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Binding of laminin to glycolipids of neuronal membranes was studied with a thin-layer chromatography overlay assay. The major brain ganglioside GD1A was the main binding component, when chromatograms containing the same molar amount of the different brain gangliosides and the brain sulfatide were incubated with laminin at physiological ionic strength. The possible role of laminin binding to brain gangliosides in laminin-neuron interactions was studied with adhesion assays. It was found that binding of rat brain neurons to laminin is blocked by 10-40 microM brain gangliosides but not by sulfatide. The inhibition by the gangliosides is suggested to be due to competition with the cell surface interaction sites of laminin and not to binding of the gangliosides to the cells. Our findings support the idea that the adhesive and neurite-promoting effect of laminin is dependent on its interaction with gangliosides at the neuronal cell surfaces.  相似文献   

Binding of interleukin 2 to gangliosides   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Exogenous gangliosides inhibit interleukin 2 (IL2)-dependent growth of a T cell line, AKIL -1.E8. IL2 activity is retained by columns of ganglioside covalently linked to poly(L-lysine)-agarose and is not eluted with ethylene glycol but is completely recovered by elution with 1% SDS. The ability of gangliosides to inhibit IL2 activity is directly related to the complexity of their carbohydrate portion, and related ceramide derivatives at similar concentrations do not inhibit IL2 activity. We conclude that IL2 bound to exogenous gangliosides is inactive and that the carbohydrate portion of the ganglioside is crucial to its interaction with IL2.  相似文献   

Binding of Clostridium botulinum neurotoxin to gangliosides   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The binding characteristics of Clostridium botulinum neurotoxins of types B, C1, and F to gangliosides was studied by thin layer chromatography plate and microtiter plate methods at low (10 mM NaCl in 10 mM Tris-HCl buffer, pH 7.2) or high (150 mM NaCl in 10 mM Tris-HCl buffer, pH 7.2) ionic strengths and at 0 or 37 degrees C. The three types of toxins bound exclusively to three kinds of gangliosides, GD1a, GD1b, and GT1b, in both the thin layer chromatography plate and the microtiter plate methods. Type C1 toxin bound to the three gangliosides under all the conditions, while type B and F toxins bound only at low ionic strength and 37 degrees C. At low ionic strength, the binding kinetics for the three toxins was monophasic in Scatchard plots, and the association constants obtained in the microtiter plate system were 2-4 X 10(8) M-1. In contrast, the binding kinetics of type C1 toxin in high ionic strength was biphasic in the Scatchard plot, and two association constants were obtained in the microtiter plate system. The heavy chain facilitated the binding of the toxin to the gangliosides. These results indicate that different types of botulinum toxins bind to the gangliosides under different optimal conditions and that gangliosides may not be the common receptor for all types of botulinum toxins. The gangliosides may bind to type C1 toxin together with other potential receptor(s) on synaptosomal membranes.  相似文献   

Binding of monoclonal antibody A2B5 to gangliosides   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Monoclonal antibody A2B5 (Eisenbarth et al, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. (1979, 76:4913-4917), which reacts with neurons, thymic epithelium and peptide-hormone secreting cells of several species, was reported to react specifically with brain tetrasialogangliosides. We have found that A2B5 binds to gangliosides GQ1b, GD3, GD2, disialolactoneotetraosylceramide, and probably to GT1a, when assayed by an immunostaining procedure that detects binding of antibody to gangliosides on a thin-layer plate. Additional data obtained by complement fixation revealed that this antibody reacted most strongly with ganglioside GQ1b almost as well with disialogangliosides GD3, GD2 and disialolactoneotetraosylceramide, weakly with GD1b and GT1b, and very weakly with GM3 and GD1a. These data indicate that A2B5 cannot be regarded as a specific reagent for the recognition of tetrasialogangliosides.  相似文献   

Ca(2+)-dependent ganglioside-binding protein was isolated from a soluble cytosol fraction of mouse brains using a ganglioside affinity column prepared with a mixture of bovine brain gangliosides. It was identified as calmodulin based on the following features identical with those of calmodulin: molecular weight, pI, chromatographic profile and amino acid sequences of lysyl-endopeptidase digests, and ability to activate cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase. Bovine brain calmodulin derivatized with 5-dimethylaminonaphthalene-1-sulfonyl (dansyl-calmodulin), tetramethylrhodamine isothiocyanate, or biotin was also shown to bind to the ganglioside affinity column Ca2+ dependently and elute with gangliosides GD1a, GD1b, GT1b, GQ1b, GM1, and GM2, melittin, and trifluoperazine but not with GgOse4Cer and oligosaccharides of GM1, GD1a, and GT1b. Modification of the Lys94 residue of calmodulin by biotinylation drastically reduced the capacity for ganglioside binding. Ganglioside GD1b caused a blue shift and increase in intensity of the fluorescence emission spectrum of dansyl-calmodulin in the presence of Ca2+. The increment in fluorescence was proportional to the amount of GD1b added and was maximal at the molar ratio of GD1b to calmodulin, approximately 7.8. Gangliosides are thus shown to specifically bind to calmodulin, and this binding may be a general mechanism for regulating calmodulin-dependent enzymes with consequent cellular response, such as cell differentiation.  相似文献   

The effect of K+, Mg2+ and serotonin on the interaction between Ca2+ and different phospholipids as well as glycosphingolipids (gangliosides) was studied by equilibrium dialysis using 45Ca as tracer. The highly polar phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate (TPI) was found to bind more Ca2+ per lipid molecule than all other lipids tested and Ca2+ could not be released as easily as in the other lipids by K+, Mg2+ and serotonin. Ca2+ is released from all lipid-Ca2+ complexes most effectively by Mg2+, serotonin is less effective but enhances K+ in its capacity to displace Ca2+ from the respective binding sites. A remarkable dissociating influence of serotonin on ganglioside-Ca2+ and phosphatidylserine-Ca2+ complexes is observed. This effect is less pronounced with phosphatidylinositol-Ca2+ complexes under comparable comparable conditions. The possible functional role of phospholipids and gangliosides in vivo is discussed with regard to the specific Ca2+-binding properties of these lipids.  相似文献   

The cytochemical reaction for surface-bound horseradish peroxidase (HRP) on cultured HeLa cells, GH3 cells, and isolated rat liver cells was suppressed by 30 microM monosialoganglioside, by 30 microM trisialoganglioside, or by 5 mM CMP-neuraminic acid. The reaction was also suppressed by 10 mM chitotriose or by 10 mM UDP-galactose, a galactose acceptor and donor, respectively, for galactosyl-transferase. The addition of 2 mM Mn2+ to the incubation medium with HRP suppressed the reaction for surface-bound HRP, and the addition of 10-20 mM Ca2+ intensified the reaction. The addition of 2 mM Zn2+ caused less inhibition than that of 2 mM Mn2+, and the addition of 2 mM Co2+ caused either a slight inhibition, or no inhibition. These observations support the hypothesis that HRP may be bound to a glycosyltransferase at the cell surface.  相似文献   

Exogenously added gangliosides were taken up and incorporated into liposomes just as they are incorporated into cells. Ganglioside GM1 was rapidly taken up by liposomes containing dimyristoyl- or dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine, cholesterol and dicetyl phosphate. When incubated with a wide range of GM1 concentrations for 18 h, the liposomes incorporated about 10% of the added ganglioside. The rate of GM1 uptake by preformed liposomes was both time- and temperature-dependent. The liposomes also incorporated other gangliosides to a similar extent. The GM1 taken up by preformed liposomes was predominantly located on the outer surface of the liposomes and did not appear to be internalized into the inner half of the lipid bilayer. Liposomes containing GM1 added after liposome formation bound as many anti-GM1 antibodies and as much choleragen as liposomes having GM1 added during the formation of the lipid bilayers. Thus, preformed liposomes sensitized by incubation with GM1 are a good model system for studying the interactions of antibodies and toxins with membrane-associated gangliosides.  相似文献   

Human fibroblasts, cultured in medium containing 10% fetal calf serum, responded dramatically to choleragen with an increase in cyclic adenosine monophosphate content to greater than 48 times basal levels. Analysis of these cells for gangliosides indicated that the major ganglioside was N-acetylneuraminylgalactosylglucosylceramide (GM3) with trace amounts (less than or equal to 100 pmol/mg of protein) of other gangliosides including GM1, the putative choleragen receptor. Although the cells contained three glycosyltransferases required for ganglioside synthesis, the N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase activity necessary for the conversion of GM3 to more complex gangliosides was not detected. When the cells were grown in medium containing [14C]galactose or N-acety[3H]mannosamine, however, all of the gangliosides became labeled, indicating that the cells can synthesize complex gangliosides. Although fetal calf serum contains gangliosides including GM1, [3H]GM1 was taken up poorly from the growth medium and uptake at the rate observed could have accounted for less than 2% of the GM1 content of the cells. When the cells were incubated in chemically defined medium containing [3H]GM1 at the concentrations present in fetal calf serum, rapid uptake of the ganglioside occurred and the total GM1 content of the cells increased threefold in less than 3 h. Thus, although the cells are capable of binding exogenous gangliosides, the gangliosides in fetal calf serum are in a form not readily available to the cells.  相似文献   

1. After injection of [6-(3)H]glucosamine into 8-day-old rats it was found that all the major brain gangliosides and their sialyl groups were labelled at essentially the same rate, except the hematoside, which was the least labelled. In 18-day-old rats it was found that the two major gangliosides with the sialyl (2-->8)-sialyl linkage, and their sialyl groups were more labelled than the hematoside, the Tay-Sachs ganglioside, the other two major gangliosides and their respective sialyl groups. 2. No difference was found in any of the cases studied between the specific radioactivities of the neuraminidase-resistant and -labile sialyl groups belonging to the same ganglioside. The same was found for the specific radioactivities of the galactosyl groups proximal and distal to the ceramide moiety of total brain gangliosides from rats injected with [U-(14)C]glucose. From this it was concluded that partial turnover of the ganglioside molecule does not occur. 3. A model for the synthesis of gangliosides is presented that accounts for results from previous experiments in vitro and the lack of precursor-product relationships observed in experiments in vivo.  相似文献   

On the loss of gangliosides by dialysis   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
The Gangliosides represent a family of sialic acidcontaining sphingoglycolipids which have ceramide (N-acyl-sphingosine) as the basic hydrophobic portion (Svennerholm , 1972). A heteropolysaccharide is glycosidically linked through the primary hydroxyl group of ceramide and the aldehyde of glucose. There are usually three or four different carbohydrates and up to a total of seven in the chain. The isolated gangliosides are soluble both in organic and aqueous solvents presumably because of their content of both hydrophobic and hydrophilic groups. The most commonly employed extraction procedure is based upon their solubility in chloroform-methanol (2: 1, v/v) and subsequent partitioning into an aqueous methanol phase (FOLCH, LEES and SLOANE-STANLEY, 1957). This methanolic solution is then dialysed against water to remove small molecular-weight contaminants. This paper reports the loss of gangliosides upon dialysis when they are present at low concentrations. Gangliosides were prepared from fresh calf brain as previously described (Kanfer , 1969) and contained 25-25% GMl, as judged by quantitative thin-layer chromatography (Suzuki , 1964). GM2 was prepared from this material by treatment with neuraminidase as previously described (Kolodny , Brady , Quirk and Kanfer , 1970) and purified by the procedure of Winterbourne (1971). GM2 was isolated from brain tissue of a Tay-Sachs child provided by Dr. B. Volk. Thin-layer chromatography was carried out on Analtech Silica Gel G plates (Analtech Co., Wilmington, Del.) with chloroformmethanol-2.5 N NH4OH (60 : 30 : 8, by vol.) as developing solvent. Total sialic acid was quantified by the resorcinol procedure according to Suzuki (1964). Duplicate known quantities of gangliosides were dissolved in 2 ml of methanol 41 M KCI(1 : 1, v/v) and dialysed overnight in untreated Visking tubing (0.22-in. dia.; Fisher Scientific Co., Pittsburgh, Pa.; Cat. No. 1000) against a 500-fold vol. of distilled water at 4°C. The contents of the sacs were removed and the total volume was measured; a 10-1 5 per cent increase in volume was usually observed. Portions were analysed in duplicate for total sialic acid content, and the remainder was lyophilized for examination by TLC.  相似文献   

Blood-group-Ii-active gangliosides of human erythrocyte membranes.   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
More than ten new types of gangliosides, in addition to haematoside and sialosylparagloboside, were isolated from human erythrocyte membranes. These were separated by successive chromatographies on DEAE-Sephadex, on porous silica-gel columns and on thin-layer silica gel as acetylated compounds. Highly potent blood-group-Ii and moderate blood-group-H activities were demonstrated in some of the ganglioside fractions. The gangliosides incorporated into cholesterol/phosphatidylcholine liposomes stoicheiometrically inhibited binding of anti-(blood-group I and i) antibodies to a radioiodinated blood-group-Ii-active glycoprotein. The fraction with the highest blood-group-I-activity, I(g) fraction, behaved like sialosyl-deca- to -dodeca-glycosylceramides on t.l.c. Certain blood-group-I and most of the -i determinants were in partially or completely cryptic form and could be unmasked by sialidase treatment. Thus the I and i antigens, which are known to occur on internal structures of blood-group-ABH-active glycoproteins in secretions, also occur in the interior of the carbohydrate chains of erythrocyte gangliosides.  相似文献   

Lysosomal sialidase, which was formerly believed to degrade only water-soluble substrates but not glycolipids, cleaves ganglioside substrates II3NeuNAc-LacCer, IV3NeuNAc, II3NeuNAc-GgOse4Cer, IV3 NeuNAc, II3(NeuNAc)2-GgOse4Cer when these are dispersed either with an appropriate detergent (taurodeoxycholate) or with the sulfatide activator protein, a physiologic lipid solubilizer required for the lysosomal hydrolysis of other glycolipids by water-soluble hydrolases. In the presence of the activator protein, time and protein dependence were linear within wide limits, while the detergent rapidly inactivated the enzyme. The disialo group of the b-series gangliosides was only poorly attacked by the enzyme when the lipids were dispersed with the activator protein, whereas in the presence of the detergent, they were hydrolyzed as fast as terminal sialic acid residues. With the appropriate assay method, significant ganglioside sialidase activity could be demonstrated in the secondary lysosome fraction of normal skin fibroblasts but not of sialidosis fibroblasts. Our results support the notion that there is only one lysosomal sialidase, which degrades both the water-soluble and the membrane-bound sialyl glycoconjugates.  相似文献   

We have investigated the conformational changes of Newcastle disease virus (NDV) glycoproteins in response to receptor binding, using 1,1-bis(4-anilino)naphthalene-5,5-disulfonic acid (bis-ANS) as a hydrophobicity-sensitive probe. Temperature- and pH-dependent conformational changes were detected in the presence of free bovine gangliosides. The fluorescence of bis-ANS was maximal at pH 5. The binding of bis-ANS to NDV was not affected by chemicals that denature the fusion glycoprotein, such as reducing agents, nor by the presence of neuraminidase inhibitors such as N-acetyl neuramicic acid. Gangliosides partially inhibited fusion and hemadsorption, but not neuraminidase hemagglutinin-neuraminidase glycoprotein (HN) activity. A conformational intermediate of HN, triggered by the presence of gangliosides acting as receptor mimics, was detected. Our results indicate that, upon binding to free gangliosides, HN undergoes a certain conformational change that does not affect the fusion glycoprotein.  相似文献   

De novo synthesis and excretion into perfusate and bile fluid of hepatic gangliosides were studied in isolated perfused rat livers. Addition of N-acetyl-[6-3H(n)]D-mannosamine to the perfusate resulted in radioactive synthesis of at least eight gangliosides labeled in their sialic acid residues. About 10% of total de novo synthesized gangliosides were excreted into the perfusate, less than 1% into the bile fluid. Labeled gangliosides were tentatively identified by cochromatography with known standards. All of them are known to occur in rat liver and sera. The results indicate that most, if not all, normal serum gangliosides are synthesized in the liver; excretion with bile fluid is negligible. They explain previous observations, and indicate clinical implications, which are discussed.  相似文献   

A liquid-liquid partition chromatographic technique was applied to separate amphiphilic glycolipids. A two-phase solvent system composed of n-butanol-t-butyl methyl ether-acetonitrile-water at a volume ratio of 3:1:1:5 was found to be suitable for separating the gangliosides from total lipids extracted from rat brain by liquid-liquid partition chromatographic systems, namely centrifugal partition chromatography (CPC) and high-speed counter-current chromatography. GM1 could be separated rapidly by using the upper phase as stationary phase for both systems. Moreover, various kinds of gangliosides (GM1, GD1a, GD1b, GT1b) could be separated individually by using the lower phase as stationary phase by CPC. The sample can be recovered without loss by these systems.  相似文献   

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