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The study of hominin brain evolution focuses on the interiors of fossilized braincases. Applications of recent three-dimensional computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) techniques for visualizing and measuring >virtual endocasts< from braincases in combination with advances in computer graphics and software for acquiring relevant data are transforming the way in which fossil skulls are analyzed, and improving the quality of paleoneurological investigations. Although CT imaging is preferred for fossil skulls, a novel method that combines high-resolution MRI of physical endocasts, electronic reconstruction of their missing parts, and warping of the resulting virtual endocasts is currently being developed and has great potential for future studies of hominin brain evolution. Applications of CT and MR techniques have already resulted in surprising new findings, which are briefly outlined. Exciting revelations about hominin brain evolution are expected as the 21st century unfolds.  相似文献   

Neuroaxonal degeneration in the central nervous system contributes substantially to the long term disability in multiple sclerosis (MS) patients. However, in vivo determination and monitoring of neurodegeneration remain difficult. As the widely used MRI-based approaches, including the brain parenchymal fraction (BPF) have some limitations, complementary in vivo measures for neurodegeneration are necessary. Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is a potent tool for the detection of MS-related retinal neurodegeneration. However, crucial aspects including the association between OCT- and MRI-based atrophy measures or the impact of MS-related parameters on OCT parameters are still unclear. In this large prospective cross-sectional study on 104 relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS) patients we evaluated the associations of retinal nerve fiber layer thickness (RNFLT) and total macular volume (TMV) with BPF and addressed the impact of disease-determining parameters on RNFLT, TMV or BPF. BPF, normalized for subject head size, was estimated with SIENAX. Relations were analyzed primarily by Generalized Estimating Equation (GEE) models considering within-patient inter-eye relations. We found that both RNFLT (p = 0.019, GEE) and TMV (p = 0.004, GEE) associate with BPF. RNFLT was furthermore linked to the disease duration (p<0.001, GEE) but neither to disease severity nor patients'' age. Contrarily, BPF was rather associated with severity (p<0.001, GEE) than disease duration and was confounded by age (p<0.001, GEE). TMV was not associated with any of these parameters. Thus, we conclude that in RRMS patients with relatively short disease duration and rather mild disability RNFLT and TMV reflect brain atrophy and are thus promising parameters to evaluate neurodegeneration in MS. Furthermore, our data suggest that RNFLT and BPF reflect different aspects of MS. Whereas BPF best reflects disease severity, RNFLT might be the better parameter for monitoring axonal damage longitudinally. Longitudinal studies are necessary for validation of data and to further clarify the relevance of TMV.  相似文献   

Peripheral biomarkers of Alzheimer''s disease (AD) reflecting early neuropathological change are critical to the development of treatments for this condition. The most widely used indicator of AD pathology in life at present is neuroimaging evidence of brain atrophy. We therefore performed a proteomic analysis of plasma to derive biomarkers associated with brain atrophy in AD. Using gel based proteomics we previously identified seven plasma proteins that were significantly associated with hippocampal volume in a combined cohort of subjects with AD (N = 27) and MCI (N = 17). In the current report, we validated this finding in a large independent cohort of AD (N = 79), MCI (N = 88) and control (N = 95) subjects using alternative complementary methods—quantitative immunoassays for protein concentrations and estimation of pathology by whole brain volume. We confirmed that plasma concentrations of five proteins, together with age and sex, explained more than 35% of variance in whole brain volume in AD patients. These proteins are complement components C3 and C3a, complement factor-I, γ-fibrinogen and alpha-1-microglobulin. Our findings suggest that these plasma proteins are strong predictors of in vivo AD pathology. Moreover, these proteins are involved in complement activation and coagulation, providing further evidence for an intrinsic role of these pathways in AD pathogenesis.  相似文献   

Mandibular premolars are increasingly used in taxon-specific diagnostic analyses of hominins. Among the principal difficulties in these evaluations is the absence of discrete, discernible, and comparable anatomical structures for rigorous quantitative assessment. Previous research has addressed either internal crown surface features (such as cusps and fossae) or the morphology of the crown outline. In the present paper, we integrate both types of information in the examination of morphological variation of lower P4s (n = 96) among various fossil hominin species with an emphasis on genus Homo. We use a set of 34 2D landmarks combining coordinate data from four classical dental landmarks on the occlusal surface and 30 sliding semilandmarks of the crown outline. Our results indicate that external shape variation is closely related to the configuration of the occlusal morphological features and influenced by dental size. The external and internal shapes of P4 are polymorphic but still useful in depicting a primitive-derived gradient. The primitive pattern seems to have been an asymmetrical contour with a mesially displaced metaconid, development of a bulging talonid, and a broad occlusal polygon. The trend toward dental reduction during the Pleistocene produced different morphological variants with a reduced occlusal polygon and decreased lingual occlusal surface in later Homo species. Homo heidelbergensis/neanderthalensis have fixed plesiomorphic traits in high percentages, whereas in modern humans a symmetrical outline with a centered metaconid and talonid reduction evolved.  相似文献   


The number of Late Pleistocene hominin species and the timing of their extinction are issues receiving renewed attention following genomic evidence for interbreeding between the ancestors of some living humans and archaic taxa. Yet, major gaps in the fossil record and uncertainties surrounding the age of key fossils have meant that these questions remain poorly understood. Here we describe and compare a highly unusual femur from Late Pleistocene sediments at Maludong (Yunnan), Southwest China, recovered along with cranial remains that exhibit a mixture of anatomically modern human and archaic traits. Our studies show that the Maludong femur has affinities to archaic hominins, especially Lower Pleistocene femora. However, the scarcity of later Middle and Late Pleistocene archaic remains in East Asia makes an assessment of systematically relevant character states difficult, warranting caution in assigning the specimen to a species at this time. The Maludong fossil probably samples an archaic population that survived until around 14,000 years ago in the biogeographically complex region of Southwest China.  相似文献   



Abnormal repeat length has been associated with an earlier age of onset and more severe disease progression in the rare neurodegenerative disorder spinocerebellar ataxia 17 (SCA17).

Methodology/Principal Findings

To determine whether specific structural brain degeneration and rate of disease progression in SCA17 might be associated with the CAG repeat size, observer-independent voxel-based morphometry was applied to high-resolution magnetic resonance images of 16 patients with SCA17 and 16 age-matched healthy controls. The main finding contrasting SCA17 patients with healthy controls demonstrated atrophy in the cerebellum bilaterally. Multiple regression analyses with available genetic data and also post-hoc correlations revealed an inverse relationship again with cerebellar atrophy. Moreover, we found an inverse relationship between the CAG repeat length and rate of disease progression.


Our results highlight the fundamental role of the cerebellum in this neurodegenerative disease and support the genotype-phenotype relationship in SCA17 patients. Genetic factors may determine individual susceptibility to neurodegeneration and rate of disease progression.  相似文献   

Elizabeth Weiss 《HOMO》2012,63(1):1-11
Olduvai Hominin (OH) 8, a 1.76 million year old left foot skeleton, has osteophytic lipping on the metatarsal bases, which when compared to a modern sample, may help paleoanthropologists determine whether the foot bones represent an injured subadult or an osteoarthritic adult. This study compares the OH 8 lipping pattern to those of 140 individual Amerindians comprising four different age classes to determine whether the OH 8 lipping is likely to be age-related osteoarthritis. OH 8 metatarsal lipping followed a pattern similar to that determined in the comparative sample to be age-related osteoarthritis. Similarities include metatarsal base lipping that is frequently located on the dorsal surface, metatarsal base lipping that is more severe on the lateral metatarsals compared to the medial metatarsals, and the presence of a pseudojoint between metatarsal 1 and metatarsal 2. The chance of finding an individual with osteoarthritis lipping increases from 3.45% in the age group 18–22 years to 55% in individuals over 35 years. The chance of finding a pseudojoint increases from 1.32% in non-osteoarthritic individuals to 15.15% in individuals with osteoarthritis. Results from this study indicate that the OH 8 foot bones are most likely from an adult and more likely to belong to Paranthropus boisei, the skull of which was found in the same excavations with OH 8, than to the juvenile Homo habilis holotype.  相似文献   

Proteomic research facilities and laboratories are facing increasing demands for the integration of biological data from multiple ‘‐OMICS’ approaches. The aim to fully understand biological processes requires the integrated study of genomes, proteomes and metabolomes. While genomic and proteomic workflows are different, the study of the metabolome overlaps significantly with the latter, both in instrumentation and methodology. However, chemical diversity complicates an easy and direct access to the metabolome by mass spectrometry (MS). The present review provides an introduction into metabolomics workflows from the viewpoint of proteomic researchers. We compare the physicochemical properties of proteins and peptides with metabolites/small molecules to establish principle differences between these analyte classes based on human data. We highlight the implications this may have on sample preparation, separation, ionisation, detection and data analysis. We argue that a typical proteomic workflow (nLC‐MS) can be exploited for the detection of a number of aliphatic and aromatic metabolites, including fatty acids, lipids, prostaglandins, di/tripeptides, steroids and vitamins, thereby providing a straightforward entry point for metabolomics‐based studies. Limitations and requirements are discussed as well as extensions to the LC‐MS workflow to expand the range of detectable molecular classes without investing in dedicated instrumentation such as GC‐MS, CE‐MS or NMR.  相似文献   

The transitions from apes to lineages allied to humans are marked by shifts in the allocation of parental effort, associated with discontinuous changes in rates of infant and juvenile growth both prenatally and postnatally. Here, I assess growth and life history characteristics of apes within a general mammalian / primate paradigm, using time and energy expenditure as 2 fundamentals that covary with infant survival and success probabilities. I suggest that these survival probabilities depend on the quality, amount, and timing of parental care allocated to infants. Growth to birth, growth to weaning, and growth to reproductive onset are partitioned as separate periods within a life history on the basis of comparative mammalian data. Growth problems such as sexual dimorphism can be incorporated into an investment perspective by assessing when and how sex-specific parental care affects growth rates and the onset of reproduction. I compare features of the hominoid life history with developmental rates for hominin lineages as seen in dentition, and the fossil record of body and brain size changes over time. The links between parental effort and allocation of care to infant growth and survival generate speculative scenarios of sex-specific parental care allocation; I then explore hominin social evolution?—mating system and childhood—?for the lineages thought to lead to modern Homo, and for those that coexisted with ancestors of Homo.  相似文献   

The 3.5-Myr-old hominin cranium KNM-WT 40000 from Lomekwi, west of Lake Turkana, has been assigned to a new hominin genus and species, Kenyanthropus platyops, on the basis of a unique combination of derived facial and primitive neurocranial features. Central to the diagnosis of K. platyops is the morphology of the maxilla, characterized by a flat and relatively orthognathic subnasal region, anteriorly placed zygomatic processes and small molars. To study this morphology in more detail, we compare the maxillae of African Plio-Pleistocene hominin fossils and samples of modern humans, chimpanzees and gorillas, using conventional and geometric morphometric methods. Computed tomography scans and detailed preparation of the KNM-WT 40000 maxilla enable comprehensive assessment of post-mortem changes, so that landmark data characterizing the morphology can be corrected for distortion. Based on a substantially larger comparative sample than previously available, the results of statistical analyses show that KNM-WT 40000 is indeed significantly different from and falls outside the known range of variation of species of Australopithecus and Paranthropus, contemporary Australopithecus afarensis in particular. These results support the attribution of KNM-WT 40000 to a separate species and the notion that hominin taxonomic diversity in Africa extends back well into the Middle Pliocene.  相似文献   

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