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Wild-type murine epidermal growth factor (mEGF) and mutants with Leu47 replaced by serine and valine, respectively, have been produced by recombinant DNA methodology. A synthetic gene for mEGF was fused to the coding sequence for the signal peptide of the outer membrane protein A (ompA) of Escherichia coli in the secretion vector pIN-III-ompA3, and the recombinant plasmid was used to transform E. coli. Upon induction of gene expression, mEGF and the mutants was expressed and secreted into the periplasmic space. Purification of the wild-type Leu47-mEGF and the mutants was carried out by reversed-phase and anion-exchange high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Amino acid analysis and Western blot analysis further confirmed the identities of the proteins. Specific activities for wild-type and mutant proteins were measured in both mEGF receptor binding and autophosphorylation assays. The recombinant mEGF has specific activities identical with that of mEGF purified from mouse submaxillary glands, while both mutants have reduced specific activities in both bioassays. The data demonstrate the importance of the highly conserved Leu47 residue in mEGF for full biological activity.  相似文献   

In Escherichia coli, biotin synthase (bioB gene product) catalyzes the key step in the biotin biosynthetic pathway, converting dethiobiotin (DTB) to biotin. Previous studies have demonstrated that BioB is a homodimer and that each monomer contains an iron-sulfur cluster. The purified BioB protein, however, does not catalyze the formation of biotin in a conventional fashion. The sulfur atom in the iron-sulfur cluster or from the cysteine residues in BioB have been suggested to act as the sulfur donor to form the biotin molecule, and yet unidentified factors were also proposed to be required to regenerate the active enzyme. In order to understand the catalytic mechanism of BioB, we employed an approach involving chemical modification and site-directed mutagenesis. The properties of the modified and mutated BioB species were examined, including DTB binding capability, biotin converting activity, and Fe(2+) content. From our studies, four cysteine residues (Cys 53, 57, 60, and 97) were assigned as the ligands of the iron-sulfur cluster, and Cys to Ala mutations completely abolished biotin formation activity. Two other cysteine residues (Cys 128 and 188) were found to be involved mainly in DTB binding. The tryptophan and histidine residues were suggested to be involved in DTB binding and dimer formation, respectively. The present study also reveals that the iron-sulfur cluster with its ligands are the key components in the formation of the DTB binding site. Based on the current results, a refined model for the reaction mechanism of biotin synthase is proposed.  相似文献   

The heparin-binding or fibroblast growth factors (HBGFs) modulate cell growth and migration, angiogenesis, wound repair, neurite extension, and mesoderm induction. Relatively little is known regarding the precise mechanism of action of these growth factors or the structural basis for their action. A better understanding of the structural basis for the different activities of these proteins should lead to the development of agonists and antagonists of specific HBGF activities. In this report, we summarize evidence that indicates that the heparin-binding and mitogenic activities of HBGF-1 can be dissociated from the receptor-binding activities of the growth factor by site-directed mutagenesis of a single lysine residue. Thus, the mutant HBGF-1 has normal receptor-binding activity and is capable of stimulating tyrosine kinase activity and proto-oncogene expression but is not able to elicit a mitogenic response. A similar dissociation of early events such as proto-oncogene expression from the mitogenic response is observed when the human wild-tupe HBGF-1 is used in the absence of added heparin. These results indicate that intracellular sites of action by the growth factor may be required to complete the mitogenic response. Further evidence for this idea is provided by transfection experiments where NIH 3T3 cells are engineered to produce large quantities of wild-type or mutant HBGF-1. Production of wild-type induces a transformed phenotype, whereas over-production of the mutant does not. The majority of both forms of the protein is found in the nuclear fraction of the transfected cells. Additional site-directed mutagenesis of putative nuclear translocation sequences in the wild-type protein do not affect mitogenic activity.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

In vivo site-directed mutagenesis of the factor IX gene by chimeric RNA/DNA oligonucleotidesKren, B.T. et al. (1998)Nat. Med. 4, 285–290Targeted nucleotide exchange in the alkaline phosphatase gene of HuH-7 cells mediated by a chimeric RNA/DNA oligonucleotideKren, B.T. et al. (1997)Hepatology 25, 1462–1468  相似文献   

The conversion of androgens to estrogens is catalyzed by an enzyme complex named aromatase, which consists of a form of cytochrome P-450, aromatase cytochrome P-450 (cytochrome P-450AROM), and the flavoprotein, NADPH-cytochrome P-450 reductase. As a first step toward investigation of the structure-function relationships of cytochrome P-450AROM, we have used computer modeling to align the amino acid sequence of cytochrome P-450AROM with that of cytochrome P-450CAM from Pseudomonas putida and thus create a substrate pocket using the heme-binding region and the I-helix of cytochrome P-450CAM as the template. Site-directed mutagenesis was then carried out at two sites: one at a region that aligns with the bend in the I-helix of cytochrome P-450CAM and the other at a glutamate (Glu302) just N-terminal of this bend, which is predicted to be in close proximity to the C2-position of the androstenedione substrate. To determine the importance of the former region, three mutants were constructed: A307G (Ala307----Gly), P308V (Pro308----Val), and GAGV, which changed -Ile305-Ala306-Ala307-Pro308- to -Gly-Ala-Gly-Val- (the corresponding sequence found in 17 alpha-hydroxylase cytochrome P-450). When these proteins were expressed in COS-1 cells, it was found that the activity of P308V was approximately one-third that of the wild type. These observations are consistent with the concept that Pro308 causes a bend in the I-helix of cytochrome P-450AROM, similar to that observed in cytochrome P-450CAM, which is believed to be important in forming the substrate-binding pocket. The next set of mutants were designed to determine the importance of Glu302 in catalysis. Four mutants were prepared in which Glu302 was changed either to Ala, Val, Gln, or Asp, and the activities of the expressed proteins were examined. It was found that mutations in which the carboxylic acid was replaced were essentially devoid of activity. On the other hand, changing Glu302 to Asp resulted in a two-thirds reduction in the apparent Vmax. These results support the role of a carboxylic acid residue at position 302 in the catalytic activity of cytochrome P-450AROM.  相似文献   

The B6.C-H-2bm12 (bm12) mouse possesses a naturally occurring mutation in its class II MHC A beta gene. The three amino acid substitutions at positions 67, 70, and 71 that comprise this mutation lead to changes in both Ia expression and immune recognition of the resultant A beta A alpha molecule. The experiments reported here utilize a combination of oligonucleotide-mediated site-directed mutagenesis and DNA-mediated gene transfer to explore the roles played by each of the three mutant residues in these various phenotypic changes. A beta genes comprising all permutations of the residues distinguishing Ab beta from Abm12 beta were created and were individually co-transfected with Ab beta into mouse L cells. Sublines expressing high levels of membrane Ia were selected by preparative flow cytometry and were studied for reactivity with a panel of monoclonal anti-Ia antibodies, or for their ability to act as antigen-presenting cells (APC) for the stimulation of T cell hybridomas. During the generation of these transfectant lines, it was noted that expression of a high level of Abm12 beta Ab alpha was more difficult to achieve than a similar level of Ab beta Ab alpha. Northern blot analysis of specific A beta and A alpha mRNA levels in these various lines indicated that more class II mRNA, and presumably more A beta and A alpha chains, were required to achieve expression of Abm12 beta Ab alpha equal to that of Ab beta Ab alpha, suggesting that the previously noted reduction of Ia expression on cells from bm12 mice reflects a decreased ability of Abm12 beta Ab alpha chains to pair, or to reach the membrane. Staining of the panel of transfectants with monoclonal antibodies revealed that antibodies which did not distinguish Ab beta Ab alpha from Abm12 beta Ab alpha also reacted equally well with all molecules involving in vitro mutant A beta chains. Monoclonal antibodies reactive with Ab beta Ab alpha but not Abm12 beta Ab alpha were specific for an epitope primarily determined by the presence or absence of Arg 70 in Ab beta. In striking contrast, all three mutant positions were found to play crucial roles in T cell recognition, because all substitutions led to significant or complete loss of antigen-presenting function with all but one of the T hybridomas tested.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

In order to elucidate the mechanism of interaction between human epidermal growth factor (EGF) and its receptor, selected variants of EGF, differing by single amino acid substitutions, have been made by site-directed mutagenesis. The receptor affinity of these mutants was determined by a receptor binding competition assay, and the effects of the substitution on the structure of the protein were assessed by 1H nuclear magnetic resonance techniques. Various substitutions of Arg-41 resulted in substantial reduction in receptor affinity of EGF whereas change of Tyr-13 did not affect binding to the receptor. The 1H resonances of all nonexchangeable protons of the Tyr-13----Leu, Arg-41----His, and Leu-47----Glu variants were assigned and compared in order to assess the structural integrity of these mutants, which possess very different spectral and biological properties. In the case of the Leu-47----Glu mutant, only minor localized spectral changes were observed, confirming that the tertiary structure of the protein is preserved upon mutation. In contrast, for both the Arg-41----His and Tyr-13----Leu variants, significant and strikingly similar spectra changes were observed for many residues located far away from the mutated residues. This implies that similar structural alterations have taken place in both proteins, an idea further supported by hydrogen-exchange experiments where the exchange rates of hydrogen-bonded amide protons for both the Tyr-13----Leu and the Arg-41----His mutants were found to be about 4 times faster than in the wild-type protein.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Basic residues Arg-118, Lys-119, Lys-128, and Arg-129 within a putative heparin-binding and receptor-binding region of the 155-amino acid form of basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) have been changed to neutral glutamine residues by site-directed mutagenesis of the human bFGF cDNA. The bFGF mutant (M6B-bFGF) was expressed in E. coli and purified to homogeneity. When compared to wild type bFGF, M6B-bFGF showed in cultured endothelial cells a similar receptor-binding capacity and mitogenic activity, but a reduced affinity for heparin-like low affinity binding sites, a reduced chemotactic activity, and a reduced capacity to induce the production of urokinase-type plasminogen activator. In vivo, M6B-bFGF lacked a significant angiogenic activity. Modifications of both the primary and the tertiary structure of bFGF appear to be responsible for the modified biological properties of M6B-bFGF, thus confirming the possibility to dissociate at the structural level some of the biological activities exerted by bFGF on endothelial cells.  相似文献   

Site-directed mutagenesis was used to examine the roles of the conserved histidine, arginine and cysteine residues in acid phosphatase from Prevotella intermedia (PiACP). The replacement of histidine and arginine residues resulted in the elimination of the PiACP activity while the cysteine mutants retained activity. These results suggest that the histidine and arginine residues are essential for catalysis.  相似文献   

Alam M  Vance DE  Lehner R 《Biochemistry》2002,41(21):6679-6687
Triacylglycerol hydrolase is a microsomal enzyme that hydrolyzes stored cytoplasmic triacylglycerol in the liver and participates in the lipolysis/re-esterification cycle during the assembly of very-low-density lipoproteins. The structure-activity relationship of the enzyme was investigated by site-directed mutagenesis and heterologous expression. Expression of human TGH in Escherichia coli yields a protein without enzymatic activity, which suggests that posttranslational processing is necessary for the catalytic activity. Expression in baculovirus-infected Sf-9 cells resulted in correct processing of the N-terminal signal sequence and yielded a catalytically active enzyme. A putative catalytic triad consisting of a nucleophilic serine (S221), glutamic acid (E354), and histidine (H468) was identified. Site-directed mutagenesis of the residues (S221A, E354A, and H468A) yielded a catalytically inactive enzyme. CD spectra of purified mutant proteins were very similar to that of the wild-type enzyme, which suggests that the mutations did not affect folding. Human TGH was glycosylated in the insect cells. Mutagenesis of the putative N-glycosylation site (N79A) yielded an active nonglycosylated enzyme. Deletion of the putative C-terminal endoplasmic reticulum retrieval signal (HIEL) did not result in secretion of the mutant protein. A model of human TGH structure suggested a lipase alpha/beta hydrolase fold with a buried active site and two disulfide bridges (C87-C116 and C274-C285).  相似文献   

Four anti-idiotopic mAB, 107, MB, AI, and AD8, react with mouse hybridoma protein 36-65 specific for the hapten p-azophenylarsonate. The four antiidiotypic antibodies do not react with hybridoma protein 36-71, a somatically mutated variant of 36-65 whose H and L chain V region sequence differs at 19 amino acid positions. To determine which regions of 36-65 are important for the interaction with each of the four anti-idiotypic antibodies, variants of 36-65 containing one or more of the 36-71 substitutions were generated by oligonucleotide-directed mutagenesis of the rearranged 36-65 H chain V region gene, followed by expression of mutant proteins containing either the 36-65 or the 36-71 L chain in transfected hybridoma cells. Idiotypic characterization of the mutant proteins showed that reactivity correlates with the 36-65 H chain, but some contributions from the 36-65 L chain come into play. In the 36-65 H chain V region, idiotopes were mapped to the first and third complementarity-determining regions for anti-idiotypic antibodies 107, MB, and AI, and to all three complementarity-determining regions for anti-idiotypic antibody AD8. The binding of all four anti-idiotypic antibodies to hybridoma protein 36-65 was hapten inhibitable. However, a comparison between the effect of individual 36-71 substitutions on idiotope expression and their effect on Ag-binding affinity suggests that none of the four anti-idiotypic antibodies bodies mimics the structure of Ag.  相似文献   

Type VII collagen (C7) is a major component of anchoring fibrils, structures that mediate epidermal-dermal adherence. Mutations in gene COL7A1 encoding for C7 cause dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa (DEB), a genetic mechano-bullous disease. The biological consequences of specific COL7A1 mutations and the molecular mechanisms leading to DEB clinical phenotypes are unknown. In an attempt to establish genotype-phenotype relationships, we generated four individual substitution mutations that have been associated with recessive DEB, G2049E, R2063W, G2569R, and G2575R, and purified the recombinant mutant proteins. All mutant proteins were synthesized and secreted as a 290-kDa mutant C7 alpha chain at levels similar to wild type C7. The G2569R and G2575R glycine substitution mutations resulted in mutant C7 with increased sensitivity to protease degradation and decreased ability to form trimers. Limited proteolytic digestion of mutant G2049E and R2063W proteins yielded aberrant fragments and a triple helix with reduced stability. These two mutations next to the 39-amino acid helical interruption hinge region caused local destabilization of the triple-helix that exposed an additional highly sensitive proteolytic site within the region of the mutation. Our functional studies demonstrated that C7 is a potent pro-motility matrix for skin human keratinocyte migration and that this activity resides within the triple helical domain. Furthermore, G2049E and R2063W mutations reduced the ability of C7 to support fibroblast adhesion and keratinocyte migration. We conclude that known recessive DEB C7 mutations perturb critical functions of the C7 molecule and likely contribute to the clinical phenotypes of DEB patients.  相似文献   

Three-dimensional structural model of epoxide hydrolase (PchEHA) from Phanerochaete chrysosporium was constructed based on X-ray structure of Agrobacterium radiobacter AD1 sEH using SWISS-MODEL server. Conserved residues constituting the active site cavity were identified, of which the functional roles of 14 residues were determined by site-directed mutagenesis. In catalytic triad, Asp105 and His308 play a leading role in alkylation and hydrolysis steps, respectively. Distance between Asp105 and epoxide ring of substrate may determine the regiospecificity in the substrate docking model. Asp277 located at the entrance of substrate tunnel is concerned with catalysis but not essential. D307E had the highest activity and lower enantioselectivity among 14 mutants, suggesting Asp307 may be involved in choice of substrate configuration. Y159F and Y241F almost exhibited no activity, indicating that they are essential to bind substrate and facilitate opening of epoxide ring. Besides, His35-Gly36-Asn37-Pro38, Trp106 and Trp309 surrounding Asp105, may coordinate the integration of active site cavity and influence substrate binding. Especially, W106I reversed the enantioselectivity, perhaps due to more deteriorative impact on the preferred (R)-styrene oxide. Gly65 and Gly67 occurring at β-turns and Gly36 are vital in holding protein conformation. Conclusively, single conserved residue around the active sites has an important impact on catalytic properties.  相似文献   

alpha-Synuclein has been centrally implicated in neurodegenerative disease, and a normal function in developmental synaptic plasticity has been suggested by studies in songbirds. A variety of observations suggest the protein partitions between membrane and cytosol, a behavior apparently conferred by a conserved structural similarity to the exchangeable apolipoproteins. Here we show that the capacity to bind lipids is broadly distributed across exons 3, 4, and 5 (encoding residues 1-102). Binding to phosphatidylserine-containing vesicles requires the presence of all three exons, while binding to phosphatidic acid can be mediated by any one of the three. Consistent with a "class A2" helical binding mechanism, lipid association is disrupted by introduction of charged residues along the hydrophobic face of the predicted alpha-helix and also by biotinylation of conserved lysines (which line the interfacial region). Circular dichroism spectroscopy reveals a general correlation between the amount of lipid-induced alpha-helix content and the degree of binding to PS-containing vesicles. Two point mutations associated with Parkinson's disease have little (A30P) or no (A53T) effect on lipid binding or alpha-helicity. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that alpha-synuclein's normal functions depend on an ability to undergo a large conformational change in the presence of specific phospholipids.  相似文献   

S Wang  L P Deng  M L Brown  L B Agellon  A R Tall 《Biochemistry》1991,30(14):3484-3490
Human plasma cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP) enhances transfer and exchange of cholesteryl ester (CE) and triglyceride (TG) between high-density lipoprotein and other lipoproteins. To define regions responsible for the neutral lipid transfer activities at the molecular level, a total of 27 linker insertion mutants at 18 different sites along the CETP molecule were prepared and transiently expressed in a mammalian cell line (COS). The inserted linkers were small (usually 6 bp) and did not interrupt the translational reading frame of the CETP cDNA. Although secretion of each mutant protein was less than that of wild-type CETP, the majority of the mutants had normal cholesteryl ester transfer activity (transfer activity per nanogram of CETP in media). However, insertional alterations in three regions severely impaired CE transfer activity: (1) in the region of amino acids 48-53; (2) at amino acid 165; and (3) in the region of amino acids 373-379. Although the impaired activities could also be a result of globally incorrect folding of these CETP mutants, hydrophobicity analysis and secondary structure predictions tended to exclude this possibility for most of the insertion sites at which insertions resulted in inactivation. The insertion at amino acid 379 occurs immediately after a triplet of lysine residues, suggesting that this region might be involved in an essential step in the mechanism of CE and TG transfer, such as the binding of CETP to phosphatidylcholine molecules in the lipoprotein surface. Effects on TG transfer activity were generally similar to those on CE transfer activity, suggesting a similar structural requirement for both neutral lipid transfer activities.  相似文献   

Site directed mutagenesis of human steroid 5alpha-reductase types 1 (5AR1) and 2 (5AR2) has been used to identify residues involved in inhibitor/substrate binding by 5AR2. Replacing residues 21-24 (GALA) in 5AR2 with the analogous residues 26-29 (AVFA) from 5AR1 did not significantly alter either the Km for testosterone or the Ki for the competitive inhibitor Finasteride. Replacement of AVFA in 5AR1 with GALA from 5AR2 however, significantly decreased the Km and increased the resistance to Finasteride. These findings confirm that 5AR1 residues 26-29 are involved in inhibitor/substrate binding but suggest residues 21-24 of 5AR2 are not. Replacing residues 20-29 (QCAVGCAVFA) of 5AR1 with the analogous residues 15-24 (ATLVALGALA) from 5AR2, changed the Km and Ki to values approaching those for wild type 5AR2. Replacing residues VAL in wild type 5AR2 with VGC from 5AR1 did not change Km or Ki but replacing ATL in 5AR2 with QCA from 5AR1 significantly decreased the Km and increased the resistance to Finasteride. Conversely, replacing QCA with ATL in 5AR1 containing GALA in place of AVFA, increased the Km and decreased resistance to Finasteride. These findings indicate residues 15-17 of human 5AR2 participate in inhibitor/substrate binding whereas residues 18-20 do not.  相似文献   

Winter flounder contains both liver-type, extracellular antifreeze polypeptides (wflAFPs) and less active skin-type, intracellular antifreeze polypeptides (wfsAFPs). The lower activity of wfsAFPs might be due to their lack of complete ice-binding motifs '-K-DT-'. In order to test the functional role of this putative ice-binding motif, mutations were introduced into the N-terminal or C-terminal regions of wfsAFP-2, which lack any presumptive ice-binding motifs. The wild-type and mutant wfsAFP-2 were secreted in Escherichia coli culture media as mature antifreeze proteins and purified to homogeneity. Surprisingly, the antifreeze activity decreased with the introduction of ice-binding motifs. However, there was a corresponding decrease in alpha-helical content as well as thermal stability and this would suggest a compromise in retaining helical structure with the presence of ice-binding motifs. These studies have brought new definitions of the roles of ice-binding motif residues in type I antifreeze proteins.  相似文献   

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