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Homotypically pure cultures of rat brain astrocytes were used to examine some aspects of non-neuronal A-system (alanine preferring) amino acid uptake. The Asystem specific probe, alpha-aminoisobutyric acid is transported rapidly, and a steady state distribution ratio of 9–25 is reached after 30 minute incubations. Kinetic estimates derived from uptake progress curves indicated aK m of 1.35 mM and aV max of 133 nmol/min/mg protein. Uptake is reduced in the absence of either Na+ or K+. Elevations in extracellular K+, a putative metabolic modulator of neuroglia, did not affect uptake.  相似文献   

In monolayer primary cultures of brain from newborn rats, which contain astrocytes and oligodendrocytes, a new morphological cell type (flat black cells) was observed. Microphotographs of different areas of the monolayer, taken every 30 min, showed that these flat black cells can divide and that they undergo morphological transformation in vitro. They give rise to oligodendrocytes which were identified by their characteristics morphology but also by their content of W1 Wolfgram protein. These findings suggest that the flat black cells are precursors for oligodendrocytes, in culture.  相似文献   

To assess the oxidative metabolism of glial cells, we visualized mitochondrial malate dehydrogenase (mMDH) in purified cultures of neonatal rat polygonal and process-bearing astrocytes as well as in oligodendrocytes, using indirect immunofluorescence. Double immunofluorescent localization of rabbit anti-mMDH and either mouse monoclonal antiglial fibrillary acidic protein or anti-myelin basic protein demonstrated that both process-bearing astrocytes and oligodendrocytes showed uniformly intense anti-mMDH immunoreactivity in their cell bodies. However, immunoreactivity to mMDH among polygonal astrocytes varied from very weakly positive to intensely positive. Experiments with rhodamine 123, a mitochondrion-specific fluorochrome, indicated that polygonal astrocytes contain relatively similar numbers of mitochondria; this suggested that the variable intensities of anti-mMDH immunoreactivity observed did not result from differences in mitochondrial numbers. In cultures of polygonal astrocytes maintained in a chemically defined medium containing growth factors and hormones, or in complete culture medium containing 1mM N6, O2-dibutyryl adenosine 3',5'-cyclic phosphate, the resultant stellate astrocytes still showed their original variable levels of anti-mMDH immunoreactivity. This suggested that the mMDH distribution pattern did not depend on the degree of morphological differentiation. Furthermore, cultures of polygonal astrocytes isolated from four specific regions of neonatal rat brain showed variable but reproducible profiles of anti-mMDH immunoreactivity. Our results suggest that there may be an appreciable range in the level of oxidative metabolism among individual polygonal astrocytes in culture.  相似文献   

Uptake of extracellular adenosine was studied in primary cultures of astrocytes or neurons. Both cell types showed a high affinity uptake. TheK m values were not significantly different (6.5±3.75 M in astrocytes and 6.1±1.86 M in neurons), but the intensity of the uptake was higher in astrocytes than in neurons (V max values of 0.16±0.030 and 0.105±0.010 nmol×min–1×mg–1 protein, respectively). The temperature sensitivity was similar in the two cell types. Adenosine uptake inhibitors and benzodiazepines inhibited the adenosine uptake systems in both astrocytes and neurons with IC50 values in the high nanomolar or the micromolar range and the rank order of potency was similar in the two cell types. In both cell types the (–) isomers of two sets of benzodiazepine stereoisomers were more potent than the (+) isomers. Dixon analysis showed that dipyridamole, papaverine, hexobendine and chlordiazepoxide inhibited the adenosine uptake competitively and clonazepam noncompetitively in both cell types.  相似文献   

The uptake ofl-andd-aspartate was studied in astrocytes cultured from prefrontal cortex and in granule cells cultured from cerebellum. A high affinity uptake system forl- andd-aspartate was found in both cell types, and the two stereoisomers exhibited essentially the sameK m - andV max -values in bouth astrocytes (l-aspartate:K m 77 μM;V max 11.8 nmol×min?1×mg?1;d-aspartate:K m 83 μM;V max 14.0 nmol×min?1×mg?1) and granule cells (l-aspartate:K m 32 μM;V max 2.8 nmol ×min?1×mg?1;d-aspartate:K m 26 μM;V max 3.0 nmol×min?1×mg?1). To investigate whetherl-glutamate,l-aspartate andd-aspartate use the same uptake system a detailed kenetic analysis was performed. The uptake kinetics of each one of the three amino acids was studied in the presence of the two other amino acids, and no essential differences between the uptake characteristics of the amino acids were found. In addition to the uptake studies the release ofD-aspartate from cerebellar granule cells was investigated and compared withl-glutamate release. A Ca2+-dependent, K+-induced release was found for both amino acids.  相似文献   

Protein synthesis, measured as leucine incorporation into acid-precipitable proteins, was determined in astrocytes in primary cultures obtained from the cerebral hemispheres of newborn mice. As can be expected for eucaryotic, ribosomal protein synthesis, the incorporation was almost completely inhibited by cycloheximide (0.01 mM), but unaffected by chloramphenicol (0.03 mM). The rate of synthesis, measured during exposure to a high (0.8 mM) concentration of leucine was 5.4 nmol/hr/mg protein in mature (i.e., at least 4-week-old) cultures. This value is at least twice as high as the protein synthesis rates reported for the adult brain in vivo, suggesting that a very considerable part of the protein synthesis in the adult brain may take place in astrocytes. The molecular weight distribution of the synthesized proteins was determined by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, demonstrating synthesis of at least 50 different polypeptides, ranging in molecular weight between 190,000 and 27,000 daltons. The pattern of the synthesized proteins underwent considerable alteration with age in young cultures in which the total content of protein was still increasing, but it was remarkably stable after the age of two weeks. Exposure to dibutyryl cyclic AMP, which is known to alter morphology, content of glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFA), and activities of certain enzymes in the cultured astrocytes, caused marked alterations in the pattern of the synthesized proteins.  相似文献   

The presence of an estrogen-inducible progesterone receptor was demonstrated in primary cultures of newborn rat glial cells by biochemical and immunohistochemical techniques. The progesterone receptor (PR) was measured 3-4 weeks after primary culture in estradiol-containing or control medium. Cells were labeled with the synthetic progestin [3H]R5020 followed by ultracentrifugation analysis of the cellular extracts. A "9 S" PR was observed in the cytosol and a "4-5 S" PR was found in the nuclear high salt, tungstate ions containing extract of estradiol-treated cells. When the antiprogestin [3H]RU486 was used instead of [3H]R5020 as a ligand, a 9 S PR was also found in the cytosol, but a nonactivated "8.5 S" receptor complex was identified in the high salt nuclear fraction in presence of tungstate ions. The levels of PR, as measured by whole cell assay, were significantly increased when glial cells were cultured in the presence of 50 nM estradiol, as compared to nonestradiol-treated controls. The estrogen induction of PR was suppressed by the antiestrogen tamoxifen, but tamoxifen by itself had no effect on PR concentration. When the glucocorticosteroid receptor and PR were measured in parallel after estradiol treatment of the same primary culture, only the levels of PR were increased. The PR was visualized inside glial cells by immunohistochemical studies with a monoclonal antibody specific for the B-form of PR (KC 146), which was recognized by fluorescein-linked or biotinylated secondary antibodies. Strong staining was observed in estradiol-treated cultures, when compared to a weaker staining in control cultures. This is the first demonstration of PR in rat glial cells, and we present evidence of its induction by estradiol in primary cultures.  相似文献   

Summary Oxygen uptake was measured in primary cultures of astrocytes from the brain hemispheres of newborn DBA mice by the aid of an oxygen electrode inserted directly into the culture flastk, i.e. using the flasks, completely filled with MEM medium, as the respirometer chamber. The respiration was inibitally intense (300 μmol per hr per 100 mg protein) but delined somewhat during the 6 hr of measurement, probably due to a depletion of intermediary metabolites released to the large surplus of medium. The respiratory rates were approximately identical in the presence of a CO2/ bicarbonate and a HEPES buffer. Exposure to a high concentration of potassium led to a transient stimulation of the oxygen uptake of almost 100%, a response that was very easily observed using the present method. Since no mechanical damage was inflicted upon the cells, culturing could be continued, if so desired, after the measurement.  相似文献   

The uptake of the neuroactive sulphur amino acids -cysteine sulphinate, -cysteate, -homocysteine sulphinate and -homocysteate was investigated in astrocytes cultured from the prefrontal cortex; in neurons, cultured from cerebral cortex; and, in granule cells, cultured from cerebellum. It was shown that each amino acid acted as a substrate for a plasma membrane transporter in both neurons and astrocytes. Astrocytes and neurons exhibited a high-affinity uptake for -cysteine sulphinate and -cysteate with Km values ranging from 14–100 μM, and a low-affinity uptake for -homocysteine sulphinate and -homocysteate, with Km values ranging from 225–1210 μM. The uptake of all transmitter candidates studied was partially sodium-dependent. This sodium-dependency was most evident at low (< 100 μM) concentrations of each substrate. The apparent uptake measured in the absence of sodium was included as a component in corrections made for non-saturable influx. With the exception of -cysteine sulphinate, uptake of each sulphur amino acid was greatest in astrocytes, with Vmax values ranging between 15–32 nmol min−1 mg−1 cell protein. Moreover, the uptake of each sulphur amino acid in cerebellar granule cells (Vmax values ranging between 10–25 nmol min−1 mg−1 cell protein) was consistently greater than that in cerebral cortex neurons (Vmax values ranging between 1.5–6 nmol min−1 mg−1 cell protein).  相似文献   

Low density lipoprotein-receptors in primary cultures of rat glial cells.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Newborn rat glial cells in primary culture contain an active cholesterol side chain cleavage cytochrome P450. Cholesterol can be supplied either by biosynthesis or derive from low density lipoproteins (LDL), which bind apolipoprotein Band E (apoB,E) (LDL)-receptors and undergo receptor-mediated endocytosis. Using antibodies to purified human plasma LDL and antibodies to bovine adreno-cortical LDL-receptor, the presence of LDL-receptors was demonstrated on rat glial cells after 3-4 weeks of primary culture, by ligand blotting, immunoblotting, and indirect immunofluorescence staining. The latter approach indicated that oligodendrocytes express higher levels of LDL-receptors than astrocytes present in the same culture. The immunofluorescence staining was observed not only at the cell surface, but also within the cytoplasm, suggesting that the LDL-receptor complexes had been internalized. Western blotting of LDL-receptors extracted from glial cells indicated a band of approximately 130 kDa, the size expected for intact receptors. Their functionality was shown by the conversion of [3H]cholesterol linoleate, incorporated into reconstituted LDL and added to the cell cultures, to [3H]pregnenolone and/or its 20 alpha-hydroxy-metabolite. This is the first characterization of functional LDL-receptors on isolated, well characterized, normal brain cells.  相似文献   

E Hertz  L Hertz 《In vitro》1979,15(6):429-436
Oxygen uptake was measured in primary cultures of astrocytes from the brain hemispheres of newborn DBA mice by the aid of an oxygen electrode inserted directly into the culture flask, i.e. using the flask, completely filled with MEM medium, as the respirometer chamber. The respiration was initially intense (300 mumol per hr per 100 mg protein) but declined somewhat during the 6 hr of measurement, probably due to a depletion of intermediary metabolites released to the large surplus of medium. The respiratory rates were approximately identical in the presence of a CO2/bicarbonate and a HEPES buffer. Exposure to a high concentration of potassium led to a transient stimulation of the oxygen uptake to almost 100%, a response that was very easily observed using the present method. Since no mechanical damage was inflicted upon the cells, culturing could be continued, if so desired, after the measurement.  相似文献   

The colocalization of desmin and glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) in astrocytes was inferred from previous studies demonstrating a unique antigenic composition comprising GFAP, desmin and vimentin in perisinusoidal stellate cells (PSC) of liver which share several features with astrocytes. In the present study the colocalization of GFAP and desmin was investigated by double-immunolabeling experiments in 12-day-old rat astroglial primary cultures with antiserum against GFAP and two commercial monoclonal antibodies against desmin, antibodies of clone DEU-10 and clone DEB-5. These antibodies selectively decorated the perisinusoidal stellate cells (PSC) of liver for which desmin is known to be a marker. The results obtained with astroglial cells demonstrate that both GFAP and desmin are coexpressed in morphologically different types, process-bearing and process-lacking astrocytes. The expression of desmin was apparently more pronounced in process-lacking astrocytes and was considerably lower in process-bearing ones. In process-lacking astrocytes, in contrast to filamentous cytoplasmic staining for GFAP, the immunoreactivity for desmin was non-filamentous and was irregularly spread in the perinuclear cytoplasm of the cells, while in process-bearing astrocytes the pattern of staining for desmin was similar to that of GFAP. The variability in the intensity and pattern of staining for desmin in astrocytes might be due to transitional stages of differentiation for part of the cells. This interpretation was supported by the presence of GFAP in the cells weakly expressing smooth muscle alpha-actin and the absence of GFAP in the cells enriched with microfilaments.  相似文献   

Kinetics for uptake and release of glutamate were measured in normal, i.e., nontransformed, astrocytes in cultures obtained from the dissociated, cortexenriched superficial parts of the brain hemispheres of newborn DBA mice. The uptake kinetics indicated a minor, unsaturable component together with an intense uptake following Michaelis-Menten kinetics. TheK m (50 M) was reasonably comparable to the corresponding values in brain slices and in other glial preparations. TheV max (58.8 nmol min–1 mg–1 protein) was, however, much higher than that observed in glial cell lines or peripheral satellite cells, and also considerably higher than that generally reported for brain slices. The release of glutamate was much smaller than the uptake, and only little affected by an increase of the external glutamate concentration, suggesting a net accumulation of glutamate rather than a homoexchange. Such an intense accumulation of glutamate into normal astrocytes may play a major role in brain metabolism and may help keep the extracellular glutamate cohcentration below excitatory levels.  相似文献   

Primary cultures of glial cells prepared from brains of newborn rats were grown for periods of 1–5 weeks. After a proliferative phase of between 2 and 3 weeks, the cultures were maintained in stationary phase, during which a significant increase of oxygen consumption and of the activities of lactate dehydrogenase, succinate dehydrogenase, and mitochondrial glycerolphosphate dehydrogenase could be observed. Furthermore, qualitative changes in the lactate dehydrogenase isoenzyme pattern were found with time, characterized by a shift toward an enhanced synthesis of H subunits. A similar development was found in comparing the LDH isoenzyme pattern in the brain of 15-day-old rat embryo with those of newborn and adult rat brains. It is suggested that some aspects of maturation of glial cells in culture are comparable to those occurring in whole brain in vivo, namely a shift towards an enhanced aerobic metabolism.  相似文献   

Primary cultures of rat glial cells were established from newborn rat forebrains. A mixed population of oligodendrocytes and astrocytes was obtained, as confirmed by indirect immunofluorescence staining with specific markers for each cell type. Receptors were measured 3 weeks after primary culture in glial cells cultured in the presence or not of 50 nM estradiol and we have identified progesterone, glucocorticoid, estrogen, and androgen receptors (PR, GR, ER and AR), but only PR was inducible by the estrogen treatment. This estrogen-induction of PR was more dramatic in glial cells derived from female offsprings than from males, as measured by binding studies and by immunohistochemical techniques with the KC 146 anti-PR monoclonal antibody. The antiestrogen tamoxifen inhibited the estrogen induction, but had no effect by itself on PR concentration. Specific binding sites for PR, GR, ER and AR were measured by whole cell assays after labeling cells with, respectively, [3H]R5020, [3H]dexamethasone, [3H]OH-tamoxifen or [3H]R1881. PR and GR were also analyzed by ultracentrifugation and after exposure of cells to agonists, both receptors were recovered from cytosol as a 9S form, and from the nuclear high-salt, tungstate ions-containing fraction as a 4–6S form. In contrast, when the antiprogestin- and antiglucocorticosteroid RU486 was used as a ligand, a non-activated 8.5S receptor complex was found for both receptors in this nuclear fraction. The 8.5S complex of the GR was further analyzed in the presense of specific antibodies and, in addition to GR, the presence of the heat shock protein hsp90 and of a 59 kDa protein was found.

During primary culture, the effects of progesterone (P) and estradiol (E2) were tested on glial cell multiplication, morphology and differentiation. Cell growth was inhibited by P and stimulated by E2. Both hormones induced dramatic morphologic changes in oligodendrocytes and astrocytes and increased synthesis of the myelin basic protein in oligodendrocytes and of the glial fibrillary acidic protein in astrocytes.  相似文献   

Previous works of our group demonstrated that xenobiotic metabolism by brain microsomes or cultured cerebral cells may promote the formation of reactive oxygen species. In order to characterise the risk of oxidative stress to both the central nervous system and the blood-brain barrier, we measured in the present work the release of superoxide in the culture medium of rat cerebrovascular endothelial cells during the metabolism of menadione, anthraquinone, diquat or nitrofurazone. Assays were run in the same experimental conditions on primary cultures of rat neurones and astrocytes. Quinone metabolism efficiently produced superoxide, but the production of radicals during the metabolism of diquat or nitrofurazone was very low, as a probable result of their reduced transport inside the cells. In all cell types assayed, superoxide production was time- and concentration-dependent, and cultured astrocytes always produced the highest amounts of radicals. Superoxide formation by microsomes prepared from the cultured cells was decreased by immunoinhibition of NADPH-cytochrome P450 reductase or by its irreversible inhibition by diphenyliodonium chloride, suggesting the involvement of this flavoprotein in radical production. Cerebrovascular endothelial cells cultured on collagen-coated filters produced equivalent amounts of superoxide both at their luminal side and through the artificial basement membrane, suggesting that in vivo, endothelial superoxide production may endanger adjacent astrocytes and neurones.  相似文献   

Primary cultures of both mouse astrocytes and neurons accumulate more125I than36Cl from the medium. The average cell/medium ratio of125I of astrocytes (1.01) is greater than that of neurons (0.74), whereas the ratio of36Cl of neurons (0.47) is greater than that of astrocytes (0.25). The equilibrium potentials of both125I and36Cl calculated from the cell/medium ratios in astrocytes and neurons are significantly lower than their corresponding resting transmembrane potentials which suggest that both iodide and chloride are actively transported into both cell types. With respect to different transport inhibitors, thiocyanate is more effective in inhibiting125I uptake whereas furosemide is more effective in inhibiting36Cl uptake. Radioiodide uptake by mouse astrocytes was directly proportional to the [Na+]o but was not significantly affected by changes of [Cl]o or [HCO 3 ]o, except that it is low in bicarbonate-free medium. Radiochloride uptake by astrocytes was inversely related to [Cl]o and [HCO 3 ]o and was not affected [Na+]o, except that it was low in sodium-free medium. Radioiodide uptake by neurons was directly related to [Na+]o between 60 and 140 mM and inversely related to [HCO 3 ]o between 10 and 40 mM, but it was not affected by [Cl]o. Radiochloride uptake by neurons was directly related to [Cl]o and to [Na+]o between 60 and 140 mM and was not affected by [HCO 3 ]o. However, in sodium-free medium both125I and36Cl uptakes into neurons were higher than those in [Na+]o between 5 and 60 mM. These results indicate that uptake of125I and36Cl into astrocytes and neurons are different in their ion dependence and that they are under separate regulation.Special issue dedicated to Dr. Paola S. Timiras  相似文献   

Glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) is an intermediate filament protein considered to be the best astroglial marker. However, the predominant cell population in adult human brain tissue cultures does not express GFAP; these cells have been termed “glia-like” cells. The basic question about histological origin of adult human brain cultures remains unanswered. Some authors showed that “glia-like” cells in adult human brain cultures might be of non-glial origin. We examined primary explant tissue cultures derived from 70 adult human brain biopsies. Within first 5–10 days approximately 5–10% of the small explants became attached. Outgrowing cells were mostly flat cells. These cells formed confluent layer over 3–6 weeks in culture. At confluence the cultures contained 2–5% of microglial cells, 0.1% GFAP-positive astrocytes, less than 0.01% oligodendrocytes and 95–98% GFAP-negative “glia-like” cells. This population of flat “glia-like” cells was positively stained for vimentin, fibronectin, and 20–30% of these cells stained for nestin. Our findings revealed that 1 mM dibutyryl-cAMP addition, in serum free conditions, induced a reversible stellation in 5-10% of the flat “glia-like” cells but did not induce the expression of GFAP or nestin in morphologically changed stellate cells. These results demonstrate that “glia-like” cells in primary adult human brain cultures constitute heterogeneous cell populations albeit with similar morphological features. Two distinct subpopulations have been shown: (i) the one immunostained for nestin; and (ii) the other reactive for dibutyryl-cAMP treatment.  相似文献   

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