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Actin is a major structural protein of the eukaryotic cytoskeleton and enables cell motility. Here, we present a model of the actin filament (F-actin) that not only incorporates the global structure of the recently published model by Oda et al. but also conserves internal stereochemistry. A comparison is made using molecular dynamics simulation of the model with other recent F-actin models. A number of structural determents such as the protomer propeller angle, the number of hydrogen bonds, and the structural variation among the protomers are analyzed. The MD comparison is found to reflect the evolution in quality of actin models over the last 6 years. In addition, simulations of the model are carried out in states with both ADP or ATP bound and local hydrogen-bonding differences characterized.  相似文献   

The assembly of protein actin into double-helical filaments promotes many eukaryotic cellular processes that are regulated by actin-binding proteins (ABPs). Actin filaments can adopt multiple conformations, known as structural polymorphism, which possibly influences the interaction between filaments and ABPs. Gelsolin is a Ca2+-regulated ABP that severs and caps actin filaments. Gelsolin binding modulates filament structure; however, it is not known how polymorphic actin filament structures influence an interaction of gelsolin S1 with the barbed-end of filament. Herein, we investigated how polymorphic structures of actin filaments affect the interactions near interfaces between the gelsolin segment 1 (S1) domain and the filament barbed-end. Using all-atom molecular dynamics simulations, we demonstrate that different tilted states of subunits modulate gelsolin S1 interactions with the barbed-end of polymorphic filaments. Hydrogen bonding and interaction energy at the filament-gelsolin S1 interface indicate distinct conformations of filament barbed ends, resulting in different interactions of gelsolin S1. This study demonstrates that filament's structural multiplicity plays important roles in the interactions of actin with ABPs.  相似文献   

Proteins in the ADF/cofilin (AC) family are essential for rapid rearrangements of cellular actin structures. They have been shown to be active in both the severing and depolymerization of actin filaments in vitro, but the detailed mechanism of action is not known. Under in vitro conditions, subunits in the actin filament can treadmill; with the hydrolysis of ATP driving the addition of subunits at one end of the filament and loss of subunits from the opposite end. We have used electron microscopy and image analysis to show that AC molecules effectively disrupt one of the longitudinal contacts between protomers within one helical strand of F-actin. We show that in the absence of any AC proteins, this same longitudinal contact between actin protomers is disrupted at the depolymerizing (pointed) end of actin filaments but is prominent at the polymerizing (barbed) end. We suggest that AC proteins use an intrinsic mechanism of F-actin's internal instability to depolymerize/sever actin filaments in the cell.  相似文献   

Reorganisation of peripheral actin filaments as a prelude to exocytosis   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
Evidence is presented, from studies on the adrenal chromaffin cell, that reorganisation of the cortical actin network is necessary to allow granules to reach exocytotic sites in stimulated cells. This reorganisation may involve changes in actin filament cross-linking, assembly and interactions with secretory granule and plasma membranes. The possibility is discussed that cytoskeletal elements including the membrane-binding proteins caldesmon, p70 and p36 may be involved in granule-plasmalemmal interactions immediately prior to exocytosis.  相似文献   

Actin filaments and chloroplasts in guard cells play roles in stomatal function. However, detailed actin dynamics vary, and the roles that they play in chloroplast localization during stomatal movement remain to be determined. We examined the dynamics of actin filaments and chloroplast localization in transgenic tobacco expressing green fluorescent protein (GFP)-mouse talin in guard cells by time-lapse imaging. Actin filaments showed sliding, bundling and branching dynamics in moving guard cells. During stomatal movement, long filaments can be severed into small fragments, which can form longer filaments by end-joining activities. With chloroplast movement, actin filaments near chloroplasts showed severing and elongation activity in guard cells during stomatal movement. Cytochalasin B treatment abolished elongation, bundling and branching activities of actin filaments in guard cells, and these changes of actin filaments, and as a result, more chloroplasts were localized at the centre of guard cells. However, chloroplast turning to avoid high light, and sliding of actin fragments near the chloroplast, was unaffected following cytochalasin B treatment in guard cells. We suggest that the sliding dynamics of actin may play roles in chloroplast turning in guard cells. Our results indicate that the stochastic dynamics of actin filaments in guard cells regulate chloroplast localization during stomatal movement.  相似文献   

This review focuses on recent advances in the understanding of the organization and roles of actin filaments, and associated myosin motor proteins, in regulating the structure and function of the axon shaft. ‘Patches’ of actin filaments have emerged as a major type of actin filament organization in axons. In the distal axon, patches function as precursors to the formation of filopodia and branches. At the axon initial segment, patches locally capture membranous organelles and contribute to polarized trafficking. The trapping function of patches at the initial segment can be ascribed to interactions with myosin motors, and likely also applies to patches in the more distal axon. Finally, submembranous rings of actin filaments were recently described in axons, which form an actin‐spectrin cytoskeleton, likely contributing to the maintenance of axon integrity. Continued investigation into the roles of axonal actin filaments and myosins will shed light on fundamental aspects of the development, adult function and the repair of axons in the nervous system.


Despite GPCRs sharing a common seven helix bundle, analysis of the diverse crystallographic structures available reveal specific features that might be relevant for ligand design. Despite the number of crystallographic structures of GPCRs steadily increasing, there are still challenges that hamper the availability of new structures. In the absence of a crystallographic structure, homology modeling remains one of the important techniques for constructing 3D models of proteins. In the present study we investigated the use of molecular dynamics simulations for the refinement of GPCRs models constructed by homology modeling. Specifically, we investigated the relevance of template selection, ligand inclusion as well as the length of the simulation on the quality of the GPCRs models constructed. For this purpose we chose the crystallographic structure of the rat muscarinic M3 receptor as reference and constructed diverse atomistic models by homology modeling, using different templates. Specifically, templates used in the present work include the human muscarinic M2; the more distant human histamine H1 and the even more distant bovine rhodopsin as shown in the GPCRs phylogenetic tree. We also investigated the use or not of a ligand in the refinement process. Hence, we conducted the refinement process of the M3 model using the M2 muscarinic as template with tiotropium or NMS docked in the orthosteric site and compared with the results obtained with a model refined without any ligand bound.  相似文献   


Coarse-grained molecular dynamics (CGMD) simulation technique (MARTINI force field) is applied to monitor the aggregation of helical peptides representing the transmembrane sequence and its extension of bone marrow stromal cell antigen 2 (BST-2). One of the peptides is coupled with a protein transducing domain (PTD) of nine arginine residues (R9) at its N-terminal side as well as a peptide, pep11**, which has been shown to bind to human papilloma virus 16 (HPV16) E6 oncoprotein. A short hydrophobic stretch of the transmembrane domain (TMD) of BST-2 aggregates the fastest and inserts into a lipid membrane. An aggregate of R9-pep11** attaches to the membrane via simultaneous contact of many arginine residues. Monomers from the aggregates of the shortest of the hydrophobic TMDs dissolve into the opposing leaflet when the aggregate spans the bilayer. A ‘flipping’ of the individual monomeric peptides is not observed.

Communicated by Ramaswamy H. Sarma  相似文献   

Cyclin dependent kinase (cdk) 4 and cdk6 have historically been understood to be D-cyclin kinases that phosphorylate pRb in the nucleus to regulate G1 phase of the cell cycle. In conflict with this understood redundancy are several studies that have demonstrated a novel role for cdk6 in differentiation. Cdk6 expression must be reduced to allow proper osteoblast and osteoclast differentiation, enforced cdk6 expression blocked differentiation of mouse embryo fibroblasts, and cdk6 expression in primary astrocytes favored the expression of progenitor cell markers (Ericson et al. [2003] Mol Cancer Res 1:654-664; Matushansky et al. [2003] Oncogene 22:4143-4149; Ogasawara et al. [2004a] J Bone Miner Res 19:1128-1136; Ogasawara et al. [2004b] Mol Cell Biol 24:6560-6568). Experiments shown here investigate novel cytoplasmic and nuclear functions of cdk6. These data demonstrate that cdk6 expression in mouse astrocytes results in changes in patterns of gene expression, changes in the actin cytoskeleton including loss of stress fibers, and enhanced motility. These changes in cdk6-infected cells are associated with the process of cellular differentiation.  相似文献   

Membrane protein function and stability has been shown to be dependent on the lipid environment. Recently, we developed a high-throughput computational approach for the prediction of membrane protein/lipid interactions. In the current study, we enhanced this approach with the addition of a new measure of the distortion caused by membrane proteins on a lipid bilayer. This is illustrated by considering the effect of lipid tail length and headgroup charge on the distortion caused by the integral membrane proteins MscS and FLAP, and by the voltage sensing domain from the channel KvAP. Changing the chain length of lipids alters the extent but not the pattern of distortion caused by MscS and FLAP; lipid headgroups distort in order to interact with very similar but not identical regions in these proteins for all bilayer widths investigated. Introducing anionic lipids into a DPPC bilayer containing the KvAP voltage sensor does not affect the extent of bilayer distortion.  相似文献   

In the present work, based on extensive fully atomistic molecular dynamics simulations, we discuss the dynamics of neon atoms oscillating inside (5,5) single-walled carbon nanotubes (CNTs) and boron nitride nanotubes (BNNTs). Our results show that sustained high-frequency oscillatory regimes are possible for a large range of temperatures. Our results also show that the general features of the oscillations are quite similar to those observed in CNT and BNNT, in contrast with some speculations in previous works in the literature about the importance of broken symmetry and chirality exhibited by BNNTs.  相似文献   

We have examined the interaction of recombinant lily pollen ADF, LlADF1, with actin and found that whilst it bound both G- and F-actin, it had a much smaller effect on the polymerization and depolymerization rate constants than the maize vegetative ADF, ZmADF3. An antiserum specific to pollen ADF, antipADF, was raised and used to localize pollen ADF in daffodil--a plant in which massive reorganizations of the actin cytoskeleton have been seen to occur as pollen enters and exits dormancy. We show, for the first time, an ADF decorating F-actin in cells that did not result from artificial increase in ADF concentration. In dehydrated pollen this ADF : actin array is replaced by actin : ADF rodlets and aggregates of actin, which presumably act as a storage form of actin during dormancy. In germinated pollen ADF has no specific localization, except when an adhesion is made at the tip where actin and ADF now co-localize. These activities of pollen ADF are discussed with reference to the activities of ZmADF3 and other members of the ADF/cofilin group of proteins.  相似文献   

We investigated the immobilization of actin filaments and its self-assembly in vitro in a continuous-flow system on poly(styrene-maleic acid) (PSMA), poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA), poly(t-butyl methacrylate) [P(tBuMA)] polymeric surfaces and along the linear channels. Among these polymeric surfaces, PSMA appeared to be more suitable for supramolecular manipulations as it lacked inherent fluorescence, had good biocompatibility with actin-myosin, and provided sufficient amounts of binding sites for the covalent immobilization of actin. Covalent attachment of G-actin on PSMA polymeric surfaces resulted in stable polymerization followed by alignment of filaments over 1.5 h, along with a greater surface density of the proteins. It is shown that electrostatic condensation of intact F-actin filaments and F-actin/gelsolin filaments with Ba2+ can be successfully used for progressive bundle formation and alignment in the constant flow. Actin bundles retained their ability to support HMM-anti-HMM bead translocation. Long-range cooperative transitions in actin induced by gelsolin represent a structural perturbation of the barbed end and presumably result in regularly organized bundles that secure directional movement. This simple technique for fabrication of self-assembled and aligned F-actin/gelsolin bundles provides a convenient experimental system for nanotechnological applications.  相似文献   

Alpha(α)-synuclein is closely related to the pathogenesis of Parkinson's disease (PD). The NACore, a fragment of α-synuclein, is considered to be the key region of α-synuclein that causes PD. The aggregation dynamics of NACores are studied via coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulations. We find that NACores can self-assemble into a large cluster at high concentrations. The aggregation dynamics can be divided into three stages. The growth kinetics for the first and second stages follows the power law, Smax ~ tγ, with the second stage faster than the first one. The characteristic lifetime for the high concentration is 40 times larger than that for the low concentration, implying the low fluidity. Understanding the aggregation dynamics of NACores is helpful to develop drugs for therapeutic prevention and intervention.  相似文献   

Cofilin increases the torsional flexibility and dynamics of actin filaments   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We have measured the effects of cofilin on the conformation and dynamics of actin filaments labeled at Cys374 with erythrosin-iodoacetemide (ErIA), using time-resolved phosphorescence anisotropy (TPA). Cofilin quenches the phosphorescence intensity of actin-bound ErIA, indicating that binding changes the local environment of the probe. The cofilin concentration-dependence of the phosphorescence intensity is sigmoidal, consistent with cooperative actin filament binding. Model-independent analysis of the anisotropies indicates that cofilin increases the rates of the microsecond rotational motions of actin. In contrast to the reduction in phosphorescence intensity, the changes in the rates of rotational motions display non-nearest-neighbor cooperative interactions and saturate at substoichiometric cofilin binding densities. Detailed analysis of the TPA decays indicates that cofilin decreases the torsional rigidity (C) of actin, increasing the thermally driven root-mean-square torsional angle between adjacent filament subunits from approximately 4 degrees (C = 2.30 x 10(-27) Nm2 radian(-1)) to approximately 17 degrees (C = 0.13 x 10(-27) Nm2 radian(-1)) at 25 degrees C. We favor a mechanism in which cofilin binding shifts the equilibrium between thermal ErIA-actin filament conformers, and facilitates two distinct structural changes in actin. One is local in nature, which affects the structure of actin's C terminus and is likely to mediate nearest-neighbor cooperative binding and filament severing. The second is a change in the internal dynamics of actin, which displays non-nearest-neighbor cooperativity and increases the torsional flexibility of filaments. The long-range effects of cofilin on the torsional dynamics of actin may accelerate P(i) release from filaments and modulate interactions with other regulatory actin filament binding proteins.  相似文献   

Tropomodulins are a family of important regulators of actin dynamics at the pointed ends of actin filaments. Four isoforms of tropomodulin, Tmod1‐Tmod4, are expressed in vertebrates. Binding of tropomodulin to the pointed end is dependent on tropomyosin, an actin binding protein that itself is represented in mammals by up to 40 isoforms. The understanding of the regulatory role of the tropomodulin/tropomyosin molecular diversity has been limited due to the lack of a three‐dimensional structure of the tropomodulin/tropomyosin complex. In this study, we mapped tropomyosin residues interacting with two tropomyosin‐binding sites of tropomodulin and generated a three‐dimensional model of the tropomodulin/tropomyosin complex for each of these sites. The models were refined by molecular dynamics simulations and validated via building a self‐consistent three‐dimensional model of tropomodulin assembly at the pointed end. The model of the pointed‐end Tmod assembly offers new insights in how Tmod binding ensures tight control over the pointed end dynamics.  相似文献   

Regulating actin dynamics at membranes: a focus on dynamin   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Dynamin, the large guanosine triphosphatase, is generally considered to have a key role in deforming membranes to create tubules or vesicles. Dynamin, particularly dynamin2 isoforms, also are localized with actin filaments, often at locations where cellular membranes undergo remodeling. Perturbing dynamin function interferes with endocytic traffic and actin function. Thus, dynamin may regulate actin filaments coordinately with its activities that remodel membranes. This review will highlight recent observations that provide clues to mechanisms whereby dynamin might coordinate membrane remodeling and actin filament dynamics during endocytic traffic, cell morphogenesis and cell migration.  相似文献   

To study cellular actin dynamics, a cell-free assay based on fluorescence anisotropy was developed. Using G-actin-Alexa as a probe, we found that anisotropy enhancement reflects F-actin elongation. Anisotropy enhancement varies with the concentration of magnesium and calcium cations and with ethylenediaminetetraacetate or well-known effectors of the polymerization. This assay gives the overall status of actin dynamics in cell extracts which are the closest conditions to in vivo, implying most of the regulating proteins that are missing in purified actin measurements. It can be used in a large-scale screening for chemical compounds which modulate actin polymerization.  相似文献   

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