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BACKGROUND: The mouse anterior visceral endoderm, an extraembryonic tissue, expresses several genes essential for normal development of structures rostral to the anterior limit of the notochord and has been termed the head organizer. This tissue also has heart-inducing activity and expresses mCer1 which, like its Xenopus homolog cerberus, can induce markers of cardiac specification and anterior neural tissue when ectopically expressed. We investigated the relationship between head and heart induction in Xenopus embryos, which lack extraembryonic tissues. RESULTS: We found three regions of gene expression in the Xenopus organizer: deep endoderm, which expressed cerberus; prechordal mesoderm, which showed overlapping but non-identical expression of genes characteristic of the murine head organizer, such as XHex and XANF-1; and leading-edge dorsoanterior endoderm, which expressed both cerberus and a subset of the genes expressed by the prechordal mesoderm. Microsurgical ablation of the cerberus-expressing endoderm decreased the incidence of heart, but not head, formation. Removal of prechordal mesoderm, in contrast, caused deficits of anterior head structures. Finally, although misexpression of cerberus induced ectopic heads, it was unable to induce genes thought to participate in head induction. CONCLUSIONS: In Xenopus, the cerberus-expressing endoderm is required for heart, but not head, inducing activity. Therefore, this tissue is not the topological equivalent of the murine anterior visceral endoderm. We propose that, in Xenopus, cerberus is redundant to other bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) and Wnt antagonists located in prechordal mesoderm for head induction, but may be necessary for heart induction.  相似文献   

An organizer population has been identified in the anterior end of the primitive streak of the mid-streak stage embryo, by the expression of Hnf3beta, Gsc(lacZ) and Chrd, and the ability of these cells to induce a second neural axis in the host embryo. This cell population can therefore be regarded as the mid-gastrula organizer and, together with the early-gastrula organizer and the node, constitute the organizer of the mouse embryo at successive stages of development. The profile of genetic activity and the tissue contribution by cells in the organizer change during gastrulation, suggesting that the organizer may be populated by a succession of cell populations with different fates. Fine mapping of the epiblast in the posterior region of the early-streak stage embryo reveals that although the early-gastrula organizer contains cells that give rise to the axial mesoderm, the bulk of the progenitors of the head process and the notochord are localized outside the early gastrula organizer. In the mid-gastrula organizer, early gastrula organizer derived cells that are fated for the prechordal mesoderm are joined by the progenitors of the head process that are recruited from the epiblast previously anterior to the early gastrula organizer. Cells that are fated for the head process move anteriorly from the mid-gastrula organizer in a tight column along the midline of the embryo. Other mid-gastrula organizer cells join the expanding mesodermal layer and colonize the cranial and heart mesoderm. Progenitors of the trunk notochord that are localized in the anterior primitive streak of the mid-streak stage embryo are later incorporated into the node. The gastrula organizer is therefore composed of a constantly changing population of cells that are allocated to different parts of the axial mesoderm.  相似文献   

Anterior endoderm and head induction in early vertebrate embryos   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Early work on the formation of the vertebrate body axis indicated the existence of separate head- and trunk-inducing regions in Spemann's organizer of the amphibian gastrula. In mammals some head-organizing activity may be located in anterior visceral (extraembryonic) endoderm (AVE). By analogy, the equivalent structure in the Xenopus laevis gastrula, the anterior endoderm, has been proposed to be the amphibian head organizer. Here we review recent data that challenge this notion and indicate that the involvement of AVE in head induction seems to be an exclusively mammalian characteristic. In X. laevis and chick, it is the prechordal endomesoderm that is the dominant source of head-inducing signals during early gastrulation. Furthermore, head induction in mammals needs a combination of signals from anterior primitive endoderm, prechordal plate, and anterior ectoderm. Thus, despite the homology of vertebrate anterior primitive endoderm, a role in head induction seems not to be conserved.  相似文献   

The orientation of the anterior-posterior (A-P) axis was examined in gastrula-stage Hnf3beta, Otx2 and Lim1 null mutant embryos that display defective axis development. In situ hybridization analysis of the expression pattern of genes associated with the posterior germ layer tissues and the primitive streak (T, Wnt3 and Fgf8) and anterior endoderm (Cer1 and Sox17) revealed that the A-P axis of mutant embryos remains aligned with the proximo-distal plane of the gastrula. Further analysis revealed that cells which express Chrd activity are either absent in Hnf3beta mutant embryos or localised in heterotopic sites in Lim1 and Otx2 null mutants. Lim1-expressing cells are present in the Hnf3beta mutant embryo albeit in heterotopic sites. In all three mutants, Gsc-expressing cells are missing from the anterior mesendoderm. These findings suggest that although some cells with organizer activity may be present in the mutant embryo, they are not properly localised and fail to contribute to the axial mesoderm of the head. By contrast, in T/T mutant embryos that display normal head fold development, the expression domains of organizer, primitive streak and anterior endoderm genes are regionalised correctly in the gastrula.  相似文献   

Mesoderm formation in the presumptive trunk organizer was analyzed in gastrulae of Cynops pyrrhogaster. The presumptive trunk organizer showed little or no mesodermal differentiation in the beginning gastrula (0 h embryo). But as soon as the presumptive trunk organizer came into contact with the newly invaginated cranial archenteron roof, it rapidly formed mesoderm. This suggests that this differentiation was brought about by an inductive effect of the underlying cranial archenteron roof. For investigation of this possibility, the presumptive trunk organizer of 0 h embryos (Tr-0) and the newly invaginated cranial archenteron roof (presumptive pharyngeal endoderm and prechordal plate) of successive stages were cultured in isolation and by the sandwich technique. The newly invaginated presumptive pharyngeal endoderm and prechordal plate had no effect on mesoderm formation of the presumptive trunk organizer, and mesodermal differentiation of the combinations was similar to that of the Tr-0 alone. On the other hand, results showed that the prechordal plate, which came into contact with the still uninvaginated presumptive trunk organizer, stimulated dorsalisation of the weakly mesodermized trunk organizer. Based on these results, the stepwise process of mesoderm formation in the trunk organizer is discussed.  相似文献   

The murine visceral endoderm is an extraembryonic cell layer that appears prior to gastrulation and performs critical functions during embryogenesis. The traditional role ascribed to the visceral endoderm entails nutrient uptake and transport. Besides synthesizing a number of specialized proteins that facilitate uptake, digestion, and secretion of nutrients, the extraembryonic visceral endoderm coordinates blood cell differentiation and vessel formation in the adjoining mesoderm, thereby facilitating efficient exchange of nutrients and gases between the mother and embryo. Recent studies suggest that in addition to this nutrient exchange function the visceral endoderm overlying the egg cylinder stage embryo plays an active role in guiding early development. Cells in the anterior visceral endoderm function as an early organizer. Prior to formation of the primitive streak, these cells express specific gene products that specify the fate of underlying embryonic tissues. In this review we highlight recent investigations demonstrating this dual role for visceral endoderm as a provider of both nutrients and developmental cues for the early embryo.  相似文献   

Patterning of the ventral head has been attributed to various cell populations, including endoderm, mesoderm, and neural crest. Here, we provide evidence that head and heart development may be influenced by a ventral midline endodermal cell population. We show that the ventral midline endoderm of the foregut is generated directly from the extreme rostral portion of Hensen's node, the avian equivalent of the Spemann organizer. The endodermal cells extend caudally in the ventral midline from the prechordal plate during development of the foregut pocket. Thus, the prechordal plate appears as a mesendodermal pivot between the notochord and the ventral foregut midline. The elongating ventral midline endoderm delimits the right and left sides of the ventral foregut endoderm. Cells derived from the midline endoderm are incorporated into the endocardium and myocardium during closure of the foregut pocket and fusion of the bilateral heart primordia. Bilateral ablation of the endoderm flanking the midline at the level of the anterior intestinal portal leads to randomization of heart looping, suggesting that this endoderm is partitioned into right and left domains by the midline endoderm, thus performing a function similar to that of the notochord in maintaining left-right asymmetry. Because of its derivation from the dorsal organizer, its extent from the forebrain through the midline of the developing face and pharynx, and its participation in formation of a single midline heart tube, we propose that the ventral midline endoderm is ideally situated to function as a ventral organizer of the head and heart.  相似文献   

The embryonic organizer represents the major regulatory centre for the establishment of the body axes during gastrulation. Here, we discuss the endodermal contributions to the organizer of amphibia, birds and mammals. We differentiate between the definitive, prospective liver endoderm, and the primitive, prospective extraembryonic endoderm, the latter addressed as the hypoblast in birds and the visceral endoderm in mammals. We further discuss the role of the prechordal plate, a mesendodermal tissue underlying the prospective forebrain. Our conclusion points out the similarity of the amphibian and the avian organizer, with a concentration of inductive potentials in time and space. On the other hand, we discuss the unique feature of mammals, that have shifted certain aspects of the head organizer into the anterior visceral endoderm.  相似文献   

The fate of the embryonic endoderm (generally called visceral embryonic endoderm) of midstreak to neural plate stages of the mouse embryo was studied by microinjecting horseradish peroxidase (HRP) into single axial endoderm cells in situ, and tracing the labeled descendants to early somite stages in vitro. Axial endoderm cells along the anterior fifth of the late streak/neural plate stage embryo contributed descendants either to the yolk sac endoderm or to the anterior intestinal portal. Cells of the exposed head process contributed to the trunk endoderm and notochord; neighboring endoderm cells contributed to the dorsal foregut. Contributions to the ventral foregut came from endoderm at, and anterior to, the distal tip of the younger, midstreak embryo (in which the head process was not yet exposed). Endoderm over the primitive streak contributed to the postsomite endoderm. We argue from these results and those in the literature that during gastrulation the axial embryonic endoderm is of mixed lineage: (1) an anterior population of cells is derived from primitive endoderm and contributes to the yolk sac endoderm; (2) a population at, and anterior to, the distal tip of the midstreak embryo, extending more anteriorly at late streak/neural plate stages, is presumed to emerge from primitive ectoderm at the beginning of gastrulation and contributes to the foregut and anterior intestinal portal; (3) the axial portion of the head process that begins to incorporate into the ventral surface at the late streak stage contributes to notochord and trunk endoderm. Cells or their descendants that were destined to die within 24 hr were evident at the midstreak stage. There was a linear trend in the incidence of cell death among labeled cells at the late streak/neural plate stages, ranging from 27% caudal to the node to 57% in the anterior fifth of the embryo. The surviving axial endoderm cells divided sufficiently fast to double the population in 24 hr.  相似文献   

Using Cre/loxP, we conditionally inactivated the beta-catenin gene in cells of structures that exhibit important embryonic organizer functions: the visceral endoderm, the node, the notochord, and the definitive endoderm. Mesoderm formation was not affected in the mutant embryos, but the node was missing, patterning of the head and trunk was affected, and no notochord or somites were formed. Surprisingly, deletion of beta-catenin in the definitive endoderm led to the formation of multiple hearts all along the anterior-posterior (A/P) axis of the embryo. Ectopic hearts developed in parallel with the normal heart in regions of ectopic Bmp2 expression. We provide evidence that ablation of beta-catenin in embryonic endoderm changes cell fate from endoderm to precardiac mesoderm, consistent with the existence of bipotential mesendodermal progenitors in mouse embryos.  相似文献   

Several models have been proposed for the generation of the rostral nervous system. Among them, Nieuwkoop's activation/transformation hypothesis and Spemann's idea of separate head and trunk/tail organizers have been particularly favoured recently. In the mouse, the finding that the visceral endoderm (VE) is required for forebrain development has been interpreted as support for the latter model. Here we argue that the chick hypoblast is equivalent to the mouse VE, based on fate, expression of molecular markers and characteristic anterior movements around the time of gastrulation. We show that the hypoblast does not fit the criteria for a head organizer because it does not induce neural tissue from na?ve epiblast, nor can it change the regional identity of neural tissue. However, the hypoblast does induce transient expression of the early markers Sox3 and Otx2. The spreading of the hypoblast also directs cell movements in the adjacent epiblast, such that the prospective forebrain is kept at a distance from the organizer at the tip of the primitive streak. We propose that this movement is important to protect the forebrain from the caudalizing influence of the organizer. This dual role of the hypoblast is more consistent with the Nieuwkoop model than with the notion of separate organizers, and accommodates the available data from mouse and other vertebrates.  相似文献   

The anterior visceral endoderm (AVE) has attracted recent attention as a critical player in mouse forebrain development and has been proposed to act as "head organizer" in mammals. However, the precise role of the AVE in induction and patterning of the anterior neuroectoderm is not yet known. Here we identified a 5'-flanking region of the mouse Otx2 gene (VEcis) that governs the transgene expression in the visceral endoderm. In transgenic embryos, VEcis-active cells were found in the distal visceral endoderm at 5.5 days postcoitus (dpc), had begun to move anteriorly at 5.75 dpc, and then became restricted to the AVE prior to gastrulation. The VEcis-active visceral endoderm cells exhibited ectodermal morphology distinct from that of the other endoderm cells and consisted of two cell layers at 5.75 dpc. In the Otx2(-/-) background, the VEcis-active endoderm cells remained distal even at 6.5 dpc when a primitive streak was formed; anterior definitive endoderm was not formed nor were any markers of anterior neuroectoderm ever induced. The Otx2 cDNA transgene under the control of the VEcis restored these Otx2(-/-) defects, demonstrating that Otx2 is essential to the anterior movement of distal visceral endoderm cells. In germ-layer explant assays between ectoderm and visceral endoderm, the AVE did not induce anterior neuroectoderm markers, but instead suppressed posterior markers in the ectoderm; Otx2(-/-) visceral endoderm lacked this activity. Thus Otx2 is also essential for the AVE to repress the posterior character. These results suggest that distal visceral endoderm cells move to the future anterior side to generate a prospective forebrain territory indirectly, by preventing posteriorizing signals.  相似文献   

In the mouse, the Otx2 gene has been shown to play essential roles in the visceral endoderm during anterior-posterior axis formation and head induction. While these are primary processes in vertebrate embryogenesis, the visceral endoderm is a tissue unique to mammals. Two enhancers (VE and CM) have been previously found to direct Otx2 expression during early embryogenesis. This study demonstrates that in anterior visceral endoderm the CM enhancer does not have an activity by itself, but enhances the activity of the VE enhancer. These two enhancers also cooperate for the activities in anterior mesendoderm and cephalic mesenchyme. Comparative studies suggest that VE enhancer function was most likely established before the divergence of sarcopterygians into Actinistia, Dipnoi and tetrapods, while the nucleotide sequence corresponding to the VE enhancer was already present in the last common ancestor of bony fishes. The CM enhancer sequence and function would have been also established in ancestral sarcopterygians. The VE/CM enhancers and their gene cascades in the ancestral sarcopterygian head organizer would then have been co-opted by amphibian deep endoderm cells and mammalian visceral endoderm cells for the head development.  相似文献   

Wnt signaling has been shown to be important for axis formation in vertebrates. However, no Wnt ligand or receptor has been shown to be specifically expressed in all the organizer tissues in the mouse embryo. Here we report that the mouse frizzled 8 (mfz8) gene, a Wnt receptor, is expressed in the anterior visceral endoderm (AVE) and the anterior primitive streak, which have been shown to possess organizer activity. mFz8 is also expressed in the descendents of the anterior streak that comprise the anterior mesendoderm (AME) at midgastrulation, with subsequent expression in the anterior neurectoderm, which is specified and patterned by the AVE and AME. Thus, mfz8 is specifically expressed in the organizer tissues that establish the anterior-posterior axis in the mouse embryo.  相似文献   

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