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白花罗勒(Ocimum basilium L.)盾状腺毛分泌的超微结构研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
郑宝江  于丽杰 《植物研究》2002,22(2):176-180
白花罗勒成熟的盾状腺毛头部细胞中,质体含量丰富,体积较大,其中有大量的嗜锇物质各界;在分泌过程中,分泌细胞出现质壁分离现象;嗜锇物质向外分泌的途径有两条:一条是以胞吐的方式,另一条是以渗透的方式。  相似文献   

漆树(Rhus verniciflua)乳汁道分泌细胞含有丰富的质体、内质网和嗜锇物质。电子显微镜的现察结果表明,嗜锇的生漆成分合成的可能场所是质体和内质网,并且通过内质网分子和小泡群与质膜相互接触并融合以及质膜内褶包被等三种形式释放到质膜和细胞壁之间的间隙中;再经过细胞壁中乳汁道腔形成时断裂了的胞间连丝通道和扩散渗透两条途径,越过细胞壁分泌到乳汁道腔中。细胞核、线粒体、高尔基体以及细胞质基质或多或少也参与了上述过程。  相似文献   

随着贯叶金丝桃( Hypericum perforatum L.)叶中分泌细胞团的发育,其细胞中质体的数量和体积逐渐增大,但一些质体局部出现解体,大量的深色管状结构和小泡出现在退化质体的周围,有些小泡与液泡融合,并将其内容物释放至液泡中,导致液泡中出现大量的多泡结构、多膜结构和嗜锇滴.同时,高尔基体分泌小泡进入液泡.然而,当分泌细胞团发育成熟后,分泌细胞被含有灰色均匀的分泌物(金丝桃素)的大液泡所占据,嗜锇滴消失.表明嗜锇滴可能是金丝桃素的前体物,来源于退化的质体.出现于质体和嗜锇滴之间的内质网和高尔基体可能也参与了金丝桃素前体物的合成和细胞内的转运.  相似文献   

贯叶金丝桃叶中分泌细胞团的超微结构   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着贯叶金丝桃(Hypericum perforatum L.)叶中分泌细胞团的发育,其细胞中质体的数量和体积逐渐增大,但一些质体局部出现解体,大量的深色管状结构和小泡出现在退化质体的周围,有些小泡与液泡融合,并将其内容物释放至液泡中,导致液泡中出现大量的多泡结构,多膜结构和嗜锇滴。同时,高尔基体分泌小泡进入液泡。然而,当分泌细胞团发育成熟后,分泌细胞被含有灰色均匀的分泌物(金丝桃素)的大液泡所占据,嗜锇滴消失。表明嗜锇滴可能是金丝桃素的前体物,来源于退化的质体。出现于质体和嗜锇滴之间的内质网和高尔基体可能也参与了金丝桃素前体物的合成和细胞内的转运。  相似文献   

吴茱萸果料分泌囊发育和精油产生过程的超微结构研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
吴茱萸果实分泌囊是通过其原始细胞群的中央细胞之间分离,以裂生方式形成。根据分泌囊发育过程中上皮细胞各细胞器的变化规律分析,质体变化最为明显,其体积和数量逐渐增加,基质中出现嗜锇滴和管状结构周围有油滴分布,因而认为质体是精油的合成场所。  相似文献   

薄荷盾状腺毛分泌过程的超微结构研究   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
电镜观察表明,刚形成的薄荷盾状腺毛的头部细胞,细胞核较大,细胞质浓,其中具一些小液泡,质体和线粒体丰富。分泌前期,质体和线粒体数量增加,体积扩大,质体内出现黑色嗜锇物质。以后,嗜锇物质从质体转移到细胞质中,通过小兴泡加工形成的灰色小滴形式进入液泡内,并在液泡内积累直至充满整个液泡。  相似文献   

用四氧化锇浸染技术研究了嗜中性粒细胞发育过程中高尔基体的极性变化。结果表明,在大鼠嗜中性粒细胞发育过程中,高尔基体的超微结构与嗜锇反应有着一系列的变化。从原粒细胞到分叶核粒细胞,不仅高尔基体的形状与大小有变化,而且高尔基体的极性也在不断变化。呈嗜锇反应的高尔基体生成面并不总是位于凸面,因此不能单凭高尔基体的形状(凹面与凸面)来鉴别高尔基体的极性。嗜中性粒细胞高尔基体的主要功能是产生两种不同的细胞质颗粒,即嗜天青颗粒与特殊颗粒。嗜天青颗粒产生于早幼粒细胞阶段,从高尔基体的成熟面形成,这一阶段的高尔基体成熟面是凹面。特殊颗粒产生于中幼粒细胞阶段,也是从高尔基体的成熟面形成,但这一阶段的高尔基体成熟面是凹面。尽管早幼粒细胞高尔基体的凹凸面与中幼粒细胞相反,但两种颗粒都是从高尔基体的成熟面分泌出来的,与其他分泌细胞形成分泌颗粒的方式相同。  相似文献   

本文叙述了漆树茎次生韧皮部各组成分子的超微结构。在漆树茎的次生韧皮部中,各个组成分子除了有与一般双子叶植物类似的超微结构外,筛管分子、伴胞、韧皮薄壁组织细胞,丹宁细胞和射线细胞中都含有嗜锇滴。其中电子密度较大的嗜锇滴与乳汁道分泌细胞中的相似,有相同的分布规律,并都有通过质膜和细胞壁向外运输的趋势。因此,我们认为,在漆树中,韧皮部的各个组成分子除了为乳汁道分泌细胞提供正常的营养物质外,同时也可能提供合成分泌物的原料或前体物质,而这些原料或前体物质是通过质膜和细胞壁向乳汁道分泌细胞转运的。此外,在成熟筛管分子的筛孔周围都衬有很厚的胼胝质,并为一些电子不透明的P—蛋白质所堵塞,这种现象可能是由于切割造成筛分子内部压力的消除和植物体产生损伤反应的结果。  相似文献   

烟草腺毛发育过程中叶绿体形态学研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
应用荧光显微技术和电镜技术,对不同发育时期烟草叶面腺毛的叶绿素荧光和叶绿体结构进行了比较研究.结果发现,在腺毛发育初期,腺头细胞叶绿素荧光明显,叶绿体类囊体结构清晰;随着腺头细胞的分裂和生长,叶绿素荧光逐渐增强,叶绿体数目逐渐增多,类囊体发达,嗜锇颗粒产生;在腺毛发育成熟以后,叶绿素荧光减弱,类囊体膜降解,嗜锇颗粒增多;随着腺毛的分泌活动增强,叶绿体完全降解,磷脂双层膜消失,嗜锇颗粒扩散到细胞质中,并最终聚集在细胞质膜附近.  相似文献   

利用光学显微镜、扫描电镜和透射电镜技术,观察了龙葵“四叶一心”期时叶片及茎表皮的腺毛的种类、分布,探究了不同类型腺毛的起源、生长、成熟、分泌、衰老等发育过程的细胞学特征;通过组织化学染色和荧光显微技术,观察了龙葵腺毛成分、分布,为龙葵的进一步开发利用提供参考。结果表明:(1)龙葵腺毛分为单细胞头腺毛和多细胞头腺毛两类,前者主要分布于茎表面和叶上下表皮,后者主要分布于茎表面的单细胞头腺毛之间、叶脉及叶边缘;(2)龙葵腺毛发育起始于表皮细胞突起,单细胞头腺毛行顶端生长,具1-4个柄细胞,四种类型;多细胞头腺毛可再分为一层、两层与三层多细胞头腺毛,另具三种特殊类型;(3)龙葵成熟腺毛具分泌能力,通过皮下空间的物质积累导致腺毛头细胞表面形成突起、包块、破口,最终释放分泌物;而头细胞与柄细胞随即皱缩、衰老。(4)超微结构显示,腺毛头细胞中内质网与高尔基体极为丰富,合成代谢及分泌活动活跃,产生大量包裹嗜锇物质的囊泡,囊泡与细胞壁融合,进而将嗜锇物质转移至细胞壁并积累,随后储存在角质层下的皮下空间直至分泌释放;(5)组织化学染色结果表明,腺毛含有萜类、生物碱、脂类、蛋白质、酚类和多糖。头细胞中主要含有萜类、生物碱、脂类、蛋白质、酚类和中性多糖;柄细胞中主要含有萜类、生物碱、脂类。  相似文献   

The medial nucleus of the trapezoid body has been studied electron microscopically in two species of bat, Miniopterus schreibersi fuliginosus and Vespertilio superans, which were perfused with three different kinds of fixatives, osmium tetroxide, glutaraldehyde, and formaldehyde. Two types of synaptic endings are observed in the nucleus: the abundant calyciferous endings and the less frequently occurring "small-vesicle endings." The former endings vary greatly in size, and contain extended extracellular spaces between pre- and post-synaptic membranes. The latter endings are always small, without the extended extracellular spaces, and tend to lie side by side. In all of the materials perfused with three different fixatives, synaptic vesicles in the calyciferous endings are round in shape and larger than those in the small-vesicle endings. The shape of vesicles in the small-vesicle endings varies according to the kinds of fixatives used; round in osmium tetroxide-fixed materials, flattened in formaldehyde-fixed materials, and somewhat round or flattened in glutaraldehyde-fixed materials. It is suggested that the calyciferous endings are excitatory in nature and that the small-vesicle endings are inhibitory.  相似文献   

The preparation of an extract of the mealworm larvae, Tenebrio molitor L. which hydrolyses ethyl butyrate and o -nitrophenyl acetate, but not acetylcholine, is described. The inhibition of this esterase by TEPP-containing materials and parathion was determined.
An enzyme that hydrolysed o -nitrophenyl acetate and was inhibited by a TEPP-containing material was demonstrated in the five other insect species used.
The relative toxicities as contact insecticides to adult Tribolium castaneum Hbst. of ten samples of TEPP-containing materials were compared with their relative activities as esterase inhibitors. There was not an exact quantitative correlation between TEPP content estimated chemically, insecticidal activity and anti-esterase activity; but the correlation was sufficient to suggest interdependence of these factors.
Eggs of Diataraxia oleracea L. and Ephestia kühniella Zell, were shown to contain an enzyme that hydrolysed o -nitrophenyl acetate and was inhibited by the TEPP-containing materials. This enzyme was present in eggs less than 24 hr. old, i.e. before there was any visible signs of development. The TEPP was shown to be toxic to these eggs and in high concentrations kills at an early stage of development before differentiation of the nervous system. This, in conjunction with the other evidence, suggests that esterases other than the choline-esterase of the nervous system are important when considering the toxic action of these compounds.
Comparison of the anti-esterase activity and toxicity of parathion and TEPP-containing materials as insecticides showed that although the TEPP materials were the more potent enzyme inhibitors, parathion was the more potent contact insecticide to five species of insects. This appears to be due to the relative instability of TEPP. The study of the rates of action of the two poisons applied at different concentrations supports this view.  相似文献   

For purposes of comparison with the occlusive dressing method of treating burns, the exposure method was used in 30 cases—16 of first and second degree and 14 of third degree. Attempt was made to simulate the conditions which might be expected to prevail in mass treatment of burned patients—inadequate personnel and materials. Elaborate measures to immobilize burned areas were not employed.Healing of first and second degree burns was natural and the results satisfactory without further treatment. In third degree burns, skin grafting was necessary after the eschar was removed. Cracking of the eschar several days before time to remove it in some cases of third degree burns necessitated use of occlusive dressings in the last few days before skin grafting was done.The exposure method is considered valuable in circumstances in which saving of time, material and personnel is indicated. Generally it is not suitable for treatment of encircling burns of the trunk or extremities, since maintaining the integrity of the eschar is extremely difficult in such situations.  相似文献   

  • 1 Acute morphine treatment of rats increased the concentration of neuro-secretory material in the posterior pituitary. These changes were accompanied by the presence of more neurosecretory materials in the axons of the hypothalamic supraoptic and paraventricular neurons and in the hypothalamic capillaries and sinuses. In the perikarya of the hypothalamic supraoptic and paraventricular neurons, the neurosecretory material is in a dispersed state.
  • 2 Following chronic morphine treatment, neurosecretory material was almost absent from the posterior pituitary, whereas in the perikarya of the supraoptic and paraventricular neurons, congestion of neurosecretory material is observed which is accompanied by the absence of the neurosecretory material from the axons arising from the supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei and from the hypothalamic capillaries and sinuses.
  • 3 During nalorphine-induced abstinence, there was sudden reappearance of the neurosecretory material in the posterior pituitary along with the appearance of neurosecretory material in the hypothalamic neurosecretory neuronal tracts, blood capillaries and sinuses together with the dispersion of the neurosecretory materials from the hypothalamic neurosecretory neurons.

西藏双须叶须鱼八种年龄鉴定材料的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用微耳石、星耳石、脊椎骨、鳃盖骨、臀鳞、胸鳞、侧线鳞和背鳞等8种年龄鉴定材料识别和鉴定西藏双须叶须鱼的年龄特征并进行比较分析, 以确定适宜的年龄鉴定材料。结果显示: 臀鳞形态特化严重, 胸鳞、侧线鳞、背鳞的年轮特征不明显, 与微耳石比较的平均百分比误差(IAPE)分别为41.63%、51.26%、50.50%和51.26%, 其他4种年龄材料与微耳石比较的IAPE相差不大, 依次为: 星耳石(12.28%)、脊椎骨(15.67%)、鳃盖骨(17.81%); 低于23龄时, 微耳石鉴定的平均年龄与耳石和脊椎骨鉴定的平均年龄较为接近(P>0.05), 分别为14.39龄、13.13龄和13.20龄, 显著高于鳃盖骨和4种鳞片(P<0.05); 高于23龄时, 7种年龄鉴定材料都显著低于微耳石所鉴定的平均年龄(P<0.05)。用微耳石鉴定所得的最大年龄为49龄, 星耳石鉴定所得的最大年龄为35龄, 脊椎骨鉴定所得最大年龄为34龄, 鳃盖骨为34龄, 臀鳞为22龄, 胸鳞为19龄, 侧线鳞为16龄, 背鳞为17龄。微耳石年龄鉴定的年龄读数与体长呈极显著的对数函数关系(P<0.01)。综合分析认为, 微耳石最适宜作为双须叶须鱼的年龄鉴定材料。  相似文献   

Removal of substances loosely associated with the wall of Lilium longiflorum pollen did not affect in vitro germination and tube growth, tube growth within compatible styles, or production of viable seeds. Nor was growth of pollen tubes within incompatible styles enhanced by prior removal of the loosely bound materials. Hence, these materials appear not to be recognition factors in the gametophytic self-incompatibility system of Lilium and to have no role in pollen germination. Heat treatment of selected portions of lily pistils prior to pollination indicated that the incompatibility factor(s) was located in the lower half of the style, and that the stigma plays no role in incompatibility.  相似文献   

Tissues from a wide variety of plants were surface sterilized, isolated, and grown on different media. These isolated tissues were bioassayed for growth regulatory activity. The secretions from four of the 20 callus tissues inhibited the growth of Bacillus subtilis. An aseptic method for measuring the growth of Lemna was developed and used to detect inhibitory materials in medium which had supported the growth of five isolated callus tissues. In the seed (Lycopersicon esculentum) germination test five callus tissues had an inhibitory influence while two callus tissues showed a stimulatory effect. The study also included expressed juices and extracts of callus tissues which secreted regulatory materials. The expressed juice of five callus tissues contained materials which inhibited the growth of Lemna. Two expressed juices inhibited the growth of Bacillus subtilis. The water extract of two callus tissues inhibited the growth of Lemna. Fifty percent of the plants which have been reported to produce growth regulatory materials in nature also produced callus tissue which was capable of regulating growth of assay organisms.  相似文献   

It is shown that there exists in the autotrophic bacterium Thiobacillus thiooxidans a measurable oxygen uptake in the absence of the specific nutrient (sulfur). This respiration is shown to be due to the utilization of organic materials which must have been previously synthesized by the chemosynthetic process, providing evidence that autotrophic bacteria contain a dissimilatory process which involves the breakdown of organic materials and furnishes energy for the maintenance of the cell during periods in which the specific nutrient is absent. This is entirely in accord with the work of Bömeke (1939), who provided similar types of proof for Nitrosomonas and Nitrobacter. One may conclude, therefore, that autotrophic bacteria possess an endogenous respiration which involves the utilization of previously synthesized organic materials.  相似文献   

斯氏黄河猴(哺乳动物纲,灵长目)较完整下颌骨的发现   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
新发现的下颌骨说明斯氏黄河猴下齿式为 2?, 1,3, 3。 p2为双根齿,其前后有短的齿隙;p3具有低小的后跟;p4未臼齿化,无下前尖,有初始的下后尖,在较大的跟盆上,有明显的下次尖和很小的下内尖?; m1下前尖小,有些前后收缩(与Rencunius zhowi比较),m3下次小尖不如正模发育。下颌骨联合部倾斜,不愈合。黄河猴的下臼齿在形态上与西瓦兔猴亚科和原始类人猿──渐新猿亚科有许多共同点,但上臼齿形态差异显著。黄河猴类可能出自亚洲的cercamoniine形的兔猴形灵长类。  相似文献   

Partial deciliation of Tetrahymena resulted in cells losing 75% of their cilia, with the balance being paralyzed. The paralyzed cilia are resorbed in the first 20 min after partial deciliation, and regeneration of cilia begins before resorption is completed. Inhibition of protein synthesis with cycloheximide does not inhibit ciliary resorption or regeneration, whereas vinblastine sulfate inhibits regeneration but not resorption. Inhibition of regeneration occurs in completely deciliated cells when they are treated with cyclohexmimide or vinblastine sulfate. It is concluded that the resorbing cilia contribute materials which allow regeneration to occur in the absence of protein synthesis. The volume of cilia regenerated in the presence of cycloheximide in partially deciliated cells is greater than the ciliary volume which is resorbed. This suggests the Tetrahymena cells have a pool of ciliary precursors. This pool does not contribute materials for regeneration in completely deciliated cells which are treated with cycloheximide. It is concluded that resorbing cilia in partially deciliated cells contribute materials which potentiate assembly of cilia from the pool of precursors.  相似文献   

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