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Secretion of proteins across the bacterial outer membrane takes place via a variety of mechanisms from simple one-component systems to complex multicomponent pathways. Secretion pathways can be organized into evolutionarily and functionally related groups, which highlight their relationship with organelle biogenesis. Recent work is beginning to reveal the structure and function of various secretion components and the molecular mechanisms of secretion.  相似文献   

The formation of homo-oligomeric assemblies is a well-established characteristic of many soluble proteins and enzymes. Oligomerization has been shown to increase protein stability, allow allosteric cooperativity, shape reaction compartments and provide multivalent interaction sites in soluble proteins. In comparison, our understanding of the prevalence and reasons behind protein oligomerization in membrane proteins is relatively sparse. Recent progress in structural biology of bacterial outer membrane proteins has suggested that oligomerization may be as common and versatile as in soluble proteins. Here we review the current understanding of oligomerization in the bacterial outer membrane from a structural and functional point of view.  相似文献   

Diffusion of small molecules across the outer membrane of gram-negative bacteria may occur through protein channels and through lipid bilayer domains. Among protein channels, many examples of trimeric porins, which produce water-filled diffusion channels, are known. Although the channels are nonspecific, the diffusion rates of solutes are often drastically affected by their gross physicochemical properties, such as size, charge, or lipophilicity, because the channel has a dimension not too different from that of the diffusing solutes. In the last few years, the structures of three such porins have been solved by X-ray crystallography. It is now known that a monomer unit traverses the membrane 16 times as -strands, and one of the external loop folds back into the channel to produce a narrow constriction. Most of the static properties of the channel, such as the pore size and the position of the amino acids that produce the constriction, can now be explained by the three-dimensional structure. Controversy, however, still surrounds the issue of whether there are dynamic modulation of the channel properties in response to pH, ionic strength, or membrane potential, and of whether such responses are physiological. More recently, two examples of monomeric porins have been identified. These porins allow a very slow diffusion of solutes, but the reason for this low permeability is still unclear. Finally, channels with specific binding sites facilitate the diffusion of specific classes of nutrients, often those compounds that are too large to penetrate rapidly through the porin channels. Lipid bilayers in the outer membrane were shown to be perhaps 50- to 100-fold less permeable to uncharged, lipophilic molecules in comparison with the bilayers made of the usual glycerophospholipids. This is caused by the presence of a lipopolysaccharide leaflet in the bilayer, and more specifically, by the presence of a larger number of fatty acids in each lipid molecule, and by the absence of unsaturated fatty acids in the lipopolysaccharide structure.  相似文献   

E F Eppens  N Nouwen    J Tommassen 《The EMBO journal》1997,16(14):4295-4301
The transport of bacterial outer membrane proteins to their destination might be either a one-step process via the contact zones between the inner and outer membrane or a two-step process, implicating a periplasmic intermediate that inserts into the membrane. Furthermore, folding might precede insertion or vice versa. To address these questions, we have made use of the known 3D-structure of the trimeric porin PhoE of Escherichia coli to engineer intramolecular disulfide bridges into this protein at positions that are not exposed to the periplasm once the protein is correctly assembled. The mutations did not interfere with the biogenesis of the protein, and disulfide bond formation appeared to be dependent on the periplasmic enzyme DsbA, which catalyzes disulfide bond formation in the periplasm. This proves that the protein passes through the periplasm on its way to the outer membrane. Furthermore, since the disulfide bonds create elements of tertiary structure within the mutant proteins, it appears that these proteins are at least partially folded before they insert into the outer membrane.  相似文献   

The type II secretion (T2S) system of Vibrio cholerae is a multiprotein complex that spans the cell envelope and secretes proteins important for pathogenesis as well as survival in different environments. Here we report that, in addition to the loss of extracellular secretion, removal or inhibition of expression of the T2S genes, epsC-N, results in growth defects and a broad range of alterations in the outer membrane that interfere with its barrier function. Specifically, the sensitivity to membrane-perturbing agents such as bile salts and the antimicrobial peptide polymyxin B is increased, and periplasmic constituents leak out into the culture medium. As a consequence, the σE stress response is induced. Furthermore, due to the defects caused by inactivation of the T2S system, the Δeps deletion mutant of V. cholerae strain N16961 is incapable of surviving the passage through the infant mouse gastrointestinal tract. The growth defect and leaky outer membrane phenotypes are suppressed when the culture medium is supplemented with 5% glucose or sucrose, although the eps mutants remain sensitive to membrane-damaging agents. This suggests that the sugars do not restore the integrity of the outer membrane in the eps mutant strains per se but may provide osmoprotective functions.  相似文献   



Bacterial outer membrane vesicles (OMV) are packets of periplasmic material that, via the proteins and other molecules they contain, project metabolic function into the environment. While OMV production is widespread in proteobacteria, they have been extensively studied only in pathogens, which inhabit fully hydrated environments. However, many (arguably most) bacterial habitats, such as soil, are only partially hydrated. In the latter, water is characteristically distributed as films on soil particles that are, on average thinner, than are typical OMV (ca. ≤10 nm water film vs. 20 to >200 nm OMV;).

Methodology/Principal Findings

We have identified a new bacterial surface structure, termed a “nanopod”, that is a conduit for projecting OMV significant distances (e.g., ≥6 µm) from the cell. Electron cryotomography was used to determine nanopod three-dimensional structure, which revealed chains of vesicles within an undulating, tubular element. By using immunoelectron microscopy, proteomics, heterologous expression and mutagenesis, the tubes were determined to be an assembly of a surface layer protein (NpdA), and the interior structures identified as OMV. Specific metabolic function(s) for nanopods produced by Delftia sp. Cs1-4 are not yet known. However, a connection with phenanthrene degradation is a possibility since nanopod formation was induced by growth on phenanthrene. Orthologs of NpdA were identified in three other genera of the Comamonadaceae family, and all were experimentally verified to form nanopods.


Nanopods are new bacterial organelles, and establish a new paradigm in the mechanisms by which bacteria effect long-distance interactions with their environment. Specifically, they create a pathway through which cells can effectively deploy OMV, and the biological activity these transmit, in a diffusion-independent manner. Nanopods would thus allow environmental bacteria to expand their metabolic sphere of influence in a manner previously unknown for these organisms.  相似文献   

Gram-negative bacteria are bounded by two membranes. The outer membrane consists of phospholipids, lipopolysaccharides, lipoproteins and integral outer membrane proteins, all of which are synthesized in the cytoplasm. Recently, much progress has been made in the elucidation of the mechanisms of transport of these molecules over the inner membrane, through the periplasm and into the outer membrane, in part by exploiting the extraordinary capacity of Neisseria meningitidis to survive without lipopolysaccharide.  相似文献   

Secretion across the bacterial outer membrane.   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
Many bacteria secrete extracellular proteins such as hydrolytic enzymes or toxins. In Gram-negative bacteria, secreted proteins must cross the two membranes that constitute the cell envelope. Recent studies have identified several specific secretion systems that can be classified in three distinct pathways, and related systems have been discovered in a wide range of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.  相似文献   

Iron is an essential nutrient for all microorganisms with a few exceptions. Microorganisms use a variety of systems to acquire iron from the surrounding environment. One such system includes production of an organic molecule known as a siderophore by many bacteria and fungi. Siderophores have the capacity to specifically chelate ferric ions. The ferricsiderophore complex is then transported into the cell via a specific receptor protein located in the outer membrane. This is an energy dependent process and is the subject of investigation in many research laboratories. The crystal structures of three outer membrane ferricsiderophore receptor proteins FepA, FhuA and FecA from Escherichia coli and two FpvA and FptA from Pseudomonas aeruginosa have recently been solved. Four of them, FhuA, FecA, FpvA and FptA have been solved in ligand-bound forms, which gave insight into the residues involved in ligand binding. The structures are similar and show the presence of similar domains; for example, all of them consist of a 22 strand-β-barrel formed by approximately 600 C-terminal residues while approximately 150 N-terminal residues fold inside the barrel to form a plug domain. The plug domain obstructs the passage through the barrel; therefore our research focuses on the mechanism through which the ferricsiderophore complex is transported across the receptor into the periplasm. There are two possibilities, one in which the plug domain is expelled into the periplasm making way for the ferricsiderophore complex and the second in which the plug domain undergoes structural rearrangement to form a channel through which the complex slides into the periplasm. Multiple alignment studies involving protein sequences of a large number of outer membrane receptor proteins that transport ferricsiderophores have identified several conserved residues. All of the conserved residues are located within the plug and barrel domain below the ligand binding site. We have substituted a number of these residues in FepA and FhuA with either alanine or glutamine resulting in substantial changes in the chemical properties of the residues. This was done to study the effect of the substitutions on the transport of ferricsiderophores. Another strategy used was to create a disulfide bond between the residues located on two adjacent β-strands of the plug domain or between the residues of the plug domain and the β-barrel in FhuA by substituting appropriate residues with cysteine. We have looked for the variants where the transport is affected without altering the binding. The data suggest a distinct role of these residues in the mechanism of transport. Our data also indicate that these transporters share a common mechanism of transport and that the plug remains within the barrel and possibly undergoes rearrangement to form a channel to transport the ferricsiderophore from the binding site to the periplasm.  相似文献   

Integral membrane proteins come in two types, α-helical and β-barrel proteins. In both types, all hydrogen bonding donors and acceptors of the polypeptide backbone are completely compensated and buried while nonpolar side chains point to the membrane. The α-helical type is more abundant and occurs in cytoplasmic (or inner) membranes, whereas the β-barrels are known from outer membranes of bacteria. The β-barrel construction is described by the number of strands and the shear number, which is a measure for the inclination angle of the β-strands against the barrel axis. The common right-handed β-twist requires shear numbers slightly larger than the number of strands. Membrane protein β-barrels contain between 8 and 22 β-strands and have a simple topology that is probably enforced by the folding process. The smallest barrels form inverse micelles and work as enzymes or they bind to other macromolecules. The medium-range barrels form more or less specific pores for nutrient uptake, whereas the largest barrels occur in active Fe2+ transporters. The β-barrels are suitable objects for channel engineering, because the structures are simple and because many of these proteins can be produced into inclusion bodies and recovered therefrom in the exact native conformation.  相似文献   

The structure of bacterial outer membrane proteins   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
Integral membrane proteins come in two types, alpha-helical and beta-barrel proteins. In both types, all hydrogen bonding donors and acceptors of the polypeptide backbone are completely compensated and buried while nonpolar side chains point to the membrane. The alpha-helical type is more abundant and occurs in cytoplasmic (or inner) membranes, whereas the beta-barrels are known from outer membranes of bacteria. The beta-barrel construction is described by the number of strands and the shear number, which is a measure for the inclination angle of the beta-strands against the barrel axis. The common right-handed beta-twist requires shear numbers slightly larger than the number of strands. Membrane protein beta-barrels contain between 8 and 22 beta-strands and have a simple topology that is probably enforced by the folding process. The smallest barrels form inverse micelles and work as enzymes or they bind to other macromolecules. The medium-range barrels form more or less specific pores for nutrient uptake, whereas the largest barrels occur in active Fe(2+) transporters. The beta-barrels are suitable objects for channel engineering, because the structures are simple and because many of these proteins can be produced into inclusion bodies and recovered therefrom in the exact native conformation.  相似文献   

The cellular localization of a chimera formed by fusing a monomeric red fluorescent protein to the C terminus of the Klebsiella oxytoca type II secretion system outer membrane secretin PulD (PulD-mCherry) in Escherichia coli was determined in vivo by fluorescence microscopy. Like PulD, PulD-mCherry formed sodium dodecyl sulfate- and heat-resistant multimers and was functional in pullulanase secretion. Chromosome-encoded PulD-mCherry formed fluorescent foci on the periphery of the cell in the presence of high (plasmid-encoded) levels of its cognate chaperone, the pilotin PulS. Subcellular fractionation demonstrated that the chimera was located exclusively in the outer membrane under these circumstances. A similar localization pattern was observed by fluorescence microscopy of fixed cells treated with green fluorescent protein-tagged affitin, which binds with high affinity to an epitope in the N-terminal region of PulD. At lower levels of (chromosome-encoded) PulS, PulD-mCherry was less stable, was located mainly in the inner membrane, from which it could not be solubilized with urea, and did not induce the phage shock response, unlike PulD in the absence of PulS. The fluorescence pattern of PulD-mCherry under these conditions was similar to that observed when PulS levels were high. The complete absence of PulS caused the appearance of bright and almost exclusively polar fluorescent foci.  相似文献   

Wu S  Ge X  Lv Z  Zhi Z  Chang Z  Zhao XS 《The Biochemical journal》2011,438(3):505-511
The OMPs (outer membrane proteins) of Gram-negative bacteria have to be translocated through the periplasmic space before reaching their final destination. The aqueous environment of the periplasmic space and high permeability of the outer membrane engender such a translocation process inevitably challenging. In Escherichia coli, although SurA, Skp and DegP have been identified to function in translocating OMPs across the periplasm, their precise roles and their relationship remain to be elucidated. In the present paper, by using fluorescence resonance energy transfer and single-molecule detection, we have studied the interaction between the OMP OmpC and these periplasmic quality control factors. The results of the present study reveal that the binding rate of OmpC to SurA or Skp is much faster than that to DegP, which may lead to sequential interaction between OMPs and different quality control factors. Such a kinetic partitioning mechanism for the chaperone-substrate interaction may be essential for the quality control of the biogenesis of OMPs.  相似文献   



Microorganisms produce cell-wall-degrading enzymes as part of their strategies for plant invasion/nutrition. Among these, pectin lyases (PNLs) catalyze the depolymerization of esterified pectin by a β-elimination mechanism. PNLs are grouped together with pectate lyases (PL) in Family 1 of the polysaccharide lyases, as they share a conserved structure in a parallel β-helix. The best-characterized fungal pectin lyases are obtained from saprophytic/opportunistic fungi in the genera Aspergillus and Penicillium and from some pathogens such as Colletotrichum gloeosporioides. The organism used in the present study, Colletotrichum lindemuthianum, is a phytopathogenic fungus that can be subdivided into different physiological races with different capacities to infect its host, Phaseolus vulgaris. These include the non-pathogenic and pathogenic strains known as races 0 and 1472, respectively.


Here we report the isolation and sequence analysis of the Clpnl2 gene, which encodes the pectin lyase 2 of C. lindemuthianum, and its expression in pathogenic and non-pathogenic races of C. lindemuthianum grown on different carbon sources. In addition, we performed a phylogenetic analysis of the deduced amino acid sequence of Clpnl2 based on reported sequences of PNLs from other sources and compared the three-dimensional structure of Clpnl2, as predicted by homology modeling, with those of other organisms. Both analyses revealed an early separation of bacterial pectin lyases from those found in fungi and oomycetes. Furthermore, two groups could be distinguished among the enzymes from fungi and oomycetes: one comprising enzymes from mostly saprophytic/opportunistic fungi and the other formed mainly by enzymes from pathogenic fungi and oomycetes. Clpnl2 was found in the latter group and was grouped together with the pectin lyase from C. gloeosporioides.


The Clpnl2 gene of C. lindemuthianum shares the characteristic elements of genes coding for pectin lyases. A time-course analysis revealed significant differences between the two fungal races in terms of the expression of Clpnl2 encoding for pectin lyase 2. According to the results, pectin lyases from bacteria and fungi separated early during evolution. Likewise, the enzymes from fungi and oomycetes diverged in accordance with their differing lifestyles. It is possible that the diversity and nature of the assimilatory carbon substrates processed by these organisms played a determinant role in this phenomenon.  相似文献   

We created hybrid proteins to study the functions of TonB. We first fused the portion of Escherichia coli tonB that encodes the C-terminal 69 amino acids (amino acids 170 to 239) of TonB downstream from E. coli malE (MalE-TonB69C). Production of MalE-TonB69C in tonB(+) bacteria inhibited siderophore transport. After overexpression and purification of the fusion protein on an amylose column, we proteolytically released the TonB C terminus and characterized it. Fluorescence spectra positioned its sole tryptophan (W213) in a weakly polar site in the protein interior, shielded from quenchers. Affinity chromatography showed the binding of the TonB C-domain to other proteins: immobilized TonB-dependent (FepA and colicin B) and TonB-independent (FepADelta3-17, OmpA, and lysozyme) proteins adsorbed MalE-TonB69C, revealing a general affinity of the C terminus for other proteins. Additional constructions fused full-length TonB upstream or downstream of green fluorescent protein (GFP). TonB-GFP constructs had partial functionality but no fluorescence; GFP-TonB fusion proteins were functional and fluorescent. The activity of the latter constructs, which localized GFP in the cytoplasm and TonB in the cell envelope, indicate that the TonB N terminus remains in the inner membrane during its biological function. Finally, sequence analyses revealed homology in the TonB C terminus to E. coli YcfS, a proline-rich protein that contains the lysin (LysM) peptidoglycan-binding motif. LysM structural mimicry occurs in two positions of the dimeric TonB C-domain, and experiments confirmed that it physically binds to the murein sacculus. Together, these findings infer that the TonB N terminus remains associated with the inner membrane, while the downstream region bridges the cell envelope from the affinity of the C terminus for peptidoglycan. This architecture suggests a membrane surveillance model of action, in which TonB finds occupied receptor proteins by surveying the underside of peptidoglycan-associated outer membrane proteins.  相似文献   

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