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We prove that the generalized Poisson distribution GP(theta, eta) (eta > or = 0) is a mixture of Poisson distributions; this is a new property for a distribution which is the topic of the book by Consul (1989). Because we find that the fits to count data of the generalized Poisson and negative binomial distributions are often similar, to understand their differences, we compare the probability mass functions and skewnesses of the generalized Poisson and negative binomial distributions with the first two moments fixed. They have slight differences in many situations, but their zero-inflated distributions, with masses at zero, means and variances fixed, can differ more. These probabilistic comparisons are helpful in selecting a better fitting distribution for modelling count data with long right tails. Through a real example of count data with large zero fraction, we illustrate how the generalized Poisson and negative binomial distributions as well as their zero-inflated distributions can be discriminated.  相似文献   

The multiple Poisson distribution, known under different names, such as generalized Poisson, compound Poisson, composed Poisson, stuttering Poisson, Poisson power series, Poisson-stopped sum distribution, etc., plays an important role in discrete distribution theory. Here we want to show its basic characteristics, the variety of its forms and specify the generalizing distributions.  相似文献   

Faddy MJ  Smith DM 《Biometrics》2005,61(4):1112-1114
A model for binary trials based on a bivariate generalization of the Poisson process for both the number of successes and number of trials with the transition rates dependent on the accumulating numbers of successes and trials is used to reanalyze some recently published data of Zhu, Eickhoff, and Kaiser (2003, Biometrics59, 955-961). This modeling admits alternative distributions for the numbers of trials and the numbers of successes conditional on the number of trials which generalize the Poisson and binomial distributions, without some of the restrictions apparent in the beta-binomial-Poisson mixed modeling of Zhu et al. (2003). Some quite marked differences between the results of this analysis and those described in Zhu et al. (2003) are apparent.  相似文献   

A simple extension of the Poisson process results in binomially distributed counts of events in a time interval. A further extension generalises this to probability distributions under‐ or over‐dispersed relative to the binomial distribution. Substantial levels of under‐dispersion are possible with this modelling, but only modest levels of over‐dispersion – up to Poisson‐like variation. Although simple analytical expressions for the moments of these probability distributions are not available, approximate expressions for the mean and variance are derived, and used to re‐parameterise the models. The modelling is applied in the analysis of two published data sets, one showing under‐dispersion and the other over‐dispersion. More appropriate assessment of the precision of estimated parameters and reliable model checking diagnostics follow from this more general modelling of these data sets.  相似文献   

Power investigations, for example, in statistical procedures for the assessment of agreement among multiple raters often require the simultaneous simulation of several dependent binomial or Poisson distributions to appropriately model the stochastical dependencies between the raters' results. Regarding the rather large dimensions of the random vectors to be generated and the even larger number of interactions to be introduced into the simulation scenarios to determine all necessary information on their distributions' dependence stucture, one needs efficient and fast algorithms for the simulation of multivariate Poisson and binomial distributions. Therefore two equivalent models for the multivariate Poisson distribution are combined to obtain an algorithm for the quick implementation of its multivariate dependence structure. Simulation of the multivariate Poisson distribution then becomes feasible by first generating and then convoluting independent univariate Poisson variates with appropriate expectations. The latter can be computed via linear recursion formulae. Similar means for simulation are also considered for the binomial setting. In this scenario it turns out, however, that exact computation of the probability function is even easier to perform; therefore corresponding linear recursion formulae for the point probabilities of multivariate binomial distributions are presented, which only require information about the index parameter and the (simultaneous) success probabilities, that is the multivariate dependence structure among the binomial marginals.  相似文献   

Population models concern collections of discrete entities such as atoms, cells, humans, animals, etc., where the focus is on the number of entities in a population. Because of the complexity of such models, simulation is usually needed to reproduce their complete dynamic and stochastic behaviour. Two main types of simulation models are used for different purposes, namely micro-simulation models, where each individual is described with its particular attributes and behaviour, and macro-simulation models based on stochastic differential equations, where the population is described in aggregated terms by the number of individuals in different states. Consistency between micro- and macro-models is a crucial but often neglected aspect. This paper demonstrates how the Poisson Simulation technique can be used to produce a population macro-model consistent with the corresponding micro-model. This is accomplished by defining Poisson Simulation in strictly mathematical terms as a series of Poisson processes that generate sequences of Poisson distributions with dynamically varying parameters. The method can be applied to any population model. It provides the unique stochastic and dynamic macro-model consistent with a correct micro-model. The paper also presents a general macro form for stochastic and dynamic population models. In an appendix Poisson Simulation is compared with Markov Simulation showing a number of advantages. Especially aggregation into state variables and aggregation of many events per time-step makes Poisson Simulation orders of magnitude faster than Markov Simulation. Furthermore, you can build and execute much larger and more complicated models with Poisson Simulation than is possible with the Markov approach.  相似文献   

This paper considers some approximations for the Borel-Tanner (Generalized Poisson) sums by using (i) Gram-Charlier Poisson expansion, (ii) Mixture of two Poisson distributions, (iii) Variance stabilizing technique, and (iv) negative binomial distribution. It has been found that the approximation obtained by using the negative binomial distribution seems to be more efficient than the other approximation.  相似文献   

Bivariate cumulative damage models are proposed where the responses given the damages are independent random variables. The bivariate damage process can be either bivariate Poisson or bivariate gamma. A bivariate continuous cumulative damage model is investigated in which the responses given the damages have gamma distributions. In this case evaluation of the joint density function and bivariate tail probability function is facilitated by expanding the gamma distributions of the conditional responses by Laguerre polynomials. This approach also leads to evaluation of associated survival models. Moments and estimating equations are discussed. In addition, a bivariate discrete cumulative damage model is investigated in which the responses given the damages have a distribution chosen from a class that includes the negative binomial, the Neyman Type‐A, the Polya‐Aeppli, and the Lagrangian Poisson. Probabilities are obtained from recursive formulas which do not involve cancellation error as all quantities are non‐negative. Moments and estimating equations are presented for these models also. The continuous and the discrete models are applied to describe the rise of systolic and diastolic blood pressure with age.  相似文献   

Aims Fits of species-abundance distributions to empirical data are increasingly used to evaluate models of diversity maintenance and community structure and to infer properties of communities, such as species richness. Two distributions predicted by several models are the Poisson lognormal (PLN) and the negative binomial (NB) distribution; however, at least three different ways to parameterize the PLN have been proposed, which differ in whether unobserved species contribute to the likelihood and in whether the likelihood is conditional upon the total number of individuals in the sample. Each of these has an analogue for the NB. Here, we propose a new formulation of the PLN and NB that includes the number of unobserved species as one of the estimated parameters. We investigate the performance of parameter estimates obtained from this reformulation, as well as the existing alternatives, for drawing inferences about the shape of species abundance distributions and estimation of species richness.Methods We simulate the random sampling of a fixed number of individuals from lognormal and gamma community relative abundance distributions, using a previously developed 'individual-based' bootstrap algorithm. We use a range of sample sizes, community species richness levels and shape parameters for the species abundance distributions that span much of the realistic range for empirical data, generating 1?000 simulated data sets for each parameter combination. We then fit each of the alternative likelihoods to each of the simulated data sets, and we assess the bias, sampling variance and estimation error for each method.Important findings Parameter estimates behave reasonably well for most parameter values, exhibiting modest levels of median error. However, for the NB, median error becomes extremely large as the NB approaches either of two limiting cases. For both the NB and PLN,>90% of the variation in the error in model parameters across parameter sets is explained by three quantities that corresponded to the proportion of species not observed in the sample, the expected number of species observed in the sample and the discrepancy between the true NB or PLN distribution and a Poisson distribution with the same mean. There are relatively few systematic differences between the four alternative likelihoods. In particular, failing to condition the likelihood on the total sample sizes does not appear to systematically increase the bias in parameter estimates. Indeed, overall, the classical likelihood performs slightly better than the alternatives. However, our reparameterized likelihood, for which species richness is a fitted parameter, has important advantages over existing approaches for estimating species richness from fitted species-abundance models.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the estimation of the number of species in a population through a fully hierarchical Bayesian model using the Metropolis algorithm. The proposed Bayesian estimator is based on Poisson random variables with means that are distributed according to some prior distributions with unknown hyperparameters. An empirical Bayes approach is considered and compared with the fully Bayesian approach based on biological data.  相似文献   

CONSUL and JAIN (1973a) introduced a generalized Poisson distribution, which has applications in reliability theory and many biometric studies, and described some of its properties. Here we obtain two new distributions treating two of the parameters of the above distribution as random variables having gamma and absolute value distributions. One of the new distributions is related to the negative binomial distribution. Their moments also have been obtained.  相似文献   

A continuous time discrete state cumulative damage process {X(t), t ≥ 0} is considered, based on a non‐homogeneous Poisson hit‐count process and discrete distribution of damage per hit, which can be negative binomial, Neyman type A, Polya‐Aeppli or Lagrangian Poisson. Intensity functions considered for the Poisson process comprise a flexible three‐parameter family. The survival function is S(t) = P(X(t) ≤ L) where L is fixed. Individual variation is accounted for within the construction for the initial damage distribution {P(X(0) = x) | x = 0, 1, …,}. This distribution has an essential cut‐off before x = L and the distribution of LX(0) may be considered a tolerance distribution. A multivariate extension appropriate for the randomized complete block design is developed by constructing dependence in the initial damage distributions. Our multivariate model is applied (via maximum likelihood) to litter‐matched tumorigenesis data for rats. The litter effect accounts for 5.9 percent of the variance of the individual effect. Cumulative damage hazard functions are compared to nonparametric hazard functions and to hazard functions obtained from the PVF‐Weibull frailty model. The cumulative damage model has greater dimensionality for interpretation compared to other models, owing principally to the intensity function part of the model.  相似文献   

Three types of bivariate generalized Poisson distributions are defined and the structure of their conditional distributions is examined by using the Faa Di Bruno's formula. The resulting expressions involve Bell polynomials and can be interpreted in terms of convoluted random variables with one of the convolutes having the form of the marginal distribution. The three types of bivariate Neyman A distributions are used to illustrate the procedure.  相似文献   

Hirsch R. P. 1979. Distribution of Polymorphus minutus among its intermediate hosts. International journal for Parasitology10: 243–248. In 1971, Crofton investigated patterns of distribution of Polymorphus minutus in the intermediate host, Gammarus pulex. Among his conclusions were: (1) P. minutus populations occur in patterns similar to negative binomial distributions, and (2) parasite-induced host mortality results in patterns similar to truncated (high end) negative binomial distributions. Those conclusions, however, were not tested by statistical analyses. To test Crofton's observations, Chi-square goodness of fit tests were applied to data used by Crofton and an additional two stations sampled by Hynes & Nicholas in 1963. Analyses were expanded to include five theoretical distributions, four patterns of host mortality and various rates of host mortality. Truncated forms of negative binomial, positive binomial and Poisson distributions were also investigated where nontruncated distributions failed to fit observed distributions. It was found that negative binomial distributions most frequently describe patterns of P. minutus distribution with the exception of one population described by Poisson and another by positive binomial distributions. Crofton's assumption that truncated distributions result from parasite-induced host mortality seems unlikely in light of those analyses.  相似文献   

This note describes a test for extinction in a declining population based on a record of sightings. The test assumes that, prior to extinction, the sightings follow a Poisson process with decreasing rate function. An application to a sighting record of the black-footed ferret is presented.  相似文献   

Frequency distributions of insect immatures per host are often fitted to contagious distributions, such as the negative binomial, to deduce oviposition pattern. However, different mechanisms can be involved for each theoretical distribution and additional biological information is needed to correctly interpret the fits. We chose the chestnut weevil Curculio elephas, a pest of the European chestnut Castanea sativa, as a model to illustrate the difficulties of inferring oviposition pattern from fits to theoretical distributions and from the variance/mean ratio. From field studies over 13–16 years, we show that 20 out of the 31 yearly distributions available fit a negative binomial and 25 a zero-inflated Poisson (ZIP). No distribution fits a Poisson distribution. The ZIP distribution assumes heterogeneity within the fruit population. There are two categories of host: the first comprises chestnuts unsuitable for weevil oviposition or in excess relative to the number of weevil females, and the second comprises suitable fruits in which oviposition behavior is random. Our results confirm this host heterogeneity. According to the ZIP distribution, the first category of hosts includes on average 74% of the chestnuts. A negative binomial distribution may be generated by either true or false contagion. We show that neither interference between weevil females, nor spatial variation in the infestation rate exist. Consequently, the observed distributions of immatures are not the result of false contagion. Nevertheless, we cannot totally exlude true contagion of immatures. In this paper we discuss the difficulty of testing true contagion in natural conditions. These results show that we cannot systematically conclude in favour of contagion when fitting a distribution such as the negative binomial or when a variance/mean ratio is higher than unity. Received: 22 September 1997 / Accepted: 15 December 1997  相似文献   

In many biometrical applications, the count data encountered often contain extra zeros relative to the Poisson distribution. Zero‐inflated Poisson regression models are useful for analyzing such data, but parameter estimates may be seriously biased if the nonzero observations are over‐dispersed and simultaneously correlated due to the sampling design or the data collection procedure. In this paper, a zero‐inflated negative binomial mixed regression model is presented to analyze a set of pancreas disorder length of stay (LOS) data that comprised mainly same‐day separations. Random effects are introduced to account for inter‐hospital variations and the dependency of clustered LOS observations. Parameter estimation is achieved by maximizing an appropriate log‐likelihood function using an EM algorithm. Alternative modeling strategies, namely the finite mixture of Poisson distributions and the non‐parametric maximum likelihood approach, are also considered. The determination of pertinent covariates would assist hospital administrators and clinicians to manage LOS and expenditures efficiently.  相似文献   

The so‐called good‐laboratory‐practice (GLP) test provides an experimental design and appropriate statistical analysis for the problem of analyst performance assessment in microbiological laboratories. For a given sample material multiple dilution series are generated yielding colony counts from several dilution levels. Statistical evaluation is based on the assumption of Poisson‐distributed colony forming units. In this paper a new model based on conditional binomial and multinomial distributions is presented and it is shown how it is related to the standard model which assumes Poisson‐distributed colony counts. The effects of common working errors on the statistical evaluation of the GLP‐test are investigated.  相似文献   

The routine assignment of error rates (confidence intervals) to Poisson distribution estimates of plankton abundance should be rejected. In addition to the interval estimation procedure being pseudoreplicative, it is not robust to common violations of its assumptions. Because the spatial dispersion of organisms in sampling units from the counting chamber to the field is rarely random and because counting protocols are usually terminated by a count threshold having been equalled or exceeded, Poisson based estimates are usually derived from sampling non-Poisson distributions. Computer simulation was used to investigate the quantitative consequences of such estimates. The expected mean error rate of 95% confidence intervals is inflated from 5% to 15% as contagion increases, as the parametric variance-mean ratio increases from 1 to 2. Also, count threshold termination of the counting protocol effects both a biased estimate of the parametric mean (or total) and alters expected mean error rates, especially if the total count is low (< 100 organisms) and the mean density in the sampling unit is low.  相似文献   

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