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The determination of antibodies to the group-specific polysaccharide of group A meningococci (PS-A) in the saliva of 162 healthy persons at different seasons of the year revealed that antimeningococcal antibodies could be detected in all examines. The range of concentrations of antibodies to PS-A varied between 0.1 and 33.0 U/ml. The comparison of antibody content with the levels of morbidity in meningococcal infection and carriership made it possible to determine two threshold levels of antibody concentration: 9.0 U/ml and 18.0 U/ml.  相似文献   

The results of the work on the development of an enzyme immunoassay (EIA) system for the determination of secretory IgA (S-IgA) are presented. A first, S-IgA was isolated from human colostrum and used as the basis for obtaining biologically active immunosorbent; then antibodies to S-IgA were isolated and the specific conjugate was obtained. The determination of S-IgA was carried out by the method of sandwich EIA. The newly developed EIA system permitted the determination of S-IgA only, giving no positive reactions with serum immunoglobulins. The data thus obtained make it possible to regard this assay system as specific, sensitive and suitable for further trials.  相似文献   

Local immunity characteristics were studied in 130 young males; of these, 80 had been immunized with group A meningococcal vaccine. In nonstimulated saliva, collected prior to vaccination, then on days 7, 14 and 30 after vaccination, the levels of IgA antibodies to group A meningococcal group-specific polysaccharide (PS-A) were determined in the enzyme immunoassay, and secretory IgA and IgA, IgG, IgM were determined by Mancini's method. The study revealed that after the parenteral administration of group A meningococcal vaccine an increase in the concentrations of SIgA and IgA antibodies to PS-A occurred. The manifestation of changes in local immunity characteristics in response to meningococcal vaccine depended on the initial level of IgA antibodies to PS-A.  相似文献   

The utility of capillary electrophoresis (CE) has been demonstrated for the analysis of secretory immunoglobulin A (sIgA) in human saliva. The amount of sIgA in saliva correlates with immune status. For detecting salivary sIgA, laser-induced fluorescence was conducted in this report for signal amplification. sIgA and anti-sIgA antibody were labeled with cyanine fluorescence (Cy5) for competitive immunoassay and non-competitive analysis, respectively. Cy5 was excited by He-Ne laser with a wavelength of 635 nm, with maximum emission at 670 nm. Migration time during electrophoresis depended on whether sIgA-Cy5 was mixed with antibody or anti-sIgA-Cy5 mixed with sIgA to form Ag-Ab complex. The results indicated that CE competitive immunoassay was effective for analyzing serum sIgA, but not for salivary sIgA. However, salivary sIgA can be analyzed by complex formation assay. The peak area of the complex was proportional to the amount of sIgA added. A standard linear regression curve was generated using purified sIgA. From this standard curve, the amount of sIgA from saliva of either normal or immunocompromised patients can be calculated from the Ag-Ab complex peak area.  相似文献   

A rapid, sensitive, and quantitative radioimmunoassay for specific translation products was developed using Escherichia coli cells grown in 96-well microtiter plates. A simple and inexpensive apparatus that facilitates the simultaneous transfer of all 96 detergent-lysed cultures to nitrocellulose within 30 s is described. Following this quantitative transfer, selected proteins are screened using specific antisera and 125I-Protein A. The technique works with either cytoplasmic or membrane proteins. As little as a two- to threefold increase of a gene product over normal levels can easily be detected.  相似文献   

While isolating free secretory component (FSC) by monoclonal antibody affinity chromatography, we demonstrated FSC-IgG complexes in human milk. We hypothesized that IgG antibody to secretory component (SC) might be transported into the milk from the serum. We therefore examined sera from 10 normal adults and 10 infants for IgG capable of binding to FSC in an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Eight of 10 normal adult sera and nine of 10 infant sera demonstrated IgG binding to FSC with titers ranging from 1:54 to 1:4096. Quantitation of the IgG bound to FSC was hampered in adult sera by the binding of IgM and polymeric IgA to the FSC. Quantitation in five infant sera ranged from 0.5 to 6.4 micrograms/ml. A pepsin digest of an IgG fraction of serum demonstrated binding of the F(ab')2 fragments to the FSC. The specificity of the antibodies in human serum was evaluated by examining the binding to secretory IgA (sIgA) and FSC isolated from pooled human milk and polymeric IgA isolated from the ascitic fluid of a patient with an IgA myeloma. Eight of the 10 adults had antibody specific for FSC. Three of the eight, all female, also had antibody specific for sIgA. Two of the eight had antibody either to FSC and sIgA or to FSC plus an antibody that could bind to an epitope shared by sIgA and FSC. Competition experiments with monoclonal antibodies to human secretory component and sIgA were used to confirm and further define these specificities. The results of this study indicate that antibody to SC is common in normal adult and infant sera. The majority of antibodies seem to be directed against epitopes present on FSC but not on sIgA, which suggests sensitization to circulating or membrane-bound SC. The significance of these antibodies in normal human sera remains to be elucidated.  相似文献   

A method for determination of DNA contents in individual human chromosomes has been elaborated based of the two step analysis: 1) identification of chromosomes by Q-banding; 2) photographic microfluorimetry of chromosomes after the Feulgen staining (a fluorescent variant using a Schiff-type reagent of Auramine-SO2). The DNA content in 24 human chromosomes was calculated in absolute values (fg). The data obtained are compared with the evidence published elsewhere and provided by different cytophotometric methods.  相似文献   

A method is suggested for the determination of bacteria phospholipases in dense nutrient medium. The medium contains the egg-yolk solution, buffer pH 9.2, meat extract, calcium chloride and toluidine blue. The enzyme activity is estimated by the diameter value of the medium clarification zone around the bacterial mass inoculation by injection into an agar plate. It is possible to study 6-8 strains on one Petri dish. This method is a simple one and thus it can be used in the bacteriological practice when determining phospholipases of bacteria, especially in strains of those species where this enzyme is a pathogenicity factor.  相似文献   

Antibodies from IgA and IgM classes that recognize Naegleria fowleri (Nf) proteins were detected by the ELISA assay in serum and saliva from three groups of people: (i) subjects with upper respiratory tract infections (URTI) living in the parasite-endemic area, (ii) healthy persons from the same area, and (iii) healthy persons from a parasite-nonendemic area. In serum and in saliva the titers of IgA antibodies to Naegleria fowleri in the group of patients with URTI was significantly higher than that of the healthy group in the parasite-endemic area; also the titers of IgM antibodies in serum were significantly higher in patients. On the contrary, in saliva the antibodies were higher in healthy people from the parasite-endemic area. In all cases the subjects from the parasite-nonendemic area had lower antibody titers in serum and saliva.  相似文献   

A new, simplified methodology of preparation of lyophilized chrome-coated turkey blood cells (formalin-treated ) for rapid identification of tetanus antibodies in indirect hemagglutination test is described. Blood cells diagnostic preparations obtained in this way were easier and three times faster to prepare than tanned cell preparations . They maintained unchanged capability for specific agglutination during at least one year of storage when kept at 4 degrees C. proposed methodology enable to start a production of laboratory kits necessary for controlled prophylaxis of tetanus.  相似文献   

A method for the determination of the inorganic sulfate present in rat liver homogenates has been developed. In order to determine sulfate, a protein-free extract is required. The classical protein precipitation methods of preparing protein-free extracts gave 2.5–40% recovery of added 35SO42?. Separation of the protein by ultrafiltration gave only 29% recovery when 0.15 m KCl was the homogenizing medium. A homogenization medium containing 0.154 m NH4OH and 20 g EDTA per liter gave 102 ± 11% recovery of added 35SO42? when the protein was separated by ultrafiltration.  相似文献   

Concentration of immunoglobulins and titres of antibodies to Sh. sonnei, Sh. flexneri and enteropathogenic E. coli 0111 was determined in mixed saliva and the blood serum of patients suffering from Sonne dysentery, acute intestinal diseases of unknown etiology, and healthy individuals. The sum total immunoglobulin concentration in mixed saliva proved to be 53--81 times less than in the blood serum, but in the first substrate there was 53--75, and in the second--15% of immunoglobulin A. There proved to be distinct changes in the specific IgA-antibodies in the saliva of patients with Sonne dysentery. A preponderant accumulation of IgG-antibodies was noted in the blood serum. Elevation of both types of antibodies was maximal during the second week of the disease. Sonne dysentery was diagnosed in 80% of the patients by recording the intensity of shifts in the specific antibodies in the saliva, and in 63%--in the blood. The expediency of immunological testing of saliva for the diagnosis of dysentery is substantiated.  相似文献   

A radioimmunoassay for the determination of 6-keto-PGF1 alpha (stable metabolite of Prostacyclin) in urine using a specific antiserum, is described. The antibody used, showed no significant cross-reactivity with other PGS. (3H)-6-keto-PGF1 alpha has been used as tracer and a 30% Hydroxyapatite suspension was utilized for the separation of bound and free fractions. Standard curve ranges between 2 and 1000 pg thus allowing measurements in urine. Aliquots of 0.2 to 1 ml of 24 hours urinary samples were submitted to a preextraction step with Hexane in order to eliminate neutral fats. After acidifying with 0.1 N HCl to pH = 3.5-4, an Ethyl Ether extraction step was performed showing a recovery of 66%. Repeated analysis of a rat urine pool, showed 7.7 intraassay and 9.8 interassay variation coefficients. Values obtained amounted to 38.3 +/- 4.6 ng/24 h in normal rats and 133 +/- 32 ng/24 h in 5% NaCl loaded rats (p less than 0.001). The values obtained in healthy men were 508 +/- 94 ng/24 h and in women 375 +/- 136 (p less than 0.05).  相似文献   

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