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1. The maximum possible efficiency at which living systems are able to convert input nutrients to their own biomass is between 70 and 80 %. 2. Conversion efficiency in bacteria, protozoa and metazoan cells in culture approximates more closely to 60%. 3. Conversion efficiency during embryonic development begins below 60% and rises above this level in the later stages. 4. Very young, post-natal organisms have high net efficiencies; 50 to 70% in homeotherms and 50 to 80 % in poikilotherms. 5. In cellular systems, capable of proliferation, conversion efficiency is independent of food supply. This means that conversion is directly dependent on nutrient supply. 6. Control of growth at the tissue level may occur through the control of the supply of nutrients to the tissues and its entry into the cells. 7. Compensatory growth, after and during undernutrition, involves increased absorption efficiency and reduced metabolic costs.  相似文献   



The utilization of dissolved organic compounds in Swartvlei was measured by the addition of single concentrations of 14C-labelled acetate and glucose to water samples, The results indicated acetate uptake was greatest in the aerobic zone while glucose was predominantly utilized in the anaerobic zone. With the exception of two months, integral glucose uptake was usually greater than the uptake of acetate. In August and September 1971 acetate was indicated as being utilized predominantly by flagellates and in December 1971 by dinoflagellates. During the remainder of the study, bacteria were assumed to be responsible for the uptake of acetate. The extensive weed beds which surround the upper reaches of Swartvlei may be a major source of acetate and glucose in the pelagic water column.  相似文献   

用活性污泥处理工业废水和生活污水是目前应用很广泛的一种生物处理法。此法近年来在我国已逐渐推广应用和发展,但对在处理过程中起主导作用的细菌却缺乏系统的研究。我们于1972年5月到12月对武汉印染厂废水处理场活性污泥中的微生物进行了一些观察,初步研究了好气性异养细菌的优势种类和数量,进行了一些菌株去除有机物能力的试验,希望通过这项工作取得生物处理中细菌学的资料,为进一步研究生物处理的原理和解决生产实践问题提供理论基础。    相似文献   

《Journal of phycology》2001,37(Z3):50-50
Van Alstyne, K. L. Shannon Point Marine Center, Western Washington University, 1900 Shannon Point Road, Anacortes, WA 98221 USA Ulvoid green macroalgae, such as Enteromorpha and Ulva, can form large blooms that have deleterious impacts on the local biota. These algae are often assumed to be very palatable for most invertebrate and vertebrate herbivores because they lack obvious physical defenses, and because there have been few reports of their producing chemical defenses. However, in laboratory feeding preference assays, the ulvoid macroalgae Enteromorpha linza and Ulva fenestrata were low preference foods for green sea urchins, Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis. Both these algae and several other species of green algae produce large quantities of dimethylsulphoniopropionate (DMSP), which is enzymatically converted to dimethyl sulfide (DMS) and acrylic acid when the algae are physically damaged. In laboratory bioassays, both DMS and acrylic acid were potent feeding deterrents towards urchins at concentrations that the urchins would be likely to encounter in the field. The precursor in this system, DMSP, was a feeding attractant. Our data provide evidence that DMSP functions as a precursor in an activated defense system in marine macroalgae and suggests a similar function in phytoplankton. The presence of this activated defense system may contribute to the persistence of macroalgal blooms by making these algae unpalatable to some species of herbivores.  相似文献   

光合抑制剂DCMU对异养生长蓝藻叶绿素合成的作用   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
与被子植物不同,蓝藻叶绿素的合成存在依赖于光和不依赖于光的两条途径1,故异养生长的蓝藻在黑暗条件下同样合成叶绿素。在不同营养条件下,蓝藻的叶绿素合成也相对稳定,其含量常作为生物量的指标。已知DCMU是一种光合作用抑制剂,阻断光系统向质体醌的电子传递。有报道显示,DCMU可调控蓝藻Calothrix的细胞分化2。但DCMU对于蓝藻叶绿素合成的作用从未见报道。在对表达glk和lac ZYA基因蓝藻的异养生长研究中3,作者发现DCMU显著抑制丝状固氮蓝藻的叶绿素合成,而对单细胞蓝藻没有影响。    相似文献   

三北地区内陆盐水的原生动物   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
1990-1991年在三北地区盐度0.57-214‰的28个内陆水体,采集了162号浮游动物水样.共见到原生动物58种,其中肉足虫13种,纤毛虫45种.结果表明,原生动物,特别是纤毛虫类是内陆盐水浮游动物群落结构的重要组成部分,在一些超盐水体往往密度较大,有时成为优势种.随着盐度升高,原生动物总种数和多样性指数均趋于减小,而其密度和生物量却显着增大.文中讨论了内陆盐水原生动物区系的种类组成和分布及其与环境因子的关系.    相似文献   

1999年4-8月从武昌东湖PFU样本中分离纯化了两种异养性鞭毛虫,对四种不同浓度Ceraphyl培养液中的种群增长进行了比较研究,结果表明这两种异养性鞭毛虫种群的数量动态显著不同,聚滴虫在四种浓度Ceraphyl培养液中均呈逻辑斯谛增长;而舞行波豆虫在四种浓度Ceraphyl培养液中的增长曲线均为抛物线。拟合组建了种群增长方程,并论证了方程可信度及其参数的生态学意义。  相似文献   

A review of our whale observations of more than 25 years indicated that each of the species commonly observed within 35 km of Cape Cod reacted differently to stimuli from human activities, and that these responses have gradually changed with time. Over the years of exposure to ships, for example, minke whales ( Balaenoptera acutorostrata ) have changed from frequent positive interest to generally uninterested reactions, finback whales ( B. physalus ) have changed from mostly negative to uninterested reactions, right whales ( Eubalaena glacialis ) have apparently continued the same variety of responses with little change, and humpbacks ( Megaptera novaeangliae ) have dramatically changed from mixed responses that were often negative to often strongly positive reactions. These reactions appeared to result mostly from three types of stimuli: primarily underwater sound, then light reflectivity, and tactile sensation. The whale reactions were related to their assessment of the stimuli as attractive, uninteresting or disturbing, their assessment of the movements of the sources of the stimuli relative to their own positions, and their assessment of the occurrence of stimuli as expected or unexpected. Whale reactions were modified by their previous experience and current activity: habituation often occurred rapidly, attention to other stimuli or preoccupation with other activities sometimes overcame their interest or wariness of stimuli, and inactivity seemed to allow whales to notice and react to stimuli that otherwise might have been ignored. The changes over time in the reactions of whales to stimuli from human activities were gradual and constantly varying with increased exposure to these activities.  相似文献   

This study used the tremendous biochemical and ecological diversity of macroalgae to assess nitrogen and phosphorus availability at a broad, ecosystem-level scale in the Florida Keys and nearby waters. Spatial variation in tissue nutrients (carbon, C; nitrogen, N; phosphorus, P) of dominant macroalgae were assessed, both as ratios and absolute values, along 12 inshore-offshore transects in the Florida Keys and at 10 stations in nearby Florida Bay. The resulting detailed analysis demonstrated spatial and temporal patterns in macroalgal tissue nutrients. The transect data revealed no universal inshore-offshore patterns in tissue nutrients and no obvious "hotspots" of nutrient enrichment. Similarly, when data were compared among segments, there was no universal geographical pattern in tissue nutrients for all species. The most striking result was that the N and P status of macroalgae in Florida Bay was significantly different than other locations. Macroalgae collected from Florida Bay generally had higher N and lower P levels than algae collected elsewhere. The most common inshore-offshore pattern was higher %N and lower %P availability inshore; however, limited inshore-offshore differences in N:P ratio suggests that both nutrients were generally readily available in proportional amounts required by the various species. Most species in this study had higher %N, and to a lesser extent, higher %P and %C in March than in July. Based on the published literature on other species of macroalgae, it appears that N and P are generally available in sufficient quantities that most macroalgal growth is not limited by either nutrient.  相似文献   

凤眼莲根区异养细菌的群落特征与异养活性的研究   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
本文研究了凤眼莲根区(根际与根面)异养细菌的群落特征与异养活性。从根区分离出24株优势菌,经鉴定有10个属。其中以气单胞菌属、微球菌属、假单胞菌属、土壤杆菌属和芽孢杆菌属为主要菌属。细菌总数:根际>根面>水体。异养活性以氧化葡萄糖的速率计算。在30℃和pH7.0的条件下。根区菌群都显示较高的活性,且按下列顺序增强:老根区菌群>幼根区菌群>枯根区菌群;而根面菌群活性均大于根际菌群。但在10℃和pH5.0、8.6时,其活性明显地受到抑制。  相似文献   

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