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Two lowM r phosphotyrosine protein phosphatases have been isolated from rat liver. The enzymes were previously known as lowM r acid phosphatases, but several recent studies have demonstrated that this family of enzymes possesses specific phosphotyrosine protein phosphatase activity. We determined the complete amino acid sequences of the two isoenzymes and named them AcP1 and AcP2. Both consist of 157 amino acid residues, are acetylated at the NH2-terminus, and have His as the COOH-terminus. The molecular weights calculated from the sequences are 18,062 for AcP1 and 17,848 for AcP2. They are homologous except in the 40–73 zone, where about 50% of residues are different. This fact suggests that the two isoenzymes are produced by an alternative splicing mechanism. There is no homology between these two isoenzymes and the receptor-like phosphotyrosine protein phosphatases LAR, CD45, human placenta PTPase 1B, and rat brain PTPase-1. AcP1 and AcP2 are also distinct from rat liver PTPase-1 and PTPase-2, since these last enzymes have higher molecular weights. AcP1 differs from AcP2 with respect to (1) substrate affinity and (2) its sensitivity to activators and inhibitors, thus suggesting a their different physiological function.  相似文献   

In this paper we demonstrate that the cytosofic low-Mr acid phosphatase purified from bovine liver has phosphotyrosine protein phosphatase acitivity on 32P-autophosphorylated epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor. This activity was significantly inhibited by orthovanadate and p-hydroxymercuribenzoate; the latter result indicates that free sulfhydryl groups are required for phosphotyrosine phosphatase activity. The enzyme was active in a broad pH range, with maximum activity between pH 5.5 and 7.5. The apparent Km for 32P-EGF receptor dephosphorylation was 4 nM. The enzyme appeared to be specific for phosphotyrosine in that it dephosphorylated the autophosphorylated EGF receptor and L-phosphotyrosine, but not 32P-Ser-casein, L-phosphoserine or L-phosphothreonine. These data suggest that the cytosolic low-Mr acid phosphatase might play a regulatory role in EGF receptor-dependent transmembrane signalling.  相似文献   

In the cotyledon cells of the developing seeds (35~50 d after flowering) and the early germinating seeds (4 ~ 8 d after sowing) of soybean (Glycine max L. ), acid phosphatase (APase) activity was mainly deposited in the protein bodies (PB) and in endoplasmic reticulum (ER). In addition, in the early developing cotylendon cells, the prominent reaction product of APase activity was seen along the plasma membrane, in the cell wall and within the vesicles in the cytoplasm adjancent to the plasma membrane. And some of the vesicles seemed to be fused with the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

No acid phosphatase activity was observed in the mature embryo sac of wheat (Triticum aestivum) except the chalazal cytoplasm Of the central cell before fertilization. During fertilization, acid phosphataseactivity was observed in the following loci: part of chromatin of the egg nucleus and most of the mitochondria in the egg cytoplasm; the perinuclear spaces of the egg and sperm nuclei at the fusion of the egg and sperm nuclei; the chalazal cytoplasm and some vacuoles of the degenerated synergid; two sperm nuclei within the cytoplasm of female cells; the cell wall of each cell of the embryo sac and that of the nucellar cells surrounding the embryo sac. No acid phosphatase was observed in the two-celled proembryo. Dense enzyme reaction product was localized in the chromatin of the free nuclei at early stage of the endosperm. The characteristic of acid phosphatase distribution during fertilization may be associated with the physiological change of the egg Cell, the reorganization of mitochondria in the egg cell cytoplasm, the degeneration of one of the two synergids, the physiological state of the sperm nuclei and the nuclear membrane fusion of the egg and sperm nuclei.  相似文献   


In this research, acid phosphatase was purified and characterized from approximately 3000-year-old human bones from archeological excavations. Using anion exchange chromatography, two isoenzymes, TrACP and TsACP, were isolated from the bone. TrACP and TsACP were eluted separately, with a concentration gradient, from a CM-sepharose column. The resulting TrACP was further purified on a cellulose phosphate column. The activity was determined by using pNPP as substrate. Additionally, protein was determined by the Bradford and Coomassie Brilliant Blue method. The optimum pHs of TsACP and TrACP were 6 and 5, respectively. The optimum temperatures were 0 and 10°C, respectively. Molecular weights were measured by gel filtration chromatography. The isoenzyme purity was checked with SDS-PAGE. Finally, the effects of sodium molybdate and tartrate on isoenzyme activity were determined.  相似文献   

The four soybean seed acid phosphatase isoforms AP1, AP2, AP3A and AP3B were competitively inhibited by phosphate, vanadate, fluoride and molybdate, using p-nitrophenylphos-phate as substrate. The four isoforms were not significantly affected by compounds that can interact with SH residues or by pyridoxal phosphate. These results indicated that cysteine and lysine residues are not present in the active site of the four soybean seed acid phosphatase isoforms. The inhibition constant values for phosphate, vanadate, fluoride and molybdate at pH 5.0 were respectively: API (250, 12.8, 1.7, 0.05 μM), AP2 (800,10, 500, 0.025 μM), AP3A (250, 24.2,250, 0.032 μM), AP3B (2400, 36.9,750, 0.05 μM).  相似文献   

An acid phosphatase associated with the cell membranes of Mycoplasma fermentans was released from the membranes with Triton X-100, then purified by ion-exchange chromatography on DEAE-Sephacel and CM-Sepharose, followed by affinity chromatography on Con A-Sepharose. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of the purified enzyme revealed a single band with a molecular mass of 31.2 kilodaltons. The enzyme activity toward p-nitrophenyl phosphate was enhanced remarkably by Cu2+, Co2+ and Mg2+, but the activity was not inhibited by EDTA. The enzyme dephosphorylated O-phospho-l -tyrosine as well as p-nitrophenyl phosphate, but not O-phospho-l -threonine, O-phospho-l -serine, glucose-1-phosphate, phosphoryl choline and adenosine triphosphate. The level of the O-phospho-l -tyrosine phosphatase activity was the highest in Mycoplasma faucium and the second highest in Mycoplasma fermentans of all tested human mycoplasmas.  相似文献   

Tartrate resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP) has been accepted as a marker for identification of osteoclasts. A method is reported here for quantitating TRAP using an image analysis system. The amount of the enzyme specific to osteoclasts can be used to differentiate osteoclasts from other cells capable of TRAP expression. TRAP expression characteristic of the osteoclast was compared with that of multinucleated giant cells (MNGC)s recruited to the site of subcutaneously implanted mineralized bone matrix. Two weeks post-implantation, the pellets were removed and processed for the demonstration of TRAP along with rat proximal tibiae. A large amount of TRAP was consistently expressed by the in situ osteoclasts. The MNGCs associated with the mineralized bone implants expressed little if any TRAP reaction product. Using this system, the amount of TRAP reaction product or any other enzyme reaction product expressed can be objectively and reproducibly quantitated.  相似文献   

Tartrate resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP) has been accepted as a marker for identification of osteoclasts. A method is reported here for quantitating TRAP using an image analysis system. The amount of the enzyme specific to osteoclasts can be used to differentiate osteoclasts from other cells capable of TRAP expression. TRAP expression characteristic of the osteoclast was compared with that of multinucleated giant cells (MNGC)s recruited to the site of subcutaneously implanted mineralized bone matrix. Two weeks post-implantation, the pellets were removed and processed for the demonstration of TRAP along with rat proximal tibiae. A large amount of TRAP was consistently expressed by the in situ osteoclasts. The MNGCs associated with the mineralized bone implants expressed little if any TRAP reaction product. Using this system, the amount of TRAP reaction product or any other enzyme reaction product expressed can be objectively and reproducibly quantitated.  相似文献   

To determine the contribution of charged amino acids to binding with the photosystem II complex (PSII), the amino or carboxyl groups of the extrinsic 18 kDa protein were modified with N- succinimidyl propionate (NSP) or glycine methyl ester (GME) in the presence of a water-soluble carbodiimide, respectively. Based on isoelectric point shift, 4-10 and 10-14 amino groups were modified in the presence of 2 and 4 mM NSP, respectively. Similarly, 3-4 carboxyl groups were modified by reaction with 100 mM GME. Neutralization of negatively charged carboxyl groups with GME did not alter the binding activity of the extrinsic 18 kDa protein. However, the NSP-modified 18 kDa protein, in which the positively charged amino groups had been modified to uncharged methyl esters, failed to bind with the PSII membrane in the presence of the extrinsic 23 kDa protein. This defect can not be attributed to structural or conformational alterations imposed by chemical modification, as the fluorescence and circular dichroism spectra among native, GME- and NSP-modified extrinsic 18 kDa proteins were similar. Thus, we have concluded that the positive charges of lysyl residues in the extrinsic 18 kDa protein are important for its interaction with PSII membranes in the presence of the extrinsic 23 kDa protein. Furthermore, it was found that the negative charges of carboxyl groups of this protein did not participate in binding with the extrinsic 23 kDa protein associated with PSII membranes.  相似文献   

Protein phosphatases are signalling molecules that regulate a variety of fundamental cellular processes including cell growth, metabolism and apoptosis. The aim of this work was to correlate the cytotoxicity of pervanadate and okadaic acid on HL60 cells and their effect on the phosphatase obtained from these cells. The cytotoxicity of these protein phosphatase inhibitors was evaluated on HL60 cells using phosphatase activity, protein quantification and MTT reduction as indices. The major phosphatase presents in the cellular extract showed high activity (80%) and affinity (Km=0.08?mM) to tyrosine phosphate in relation to p-nitrophenyl phosphate (pNPP)—(Km=0.51?mM). Total phosphatase (pNPP) was inhibited in the presence of 10?mM vanadate (98%), 200?μM pervanadate (95%) and 100?μM p-chloromercuribenzoate (80%) but okadaic acid caused a slight increase in enzyme activity (25%). When the HL60 cells were treated with the phosphatase inhibitors (pervanadate and okadaic acid) for 24?hours, only 20% residual activity was observed in presence of 200?μM pervanadate, whereas in the presence of okadaic acid this inhibitory effect was not observed. However, in respect to mitochondrial function, cell viability decreased about 80% in the presence of 100?nM okadaic acid. The total protein content was decreased 25% when the cells were treated with 100?nM okadaic acid in combination with 200?μM pervanadate. Our results suggest that both phosphatase inhibitors presented different mechanisms of action on HL60 cells. However, their effect on the cell redox status have to be considered.  相似文献   

Background information. The TSPO (18 kDa translocator protein) is a mitochondrial transmembrane protein involved in cholesterol transport in organs that synthesize steroids and bile salts. Different natural and synthetic high‐affinity TSPO ligands have been characterized through their ability to stimulate cholesterol transport, but also to stimulate other physiological functions including cell proliferation, apoptosis and calcium‐dependent transepithelial ion secretion. Here, we investigate the localization and functions of TSPO in the small intestine. Results. TSPO was present in enterocyte mitochondria but not in rat intestinal goblet cells. Enterocyte cytoplasm also contained the endogenous TSPO ligand, polypeptide DBI (diazepam‐binding inhibitor). Whereas intestinal TSPO had high affinity for the synthetic ligand PK 11195, the pharmacological profile of TSPO in the duodenum was distinct from the jejunum and ileum. Specifically, benzodiazepine Ro5‐4864 and protoporphyrin IX showed 5–13‐fold lower affinity for duodenal TSPO. The mRNA and protein ratios of TSPO to other mitochondrial membrane proteins VDAC (voltage‐dependent anion channel) and ANT (adenine nucleotide transporter) were significantly different. PK 11195 stimulated calcium‐dependent chloride secretion in the duodenum and calcium‐dependent chloride absorption in the ileum, but did not affect jejunum ion transport. Conclusions. The functional differences in subpopulations of TSPO in different regions of the intestine could be related to structural organization of mitochondrial protein complexes that mediate the ability of TSPO to modulate either chloride secretion or absorption in the duodenum and ileum respectively.  相似文献   

Acid phosphatase (AP) in the egg of the lady beetle, Harmonia axyridis, was purified and characterized. Ammonium sulfate precipitation, CM column and isoelectrofocusing (IEF) were applied to purify an estimated molecular weight of 66 kDa AP. The purity was checked by SDS PAGE, native PAGE and Western blot. AP was detected in the hemolymph of the female and the egg, but not in the male on the blotting. Km of AP for a substrate, p‐nitrophenyl phosphate (p‐NPP), was 1.64 x 10‐4 M. AP had the optimum enzymatic activity at pH 3.5. In inhibition tests performed with various chemicals, ammonium molybdate suppressed 99% of the enzyme activity of AP even at the concentration of 5 x 10‐4 mM. AP was stable up to 50°C.  相似文献   

刘子铎 Mana.  R 《遗传学报》1999,26(1):81-86
为了证明苏云金芽胞杆菌以色列亚种20kDe蛋白质对CytA蛋白溶细胞作用的影响, 根据20kDe蛋白质和cytA蛋白基因的核苷酸序列,用AMPLIFY程序设计了一套带有酶切位 点的引物,经PCR扩增分别获得了20kDe蛋白质和cytA蛋白基因。将其基因与表达载体 pUHE24连接并转化到大肠杆菌XLI和DHS 分别获得含20kDa蛋白质基因的克隆子 LZ29;含cytA基因的克隆子LZcytA和含有二者基因的重组子LZ20A.在IPTG诱导下,测定 了不同克隆株基因表达产物对大肠杆菌细胞生长的影响。结果表明:LZ20的细胞生长不受影 响;LZcytA的细胞被杀死;LZ20A的细胞生长也不受影响。这表明20kDa蛋白质基因与cytA 蛋白基因重组后,20kDa蛋白质基因表达产物可保护CytA蛋白对大肠杆菌的溶细胞作用,而 巳这种作用并不因不同大肠杆菌受体而改变。  相似文献   

用纱网滤掉瘦肉型猪 (PIC344) 新鲜精液中胶状物得原精液, 该原精液经硫酸铵分段盐析、DEAE Sepharose F F 离子交换柱层析、Sephacryl S 200 凝胶过滤后分离纯化到酸性磷酸酶 (Acid Phosphatase, 简称ACPase)。纯化倍数为22 78, 酶液比活力为15 26U/mg蛋白。纯化酶液经非还原性SDS PAGE检测, 呈现单一蛋白着色带。测得该酶相对分子质量为52 3kD, 等电点为5 1, 米氏常数 (Km 值) 为3 08×10-3mol/L。测得该酶最适pH为3 6, 最适温度为52℃。ACPase在pH 3 5~6 0范围内稳定, 在40℃以下稳定, 50℃保温30min后酶活仍能保持59 2%。  相似文献   

本文探讨了阿勒泰黄芪不同提取物对蛋白酪氨酸磷酸酯酶1B(PTP1B)的抑制作用.采用分光光度法测定了提取物中的黄酮和皂苷含量;通过体外酶促动力学方法检测了不同提取物对PTP1B的影响,并确定了抑制类型;并采用氧化酶法检测了阿勒泰黄芪提取物对细胞利用葡萄糖能力的作用.结果表明,阿勒泰黄芪8种提取物(E1 ~8)中黄酮含量分别为5.09、10.46、3.58、3.23、53.91、21.77、5.76和7.49 mg/mL,其中E1、E2、E6、E7、E8皂苷含量分别为16.53、27.45、21.90、10.21和8.96 mg/mL;各提取物对PTP1B活性均表现出抑制作用,其中E1、E2、E7、E8的IC50分别为34.8、4.7、7.35和7.15 μg/mL,E1、E7和E8是竞争性抑制,E2是混合型竞争性抑制.E1、E2、E5、E7和E8较明显的提高了CHO-K1细胞对葡萄糖的利用.提示皂苷可能是阿勒泰黄芪抑制PTP1B活性的主要物质,通过PTP1B途径有效了提高细胞利用葡萄糖的能力.本研究为阿勒泰黄芪开发为防治糖尿病及改善胰岛素抵抗的药物或保健品提供实验依据.  相似文献   

多数研究表明外生菌根真菌能够促进植物养分吸收并提高植物生长,但是对其发生的原因研究较少。本文在室内控制条件下,研究了真菌菌丝分泌N、P相关胞外酶及其受土壤有机碳(胡敏酸)和无机碳(碳酸钙)添加的影响,结果表明:1)3种真菌——松乳菇(Lactarius deliciosus)、变色红菇(Russula integra)、铆钉菇(Gomphidius viscidus)菌丝均能够分泌酸性磷酸酶和蛋白酶,而且多数情况下,MMN培养基培养14 d时,各个酶活性较高,而不同菌的胞外酶活性存在较大的差异,平均值来看铆钉菇酸性磷酸酶活性最低而蛋白酶活性最高,其它2个真菌菌丝的胞外酶活性差异不大;2)添加胡敏酸后,3种菌丝的酸性磷酸酶活性都是随着胡敏酸添加量的增加而逐渐增加;但蛋白酶活性存在差异:松乳菇的蛋白酶活性随着胡敏酸添加量的增加而逐渐增加;变色红菇的蛋白酶活性对胡敏酸不敏感,受其影响不大;铆钉菇的蛋白酶活力在少量的胡敏酸作用下最强,但浓度过高反而抑制其蛋白酶的活性。3)添加碳酸钙后,总体来看,3种菌丝胞外酸性磷酸酶和蛋白酶活性都是添加少量碳酸钙时酶活性最强,随着浓度的增加(如0.1 g),其酶活性开始受到抑制。综上所述,真菌菌丝能够分泌酸性磷酸酶和蛋白酶,这可能是因为这些外生菌根真菌能够促进植物养分吸收和快速生长的原因;有机碳和无机碳的加入可以直接影响真菌菌丝胞外酶的分泌,进而影响土壤内有机磷和有机氮化合物的分解,显示其在土壤碳循环中的作用。  相似文献   

Purple acid phosphatases belong to metallo-phosphatase family. Intracellular phosphatases are crucial for phosphorus (P) distribution in the cell and are highly induced in phosphorus-deprived conditions in the soil. Disparate PAP isoforms exist within discrete subcellular compartments in Setaria italica and their expression in P deprived conditions fosters phosphorus amelioration. We isolated the SiPAP18 gene and developed the homology SiPAP18 protein model based on the crystal structure of the Kidney bean PvPAP (PDB ID: 2QFP) as template (sequence similarity 42.7%) using Modeller 9.12 with adequate validation. Structure model analysis shows the significance of five conserved signatures with seven metal-paired amino acid residues during P-deprivation induced phosphorus amelioration.  相似文献   

研究酪氨酸蛋白磷酸酶(PTPase)的抑制剂氧化苯胂(PAO)、钒酸钠(NaVO3)和Zn2 对水杨酸(SA)调控蚕豆气孔运动影响的结果表明,0~1mmol·L-1 PAO、0~4mmol·L-1 NaVO3和0~4mmol·L-1Zn2 对光诱导蚕豆气孔开度变化的影响不大,但都可以抑制黑暗或SA诱导的气孔关闭,据此推测,PTPase可能参与SA诱导气孔关闭的信号转导过程。  相似文献   

《Current biology : CB》2020,30(3):381-395.e8
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