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Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity of the adenohypophysis, cerebellum, cerebral cortex, hypothalamus, amygdala, hippocampus, midbrain, pons, medulla oblongata and caudate nucleus was determined by a spectro‐photometric method in adult, male rats adapted toan LD 12:12cycle. Results of the study show that AChE activity is highest during the light phase and lowest during the dark phase of the cycle in all the brain areas studied except the adenohypophysis, cerebellum, hippocampus and hypothalamus. These findings expand earlier observations on the circadian variation in rat brain AChE activity and suggests a relationship with reported circadian variation in the acetylcholine levels of rat brain.  相似文献   

The incidence of spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage (sICH) and ischemic stroke vary across seasons. Most studies examining seasonal variation in sICH have been conducted in countries with significant climatic changes across seasons, whereas studies from the Mediterranean region, which has a relatively mild winter, are limited in number and have produced inconsistent results. Further studies from the region are called for, especially from countries where sICH seasonality has not yet been explored. A total of 974 patients with sICH between 1 January 2000 and 31 December 2014 were included in this study. The seasonal, monthly and weekday distribution of hospital admissions, in-hospital mortality, length of hospital stay and functional outcome at discharge were examined. We found that most hospital admissions due to sICH occurred in the winter (n = 286, 29%), whereas the fewest admissions occurred in the summer (n = 205, 21%; p = 0.0011). In terms of monthly distribution, most admissions were in January (n = 107, 11%), and the fewest admissions were in September (n = 60, 6%; p = 0.0004). There were no differences in the distribution of sICH between weekdays and weekends. Also, we found no significant weekday or seasonal variations in in-hospital mortality or functional outcome of sICH. Our results suggest that temporal patterns impact the natural course of sICH in northern Israel. The identification of factors, including biological ones, responsible for seasonal variation in regions with mild seasonal changes requires further research but could aid in the design of strategies for preventing sICH.  相似文献   

生理和行为的昼夜节律性调控对健康生活是必需的。越来越多的流行病学和遗传学证据显示昼夜节律的破坏与代谢紊乱性疾病相关联。在分子水平上,昼夜节律受到时钟蛋白组成的转录一翻译负反馈环的调控。时钟蛋白通过以下两种途径调节代谢:首先,时钟蛋白作为转录因子直接调节一些代谢关键步骤的限速酶和代谢相关核受体的表达,其次作为代谢相关核受体的辅调节因子来激活或抑制其转录活性。虽然时钟蛋白对代谢途径的调节导致代谢物水平呈昼夜节律振荡,但是产生的代谢物反过来又可以影响昼夜节律钟基因的表达,进而影响昼夜节律钟。深入研究昼夜节律钟与代谢的交互调节可能为治疗某些代谢紊乱性疾病提供新的治疗方案。  相似文献   

Background: Endocrine alterations of the hypothalamic-pituitary-axis are one of the first measurable physiological changes in cerebral insults. During acute stress, human growth hormone (GH) is stimulated and has shown to have a prognostic value in various diseases. Within this pilot study, we evaluated the prognostic value of GH in patients with acute intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH).

Methods: In a prospective observational study in 40 consecutive patients with ICH, GH was measured on admission. The prognostic value of GH to predict 30-day mortality and 90-day functional outcome was assessed. Favorable functional outcome was defined as Barthel Index score >85 points and Modified Rankin Scale <3 points.

Results: GH levels were increased in patients who died within 30 days as compared to survivors (0.45 (IQR 0.20–1.51) vs. 1.51 (IQR 0.91–4.08) p?=?0.03), and in patients with an unfavorable functional outcome as compared to patients with a favorable functional outcome after 90 days 0.28 (IQR 0.16–0.61) vs. 0.78 (IQR 0.31–1.99) p?=?0.03). For mortality prediction, receiver-operating-characteristics revealed an area under the curve (AUC) on admission for GH of 0.78 (95% CI 0.60–0.96), which was in the range of the Glasgow Coma Score (GCS) (AUC 0.82 (95% CI 0.59–1.00) p?=?0.80). For functional outcome prediction, GH had an AUC of 0.71 (95% CI 0.54–0.87), which was statistically not different from the GCS (AUC 0.81 (95% CI 0.68–0.94) p?=?0.36).

Conclusions: In our small cohort of patients with acute ICH, elevated GH level were associated with increased mortality and worse outcome. If confirmed in a larger study, GH levels may be used as an additional prognostic factor in ICH patients. (ClincalTrials.gov number NCT00390962).  相似文献   


We investigated the association between the period of exposure and changes in urinary excretion of chromium and nickel among rotating shift workers in a stainless-steel plant. The study participants were composed of two groups: the workers who were occupationally exposed to metals (“exposed group”) and those who were not occupationally exposed to metals (“unexposed group”). The exposed and unexposed groups consisted of 56 and 40 male rotating shift workers, respectively. Urine samples were collected immediately before and immediately after the day shift, evening shift, and night shift. Urinary chromium and nickel were measured using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. To correct for variations in urine dilution, urinary metal concentrations were expressed as a ratio to urinary creatinine concentration. In the exposed group, post-shift urinary excretion of chromium was significantly higher than pre-shift excretion. However, although urinary chromium excretion clearly increased after the day and night shift [63% (p < .0001) and 87% (p < .0001), respectively], urinary chromium excretion after the evening shift was only slightly higher than that measured before the evening shift (8%, p = .028). Similar patterns were found for urinary nickel excretion (p = .0001, 0.20, and 0.18 for the day, evening, and night shifts, respectively). Non-uniform urinary excretion of metals between the day shift, evening shift, and night shift were observed in the exposed group; specifically, urinary metal excretion increased only slightly during the evening shift. In the unexposed group, no significant increase or decrease was found in median urinary chromium or nickel excretion (p= .63–0.87). Work shift-specific permissible exposure level would be necessary.  相似文献   

Leptin has recently been discussed as a novel biomarker for the clinical outcome of critical illness. This study aims to investigate the prognostic value of leptin with regard to long-term clinical outcomes in patients with intracerebral hemorrhage. In 50 healthy controls and 92 patients with acute spontaneous basal ganglia hemorrhage presenting to the emergency department of a large primary care hospital, we measured plasma leptin levels using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay in a blinded fashion. Plasma leptin levels on admission were considerably higher in patients than healthy controls. A significant correlation emerged between plasma leptin level and National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale score. A multivariate analysis identified plasma leptin level as an independent predictor for 6-month clinical outcomes including 6-month mortality and unfavorable outcome (Modified Rankin Scale score > 2). Using receiver operating characteristic curves, we calculated areas under the curve for 6-month clinical outcomes. The predictive performance of leptin was similar to, but did not obviously improve that of National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale scores. Thus, leptin may help in the prediction of 6-month mortality and unfavorable outcome after intracerebral hemorrhage.  相似文献   

Circadian rhythms of locomotor activity shown by freshwater decapods display different patterns among crayfish, Procambarus, and crabs, when exposed to artificial light-dark cycles. Crayfish are mainly nocturnal while a crepuscular activity is observed in crabs of the genus Pseudothelphusa. In constant darkness, free running rhythms are displayed in unimodal or bimodal patterns by crayfish Procambarus; however, Pseudothelphusa continues to show bimodal rhythms. The many studies using locomotor activity indicate that the rhythm in freshwater crabs is circadian in nature, but that a multioscillatory system may be controlling the overt rhythm. In the present study, the implications of different locomotor activity patterns are analyzed in selected freshwater decapods with regard to the interactions between light and the organisms. Crabs and crayfish are commonly found in similar habitats, often sharing the same environment; however, different patterns of locomotor activity as well as different sensitivities of the bouts of activity with regard to entrainment by light, indicate that distinct temporal niches may exist that result in temporal exclusion or low competition.  相似文献   

Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) or ubiquinone, a redox component of the mitochondrial electron transport chains, is a powerful antioxidant and membrane stabilizer that may prevent cellular damage during myocardial ischemia and reperfusion therapy. Coenzyme Q10 has been used primarily as an adjuvant therapy for some cardiomyopathies. However, one of the main problems in CoQ10 administration is the high variability of endogenous plasma and tissue levels, which seems to be dependent on several factors. This work explores temporal 24h and seasonal variation as well as gender and racial differences in endogenous plasma ubiquinone concentration. Coenzyme Q10 measurements (quantified by HPLC-UV) of 16 healthy volunteers were done during the daytime hours of activity beginning at 09:00h one day and ending at 09:00h the next day (13 different determinations) in two distinct months, April and October, of the year. A statistically significant circadian rhythm in plasma ubiquinone concentration that includes only the fundamental 24h component was demonstrated both in the April and October data. Furthermore, the time-point means of the ubiquinone concentration in the October study were invariably higher than those obtained in the April study. No statistically significant differences were found in CoQ10 concentration between male and female subjects, both in April and in October. In addition, racial differences were demonstrated; lower plasma ubiquinone levels were found in Caucasian compared to African subjects. However, the latter small group of subjects failed to demonstrate a circadian rhythm, neither in the April nor in the October analysis.  相似文献   

蓝藻是具有内源性生物钟的简单生物.虽然蓝藻生物钟具有跟真核生物同样的基础特征,但其相关基因和蛋白质与真核生物没有同源性.蓝藻生物钟的核心是kai基因簇及其编码的蛋白KaiA,KaiB和KaiC.这三种Kai蛋白相互作用调节KaiC的磷酸化状态,从而产生昼夜节律信息.KaiC的磷酸化循环是昼夜节律的起博器,调控包括kai基因在内的相关基因的节律性表达.组氨酸蛋白激酶的磷酸化传递可将环境信息输入和将节律信息输出生物钟核心.  相似文献   

Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) or ubiquinone, a redox component of the mitochondrial electron transport chains, is a powerful antioxidant and membrane stabilizer that may prevent cellular damage during myocardial ischemia and reperfusion therapy. Coenzyme Q10 has been used primarily as an adjuvant therapy for some cardiomyopathies. However, one of the main problems in CoQ10 administration is the high variability of endogenous plasma and tissue levels, which seems to be dependent on several factors. This work explores temporal 24h and seasonal variation as well as gender and racial differences in endogenous plasma ubiquinone concentration. Coenzyme Q10 measurements (quantified by HPLC-UV) of 16 healthy volunteers were done during the daytime hours of activity beginning at 09:00h one day and ending at 09:00h the next day (13 different determinations) in two distinct months, April and October, of the year. A statistically significant circadian rhythm in plasma ubiquinone concentration that includes only the fundamental 24h component was demonstrated both in the April and October data. Furthermore, the time-point means of the ubiquinone concentration in the October study were invariably higher than those obtained in the April study. No statistically significant differences were found in CoQ10 concentration between male and female subjects, both in April and in October. In addition, racial differences were demonstrated; lower plasma ubiquinone levels were found in Caucasian compared to African subjects. However, the latter small group of subjects failed to demonstrate a circadian rhythm, neither in the April nor in the October analysis.  相似文献   

Conclusion The circadian rhythm of melatonin synthesis in the pineal glands of various species has been summarized. The night-time elevation of melatonin content is in most if not all cases regulated by the change of N-acetyltransferase activity. In mammals, the N-acetyltransferase rhythm is controlled by the central nervous system, presumably by suprachiasmatic nuclei in hypothalamus through the superior cervical ganglion. In birds, the circadian oscillator that regulates the N-acetyltransferase rhythm is located in the pineal glands. The avian pineal gland may play a biological clock function to control the circadian rhythms in physiological, endocrinological and biochemical processes via pineal hormone melatonin.  相似文献   

采用试验室单管观察记录的方法,对3,4,5日龄野生型黑腹果蝇Drosophila melanogaster Meigenw1118成虫每日活动节律进行研究。试验将果蝇活动划分为强活动(飞行和爬行)、弱活动(梳理、觅食等原地发生的运动)和静息(身体不发生移动的休息)3种类型。强活动和弱活动之和为总运动。研究结果显示,野生型黑腹果蝇w1118的昼夜活动表现为明显的双峰模态,晨峰和晚峰分别处于开、关灯前后;雌、雄果蝇总体活动无差异,关灯(18:30)前后雌蝇活动稍强于雄蝇,开灯(6:30)前后则相反;果蝇强活动的节律与总运动基本一致,而弱活动节律不明显;静息节律为单峰模式,其高峰期位于夜间1:00~5:00;雌蝇的静息活动显著多于雄蝇(P<0·05)。  相似文献   

Groups of photorefractory female subtropical house sparrows, Passer domestkus, when treated with 6 weeks of a short photocycle (8L : 16D) showed significant ovarian growth on their return to a long photocycle (15L :9D). A 6-hr photophase coupled with scotophase of varying durations does not terminate the refractory period under photoperiod cycles of 12 (6L : 6D), 36 (6L :30D) and 60 (6L : S4D) hr but the refractory period is terminated by light-dark cycles of 24 (6L: 18D), 48 (6L :42D) and 72 (6L : 66D) hr. These results are consistent with the Biinning hypothesis of coincidence between endogenous photosensitive rhythmicity and environmental photoperiod timing that an endogenous circadian rhythm is involved in the maintenance and termination of photorefractoriness.  相似文献   

果蝇昼夜节律的分子机制研究进展   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
果蝇由于遗传易操作性而成为一个研究昼夜节律分子机制的理想模式生物 . 到目前为止,通过遗传学和生物化学方法已经鉴定到 10 多个时钟基因 (clock genes) 和许多时钟相关基因,包括时钟输入基因和钟控基因 . 这些时钟基因以及它们的相应产物组成两个互相依赖的转录 / 翻译反馈环路,从而调节行为和生理的昼夜节律 . 果蝇这种核心钟的工作原理同样见于哺乳动物 .  相似文献   

Endogenous homeostasis and peripheral tissue metabolism are disrupted by irregular fluctuations in activation, movement, feeding and temperature, which can accelerate negative biological processes and lead to immune reactions, such as rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and osteoarthritis (OA). This review summarizes abnormal phenotypes in articular joint components such as cartilage, bone and the synovium, attributed to the deletion or overexpression of clock genes in cartilage or chondrocytes. Understanding the functional mechanisms of different genes, the differentiation of mouse phenotypes and the prevention of joint ageing and disease will facilitate future research.  相似文献   

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