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Energy consumption is critical for the energetically expensive processes related to reproduction, and thus, mechanisms that increase ingestive behavior are directly linked to reproductive success. Similarly, the mechanisms that inhibit hunger and ingestive behavior might be most adaptive when these mechanisms cause individuals to stop foraging, hoarding and eating in order to find and court potential mates. In the laboratory, ingestive behaviors are typically studied separately from reproductive behaviors even though it is likely that these behaviors evolved under conditions in which both food and mates were available. We examined the choice between paracopulatory and ingestive behaviors in a semi-natural environment in which both food and potential mates were available. Intact female Syrian hamsters showed a high preference for males on days 3 and 4 (day 4 being the day of ovulation and estrous behavior), and a 48-h period of food deprivation significantly decreased preference for sex and increased preference for eating and food hoarding on day 3 in 89% of the hamsters, although none became anestrous. The same period of food deprivation significantly decreased the level of vaginal marking without significant effects on plasma estradiol concentrations. Next, hamsters were either food deprived (FD) or fed ad libitum, and half of each group was treated with vehicle or the adipocyte hormone leptin. The percentage of females with a low preference for sex was significantly greater in the FD compared to the ad libitum-fed groups, and leptin treatment prevented this effect. Metabolic fuels, possibly acting through leptin and other hormones, might influence sensitivity to estradiol or enhance the downstream effects of estradiol, thereby increasing motivation for sex and decreasing the relative motivation to forage, hoard and eat food.  相似文献   

Effects of ovarian hormones on sex and ingestive behavior are well studied, and yet, their role in diverting attention from food to sex has not been examined directly, possibly because these functions are masked under conditions of excessive food abundance typical of the laboratory. Female Syrian hamsters were either fed ad libitum or food-restricted to 75% of their ad libitum intake for 8 days and then tested every day of the estrous cycle for their preference for males versus food, food hoarding and food intake in an apparatus designed to mimic aspects of their natural habitat. The food-restricted, but not the fed females, varied significantly over the estrous cycle in appetitive behaviors, which included their preference for males versus food and in the amount of food hoarded, with low food hoarding and high male preference on the night of ovulation. In contrast, there were no significant differences between restricted and ad libitum-fed females in the consummatory behaviors, namely, food intake or lordosis duration. In ovariectomized females, estradiol plus progesterone treatment delayed food restriction-stimulated hoarding and hastened feeding-inhibited hoarding without affecting food intake or lordosis duration. In summary, energy restriction and the presence of males unmasked an effect that was obscured in the normal laboratory conditions characterized by isolation and an over abundance of readily available food. These results are consistent with the idea that ovarian hormones orchestrate appetites for food and sex to optimize reproductive success under fluctuating energetic conditions.  相似文献   

During evolution, the ability to overeat and store the extra energy as glycogen and lipids in specialized tissues must have conferred a reproductive advantage by releasing animals from the need to eat constantly, enabling them to engage in behaviors that improved reproductive success. Mechanisms that inhibited ingestive behavior might have been most adaptive when they caused individuals to stop foraging, hoarding and eating in order to find and court potential mates. Conversely, the ability to abstain from reproductive activities to engage in foraging and eating was probably critical for individual survival during severe energetic challenges because reproductive processes are energetically costly and can be delayed until the energetic conditions improve. The mechanisms that control ingestive behavior most likely evolved under conditions in which both food and mates were available, and thus, our understanding might be limited by our narrow focus on food intake in animals isolated from potential mates, and reproductive behaviors in the absence of food. Our understanding of obesity and eating disorders will be enriched by the study of the choice between ingestive and reproductive behaviors and by a renewed attention to "reproductive" hormones such as gonadal steroids and hypothalamic releasing hormones. Furthermore, leptin and reproductive hormones have both organizational and activational effects on the energy balancing system including those mechanisms that control appetite, body fat content and body fat distribution. Understanding these organizational and activational effects on body fat distribution might lead to a better understanding of sex differences in the propensity to develop obesity, type II diabetes and eating disorders.  相似文献   

Play behavior in juvenile primates, rats and other species is sexually dimorphic, with males showing more play than females. In mice, sex differences in juvenile play have only been examined in out-bred CD-1 mice. In this strain, contrary to other animals, male mice display less play soliciting than females. Using an established same-sex dyadic interaction test, we examined play in in-bred C57BL/6J (B6) 21-day-old mice. When paired with non-siblings, males tended to be more social than females, spending more time exploring the test cage. Females displayed significantly more anogenital sniffing and solicited play more frequently than did males. To determine if the origin of the sex difference was sex chromosome genes or gonadal sex, next we used the four core genotype mouse. We found significant interactions between gonadal sex and genotype for several behaviors. Finally, we asked if sibling pairs (as compared to non-siblings) would display qualitatively or quantitatively different behavior. In fact, XX females paired with a sibling were more social and less exploratory or investigative, whereas XY males exhibited less investigative and play soliciting behaviors in tests with siblings. Many neurobehavioral disorders, like autism spectrum disorder (ASD), are sexually dimorphic in incidence and patients interact less than normal with other children. Our results suggest that sex chromosome genes interact with gonadal hormones to shape the development of juvenile social behavior, and that social context can drastically alter sex differences. These data may have relevance for understanding the etiology of sexually dimorphic disorders such as ASD.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of maternal separation in C57BL/6 male and female mice during infancy on later adult fear and anxiety behaviors. Additionally, we observed the maternal behavior of the dams to examine aspects of maternal care that may be modulated by daily bouts of separation. In males, mice that experienced maternal separation during the neonatal period displayed significantly higher levels of anxiety and fear behavior, as measured by the open field test and elevated plus maze, compared to control, standard facility reared males. In females, however, maternal separation reduced anxiety and fear behavior in the open field test, but only when the females were in the diestrous phase of their estrous cycle. The 30-min daily observation of the dams revealed that the separation did not significantly alter the frequency of the maternal care provided by the dam at the time point measured. These results indicate that the emotionality of adult male and female mice can be modulated by maternal separation. However, this effect is dependent on the sex of the offspring and the phase of the estrous cycle of the female.  相似文献   

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