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Thermoregulatory ability and behavior influence organismal responses to their environment. By measuring thermal preferences, researchers can better understand the effects that temperature tolerances have on ecological and physiological responses to both biotic and abiotic stressors. However, because of funding limitations and confounders, measuring thermoregulation can often be difficult. Here, we provide an effective, affordable (~$50 USD per unit), easy to construct, and validated apparatus for measuring the long-term thermal preferences of animals. In tests, the apparatus spanned temperatures from 9.29 to 33.94 °C, and we provide methods to further increase this range. Additionally, we provide simple methods to non-invasively measure animal and substrate temperatures and to prevent temperature preferences of the focal organisms from being confounded with temperature preferences of its prey and its humidity preferences. To validate the apparatus, we show that it was capable of detecting individual-level consistency and among individual-level variation in the preferred body temperatures of Southern toads (Anaxyrus terrestris) and Cuban tree frogs (Osteopilus septentrionalis) over three-weeks. Nearly every aspect of our design is adaptable to meet the needs of a multitude of study systems, including various terrestrial amphibious, and aquatic organisms. The apparatus and methods described here can be used to quantify behavioral thermal preferences, which can be critical for determining temperature tolerances across species and thus the resiliency of species to current and impending climate change.  相似文献   

In female rats, rectal temperature (Tre), tail vasomotor response, oxygen uptake (VO2), and carbon dioxide production (VCO2) were measured in proestrus and estrus stages during treadmill running at two different speeds at an ambient temperature (Ta) of 24 degrees C. Experiments were performed at 2.00-6.00 a.m., when the difference in Tre was greatest between the two stages; Tre at rest in the estrus stage was 0.54 degrees C higher than in the proestrus stage. In a mild warm environment, threshold Tre for a rise in tail skin temperature (Ttail) was also higher in the estrus stage than in the proestrus stage. In contrast, no difference was seen in the threshold Tre and steady state Tre at the end of exercise between proestrus and estrus stages. These values were higher at the higher work intensity. VO2 was also similar between the two stages, except in the second 5 min after the beginning of exercise, when VO2 was greater and Tre rose more steeply in the proestrus stage. These data indicate that deep body temperature during exercise is regulated at a certain level depending on the work intensity and is not influenced by the estrus cycle.  相似文献   

Heat shock proteins (Hsp) are well known to be expressed in response to a range of cellular stresses. They are known to convey protection against protein denaturation and a subsequent immediate stress. Inducible heat shock protein 70 (Hsp70) is among the most studied of these stress proteins and its role and function are discussed here in terms of thermal and in particular exercise preconditioning. Preconditioning has been shown to confer cellular protection via expression Hsp, which may be of benefit in preventing protein damage following subsequent periods of exercise. Many studies have used animal models to gather data on Hsp70 and these and the most recent human studies are discussed.  相似文献   

New technologies afford convenient modalities for skin temperature (TSKIN) measurement, notably involving wireless telemetry and non-contact infrared thermometry. The purpose of this study was to investigate the validity and reliability of skin temperature measurements using a telemetry thermistor system (TT) and thermal camera (TC) during exercise in a hot environment. Each system was compared against a certified thermocouple, measuring the surface temperature of a metal block in a thermostatically controlled waterbath. Fourteen recreational athletes completed two incremental running tests, separated by one week. Skin temperatures were measured simultaneously with TT and TC compared against a hard-wired thermistor system (HW) throughout rest and exercise. Post hoc calibration based on waterbath results displayed good validity for TT (mean bias [MB]=−0.18 °C, typical error [TE]=0.18 °C) and reliability (MB=−0.05 °C, TE=0.31 °C) throughout rest and exercise. Poor validity (MB=−1.4 °C, TE=0.35 °C) and reliability (MB=−0.65 °C, TE=0.52 °C) was observed for TC, suggesting it may be best suited to controlled, static situations. These findings indicate TT systems provide a convenient, valid and reliable alternative to HW, useful for measurements in the field where traditional methods may be impractical.  相似文献   

Evidence of differential renal dysfunctions during exercise in men   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Post-exercise proteinuria is a common phenomenon in healthy subjects. Previous studies have used albumin (Alb) and β2-microglobulin (β2-m) molecules as representatives of high- and low-molecular-weight proteins. Recently, more specific markers of the human kidney proximal tubule have been used to identify the precise site of alterations. Active male subjects underwent two strenuous runs, one 400-m run and one 3000-m run. Urine was collected from the subjects before and after each event. Total protein (TP), Alb, α1-microglobulin (α1-m), β2-m, intestinal alkaline phosphatase (IAP), tissue-nonspecific alkaline phosphatase (TNAP) and N-acetyl-β-d-glucosaminidase (NAG) were determined for each sample. The short-distance run (400 m) resulted in the largest increases (P ≤ 0.05) in TP (31-fold), Alb (100-fold) and β2-m (164-fold) as compared to the long-distance run (3000-m). The α1-m excretion rates were increased to a lesser extent by the exercises. The IAP activity was slightly increased (+90%) by the 400-m run while the TNAP and NAG activities showed a 6.8-fold and a 3.6-fold increase, respectively, after this event. Smaller increases were recorded for the long-distance run (P = 0.05). To conclude, the present investigation showed that: (1) post-exercise proteinuria is related to the absolute intensity of exercise; (2) the impairment of protein reabsorption is revealed better by changes in Alb and β2-m; (3) changes in TNAP and NAG activities could reveal biochemical modifications that occur in the proximal tubule, particularly at the S1-S2 segment. Accepted: 31 January 1997  相似文献   

Pre-cooling improves heat tolerance and time to exhaustion in the heat. We tested the possibility that reduced tissue temperatures may explain this phenomenon, using three whole-body treatments: pre-cooling, thermoneutral (control) and pre-heating. Pre-cooling reduced muscle temperature (Tm) by 6.3 °C while pre-heating increased Tm 3.4 °C, relative to control. Despite this offset, Tm climbed towards a common asymptote, with pre-cooling offering no thermal protection beyond 40 min. Following pre-cooling, exercising oesophageal temperature (Tes) initially increased at 0.09 °C min−1, being significantly faster than control (0.05 °C min−1) and pre-heated conditions (0.03 °C min−1). Pre-cooling lowered the sweat threshold and also resulted in a reduced cardiac frequency across the exercise-heat exposure. Our observations do not support the hypothesis that pre-cooling reduces Tm at the end of an exercise-heat exposure, thereby delaying the development of fatigue.  相似文献   

Gastric emptying is increased during running (50%-70% maximal aerobic uptake, VO2max) as compared to rest. Whether this increase varies as a function of mode (i.e. walking vs running) and intensity of treadmill exercise is unknown. To examine the gastric emptying characteristics of water during treadmill exercise performed over a wide range of intensities relative to resting conditions, 10 men ingested 400 ml of water prior to each of six 15 min exercise bouts or 15 min of seated rest. Three bouts of walking exercise (1.57 m.s-1) were performed at increasing grades eliciting approximately 28%, 41% or 56% of VO2max. On a separate day, three bouts of running (2.68 ms-1) exercise were performed at grades eliciting approximately 57%, 65% or 75% of VO2max. Gastric emptying was increased during treadmill exercise at all intensities excluding 75% VO2max as compared to rest. Gastric emptying was similar for all intensities during walking and at 57% and 65% VO2max during running. However, running at 74% VO2max decreased the volume of original drink emptied as compared to all lower exercise intensities. Stomach secretions were markedly less during running as compared to walking and rest. These data demonstrate that gastric emptying is similarly increased during both moderate intensity (approximately 28%-65% VO2max) walking or running exercise as compared to resting conditions. However, gastric emptying decreases during high intensity exercise. Increases in gastric emptying during moderate intensity treadmill exercise may be related to increases in intragastric pressure brought about by contractile activity of the abdominal muscles.  相似文献   

A body-atmosphere energy exchange model (BIODEX) using heat transfer theory and empirical relationships is described which predicts the change in body core temperature during exercise as an index of thermal strain. Index values may be interpreted as the length of the period of activity before the heat load on the body causes internal body temperature to rise to critical levels. The performance of the model tested under controlled laboratory conditions using human subjects was found to be reliable. BIODEX is used to show the thermal significance of midsummer climatic conditions in New Zealand for those jogging out-doors.  相似文献   

Tympanic temperature (Tty), mean skin temperature (Tsk) and dynamics of sweating were measured in male subjects, performing prolonged, bicycle-exercise. The exercise was performed under thermoneutral environment after the normal-mixed (C) and low-carbohydrate (LCHO) diet. No difference in changes of Tty was observed after the C and LCHO diets. Sweating was triggered much faster after the LCHO diet. The delay in onset and inertia time of sweating was shorter after the LCHO diet. It is concluded that LCHO diet affects the thermoregulatory responses to exercise by acceleration of sweating, without noticeable differences in body temperature.  相似文献   

The aim of the present investigation was to examine the response of 80 plasma inflammatory analytes during five days of exercise in a hot (38 °C, 40% relative humidity) environment. 15 male participants (25±4yrs, 54±6 ml kg−1 min−1 VO2 max), with no heat exposure within the previous 3 weeks, were asked to cycle in a hot environment at 70% of their VO2 max workload until their terminal temperature was obtained, for 5 consecutive days. Terminal temperature was determined as the core temperature at volitional exhaustion or a core temperature of 39.5 °C, whichever came first. Blood samples were collected pre- and post-exercise on day 1 and day 5. Pre-trial urine specific gravity and body weight was not different on day 1 and day 5. Exercise time and heart rate at terminal temperature did not change during the five days. Of the 52 plasma analytes that increased in concentration on day 1, only 30 demonstrated increased concentrations at terminal temperature on day 5. Resting concentrations of 18, both pro- (IL-12p40, IL-15) and anti-inflammatory (IL-1ra, IL-10, IL-13) analytes were elevated on day 5 compared to day 1. We conclude that individuals completing consecutive days of exercise in the heat, but not definitively attaining heat acclimation, have increased resting levels of many inflammatory analytes associated with heat illness, but also demonstrate a reduced inflammatory response to a subsequent bout of exercise in the heat.  相似文献   

The impact of rehydration with glycerol on cardiovascular and thermoregulatory responses during exercise in the heat was studied in eight highly trained male cyclists. Each subject completed three dehydration-rehydration experimental trials that differed only in the rehydration treatment, each separated by 7 days. Before each experimental day, subjects dehydrated to -4% of their body weight by exercise and water restriction. The experimental treatments were as follows: no fluid (NF), glycerol bolus (1 g/kg body wt) followed by water (G), and water alone (W). Rehydration (3% body weight) was given over an 80-min period. After rehydration, subjects cycled (74% peak O2 uptake) to exhaustion in a hot and wet (37 degrees C and 48% relative humidity) environment. For G, plasma volume was expanded (P < 0.05) during rehydration and remained higher than W (P < 0.05) during exercise. Exercise time to exhaustion during G (33 +/- 4 min) was longer (P < 0.05) compared with both W (27 +/- 3 min) and NF (19 +/- 3 min). Cutaneous vascular conductance was significantly elevated (P < 0.05) during G, but G provided no other thermoregulatory or cardiovascular benefits compared with W and NF. Fluid-regulating hormones (vasopressin, aldosterone, atriopeptin, and plasma renin activity) decreased during rehydration and increased during exercise (except atriopeptin), but there were no differences between G and W. These data indicated that glycerol had little or no major effect on fluid-regulating factors during rehydration or exercise, and the improved exercise capacity in G was likely due to a greater plasma volume during exercise.  相似文献   

We examined the effect of replacing wheat hay with soy hulls on thermoregulatory responses and feeding behavior under summer condition in dairy cows. Milk yield, feed intake, meal size, and number, heart rate and heat production were similar in the two dietary groups. Visit duration and time spent eating were shorter, and body temperature was higher in the soy hulls fed cows. It was concluded that supplying soy hulls can enable cows subjected to heat load conditions to reduce the costs of feed ingestion. However, the contribution of this tool to the overall energy budget is rather small.  相似文献   

Twelve subjects with spinal cord injuries and four controls (all male) were exposed to heat while sitting at rest or working at each of three environmental temperatures, 30, 35 and 40 degrees C, with a relative humidity of 50%. Exercise was accomplished at a load of 50 W on a friction-braked cycle ergometer which was armcranked or pedalled. Functional electrical stimulation of the legs was provided to the subjects with quadriplegia and paraplegia to allow them to pedal a cycle ergometer. The data showed that individuals with quadriplegia had the poorest tolerance for heat. As an example, in this group, accomplishing armcrank ergometry while working at an environmental temperature of 40 degrees C resulted in an increase in aural temperature of 2 degrees C in 30 min. The aural temperature of individuals with paraplegia working for the same length of time under the same conditions rose approximately 1 degree C. There was virtually no change in the aural temperature in the control subjects.  相似文献   

Thermoregulatory responses to exercise in relation to the phase of the menstrual cycle were studied in ten women taking oral contraceptives (P) and in ten women not taking oral contraceptives (NP). Each subject was tested for maximal aerobic capacity ( ) and for 50% exercise in the follicular (F) and luteal (L) phases of the menstrual cycle. Since the oral contraceptives would have prevented ovulation a quasi-follicular phase (q-F) and a quasi-luteal phase (q-L) of the menstrual cycle were assumed for P subjects. Exercise was performed on a cycle ergometer at an ambient temperature of 24° C and relative air humidity of 50%. Rectal (T re), mean skin ( ), mean body ( ) temperatures and heart rate (f c) were measured. Sweat rate was estimated by the continuous measurement of relative humidity of air in a ventilated capsule placed on the chest, converted to absolute pressure (PH2Ochest). Gain for sweating was calculated as a ratio of increase inPH2Ochest to the appropriate increase inT re for the whole period of sweating (G) and for unsteady-state (Gu) separately. The did not differ either between the groups of subjects or between the phases of the menstrual cycle. In P, rectal temperature threshold for sweating (T re, td) was 37.85° C in q-L and 37.60° C in q-F (P < 0.01) and corresponded to a significant difference fromT re at rest. TheT re, andf c increased similarly during exercise in q-F and q-L. No menstrual phase-related differences were observed either in the dynamics of sweating or in G. In NP,T re, td was shorter in L than in F (37.70 vs 37.47° C,P<0.02) with a significantly greater value fromT re at rest. The dynamics and G for sweating were also greater in L than in F. The Gu was 36.8 versus 16.6 kPa · ° C–1 (P<0.01) while G was 6.4 versus 3.8 kPa · ° C–1 (P<0.05), respectively. TheT re, andf c increased significantly more in phase F than in phase L. It was concluded that in these women performing moderate exercise, there was a greater temperature threshold and larger gains for sweating in phase L than in phase F. Intake of oral contraceptives reduced the differences in the gains for sweating making the thermoregulatory responses to exercise more uniform.  相似文献   

Thermoregulatory, cardiovascular, and body fluid responses during exercise in the heat were tested in five middle-aged (48 +/- 2 yr) women before and after 14-23 days of estrogen replacement therapy (ERT). The heat and exercise challenge consisted of a 40-min rest period followed by semirecumbent cycle exercise (approximately 40% maximal O2 uptake) for 60 min. At rest, the ambient temperature was elevated from a thermoneutral (dry bulb temperature 25 degrees C; wet bulb temperature 17.5 degrees C) to a warm humid (dry bulb temperature 36 degrees C; wet bulb temperature 27.5 degrees C) environment. Esophageal (Tes) and rectal (Tre) temperatures were measured to estimate body core temperature while arm blood flow and sweating rate were measured to assess the heat loss response. Mean arterial pressure and heart rate were measured to evaluate the cardiovascular response. Blood samples were analyzed for hematocrit (Hct), hemoglobin ([Hb]), plasma 17 beta-estradiol (E2), progesterone (P4), protein, and electrolyte concentrations. Plasma [E2] was significantly (P < 0.05) elevated by ERT without affecting the plasma [P4] levels. After ERT, Tes and Tre were significantly (P < 0.05) depressed by approximately 0.5 degrees C, and the Tes threshold for the onset of arm blood flow and sweating rate was significantly (P < 0.05) lower during exercise. After ERT, heart rate during exercise was significantly lower (P < 0.05) without notable variation in mean arterial pressure. Isotonic hemodilution occurred with ERT evident by significant (P < 0.05) reductions in Hct and [Hb], whereas plasma tonicity remained unchanged.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Several mathematical models of human thermoregulation have been developed, contributing to a deep understanding of thermal responses in different thermal conditions and applications. In these models, the human body is represented by two interacting systems of thermoregulation: the controlling active system and the controlled passive system. This paper reviews the recent research of human thermoregulation models. The accuracy and scope of the thermal models are improved, for the consideration of individual differences, integration to clothing models, exposure to cold and hot conditions, and the changes of physiological responses for the elders. The experimental validated methods for human subjects and manikin are compared. The coupled method is provided for the manikin, controlled by the thermal model as an active system. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is also used along with the manikin or/and the thermal model, to evaluate the thermal responses of human body in various applications, such as evaluation of thermal comfort to increase the energy efficiency, prediction of tolerance limits and thermal acceptability exposed to hostile environments, indoor air quality assessment in the car and aerospace industry, and design protective equipment to improve function of the human activities.  相似文献   

Athletes with spinal cord injury (SCI), and in particular tetraplegia, have an increased risk of heat strain and consequently heat illness relative to able-bodied individuals. Strategies that reduce the heat strain during exercise in a hot environment may reduce the risk of heat illness. To test the hypotheses that precooling or cooling during intermittent sprint exercise in a heated environment would attenuate the rise in core temperature in tetraplegic athletes, eight male subjects with SCI (lesions C(5)-C(7); 2 incomplete lesions) undertook four heat stress trials (32.0 +/- 0.1 degrees C, 50 +/- 0.1% relative humidity). After assessment of baseline thermoregulatory responses at rest for 80 min, subjects performed three intermittent sprint protocols for 28 min. All trials were undertaken on an arm crank ergometer and involved a no-cooling control (Con), 20 min of precooling (Pre), or cooling during exercise (Dur). Trials were administered in a randomized order. After the intermittent sprint protocols, mean core temperature was higher during Con (37.3 +/- 0.3 degrees C) compared with Pre and Dur (36.5 +/- 0.6 degrees C and 37.0 +/- 0.5 degrees C, respectively; P < 0.01). Moreover, perceived exertion was lower during Pre (13 +/- 2; P < 0.01) and Dur (12 +/- 1; P < 0.01) compared with Con (14 +/- 2). These results suggest that both precooling and cooling during intermittent sprint exercise in the heat reduces thermal strain in tetraplegic athletes. The cooling strategies also appear to show reduced perceived exertion at equivalent time points, which may translate into improved functional capacity.  相似文献   

We compared the accuracy of an ingestible telemetry pill method of core temperature (Tc) measurement and an infrared tympanic membrane thermometer to values from a rectal thermistor during exercise-induced heat stress. Ten well-trained subjects completed four exercise trials consisting of 40 min constant-load exercise at 63% of maximum work rate followed by a 16.1 km time trial at 30 °C and 70% relative humidity. Temperature at rest was not different between the three methods of Tc measurement (Tre: 37.2±0.3 °C; Tp: 37.2±0.2 °C; Tty: 37.1±0.3 °C; P=0.40P=0.40). Temperature rose continuously during the exercise period (ΔTre: 2.2±0.5 °C; ΔTp: 2.2±0.5 °C; ΔTty: 1.9±0.5 ±°C and there were no differences between Tre and Tp measurements at any time throughout exercise (P=0.32P=0.32). While there were no differences between Tre and Tty after 10 min (P=0.11P=0.11) and 20 min (P=0.06P=0.06) of exercise, Tty was lower than Tre after 30 min of exercise (P<0.01P<0.01) and remained significantly lower throughout the remainder of the exercise period. These results demonstrate that the telemetry pill system provides a valid measurement of trunk temperature during rest and exercise-induced thermal strain. Tty was significantly lower than Tre when temperature exceeded 37.5 °C. However, whether these differences are due to selective brain cooling or imperfections in the tympanic membrane thermometer methodology remains to be determined.  相似文献   

During the past 100 years many experimental investigations have been carried out in an attempt to determine the control mechanisms responsible for generating the respiratory responses observed during incremental and constant-load exercise tests. As a result of these investigations a number of different and contradictory control mechanisms have been proposed to be the sole mediators of exercise hyperpnea. However, it is now becoming evident that none of the proposed mechanisms are solely responsible for eliciting the exercise respiratory response. The present-day challenge appears to be one of synthesizing the proposed mechanisms, in order to determine the role that each mechanism has in controlling ventilation during exercise. This review, which has been divided into three primary sections, has been designed to meet this challenge. The aim of the first section is to describe the changes in respiration that occur during constant-load and incremental exercise. The second section briefly introduces the reader to traditional and contemporary control mechanisms that might be responsible for eliciting at least a portion of the exercise ventilatory response during these types of exercise. The third section describes how the traditional and contemporary control mechanisms may interact in a complex fashion to produce the changes in breathing associated with constant-load exercise, and incorporates recent experimental evidence from our laboratory.  相似文献   

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