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Telomere shortening in normal human cells causes replicative senescence, a p53-dependent growth arrest state, which is thought to represent an innate defence against tumour progression. However, although it has been postulated that critical telomere loss generates a 'DNA damage' signal, the signalling pathway(s) that alerts cells to short dysfunctional telomeres remains only partially defined. We show that senescence in human fibroblasts is associated with focal accumulation of gamma-H2AX and phosphorylation of Chk2, known mediators of the ataxia-telangiectasia mutated regulated signalling pathway activated by DNA double-strand breaks. Both these responses increased in cells grown beyond senescence through inactivation of p53 and pRb, indicating that they are driven by continued cell division and not a consequence of senescence. gamma-H2AX (though not Chk2) was shown to associate directly with telomeric DNA. Furthermore, inactivation of Chk2 in human fibroblasts led to a fall in p21(waf1) expression and an extension of proliferative lifespan, consistent with failure to activate p53. Thus, Chk2 forms an essential component of a common pathway signalling cell cycle arrest in response to both telomere erosion and DNA damage.  相似文献   

The Cdc14 family of serine-threonine phosphatases antagonizes CDK activity by reversing CDK-dependent phosphorylation events. It is well established that the yeast members of this family bring about the M/G1 transition. Budding yeast Cdc14 is essential for CDK inactivation at the end of mitosis and fission yeast Cdc14 homologue Flp1/Clp1 down-regulates Cdc25 to ensure the inactivation of mitotic CDK complexes to trigger cell division. However, the functions of human Cdc14 homologues remain poorly understood. Here we have tested the hypothesis that Cdc14A might regulate Cdc25 mitotic inducers in human cells. We found that increasing levels of Cdc14A delay entry into mitosis by inhibiting Cdk1-cyclin B1 activity. By contrast, lowering the levels of Cdc14A accelerates mitotic entry. Biochemical analyses revealed that Cdc14A acts through key Cdk1-cyclin B1 regulators. We observed that Cdc14A directly bound to and dephosphorylated Cdc25B, inhibiting its catalytic activity. Cdc14A also regulated the activity of Cdc25A at the G2/M transition. Our results indicate that Cdc14A phosphatase prevents premature activation of Cdk1 regulating Cdc25A and Cdc25B at the entry into mitosis.  相似文献   

The proto-oncogene Pim-1 encodes a serine-threonine kinase which is a downstream effector of cytokine signaling and can enhance cell cycle progression by altering the activity of several cell cycle regulators among them the G1 specific inhibitor p21(Waf), the phosphatase Cdc25A and the kinase C-TAK1. Here, we demonstrate by using biochemical assays that Pim-1 can interact with the phosphatase Cdc25C and is able to directly phosphorylate the N-terminal region of the protein. Cdc25C is functionally related to Cdc25A but acts specifically at the G2/M cell cycle transition point and can be inactivated by C-TAK1-mediated phosphorylation. Immuno-fluorescence experiments showed that Pim-1 and Cdc25C co-localize in the cytoplasm of both epithelial and myeloid cells. We find that phosphorylation by Pim-1 enhances the phosphatase activity of Cdc25C and in transfected cells that are arrested in G2/M by bleomycin, Pim-1 can enhance progression into G1. Therefore, we propose that Pim-1 activates Cdc25C by a direct phosphorylation and can thereby assume the function of a positive cell cycle regulator at the G2/M transition.  相似文献   

The cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p21 is required for a sustained G(2) arrest after activation of the DNA damage checkpoint. Here we have addressed the mechanism by which p21 can contribute to this arrest in G(2). We show that p21 blocks the activating phosphorylation of Cdc2 on Thr(161). p21 does not interfere with the dephosphorylation of two inhibitory phosphorylation sites on Cdc2, Thr(14) and Tyr(15), indicating that p21 targets a different event in Cdc2 activation as the well described DNA damage checkpoint pathway involving Chk1 and Cdc25C. Taken together our data show that a cell is equipped with at least two independent pathways to ensure efficient inhibition of Cdc2 activity in response to DNA damage, influencing both positive and negative regulatory phosphorylation events on Cdc2.  相似文献   

Turning off the G2 DNA damage checkpoint   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

To maintain genomic integrity DNA damage response (DDR), signaling pathways have evolved that restrict cellular replication and allow time for DNA repair. CCNG2 encodes an unconventional cyclin homolog, cyclin G2 (CycG2), linked to growth inhibition. Its expression is repressed by mitogens but up-regulated during cell cycle arrest responses to anti-proliferative signals. Here we investigate the potential link between elevated CycG2 expression and DDR signaling pathways. Expanding our previous finding that CycG2 overexpression induces a p53-dependent G(1)/S phase cell cycle arrest in HCT116 cells, we now demonstrate that this arrest response also requires the DDR checkpoint protein kinase Chk2. In accord with this finding we establish that ectopic CycG2 expression increases phosphorylation of Chk2 on threonine 68. We show that DNA double strand break-inducing chemotherapeutics stimulate CycG2 expression and correlate its up-regulation with checkpoint-induced cell cycle arrest and phospho-modification of proteins in the ataxia telangiectasia mutated (ATM) and ATM and Rad3-related (ATR) signaling pathways. Using pharmacological inhibitors and ATM-deficient cell lines, we delineate the DDR kinase pathway promoting CycG2 up-regulation in response to doxorubicin. Importantly, RNAi-mediated blunting of CycG2 attenuates doxorubicin-induced cell cycle checkpoint responses in multiple cell lines. Employing stable clones, we test the effect that CycG2 depletion has on DDR proteins and signals that enforce cell cycle checkpoint arrest. Our results suggest that CycG2 contributes to DNA damage-induced G(2)/M checkpoint by enforcing checkpoint inhibition of CycB1-Cdc2 complexes.  相似文献   

The Cdc25C phosphatase is a key activator of Cdc2/cyclin B that controls M-phase entry in eukaryotic cells. Here we discuss the regulation of Cdc25C by phosphorylation during the meiotic maturation of Xenopus oocytes. In G2 arrested oocytes, Cdc25C is phosphorylated on Ser287 and associated with 14-3-3 proteins. Entry of the oocytes into M-phase of meiosis is triggered by progesterone, which activates a signaling pathway leading to the dephosphorylation of Ser287, probably mediated by the PP1 phosphatase. The activation of Cdc25C during oocyte maturation correlates also with its phosphorylation on multiple sites. These phosphorylations involve several signaling pathways, including Polo kinases and MAP kinases, and might require also the inhibition of the PP2A phosphatase. Finally, Cdc25C is further phosphorylated by its substrate Cdc2/cyclin B, as part of an auto-amplification loop that ensures the high Cdc2/cyclin B activity level required to drive the oocyte through the meiotic cell cycle.  相似文献   

Maintenance of genome integrity requires a checkpoint that restrains mitosis in response to DNA damage [1]. This checkpoint is enforced by Chk1, a protein kinase that targets Cdc25 [2--7]. Phosphorylated Cdc25 associates with 14-3-3 proteins, which appear to occlude a nuclear localization signal (NLS) and thereby inhibit Cdc25 nuclear import [6, 8--14]. Proficient checkpoint arrest is thought to require Cdc25 nuclear exclusion, although definitive evidence for this model is lacking. We have tested this hypothesis in fission yeast. We show that elimination of an NLS in Cdc25 causes Cdc25 nuclear exclusion and a mitotic delay, as predicted by the model. Attachment of an exogenous NLS forces nuclear inclusion of Cdc25 in damaged cells. However, forced nuclear localization of Cdc25 fails to override the damage checkpoint. Thus, nuclear exclusion of Cdc25 is unnecessary for checkpoint enforcement. We propose that direct inhibition of Cdc25 phosphatase activity by Chk1, as demonstrated in vitro with fission yeast and human Chk1 [15, 16], is sufficient for proficient checkpoint regulation of Cdc25 and may be the primary mechanism of checkpoint enforcement in fission yeast.  相似文献   

Activation of the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway by growth factors or phorbol esters during G2 phase delays entry into mitosis; however, the role of the MAPK pathway during G2/M progression remains controversial. Here, we demonstrate that activation of the MAPK pathway with either epidermal growth factor or 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate induces a G2 phase delay independent of known G2 phase checkpoint pathways but was specifically dependent on MAPK/extracellular signal-regulated kinase kinase (MEK1). Activation of MAPK signaling also blocked exit from a G2 phase checkpoint arrest. Both the G2 phase delay and blocked exit from the G2 checkpoint arrest were mediated by the MEK1-dependent destabilization of the critical G2/M regulator cdc25B. Reintroduction of cdc25B overcame the MEK1-dependent G2 phase delay. Thus, we have demonstrated a new function for MEK1 that controls G2/M progression by regulating the stability of cdc25B. This represents a novel mechanism by which factors that activate MAPK signaling can influence the timing of entry into mitosis, particularly exit from a G2 phase checkpoint arrest.  相似文献   

cdc25C is a phosphatase which regulates the activity of the mitosis promoting factor cyclin B/cdk1 by dephosphorylation, thus triggering G(2)/M transition. The activity and the sub-cellular localisation of cdc25C are regulated by phosphorylation. It is well accepted that cdc25C has to enter the nucleus to activate the cyclin B/cdk1 complex at G(2)/M transition. Here, we will show that cdc25C is located in the cytoplasm at defined dense structures, which according to immunofluorescence analysis, electron microscopy as well as biochemical subfractionation, are proven to be the centrosomes. Since cyclin B and cdk1 are also located at the centrosomes, this subfraction of cdc25C might participate in the control of the onset of mitosis suggesting a further role for cdc25C at the centrosomes.  相似文献   

Using chemical genetics to reversibly inhibit Cdk1, we find that cells arrested in late G2 are unable to delay mitotic entry after irradiation. Late G2 cells detect DNA damage lesions and form γ-H2AX foci but fail to activate Chk1. This reflects a lack of DNA double-strand break processing because late G2 cells fail to recruit RPA (replication protein A), ATR (ataxia telangiectasia and Rad3 related), Rad51, or CtIP (C-terminal interacting protein) to sites of radiation-induced damage, events essential for both checkpoint activation and initiation of DNA repair by homologous recombination. Remarkably, inhibition of Akt/PKB (protein kinase B) restores DNA damage processing and Chk1 activation after irradiation in late G2. These data demonstrate a previously unrecognized role for Akt in cell cycle regulation of DNA repair and checkpoint activation. Because Akt/PKB is frequently activated in many tumor types, these findings have important implications for the evolution and therapy of such cancers.  相似文献   

Induction of G(2)/M phase transition in mitotic and meiotic cell cycles requires activation by phosphorylation of the protein phosphatase Cdc25. Although Cdc2/cyclin B and polo-like kinase (PLK) can phosphorylate and activate Cdc25 in vitro, phosphorylation by these two kinases is insufficient to account for Cdc25 activation during M phase induction. Here we demonstrate that p42 MAP kinase (MAPK), the Xenopus ortholog of ERK2, is a major Cdc25 phosphorylating kinase in extracts of M phase-arrested Xenopus eggs. In Xenopus oocytes, p42 MAPK interacts with hypophosphorylated Cdc25 before meiotic induction. During meiotic induction, p42 MAPK phosphorylates Cdc25 at T48, T138, and S205, increasing Cdc25's phosphatase activity. In a mammalian cell line, ERK1/2 interacts with Cdc25C in interphase and phosphorylates Cdc25C at T48 in mitosis. Inhibition of ERK activation partially inhibits T48 phosphorylation, Cdc25C activation, and mitotic induction. These findings demonstrate that ERK-MAP kinases are directly involved in activating Cdc25 during the G(2)/M transition.  相似文献   

The G2 to M phase transition in perch oocytes is regulated by maturation promoting factor (MPF), a complex of Cdc2 and cyclin B. In Anabas testudineus, a fresh water perch, 17 alpha,20 beta-dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one, the maturation inducing hormone (MIH), induced complete germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD) of oocytes at 21 h. An unusual cyclin, p30 cyclin B, has been identified in oocyte extract using both monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies. Surprisingly, Cdc2 could not be identified, although a Northern blot with Cdc2 cDNA demonstrated expression of the gene. Purification of MPF through an immunoaffinity column followed by SDS-PAGE showed three proteins, Cdc2, cyclin B, and a 20 kDa fragment, indicating earlier failure in immunodetection may be due to the interference by this fragment. In uninduced oocytes, p30 cyclin B was present, and its expression was increased by MIH. MIH increased p30 cyclin B accumulation at 3 h, a high level which was maintained between 9 and 21 h, but an effective increase in GVBD and H1 kinase activation could only be observed between 15 and 21 h. This delay in active MPF formation was found to be related to the activation of Cdc25, phosphorylation of which was detected at 12 h, and a substantial increase occurred during 15-18 h. Sodium orthovanadate, a tyrosine phosphatase inhibitor, inhibited H1 kinase activity and GVBD, suggesting the requirement of Cdc25 activity in MPF activation. Our results show occurrence of pre-MPF in uninduced oocytes and its conversion to active MPF requires dephosphorylation by Cdc25, the existence of which has not yet been shown in fish.  相似文献   

Proliferating eukaryotic cells possess checkpoint mechanisms that block cell division in the presence of unreplicated or damaged DNA. Using cell-free extracts from Xenopus eggs, we have investigated the mechanisms underlying the inability of a recombinant Cdc2/cyclin B complex to induce mitosis in the presence of incompletely replicated DNA. We found that the activities of the kinases and phosphatases that regulate the major phosphorylation sites on Cdc2 (e.g., tyrosine 15, threonine 14, and threonine 161) are not altered significantly under conditions where Xenopus extracts remain stably arrested in interphase due to the presence of the replication inhibitor aphidicolin. However, at threshold concentrations, a Cdc2/cyclin B complex containing a mutant Cdc2 subunit that cannot be phosphorylated on either tyrosine 15 or threonine 14 displays a markedly reduced capacity to induce mitosis in the presence of aphidicolin. This observation indicates that the replication checkpoint in Xenopus egg extracts functions without the inhibitory tyrosine and threonine phosphorylation of Cdc2. We provide evidence that the checkpoint-dependent suppression of the Cdc2/cyclin B complex involves a titratable inhibitor that is regulated by the presence of unreplicated DNA.  相似文献   

The small heat-shock protein Hsp9 from Schizosaccharomyces pombe was previously reported to be a homologue of Saccharomyces cerevisiae HSP12. Although Hsp9 is expressed in response to heat shock and nutritional limitation, its function is still not completely understood. Here, we explored the biological function of Hsp9 in S. pombe. The hsp9 gene might play a role in stress adaptation; hsp9 deletion caused heat sensitivity and overexpression induced heat tolerance. In addition, Hsp9 also contribute to cell cycle regulation in the nucleus. Δhsp9 cells grew more quickly and were shorter in length than wild-type cells. Moreover, Δhsp9 cells did not achieve checkpoint arrest under stress conditions, leading to cell death, and exhibited a short doubling time and short G2 phase. Overexpression of hsp9 induced cell cycle delay, increased the population of G2 phase cells, and rescued the phenotypes of cdc2-33, cdc25-22, Δrad24, and Δrad25 mutants, suggesting that Hsp9 probably regulates Cdc2 phosphorylation by modulating the Cdc25 activity. Indeed, immunoprecipitation experiments revealed that Hsp9 is associated with 14-3-3 and Cdc25. In Δhsp9 cells, the association of 14-3-3 with Cdc25 was weakened and Cdc2 phosphorylaton was reduced. Together, our data suggest that Hsp9 has dual functions in stress adaptation and regulating a G2-M checkpoint by the Cdc25 inactivation; this differs from S. cerevisiae HSP12, which maintains cell membrane stability under stress conditions.  相似文献   

Xiao J  Liu C  Hou J  Cui C  Wu D  Fan H  Sun X  Meng J  Yang F  Wang E  Yu B 《The Journal of biological chemistry》2011,286(12):10356-10366
It is well documented that protein kinase A (PKA) acts as a negative regulator of M phase promoting factor (MPF) by phosphorylating cell division cycle 25 homolog B (Cdc25B) in mammals. However, the molecular mechanism remains unclear. In this study, we identified PKA phosphorylation sites in vitro by LC-MS/MS analysis, including Ser(149), Ser(229), and Ser(321) of Cdc25B, and explored the role of Ser(149) in G(2)/M transition of fertilized mouse eggs. The results showed that the overexpressed Cdc25B-S149A mutant initiated efficient MPF activation by direct dephosphorylation of Cdc2-Tyr(15), resulting in triggering mitosis prior to Cdc25B-WT. Conversely, overexpression of the phosphomimic Cdc25B-S149D mutant showed no significant difference in comparison with the control groups. Furthermore, we found that Cdc25B-Ser(149) was phosphorylated at G(1) and S phases, whereas dephosphorylated at G(2) and M phases, and the phosphorylation of Cdc25B-Ser(149) was modulated by PKA in vivo. In addition, we examined endogenous and exogenous Cdc25B, which were expressed mostly in the cytoplasm at the G(1) and S phases and translocated to the nucleus at the G(2) phase. Collectively, our findings provide evidence that Ser(149) may be another potential PKA phosphorylation target of Cdc25B in G(2)/M transition of fertilized mouse eggs and Cdc25B as a direct downstream substrate of PKA in mammals, which plays important roles in the regulation of early development of mouse embryos.  相似文献   

Deoxycytidine kinase (dCK) is a rate limiting enzyme critical for phosphorylation of endogenous deoxynucleosides for DNA synthesis and exogenous nucleoside analogues for anticancer and antiviral drug actions. dCK is activated in response to DNA damage; however, how it functions in the DNA damage response is largely unknown. Here, we report that dCK is required for the G2/M checkpoint in response to DNA damage induced by ionizing radiation (IR). We demonstrate that the ataxia–telangiectasia-mutated (ATM) kinase phosphorylates dCK on Serine 74 to activate it in response to DNA damage. We further demonstrate that Serine 74 phosphorylation is required for initiation of the G2/M checkpoint. Using mass spectrometry, we identified a protein complex associated with dCK in response to DNA damage. We demonstrate that dCK interacts with cyclin-dependent kinase 1 (Cdk1) after IR and that the interaction inhibits Cdk1 activity both in vitro and in vivo. Together, our results highlight the novel function of dCK and provide molecular insights into the G2/M checkpoint regulation in response to DNA damage.  相似文献   

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