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This study explored population dynamics of Sepioteuthis australis on a fine temporal scale before, during, and after a 3-month commercial fishing closure on the summer inshore spawning grounds of Great Oyster Bay, Tasmania, Australia. An abrupt change in male size (mantle length) and population sex ratio after the re-opening of the commercial fishery suggests that fishing alters the population structure on the spawning beds from a ‘natural’ structure which is highly biased towards males, to a more even ratio of males to females. Although jigs are taking a representative sample of the squid population using the spawning beds at any one time, the fishery is apparently still effectively selective for males, potentially as a function of differential spawning movements of the two sexes. Increased fishing pressure over the past 5 years had been correlated with a change towards a highly male-biased sex ratio on the spawning beds; however the current study suggests that increased fishing pressure in recent years may not have reduced the proportion of females. Instead, the inter-annual change in sex ratio may reflect changes in the degree of protection from fishing, with progressively longer closures allowing time for more males to accumulate on the beds and therefore, for the proportion of males to increase (as opposed to a decrease of females). As fishing is selective for males, fishing throughout the spawning season could potentially modify the process of sexual selection and the mating behaviors of the individuals within the spawning population, highlighting the need for closures over this crucial period. Additionally, examinations and comparisons of squid population structure need to be interpreted in light of fishing pressure and broader movement patterns.  相似文献   

A total of 12 adult European sea bass Dicentrarchus labrax were tagged with pop‐off satellite archival tags (PSAT) in Irish coastal waters and in offshore waters in the north‐east Celtic Sea between 2015 and 2016. Archived data were successfully recovered from five of the 12 tags deployed, three from fish released in inshore Irish waters and two from fish released offshore in the eastern Celtic Sea. All three fish tagged in inshore waters were found to undertake migrations into the open ocean coinciding with the spawning period. These fish also exhibited fidelity to inshore sites post‐migration, returning to the same general location (within c. 73 km, which is roughly the predicted mean accuracy of the method) of their original release site. Although the number of tracks obtained here was limited, some degree of aggregation between inshore and offshore tagged fish in the eastern Celtic Sea was noted during the expected spawning period suggesting PSATs can provide new information on specific spawning locations of European sea bass.  相似文献   

Females of some polygynous fish species display female nuptial signals (FNSs), advertising spawning readiness to potential mates. Halichoeres margaritaceus, a polygynous coral reef fish, reportedly display red belly color and a unique bobbing behavior as FNSs advertising spawning readiness. In this study, I examined whether FNSs were observed in an H. margaritaceus population in Australia. Females in this study displayed red belly color as an FNS, although at a lower intensity than that reported in a Japanese population. Contrary to observations made in the Japanese population, bobbing behavior performed by females in this study showed no temporal trend as spawning approached, indicating bobbing behavior did not function as an FNS in the Australian population. The role of local selective pressures on FNS intensity and lifetime reproductive benefits H. margaritaceus may potentially gain in utilizing FNSs are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

A dearth of basic biological information for wahoo, Acanthocybium solandri, currently hinders the ability of scientists and managers to assess population sustainability and appropriately manage the dramatically increasing global catch. This study examined the gonads of 382 wahoo collected off eastern Australia during 2008–2011 to quantify their reproductive biology in the region. The overall sex ratio of the sample was 3.2:1 (females:males), however this differed significantly among fishing sectors and areas. The estimated fork length at which 50 % of female wahoo reach maturity was 1,046 mm. Similar to the Atlantic Ocean, female wahoo have a protracted summer spawning season during October-February. The mean spawning frequency of female wahoo was uncertain but may be approximately 2–3 days, with evidence of fish actively spawning on consecutive days. Batch fecundity of females was positively correlated with fish size and estimates ranged between 0.65 and 5.12 million oocytes. Relative fecundity was estimated at 122.0 (±9.7) oocytes per gram of ovary free body weight and did not differ with fish size or throughout the spawning season. Estimation of reproductive parameters such as size- and age-at-maturity may facilitate the construction of per-recruit stock assessments of wahoo in the region.  相似文献   

Nelusetta ayraudi (the ocean leatherjacket) is an endemic Australian monacanthid species distributed from North West Cape (Western Australia) south to southern Queensland. The commercial and recreational fisheries targeting Nelusetta ayraudi have expanded substantially along the coast of New South Wales (NSW) in recent years but there exists little biological information on which to base effective management of this growing fishery. World-wide, only a few studies have aged monacanthids. Of these, researchers have interpreted periodic increments in bony structures such as vertebrae and anterior dorsal spines in preference to those found in otoliths. In this study we estimated age of N. ayraudi by counting growth increments in sectioned otoliths. The periodicity of increment formation was validated using a vital stain, (oxy-tetracycline), injected into young-of-the-year fish. Growth was rapid especially as juveniles with N. ayraudi attaining approximately 220 mm after 1 year and 340 mm after 2 years. No differences in growth rates were detected between sexes or between fish captured at different latitudes (zones). The largest male (605 mm, Total Length—TL) and female (656 mm, TL) were both recorded from northern NSW, with both sexes attaining the maximum age of 6+ years from northern and southern NSW. The von Bertalanffy parameters describing growth for N. ayraudi were L {L_\infty }  = 591 mm (TL), k = 0.377 year−1 and t o = −0.247 years.  相似文献   

Ichthyoplankton sampling and otolith chemistry were used to determine the importance of transient spawning aggregations of snapper Chrysophrys auratus (Sparidae) in a large embayment, Port Phillip Bay (PPB), Australia, as a source of local and broad-scale fishery replenishment. Ichthyoplankton sampling across five spawning seasons within PPB, across the narrow entrance to the bay and in adjacent coastal waters, indicated that although spawning may occur in coastal waters, the spawning aggregations within the bay were the primary source of larval recruitment to the bay. Otolith chemical signatures previously characterized for 0+ year C. auratus of two cohorts (2000 and 2001) were used as the baseline signatures to quantify the contribution that fish derived from reproduction in PPB make to fishery replenishment. Sampling of these cohorts over a 5 year period at various widely dispersed fishery regions, combined with maximum likelihood analyses of the chemistry of the 0+ year otolith portions of these older fish, indicated that C. auratus of 1 to 3+ years of age displayed both local residency and broad-scale emigration from PPB to populate coastal waters and an adjacent bay (Western Port). While the PPB fishery was consistently dominated (>70%) by locally derived fish irrespective of cohort or age, the contribution of fish that had originated from PPB to distant populations increased with age. At 4 to 5+ years of age, when C. auratus mature and fully recruit to the fishery, populations of both cohorts across the entire central and western Victorian fishery, including two major embayments and c. 800 km of coastal waters, were dominated (>70%) by fish that had originated from the spawning aggregations and nursery habitat within PPB. Dependence of this broadly dispersed fishery on replenishment from heavily targeted spawning aggregations within one embayment has significant implications for management and monitoring programmes.  相似文献   

Based on the materials of investigations conducted for 20 years (1995?2015), the features of biology of the common fish species of the family Cottidae from the northwestern Bering Sea are studied. These species are found during summer and fall in the waters of the Olyutorsky-Navarin region. The size–age parameters of the fishes collected with different fishing gears, as well as the features of their body length and body weight dynamics, spawning time, and spawning conditions, are described. The largest exemplars of shorthorn sculpin Myoxocephalus verrucosus and staghorn sculpins, armorhead sculpin Gymnocanthus galeatus and G. detrisus, are recorded in the catches of snurrevads, while the fishes caught in trawls are characterized by smaller size. Interannual variability of the size composition of the fish is related to the abundance of certain generations or to the fishery directed to different associations of sculpins. In the coastal waters, comparatively low average body size is usual for the majority of common sculpin species (with the exception of lords, yellow Irish lord H. jordani and Gilbert’s Irish lord H. gilberti) because of the dominance of juveniles.  相似文献   

Kuwait's fisheries include shrimp trawlers, gill nets, intertidal stake nets, and demersal fish traps, known locally as gargoor. The gargoor fishery used to be the nation's most important in terms of value and landings volume, but declines in catch rates have reduced its ranking. This paper describes the status of the gargoor artisanal fishery. The main landings place was sampled for catch and effort, and fish length‐frequency data from May 2003 to December 2005. The catch rate, monthly average number of boats operating, and the number of gargoor cleared were estimated for dhow boats fishing in Kuwait's waters and international waters, and speed boats operating in Kuwait waters only. Over the duration of the study period, the speedboat catch rates were higher than those of dhow boats, i.e., 3.7 kg/trap‐pull vs. 2.6 and 2.5 kg/trap‐pull for dhows fishing in Kuwait's territorial waters and international waters, respectively. The grouper, Epinephelus coicodes, was the main species captured, contributing 19.3% and 17.8% to the dhow catch in Kuwait waters and international waters, respectively. The catch rates by dhow boats declined from an average of 4.7 kg/trap‐pull in 2003 to 2.7 kg/trap‐pull in 2005 representing a 41% decrease. If this decreasing catch rate trend continues, then fishing effort should be reduced to allow stock recovery. It is recommended that the number of gargoor fished in Kuwaiti waters should be limited and that several no‐fishing zones be established to ensure the minimum spawning stock biomass and preserve biodiversity for all fisheries.  相似文献   

In response to concerns regarding the potential for sub-lethal impacts of barotrauma on reproductively active Chrysophrys auratus during catch and release, 90 males and 90 females representing five reproductive stages (immature or resting-28%, developing-8%, developed-7%, ripe or spawning-23% and spent-34%) were angled from 8–70 m and macroscopically assessed (on-board and then in a laboratory). Irrespective of sex, all fish exhibited various clinical signs of barotrauma, including a prolapsed cloaca (60% of fish); gastric herniation (46%); ruptured swim bladder (73%); organ displacement (48%); and kidney (3%), liver (73%) and coloemic-cavity haemorrhaging (33%);with the frequency of nearly all positively associated with capture depth. Reproductive stage was also an important barotrauma predictor (reflecting related morphological changes) with a general trend towards spent fish least likely to incur the various clinical signs—especially for a prolapsed cloaca (also common among immature or resting fish and significantly affected by food in the digestive tract) and a ruptured swim bladder (common among ripe or spawning fish). The only macroscopically visible gonad damage was haemorrhaging, which was least common among immature or resting and spent fish and, irrespective of reproductive stage, temporally reduced in frequency, and more quickly among males than females. While further research is required to accurately describe the effects of angling at each stage of the reproductive cycle and the physiological consequences of barotrauma on the gonads of C. auratus, given the observed influences of reproductive stage and depth on barotrauma found in this study, any adverse effects might be partially managed by regulating either temporal or spatial fishing effort.  相似文献   

The rock lobster (Jasus edwardsii) fishery of South Australia is the State’s most valuable fisheries resource with an export value exceeding ~AU$100 million. The fishery operates primarily inshore (<60 m), and overlaps with a series of marine protected areas (MPAs) currently proposed for State territorial waters. As a result, the need to quantify the impact of proposed MPAs on commercial landings of rock lobster within territorial waters is an integral part of the MPA assessment process. Removing fishing effort displaced by MPAs prevents a corresponding increase in exploitation outside protected zones. We describe a binomial likelihood method that utilises historical commercial catch data to estimate catch totals of rock lobster inside South Australian State waters. Lobster catches per km2 showed a high level of spatial variation with estimated historical lobster catch in State waters spanning approximately three orders of magnitude. The method identified key areas where high lobster catch (up to 500 kg/km2) overlapped with State waters. Binomial likelihood outputs have particular application to the estimation of net catch loss in situations where fishery buy-back or financial compensation are a considered option as part of the MPA implementation process.  相似文献   

Capelin (Mallotus villosus) is a commercially exploited, key forage-fish species found in the boreal waters of the North Pacific and North Atlantic Oceans. We examined the population structure of capelin throughout their range in the Canadian northwest Atlantic Ocean using genetic-based methods. Capelin collected at ten beach and five demersal spawning locations over the period 2002 through 2008 (N = 3,433 fish) were genotyped using six polymorphic microsatellite loci. Temporally distinct samples were identified at three beach spawning locations: Chance Cove, Little Lawn and Straitsview, Newfoundland. Four capelin stocks are assumed for fisheries management in the northwest Atlantic Ocean based on meristics, morphometrics, tag returns, and seasonal distribution patterns. Our results suggested groupings that were somewhat different than the assumed structure, and indicate at least seven genetically defined populations arising from two ancestral populations. The spatial mosaic of capelin from each of the two basal cluster groups explains much of the observed geographic variability amongst neighbouring samples. The genetic-defined populations were resolved at Jost’s D est ≥ 0.01 and were composed of fish collected 1) in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, 2) along the south and east coasts of Newfoundland, 3) along coastal northern Newfoundland and southern Labrador, 4) along coastal northern Labrador, 5) near the Saguenay River, and at two nearshore demersal spawning sites, 6) one at Grebes Nest off Bellevue Beach on the east coast of Newfoundland, and 7) one off the coast of Labrador at Domino Run. Moreover, the offshore demersal spawners on the Scotian Shelf and Southeast Shoal appeared to be related to the inshore demersal spawners at Grebes Nest and in Domino Run and to beach spawners from the Gulf of St. Lawrence.  相似文献   

This study provides knowledge on reproductive traits of Trypauchen vagina, a target fish for catching, based on data analysis of 701 individuals collected in the Mekong Delta from January to December 2015. The species is a multiple spawner depositing eggs in early wet season (June–August) since gonadosomatic index reaches a high point during this period, supported by the appearance of ripe and spent gonads at that time. Male and female fish matures firstly at 16.59 and 16.81 cm in total length respectively. The species displays high batch fecundity (4,000–12,750 eggs/female). Knowledge of length at first maturity and spawning season is essential for local authorities to set the suitable fish length and time for fishing. The results provide fundamental information on the reproductive biology and contributed to knowledge for fish population sustainable management.  相似文献   

Synopsis The reproductive biology of eastern sea garfish Hyporhamphus australis, eastern river garfish H. regularis ardelio, and snub-nosed garfish Arrhamphus sclerolepis were described throughout their respective ranges in the coastal waters of New South Wales (NSW), Australia. Peaks in gonadosomatic indices indicated that spawning of eastern sea garfish occurred in late spring and early summer (November–December) on the south coast of NSW, and in winter and early spring (June–September) on the north coast. Eastern river garfish spawned between July and December in NSW estuaries and snub-nosed garfish spawned between October and January in the Clarence River. The sex ratios in commercial catches of eastern sea garfish from the north coast of NSW were biased toward male fish, but approached equality for fish caught from the south coast. Sex ratios were significantly biased toward female snub-nosed garfish, and female eastern river garfish from all estuaries sampled. Mean (±SE) batch fecundity was 1498 ± 110 (range: 98 – 3449) ripe oocytes per female for eastern sea garfish, 917 ± 36 (range: 102 – 2268) ripe oocytes per female for eastern river garfish, and 716 ± 104 (range: 20 – 2956) ripe oocytes per female for snub-nosed garfish across the range of mature sizes examined. There was a linear relationship between batch fecundity and fish size for all three species of garfish. Eastern sea garfish approached 50% maturity at a larger size than snub-nosed, or eastern river garfish. Size at 50% maturity was similar for male and female eastern river and snub-nosed garfish, but male eastern sea garfish matured at a significantly smaller size than females. All three species appear capable of spawning in the spawning season immediately following the one in which they were born. Mature female fish of all three species had distributions of oocyte diameters consisting of three or four modes, which strongly suggests asynchronous oocyte development and a multiple spawning strategy during the spawning season. Implications for the management of garfish fisheries in NSW are also discussed.  相似文献   

The muskellunge, Esox masquinongy, fishery in the St Lawrence River is believed to have declined significantly from historical levels and reached critically low levels during the 1970s. Over-exploitation caused by liberal angling regulations, and loss and alteration of critical spawning and nursery habitat probably contributed to this decline. In 1980, a St Lawrence River Muskellunge Management Work Group comprising resource managers and several advisors, including E.J. Crossman, to whom this symposium is dedicated, was created to address research and management needs. A trophy muskellunge management strategy was implemented including more restrictive harvest regulations, public education promoting “catch and release”, and protection of spawning and nursery habitats. Age and growth information obtained from cleithra analysis indicated the need for increased size limits to adequately protect spawning stocks. Research efforts have developed a biological information base and monitoring tools to guide management decisions and evaluate responses. Over 100 spawning and nursery locations have been identified in US and Canadian waters leading to improved protection of critical habitats. An angler diary program shows a decline in the number of fish being harvested and a local muskellunge release award program implemented in 1987 has logged over 1000 releases of fish at least 44″ in length. Adult muskellunge monitoring in eleven spawning areas revealed an increase in mean total length of over 63 mm (>2.5 inches) after the regulation changes. Monitoring of age-0 muskellunge by use of seining surveys (1997–2005) indicates consistent reproductive success with the potential for several strong year-classes. Improvements in the muskellunge population and fishery are attributed to the progressive management action and a united community response.  相似文献   

A spawning pheromone in the milt (semen) and testes of the Pacific herring,Clupea harengus pallasi,is thought to facilitate school spawning of this species. We found that responsiveness to the spawning pheromone was variable among ripe fish (milt-producing or ovulated). Measurement of five principle reproductive steroids in the free form and five steroids in conjugated forms in the plasma of male fish early in the spawning season (newly ripe fish) showed that elevated plasma levels of 3α,17α-dihydroxy-5β-pregnan-20-one and 17α-hydroxyprogesterone coincided with responsiveness to the spawning pheromone in these fish; levels of other steroids did not differ. In contrast, responsiveness to the pheromone by female fish later in the spawning season (ripe-and-holding fish) coincided with lower levels of glucuronated 17α,20β-dihydroxyprogesterone and a lower gonadosomatic index. We suggest that these differences indicate a more advanced mature reproductive state in the responsive individuals among both the newly ripe male and the ripe-and-holding female fish. We found no differences in the level of cortisol in the blood of the herring that could be correlated with differences in pheromonal responsiveness. We conclude that differences in responsiveness to the spawning pheromone coincide to some extent with levels of reproductive maturation but probably not with recent stress.  相似文献   

The spawning biomass of Australian anchovy Engraulis australis in gulf and shelf waters of South Australia was compared using the daily egg production method (DEPM). The total survey area was 128 700 km2 with recorded spawning areas in gulf and shelf waters of 4898 and 44 618 km2, respectively. High egg densities in the warm, shallow gulf waters were produced by small, young (<1 year old) E. australis that spawned relatively small batches of eggs (c. 855) approximately every 3 days. In cooler, deeper shelf waters, where larger, older E. australis are found, lower egg densities occurred despite individuals producing much larger batches of eggs (c. 15 572) approximately every 7 days. In shelf waters, the highest densities were recorded at inshore sampling stations. Spawning appeared to peak between 0000 and 0100 hours. Females were more abundant than males in samples from both gulf and shelf waters with sex ratios of 0·61 and 0·56, respectively. The spawning biomass of E. australis in shelf waters was 101 522 t, whereas the estimate for gulf waters was 25 374 t. Due to the differences in mean size of the spawning females, however, c. 6 × 109E. australis were present in each region. The results support the hypothesis that variability in habitat conditions may directly influence E. australis reproduction. A large reserve of young fish in the relatively stable gulf environment may increase the resilience of the E. australis population in South Australia to unfavourable interannual changes in offshore environmental conditions.  相似文献   

The chemistry of black seabream Spondyliosoma cantharus otoliths from three main fishery grounds (Olhão, Sagres and Sesimbra) located along c. 400 km of the Portuguese south and west coasts was examined. Element:Ca ratios were determined in whole otoliths and otolith cores of young adult specimens of 2–3 years of age. Using the data from whole otoliths, it was possible to discriminate among S. cantharus from the three fishing grounds with an average accuracy of 91%. Differences among fishing grounds were significant for all element:Ca ratios, and otoliths from Sagres had significantly higher levels of all ratios compared to the other fishing grounds. In contrast, the chemical composition of the otolith core, representative of the larval stage, showed limited variation among the fishing grounds, with an average discrimination accuracy of only 44%, although the Mg:Ca ratio of the otolith cores was also significantly higher for the Sagres samples. The data suggest that larval stages experienced a homogenous environment consistent with an offshore oceanic spawning. Juveniles appeared to display local residency on the inshore fishing grounds, areas probably characterized by greater environmental heterogeneity. Spondyliosoma cantharus population structure is consistent with distinct local population units that share a spawning ground providing recruits to different coastal fishery areas.  相似文献   

Effective population size (N e) quantifies the effects of micro-evolutionary processes and the rate of loss of genetic diversity in a population. Several demographic and mating parameters reduce N e. Theoretical studies elucidate the impacts of various demographic and mating system parameters on N e, while empirical studies illustrate realized N e for species with differing life histories and mating systems. However, effect of intra-specific variation in mating system on effective size remains largely unexplored. In this paper we investigated the effect of promiscuous and polygynous mating on N e in two wild populations of the short-nosed fruit bat, Cynopterus sphinx. N e/N (ratio of effective population size to census size) was lower than unity in both populations, and much lower for the polygynous population compared to promiscuous population. Elasticity analyses reveal that N e/N was sensitive to deviations in the sex ratio. Variance in female reproductive success had a higher impact on N e compared to variance in male reproductive success in the promiscuous population. However, for the polygynous population, impact of variance in male reproductive success on N e was higher than that of variance in female reproductive success. Our results suggest that depending on mating system, different populations of the same species could have alternate evolutionary trajectories. The rate of loss of genetic diversity would be lower for the promiscuous population compared to the polygynous population. Our study is the first to highlight which parameters would most significantly impact population specific N e under different mating systems.  相似文献   

Here we describe massive spawning aggregations and seasonal changes in the large-scale distribution of the Patagonian grouper Acanthistius patachonicus in the Southwest Atlantic based on three sources of information: (a) data from bottom trawl research surveys covering the distributional range of the species within the Argentine continental shelf; (b) folk ecological knowledge gathered from experienced captains of the Argentine industrial trawl fisheries; and (c) sampling of an artisanal trap fishery targeting the Patagonian grouper in a specific location off the coast of Buenos Aires Province. The trawl surveys showed a general pattern of aggregation of Patagonian grouper towards the coast during the reproductive period (September–December). Captains described massive aggregations of the species at specific near-shore locations, where trawl catches of up to 15 t in a single haul were registered during the reproductive season. At a local scale, the artisanal trap fishery described operates exclusively during the reproductive period, targeting near-shore aggregations with a high proportion of individuals releasing gametes onboard. These three sources of information provide evidence of the existence of massive transient spawning aggregations of Patagonian grouper in the Argentine shelf. This is the first report of a reef fish spawning aggregation in the southern region of the Southwest Atlantic. Anecdotal information gathered in this study points to the depletion of many of the aggregations targeted during the 1980s and 1990s by the industrial fleet. At the same time, the spawning aggregation site off Buenos Aires Province has been productive for the last 34 years, being exploited exclusively by traps. The Patagonian grouper is classified as Data Deficient by the International Union for Conservation of Nature, which highlights the need for further research to determine its stock status. Mapping its current spawning aggregations should be a priority to inform the design of a targeted monitoring program and management plan for this species.  相似文献   

渔场重心是表征渔场位置的重要参数,准确掌握渔场重心,对判断鱼类洄游路线、确定中心渔场、表征鱼群分布特征和变化规律具有重要意义。渔场重心计算采用的是固定物体重心计算方法,然而运动的鱼类和固定物体有着本质的区别。因此,由固定物体重心计算的渔场重心能否体现鱼群分布特征,值得深入研究。渔场重心信度是用于度量由固定物体重心计算的渔场重心表征鱼群分布特征的能力,体现渔场重心的可信程度,而渔场重心修正是为了提升渔场重心表征鱼群分布特征的能力,提高渔场重心信度,以准确掌握渔场重心。以闽南-台湾浅滩渔场二长棘鲷(Parargrops edita Tanaka)为例,采用渔场重心、几何中心和单位捕捞努力量渔获量(Catch Per Unit Effort,CPUE)为参数,首次建立了渔场重心信度测算及渔场重心修正理论和方法,分析了渔场重心信度,研究了渔场重心修正方法和渔场重心的分布特征,旨在从更精细地水平上掌握二长棘鲷渔场重心,为生态智慧在渔业资源开发和管理的应用提供可靠的数据支持。结果表明:(1)二长棘鲷渔场重心信度各月变化在0.12—1.00,平均值0.67,均方差0.31,各月渔场重心可信度波动较大,12月份和2月份渔场重心信度最大为1.00,鱼群对称和均匀分布于渔场重心,渔场重心可信度最高,3—8月份渔场重心信度低于0.70,鱼群在渔场重心周围的对称性和均匀度差,渔场重心可信度差,其中3月份渔场重心信度最小为0.12;(2)渔场重心信度不仅反映了渔场重心可信程度,还体现了鱼群在渔场重心周围的分布特征,可作为研究鱼群分布特征的重要参数,渔场重心信度低于0.70,渔场重心需要修正;(3)渔区修正系数用于判别鱼群所在渔区是否排除,通过去除渔区修正系数小于0.5的鱼群,能保留85%以上的鱼群数量,提高渔场重心信度0.70以上;(4)修改后的渔场重心变化规律较显著,4—5月份,幼鱼群体重心向西迁移,6—7月份,索饵群体重心向东北方向移动,8月份,索饵群体重心开始往南迁移,9—11月份,越冬群体重心逐渐向南移动,12月份,生殖群体重心继续往南迁移,1—3月份生殖群体主要集中在305渔区(119°15'E,23°15'N)附近进行生殖活动,鱼群少有迁移。  相似文献   

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