lift reactor) was designed to retain bacterial aggregates in a well-mixed reactor. Carrier availability (i.e., liquid-suspended sand grains) proved necessary for bacterial aggregate formation from individual cells during reactor start-up. Electron microscopic examination revealed that incipient colonization of sand grains by bacteria from the bulk liquid occurred in surface irregularities, conceivably reflecting local quiescence. Subsequent confluent biofilm formation on sand grains proved to be unstable, however. Substrate depletion in the bulk liquid is assumed to weaken deeper parts of the biofilm due to cellular lysis, after which production of gas bubbles and liquid shearing forces cause sloughing. The resulting fragments, although sand free, were nevertheless large enough to be retained in the reactor and gradually grew larger through bacterial growth and by clumping together with other fragments. In the final steady state, high cell densities were maintained in the form of aggregates, while sand had virtually disappeared due to sampling losses and wash-out. Numerical cell densities within aggregates ranged from 1012/ml at the periphery to very low values in the center. The cells were enmeshed in a polymer matrix containing polysaccharides; nevertheless, carbon sufficiency was not a prerequisite to sustain high hold-up ratios.  相似文献   

Microbiology - Despite numerous studies, gaps still remain in our understanding of bacterial cell division. This review describes the basic mechanisms responsible for division of the bacterial cell...  相似文献   

改善固定化微生物细胞粒子机械强度的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以膨润土、碳酸钙和二氧化硅为添加材料,以固定化粒子在一定时间的开裂数量为指标研究固定化粒子的机械强度。结果表明:向固定化载体配方中添加CaCO3粉末可以显著提高粒子的机械稳定性,添加量以0.8%为宜。  相似文献   

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