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Ribozymes: the characteristics and properties of catalytic RNAs   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Ribozymes, or catalytic RNAs, were discovered a little more than 15 years ago. They are found in the organelles of plants and lower eukaryotes, in amphibians, in prokaryotes, in bacteriophages, and in viroids and satellite viruses that infect plants. An example is also known of a ribozyme in hepatitis delta virus, a serious human pathogen. Additional ribozymes are bound to be found in the future, and it is tempting to regard the RNA component(s) of various ribonucleoprotein complexes as the catalytic engine, while the proteins serve as mere scaffolding--an unheard-of notion 15 years ago! In nature, ribozymes are involved in the processing of RNA precursors. However, all the characterized ribozymes have been converted, with some clever engineering, into RNA enzymes that can cleave or modify targeted RNAs (or even DNAs) without becoming altered themselves. While their success in vitro is unquestioned, ribozymes are increasingly used in vivo as valuable tools for studying and regulating gene expression. This review is intended as a brief introduction to the characteristics of the different identified ribozymes and their properties.  相似文献   

Ribozymes: recent advances in the development of RNA tools   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
The discovery 20 years ago that some RNA molecules, called ribozymes, are able to catalyze chemical reactions was a breakthrough in biology. Over the last two decades numerous natural RNA motifs endowed with catalytic activity have been described. They all fit within a few well-defined types that respond to a specific RNA structure. The prototype catalytic domain of each one has been engineered to generate trans-acting ribozymes that catalyze the site-specific cleavage of other RNA molecules. On the 20th anniversary of ribozyme discovery we briefly summarize the main features of the different natural catalytic RNAs. We also describe progress towards developing strategies to ensure an efficient ribozyme-based technology, dedicating special attention to the ones aimed to achieve a new generation of therapeutic agents.  相似文献   

Nucleic acids have proven to be a very suitable medium for engineering various nanostructures and devices. While synthetic DNAs are commonly used for self-assembly of nanostructures and devices in vitro, functional RNAs, such as ribozymes, are employed both in vitro and in vivo. Allosteric ribozymes have applications in molecular computing, biosensoring, high-throughput screening arrays, exogenous control of gene expression, and others. They switch on and off their catalytic function as a result of a conformational change induced by ligand binding. Designer ribozymes are engineered to respond to different effectors by in vitro selection, rational and computational design methods. Here, I present diverse computational methods for designing allosteric ribozymes with various logic functions that sense oligonucleotides or small molecules. These methods yield the desired ribozyme sequences within minutes in contrast to the in vitro selection methods, which require weeks. Methods for synthesis and biochemical testing of ribozymes are also discussed.  相似文献   

The central dogma of biology, until not long ago, held that genetic information stored on DNA molecules was translated into the final protein products through RNA as intermediate molecules. Then, an additional level of complexity in the regulation of genome expression was added, implicating new classes of RNA molecules called non-coding RNA (ncRNA). These ncRNA are also often referred to as functional RNA in that, although they do not contain the capacity to encode proteins, do have a function as RNA molecules. They have been thus far considered as truly non-coding RNA since no ORF long enough to be considered, nor protein, have been associated with them. However, the recent identification and characterization of bifunctional RNA, i.e. RNA for which both coding capacity and activity as functional RNA have been reported, suggests that a definite categorization of some RNA molecules is far from being straightforward.Indeed, several RNA primarily classified as non-protein-coding RNA has been showed to hold coding capacities and associated peptides. Conversely, mRNA, usually regarded as strictly protein-coding, may act as functional RNA molecules. Here, we describe several examples of these bifunctional RNA that have been already characterized from bacteria to mammals. We also extend this concept to fortuitous acquisition of dual function in pathological conditions and to the recently highlighted duality between information carried by a gene and its pseudogenes counterparts.  相似文献   

Ribozymes: A modern tool in medicine   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Since the discovery of ribozymes and self-splicing introns, it has been estimated that this biological property of RNA combined with other recombinant DNA technologies would become a tool to combat viral diseases and control oncogenes. These goals seem like a distinct possibility now. However, there is still a lot to be learned about the mobility of RNA inside the cells and the cellular factors that can impede ribozyme action in order to capitalize fully on the targeted RNA inactivation property of ribozymes. The most effective approach to maximize ribozyme function in a complex intracellular environment is to understand as much as possible about the intracellular fate of the RNA that is being targeted. As new techniques in cell biology become available, such understanding will be less problematic. Fundamental studies of ribozyme structure and mechanism of catalysis are flourishing both at the academic and industrial level and it can be expected that many new developments will continue to take place in these areas in the near future. Here, we review the design, stability and therapeutic application of these technologies illustrating relevant gene targets and applications in molecular medicine. Relevant problems in implementation of the technology, group I and II introns and the differences in applications, ribozyme structure and the application of this technology to virus attack and oncogene downregulation are discussed. Also some of the latest RNA-based technologies such as siRNA, RNA/DNA duplexes and RNA decoys have been introduced.  相似文献   

The structural flexibility of RNA and its ability to store genetic information has led scientists to postulate that RNA could be the key molecule for the development of life on Earth, further leading to formulate the RNA world hypothesis that received a lot of success and acceptance after the discoveries of the last thirty‐five years. Despite its highly structural and functional significance, the difficulty in synthesizing the four nucleobases that form the RNA polymer from the same primordial soup, its low stability, and limited catalytic repertoire, make the RNA world hypothesis less convincing even though it remains the best explanation for the origin of life. An increasing number of scientists are becoming more supportive of a more realistic approach explaining the appearance of life. In this review, I propose an enhanced explanation for the appearance of life supported by recent discoveries and theories. Accordingly, amino acids and peptides associated with RNA (e.g., ribonucleopeptides) might have existed at the onset of RNA and might have played an important role in the continuous development of self‐sustaining biological systems. Therefore, in this review, I cover the most recent and relevant scientific investigations that propose a better understanding of the ribonucleopeptide world hypothesis and the appearance of life. Finally, I propose two hypotheses for a primitive translation machinery (PTM) that might have been formed of either a T box ribozyme or a ribopolymerase.  相似文献   

We investigated the gene regulatory mechanism of a previously engineered riboswitch +thiMN15#19 that turns on gene expression in response to thiamine pyrophosphate (TPP). In vitro enzymatic probing was performed to identify the secondary structures of the OFF conformations predicted by Mfold. Interestingly, enzymatic probing data of the riboswitch and its variants indicated that the riboswitch in its OFF state adopts two distinct structures. Moreover, further in vivo experiments suggested that both OFF structures contribute to the riboswitch function. A deeper understanding of how riboswitches function at the molecular level should enhance our ability to design synthetic riboswitches with new or improved characteristics.  相似文献   

哺乳动物中,只有小部分基因转录成为编码蛋白质的RNA,大量的基因则转录为不能编码蛋白质的RNA,即ncRNA。长非 编码RNA(lncRNAs)是分子长度在200-100000 nt 之间的一类ncRNA。lncRNAs 的数量超过蛋白质编码基因的数量。目前,对长非 编码RNA(lncRNAs)的生物学特性,转录调控以及其在肿瘤发生发展中的作用机制的研究任然是RNA研究的热点。lncRNAs 通 过控制染色质重塑,转录调控和录转录后调控而在基因的转录调节中发挥了重要作用。lncRNAs 与多种肿瘤相关,并且在抑制因 素和促进因素中都具有重要的作用。众多文献报道的结果表明lncRNAs 参与调控基因表达,在正常细胞与肿瘤细胞的转换中起 到至关重要的作用。  相似文献   

More and more evidences suggested that the flow of genetic information can be spatially and temporally regulated by non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs), such as microRNAs (miRNAs). Although biogenesis and function of miRNAs have been well detailed, elucidation of the dynamic interplays between miRNAs and mRNAs have just begun. Here, we highlighted that the miRNA–mRNA interactions which could take place in different cellular locations. During dynamic interactions, miRNA binding sites included not only 3′UTRs, but also 5′UTRs and CDSs. Under different physiological or pathological conditions, miRNAs could switch from translational inhibition to activation. Dynamic miRNA–mRNA paradigms which suggested a novel tip of the iceberg beneath the gene regulation network will provide clues for function studies of other ncRNAs.  相似文献   

The most studied arginine methyltransferase is the type I enzyme, which catalyzes the transfer of an S-adenosyl-L-methionine to a broad spectrum of substrates, including histones, RNA-transporting proteins, and nuclear hormone receptor coactivators. We cloned a cDNA encoding a protein arginine methyltransferase in Schistosoma mansoni (SmPRMT1). SmPRMT1 is highly homologous to the vertebrate PRMT1 enzyme. In vitro methylation assays showed that SmPRMT1 recombinant protein was able to specifically methylate histone H4. Two schistosome proteins likely to be involved in RNA metabolism, SMYB1 and SmSmD3, that display a number of RGG motifs, were strongly methylated by SmPRMT1. In vitro GST pull-down assays showed that SMYB1 and SmSmD3 physically interacted with SmPRMT1. Additional GST pull-down assay suggested the occurrence of a ternary complex including SmPRMT1, SmRXR1 nuclear receptor, and the p160 (SRC-1) nuclear receptor coactivator. Together, these data suggest a mechanism by which SmPRMT1 plays a role in nuclear receptor-mediated chromatin remodeling and RNA transactions.  相似文献   

针对不同基因靶位的锤头状核酶对HBV的抑制作用研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
前基因组mRNA是HBV(Hepatitis B virus)基因表达和复制的重要中间产物,全长的前基因组mRNA分子具有复杂易变的二级结构,是设计抑制HBV的核酶时所必须考虑的因素.我们使用多个最新的计算机软件对HBV前基因组mRNA二级结构进行模拟、分析,在全面分析核酶的可作用位点的基础上设计三个针对不同基因靶位的锤头状核酶,并对它们在细胞中对HBV的抑制作用进行研究.结果表明在HBV前基因组mRNA上存在几个高度复杂二级结构的区域,可能对核酶完全不敏感,而S、C、X基因的编码区是合适的核酶作用位点,都可达到对HBV的有效抑制,而且X基因位点的核酶对HBV的各种mRNA的抑制作用最为明显,是设计针对HBV核酶时应该优先考虑的位点.  相似文献   

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