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人参皂苷降脂作用的研究   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9  
为了测定西洋参总皂苷及单体皂苷是否有降脂活性,通过体外实验分别测定脂肪分解活性、小肠刷状缘膜小囊吸收脂肪酸、三油酸甘油酯油酸的释放率。结果表明,西洋参茎叶总皂苷在0.5g/L浓度时,对胰脂肪酶活性的抑制率为90%;人参皂苷Rc,Rb1,Rb2对胰脂肪酶活性均显示很强的抑制作用,在0.5g/L浓度时抑制率分别为100%,96%,97%。西洋参总皂苷和人参皂苷Rc,Rh,Rb2可以通过抑制胰脂肪酶活性起到降脂作用。  相似文献   

许多皂苷类天然产物具有医疗保健作用。本文主要从皂苷药代体内外研究方法、皂苷药代生物样品预处理方法和检测方法等方面,概述了皂苷成分药物代谢实验方法的研究进展情况。  相似文献   

紫草的制剂学研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文对国内有关紫草制剂的研究概况进行了综述,为研究和开发紫草制剂提供依据.  相似文献   

20(R)-人参皂苷Rg3是人参皂苷的主要活性单体之一,主要用于抗肿瘤治疗。近年来,20(R)-人参皂苷Rg3的药理作用不断取得进展,其中保护心脑血管、增强免疫功能、抗增生性瘢痕、抗疲劳的药理作用尤为值得关注。本文整理近年来国内外与20(R)-人参皂苷Rg3相关文献,论述其主要药理作用及其作用机制,为进一步开发20(R)-人参皂苷Rg3提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

三七总皂苷抗肝纤维化作用机制的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
肝纤维化是各种慢性肝病共同的病理基础,是慢性肝病发展到肝硬化、肝癌的必经途径。寻找有效的抗肝纤维化药物是近年研究的热点,其中对三七的研究也取得了很大进展。现综述近几年三七皂苷在保护肝细胞、抑制肝星形细胞活化、促进肝星形细胞凋亡、抑制细胞外基质的合成及促使其降解等方面的作用及可能机制,同时也阐述了三七总皂苷在抗肝纤维化中的重要意义及应用前景。  相似文献   

三七总皂苷(PNS)属于达玛烷型三萜皂苷,是中国传统珍贵药材三七的主要活性成分,三七总皂苷在中枢神经系统、心脑血管系统、血液系统、免疫系统以及抗纤维化、抗衰老、抗肿瘤等方面均具有较好的生理活性.三七总皂苷是以达玛烯二醇为前体,在P450单加氧酶和糖基转移酶催化下形成.另外,三七总皂苷与植物甾醇共享前期代谢途径.该文对近年来国内外有关三七总皂苷的生物合成途径及关键酶基因的最新研究进展进行综述,并探讨了代谢工程在三七总皂苷生物合成中的应用前景.  相似文献   

人参皂苷为人参主要的药理活性组成部分,通过水解二醇系人参皂苷的糖苷配基是制备稀有人参皂的常用方法。酶法转化因其底物高度专一、条件温和、副产物少等潜在优势而被作为结构修饰和生理研究的主要技术手段。本文主要对糖苷酶转化人参皂苷研究进展进行了综述,为其工业化生产高活性皂苷提供理论依据。  相似文献   

本文从中药炮制、复方制剂研究和中药质量保证体系三方面评述近几年中药制剂的研究进展。  相似文献   

生态制剂的研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
生态制剂的研究进展衰佩娜综述周国安审(中国药品生物制品检定所,北京100050)-、微生态学与生态制剂人类要生存繁衍,必须适应环境。一个是外环境即宏观的生态环境,另一个是内环境,即人在出生后与外界的微生物接触,通过演替(Successiom)形成一个...  相似文献   

三七中的皂苷类化合物对心血管系统具有广泛的药理作用,可有效保护心肌缺血再灌注损伤、改善心肌重构、抑制心肌肥厚、保护血管内皮细胞、保护血管平滑肌、促进血管生成、抗血小板异常活化等。近年来,国内外学者对三七皂苷的关注持续升温,取得了一定的研究成果。归纳并总结三七皂苷的心血管保护药理作用研究成果,旨在为三七皂苷进一步的研究提供参考依据。  相似文献   

风轮菜属植物多为民间药用植物,皂苷类化合物为该属植物的主要活性成分,本文报道自1990年以来风轮菜属植物皂苷成分的研究进展。  相似文献   

随着药剂学发展突飞猛进,对药物新剂型和新技术的研究与应用也日益广泛、深入。通过查阅2012 年我国学者在国内外期刊上发表的相关论文,分类概述我国在纳米制剂、微球、亚微乳、复合物、纳米晶体、立方液晶和碳纳米管等药物新剂型方面的研究进展。  相似文献   

皂苷(saponins)是中药中重要的有效成分之一,含有该类成分的中草药种类繁多。近年来对其研究也越来越广泛和深入,研究表明该类成分在治疗多种疾病,如抗炎、抗肿瘤、祛风湿等方面都具有良好的发展前景。主要介绍了皂苷及其体内代谢产物的分析方法研究进展,以期为该类成分的进一步研究提供思路。  相似文献   

Photodegradation is one of the major pathways of the degradation of drugs. Some therapeutic agents and excipients are highly sensitive to light and undergo significant degradation, challenging the quality and the stability of the final product. The adequate knowledge of photodegradation mechanisms and kinetics of photosensitive therapeutic entities or excipients is a pivotal aspect in the product development phase. Hence, various pharmaceutical regulatory agencies, across the world, mandated the industries to assess the photodegradation of pharmaceutical products from manufacturing stage till storage, as per the guidelines given in the International Conference on Harmonization (ICH). Recently, numerous formulation and/or manufacturing strategies has been investigated for preventing the photodegradation and enhancing the photostability of photolabile components in the pharmaceutical dosage forms. The primary focus of this review is to discuss various photodegradation mechanisms, rate kinetics, and the factors that influence the rate of photodegradation. We also discuss light-induced degradation of photosensitive lipids and polymers. We conclude with a brief note on different approaches to improve the photostability of photosensitive products.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to develop the hydrodynamically balanced delivery system of Clarithromycin (CLA) which, after oral administration should have the ability to prolong gastric residence time with the desired in vitro release profile for the localized action in the stomach, in the treatment of Helicobacter pylori (H.pylori) mediated peptic ulcer. By applying wet granulation technique floating tablets of Clarithromycin were prepared. The proportion of sodium bicarbonate was varied to get the least possible lag time, also the polymer part varied to get the desired release. In vivo radiographic studies were performed with Barium sulphate loaded formulation to justify the increased gastric residence time of the dosage form in the stomach, based on the floating principle. The formulation developed using 66.2% Clarithromycin, 12% HPMC K4M polymer, 8% sodium bicarbonate gave floating lag time less than 3 min with a floating time of 12 h, and an in vitro release profile very near to the desired release. X-ray studies showed the enhanced gastric residence time of the tablet to 220 ± 30 min. The mechanism of release of Clarithromycin from the floating tablets is anomalous diffusion transport and follows zero order kinetics. In vivo radiographic studies suggest that the tablet has increased gastric residence time for the effective localized action of the antibiotic (Clarithromycin) in the treatment of H.pylori mediated peptic ulcer.  相似文献   

银杏叶提取物新型制剂研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
银杏是最古老的中生代植物,很早就被用为中药,其提取物近年来备受人们的高度重视.在简述其药理活性成分以及现有国内外制剂基础上,重点阐述了近年来银杏叶提取物的新制荆以及新技术,为中药的新制剂开发提供科学的思路.  相似文献   

Despite extensive research in the field of gastroretentive dosage forms, this “holy grail” of oral drug delivery yet remained an unmet goal. Especially under fasting conditions, the reproducible retention of dosage forms in the stomach seems to be an impossible task. This is why such systems are often advised to be taken together with food. But also the postprandial motility can contribute significantly to the failure of gastroretentive dosage forms. To investigate the influence of postprandial pressure conditions on drug release from such systems, we used a novel in vitro dissolution tool, the dissolution stress test device. With the aid of this device, we simulated three different intragastric pressure profiles that may occur after postprandial intake. These transit scenarios were based on recently obtained, postprandial SmartPill® data. The tested systems, Glumetza® 1000 and Madopar® HBS 125, are marketed dosage forms that are based on different approaches to achieve proper gastric retention. All three transit scenarios revealed a highly pressure-sensitive drug release behavior, for both drugs. For Madopar® HBS 125, nearly complete drug release was observed even after early occurring pressures. Glumetza® 1000 seemed to be more resistant to these, most likely due to incomplete wetting of the system. On the contrary to these findings, data from standard dissolution tests using the paddle apparatus displayed controlled drug release for both systems for about 6 h. Based on these results, it can be doubted that established gastroretentive systems stay intact over a longer period of time, even under postprandial conditions.  相似文献   

The development of an appropriate dosage form for pediatric patients needs to take into account several aspects, since adult drug biodistribution differs from that of pediatrics. In recent years, buccal administration has become an attractive route, having different dosage forms under development including tablets, lozenges, films, and solutions among others. Furthermore, the buccal epithelium can allow quick access to systemic circulation, which could be used for a rapid onset of action. For pediatric patients, dosage forms to be placed in the oral cavity have higher requirements for palatability to increase acceptance and therapy compliance. Therefore, an understanding of the excipients required and their functions and properties needs to be particularly addressed. This review is focused on the differences and requirements relevant to buccal administration for pediatric patients (compared to adults) and how novel dosage forms can be less invasive and more acceptable alternatives.  相似文献   

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