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LOV (light, oxygen or voltage) domains are protein photosensors that are conserved in bacteria, archaea, plants and fungi, and detect blue light via a flavin cofactor. LOV domains are present in both chemotrophic and phototrophic bacterial species, in which they are found amino-terminally of signalling and regulatory domains such as sensor histidine kinases, diguanylate cyclases-phosphodiesterases, DNA-binding domains and regulators of RNA polymerase σ-factors. In this Review, we describe the current state of knowledge about the function of bacterial LOV proteins, the structural basis of LOV domain-mediated signal transduction, and the use of LOV domains as genetically encoded photoswitches in synthetic biology.  相似文献   

细菌硝基还原酶(nitroreductase,NTR)属于依赖黄素单核苷酸(flavin mononucleotide,FMN)的硝基还原酶超家族,通常以二聚体形式存在。它们可利用还原型烟酰胺腺嘌呤二核苷酸(磷酸)(reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide(phosphate),NAD(P)H)作为电子供体,催化多种外源硝基芳香族、醌类和黄素类化合物的还原反应,在药物的激活和解毒机制中发挥重要的作用。以研究得较为透彻的大肠杆菌NTR为代表,总结了近几年细菌NTR在结构特征、构象变化及催化特性等方面的最新研究进展。最后,对细菌NTR的研究方向进行了展望。  相似文献   



Bacterial outer membrane vesicles (OMV) are packets of periplasmic material that, via the proteins and other molecules they contain, project metabolic function into the environment. While OMV production is widespread in proteobacteria, they have been extensively studied only in pathogens, which inhabit fully hydrated environments. However, many (arguably most) bacterial habitats, such as soil, are only partially hydrated. In the latter, water is characteristically distributed as films on soil particles that are, on average thinner, than are typical OMV (ca. ≤10 nm water film vs. 20 to >200 nm OMV;).

Methodology/Principal Findings

We have identified a new bacterial surface structure, termed a “nanopod”, that is a conduit for projecting OMV significant distances (e.g., ≥6 µm) from the cell. Electron cryotomography was used to determine nanopod three-dimensional structure, which revealed chains of vesicles within an undulating, tubular element. By using immunoelectron microscopy, proteomics, heterologous expression and mutagenesis, the tubes were determined to be an assembly of a surface layer protein (NpdA), and the interior structures identified as OMV. Specific metabolic function(s) for nanopods produced by Delftia sp. Cs1-4 are not yet known. However, a connection with phenanthrene degradation is a possibility since nanopod formation was induced by growth on phenanthrene. Orthologs of NpdA were identified in three other genera of the Comamonadaceae family, and all were experimentally verified to form nanopods.


Nanopods are new bacterial organelles, and establish a new paradigm in the mechanisms by which bacteria effect long-distance interactions with their environment. Specifically, they create a pathway through which cells can effectively deploy OMV, and the biological activity these transmit, in a diffusion-independent manner. Nanopods would thus allow environmental bacteria to expand their metabolic sphere of influence in a manner previously unknown for these organisms.  相似文献   

The molybdenum enzymes 4-hydroxybenzoyl-CoA reductase and pyrogallol-phloroglucinol transhydroxylase and the tungsten enzyme acetylene hydratase catalyze reductive dehydroxylation reactions, i.e., transhydroxylation between phenolic residues and the addition of water to a triple bond. Such activities are unusual for this class of enzymes, which carry either a mononuclear Mo or W center. Crystallization and subsequent structural analysis by high-resolution X-ray crystallography has helped to resolve the reaction centers of these enzymes to a degree that allows us to understand the interaction of the enzyme and the respective substrate(s) in detail, and to develop a concept for the respective reaction mechanism, at least in two cases.  相似文献   

The bacterial nucleoid: a highly organized and dynamic structure   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recent advances in bacterial cell biology have revealed unanticipated structural and functional complexity, reminiscent of eukaryotic cells. Particular progress has been made in understanding the structure, replication, and segregation of the bacterial chromosome. It emerged that multiple mechanisms cooperate to establish a dynamic assembly of supercoiled domains, which are stacked in consecutive order to adopt a defined higher-level organization. The position of genetic loci on the chromosome is thereby linearly correlated with their position in the cell. SMC complexes and histone-like proteins continuously remodel the nucleoid to reconcile chromatin compaction with DNA replication and gene regulation. Moreover, active transport processes ensure the efficient segregation of sister chromosomes and the faithful restoration of nucleoid organization while DNA replication and condensation are in progress.  相似文献   

The bacterial porin superfamily: sequence alignment and structure prediction   总被引:48,自引:0,他引:48  
The porins of Gram-negative bacteria are responsible for the 'molecular sieve' properties of the outer membrane. They form large water-filled channels which allow the diffusion of hydrophilic molecules into the periplasmic space. Owing to the strong hydrophilicity of their amino acid sequence and the nature of their secondary structure (beta strands), conventional hydropathy methods for predicting membrane topology are useless for this class of protein. The large number of available porin amino acid sequences was exploited to improve the accuracy of the prediction in combination with tools detecting amphipathicity of secondary structure. Using the constraints of beta-sheet structure these porins are predicted to contain 16 membrane-spanning strands, 14 of which are common to the two (enteric and the neisserial) porin subfamilies.  相似文献   

The reduction of water-insoluble indigo by the recently isolated moderate thermophile, Clostridium isatidis, has been studied with the aim of developing a sustainable technology for industrial indigo reduction. The ability to reduce indigo was not shared with C. aurantibutyricum, C. celatum and C. papyrosolvens, but C. papyrosolvens could reduce indigo carmine (5,5-indigosulfonic acid), a soluble indigo derivative. The supernatant from cultures of C. isatidis, but not from cultures of the other bacteria tested, decreased indigo particle size to one-tenth diameter. Addition of madder powder, anthraquinone-2,6-disulfonic acid, and humic acid all stimulated indigo reduction by C. isatidis. Redox potentials of cultures of C. isatidis were about 100 mV more negative than those of C. aurantibutyricum, C. celatum and C. papyrosolvens, and reached –600 mV versus the SCE in the presence of indigo, but potentials were not consistently affected by the addition of the quinone compounds, which probably act by modifying the surface of the bacteria or indigo particles. It is concluded that C. isatidis can reduce indigo because (1) it produces an extracellular factor that decreases indigo particle size, and (2) it generates a sufficiently reducing potential.  相似文献   

细菌生物膜的形成与调控机制   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
细菌通过自身合成的水合多聚物粘附在固体表面,以固着的方式生长从而形成生物膜,细菌生物膜的形成涉及到几个明显的阶段,包括起始的附着、细胞与细胞之间的吸附与增殖、生物膜的成熟、及最后细菌的脱离等四个阶段,生物膜的形成增加了细菌对抗生素的抗性以及帮助细菌逃逸寄主的免疫攻击等,从而引起临床上持续性的慢性感染等各种问题;生物膜结构非常复杂,除了细菌分泌的各种胞外多糖,胞外蛋白质外,最新的研究表明,DNA也是生物膜的一个重要成分.针对近年来的最新文献报道分别对生物膜的形成、结构以及调控机制等进行综述.  相似文献   

The structure and mechanism of iron-hydrogenases   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Hydrogenases devoid of nickel and containing only Fe-S clusters have been found so far only in some strictly anaerobic bacteria. Four Fe-hydrogenases have been characterized: from Megasphaera elsdenii, Desulfovibrio vulgaris (strain Hildenborough), and two from Clostridium pasteurianum. All contain two or more [4Fe-4S]1+,2+ or F clusters and a unique type of Fe-S center termed the H cluster. The H cluster appears to be remarkably similar in all the hydrogenases, and is proposed as the site of H2 oxidation and H2 production. The F clusters serve to transfer electrons between the H cluster and the external electron carrier. In all of the hydrogenases the H cluster is comprised of at least three Fe atoms, and possibly six. In the oxidized state it contains two types of magnetically distinct Fe atoms, has an S = 1/2 spin state, and exhibits a novel rhombic EPR signal. The reduced cluster is diamagnetic (S = 0). The oxidized H cluster appears to undergo a conformation change upon reduction with H2 with an increase in Fe-Fe distances of about 0.5 A. Studies using resonance Raman, magnetic circular dichroism and electron spin echo spectroscopies suggest that the H cluster has significant non-sulfur coordination. The H cluster has two binding sites for CO, at least one of which can also bind O2. Binding to one site changes the EPR properties of the cluster and gives a photosensitive adduct, but does not affect catalytic activity. Binding to the other site, which only becomes exposed during the catalytic cycle, leads to loss of catalytic activity. Mechanisms of H2 activation and electron transfer are proposed to explain the effects of CO binding and the ability of one of the hydrogenases to preferentially catalyze H2 oxidation.  相似文献   

The structure of bacterial ParM filaments   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Bacterial ParM is a homolog of eukaryotic actin and is involved in moving plasmids so that they segregate properly during cell division. Using cryo-EM and three-dimensional reconstruction, we show that ParM filaments have a different structure from F-actin, with very different subunit-subunit interfaces. These interfaces result in the helical handedness of the ParM filament being opposite to that of F-actin. Like F-actin, ParM filaments have a variable twist, and we show that this involves domain-domain rotations within the ParM subunit. The present results yield new insights into polymorphisms within F-actin, as well as the evolution of polymer families.  相似文献   

High-temperature requirement A (HtrA) protein has been known as a moonlighting protein that plays dual roles as a molecular chaperone and as a protease. The proteolytic activity of HtrA is switched on at elevated temperatures, whereas the chaperone function predominates at normal temperatures. The temperature-regulated functional switch of HtrA appears to be critical for the control of the stability of cellular proteins, as well as for the elimination of denatured proteins in order to maintain viability. Although certain conformational changes are expected to be concurrent with the functional activation of HtrA proteolysis, the molecular mechanisms inherent to this process have yet to be elucidated. Spin labeling electron paramagnetic resonance and fluorescence spectroscopy experiments on the HtrA from Thermotoga maritima (Tm HtrA) have shown that a helical lid (HL) that covers the active site is lifted up to expose the catalytic and substrate-binding sites to the solvent at elevated temperatures, whereas the overall structure is maintained over a wide temperature range. Results indicate that the proteolytic activity of Tm HtrA is turned on by the geometric change occurring around the HL, resulting in a substrate-accessible path. In conclusion, the functional switch of Tm HtrA is embedded in the sentinel of the HL in terms of substrate accessibility.  相似文献   

The harvesting of solar radiation by purple photosynthetic bacteria is achieved by circular, integral membrane pigment-protein complexes. There are two main types of light-harvesting complex, termed LH2 and LH1, that function to absorb light energy and to transfer that energy rapidly and efficiently to the photochemical reaction centres where it is trapped. This mini-review describes our present understanding of the structure and function of the purple bacterial light-harvesting complexes.  相似文献   

Advances in microscopic and cell biological techniques have considerably improved our understanding of bacterial chromosome organization and dynamics. The nucleoid was formerly perceived to be an amorphous entity divided into ill-defined domains of supercoiling that are randomly deposited in the cell. Recent work, however, has demonstrated a remarkable degree of spatial organization. A highly ordered chromosome structure, established while DNA replication and partitioning are in progress, is maintained and propagated during growth. Duplication of the chromosome and partitioning of the newly generated daughter strands are interwoven processes driven by the dynamic interplay between the synthesis, segregation and condensation of DNA. These events are intimately coupled with the bacterial cell cycle and exhibit a previously unanticipated complexity reminiscent of eukaryotic systems.  相似文献   

This past year has produced determinations of X-ray crystal structures for three metallo-beta-lactamases and the elucidation of the catalytic mechanisms for a monozinc and a dizinc enzyme. These advances shed light on how such a diverse group of enzymes are evolving to inactivate so efficiently a broad spectrum of beta-lactam antibiotics.  相似文献   

This is a review of recent work on methanol dehydrogenase (MDH), a pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ)-containing enzyme catalysing the oxidation of methanol to formaldehyde in methylotrophic bacteria. Although it is the most extensively studied of this class of dehydrogenases, it is only recently that there has been any consensus about its mechanism. This is partly due to recent structural studies on normal and mutant enzymes and partly due to more definitive work on the mechanism of related alcohol and glucose dehydrogenases. This work has also led to conclusions about the subsequent path of electrons and protons during the reoxidation of the reduced quinol form of the prosthetic group.  相似文献   

We have been involved in studies of the mechanism, inhibition and structure of the enzyme thymidylate synthetase. Knowledge of fundamental catalytic features of thymidylate synthetase has accumulated over the past decade, and will be described. Recently, we have been involved in studies of the x-ray crystallography of thymidylate synthetase, the first phase of which has been completed.  相似文献   

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