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M Sono 《Biochemistry》1990,29(6):1451-1460
The binding of a number of ligands to the heme protein indolamine 2,3-dioxygenase has been examined with UV-visible absorption and with natural and magnetic circular dichroism spectroscopy. Relatively large ligands (e.g., norharman) which do not readily form complexes with myoglobin and horseradish peroxidase (HRP) can bind to the dioxygenase. Except for only a few cases (e.g., 4-phenylimidazole) for the ferric dioxygenase, a direct competition for the enzyme rarely occurs between the substrate L-tryptophan (Trp) and the ligands examined. L-Trp and small heme ligands (CN-,N3-,F-) markedly enhance the affinity of each other for the ferric enzyme in a reciprocal manner, exhibiting positive cooperativity. For the ferrous enzyme, L-Trp exerts negative cooperativity with some ligands such as imidazoles, alkyl isocyanides, and CO binding to the enzyme. This likely reflects the proximity of the Trp binding site to the heme iron. Other indolamine substrates also exert similar but smaller cooperative effects on the binding of azide or ethyl isocyanide. The pH dependence of the ligand affinity of the dioxygenase is similar to that of myoglobin rather than that of HRP. These results suggest that indolamine 2,3-dioxygenase has the active-site heme pocket whose environmental structure is similar to, but whose size is considerably larger than, that of myoglobin, a typical O2-binding heme protein. Although the L-Trp affinity of the ferric cyanide and ferrous CO enzyme varies only slightly between pH 5.5 and 9.5, the unligated ferric and ferrous enzymes have considerably higher affinity for L-Trp at alkaline pH than at acidic pH. L-Trp binding to the ferrous dioxygenase is affected by an ionizable residue with a pKa value of 7.3.  相似文献   


The binding characteristics of calf thymus DNA (ct-DNA) with dasatinib (DSTN), a tyrosine kinase inhibitor was assessed through multi-spectroscopic methodologies and viscosity measurement combined with molecular docking as well as DFT calculation to understand the binding mechanism, affinity of DSTN onto ct-DNA, effect of DSTN on ct-DNA conformation, and among others. The results confirmed DSTN bound onto ct-DNA, leading to forming the DSTN–ct-DNA complex with the binding constant of 4.82?×?103 M?1 at 310?K. DSTN preferentially inserted to the minor groove of ct-DNA with rich A-T region, that was the binding mode of DSTN onto ct-DNA was groove binding. The enthalpic change (ΔH0) and entropic change (ΔS0) during the binding process of DSTN with ct-DNA were 128.9?kJ mol?1 and 489.2?J mol?1 K?1, respectively, confirming clearly that the association of DSTN with ct-DNA was an endothermic process and the dominative driven-force was hydrophobic interaction. Meanwhile, the results also indicated that there was a certain extent of electrostatic force and hydrogen bonding, but they maybe play an auxiliary role. The CD measurement results confirmed the alteration in the helical configuration of ct-DNA but almost no change in the base stacking after binding DSTN. The results revealed that there was the obvious change in the conformation, the dipole moment, and the atomic charge distribution of DSTN in the B-DNA complexes, compared with free DSTN, to satisfy the conformational adaptation. From the obtained fronitier molecular orbitals of DSTN, it can be inferred that the nature of DSTN alters with the change of the environment around DSTN.

Communicated by Ramaswamy H. Sarma  相似文献   

Due to the diligence of inherent redundancy and robustness in many biological networks and pathways, multitarget inhibitors present a new prospect in the pharmaceutical industry for treatment of complex diseases. Nevertheless, to design multitarget inhibitors is concurrently a great challenge for medicinal chemists. Human thymidylate synthase (hTS) and human dihydrofolate reductase (hDHFR) are the key enzymes in folate metabolic pathway that is necessary for the biosynthesis of RNA, DNA and protein. Their inhibition has found clinical utility as antitumour, antimicrobial and antiprotozoal agents. The aim of this study is to elucidate the factors which are responsible for the potent inhibition of hTS and hDHFR, respectively, through the detailed analysis of the binding modes of dual TS–DHFR inhibitors at both active sites using molecular docking study. Moreover, this study is also accompanied by the exploration of electronic features of dual inhibitors via the density functional theory approach. This study demonstrates that appropriate substitution at the sixth position of thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidines moiety in non-classical dual inhibitors of hTS and hDHFR plays a key role in the inhibition of hTS and hDHFR enzymes. In general, the outcomes of this research exertion will significantly be helpful in drug design for cancer chemotherapy.  相似文献   

A study on the possible sites of oxidation and epoxidation of nortriptyline was performed using electrochemical and quantum chemical methods; these sites are involved in the biological responses (for example, hepatotoxicity) of nortriptyline and other similar antidepressants. Quantum chemical studies and electrochemical experiments demonstrated that the oxidation and epoxidation sites are located on the apolar region of nortriptyline, which will useful for understanding the molecule’s activity. Also, for the determination of the compound in biological fluids or in pharmaceutical formulations, we propose a useful analytical methodology using a graphite-polyurethane composite electrode, which exhibited the best performance when compared with boron-doped diamond or glassy carbon surfaces.  相似文献   

Indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO) is emerging as an important new therapeutic drug target for the treatment of cancer characterized by pathological immune suppression. IDO catalyzes the rate-limiting step of tryptophan degradation along the kynurenine pathway. Reduction in local tryptophan concentration and the production of immunomodulatory tryptophan metabolites contribute to the immunosuppressive effects of IDO. Presence of IDO on dentritic cells in tumor-draining lymph nodes leading to the activation of T cells toward forming immunosuppressive microenvironment for the survival of tumor cells has confirmed the importance of IDO as a promising novel anticancer immunotherapy drug target. On the other hand, Withaferin A (WA) – active constituent of Withania Somnifera ayurvedic herb has shown to be having a wide range of targeted anticancer properties. In the present study conducted here is an attempt to explore the potential of WA in attenuating IDO for immunotherapeutic tumor arresting activity and to elucidate the underlying mode of action in a computational approach. Our docking and molecular dynamic simulation results predict high binding affinity of the ligand to the receptor with up to ?11.51 kcal/mol of energy and 3.63 nM of IC50 value. Further, de novo molecular dynamic simulations predicted stable ligand interactions with critically important residues SER167; ARG231; LYS377, and heme moiety involved in IDO’s activity. Conclusively, our results strongly suggest WA as a valuable small ligand molecule with strong binding affinity toward IDO.  相似文献   

Iron(II)-containing homoprotocatechuate 2,3-dioxygenase (FeHPCD) activates O2 to catalyze the aromatic ring opening of homoprotocatechuate (HPCA). The enzyme requires FeII for catalysis, but MnII can be substituted (MnHPCD) with essentially no change in the steady-state kinetic parameters. Near simultaneous O2 and HPCA activation has been proposed to occur through transfer of an electron or electrons from HPCA to O2 through the divalent metal. In O2 reactions with MnHPCD–HPCA and the 4-nitrocatechol (4NC) complex of the His200Asn (H200N) variant of FeHPCD, this transfer has resulted in the detection of a transient MIII–O2 ·? species that is not observed during turnover of the wild-type FeHPCD. The factors governing formation of the MIII–O2 ·? species are explored here by EPR spectroscopy using MnHPCD and nitric oxide (NO) as an O2 surrogate. Both the HPCA and the dihydroxymandelic substrate complexes of MnHPCD bind NO, thus representing the first reported stable MnNO complexes of a nonheme enzyme. In contrast, the free enzyme, the MnHPCD–4NC complex, and the MnH200N and MnH200Q variants with or without HPCA bound do not bind NO. The MnHPCD–ligand complexes that bind NO are also active in normal O2-linked turnover, whereas the others are inactive. Past studies have shown that FeHPCD and the analogous variants and catecholic ligand complexes all bind NO, and are active in normal turnover. This contrasting behavior may stem from the ability of the enzyme to maintain the approximately 0.8-V difference in the solution redox potentials of FeII and MnII. Owing to the higher potential of Mn, the formation of the NO adduct or the O2 adduct requires both strong charge donation from the bound catecholic ligand and additional stabilization by interaction with the active-site His200. The same nonoptimal electronic and structural forces that prevent NO and O2 binding in MnHPCD variants may lead to inefficient electron transfer from the catecholic substrate to the metal center in variants of FeHPCD during O2-linked turnover. Accordingly, past studies have shown that intermediate FeIII species are observed for these mutant enzymes.  相似文献   

FabI, enoyl-ACP reductase (ENR), is the rate-limiting enzyme in the last step for fatty acids biosynthesis in many bacteria. Triclosan (TCL) is a commercial bactericide, and as a FabI inhibitor, it can depress the substrate (trans-2-enoyl-ACP) binding with FabI to hinder the fatty acid synthesis. The structure-activity relationship between TCL derivatives and FabI protein has already been acknowledged, however, their combination at the molecular level has never been investigated. This paper uses the computer-aided approaches, such as molecular docking, molecular dynamics simulation, and binding free energy calculation based on the molecular mechanics/Poisson-Bolzmann surface area (MM/PBSA) method to illustrate the interaction rules of TCL derivatives with FabI and guide the development of new derivatives. The consistent data of the experiment and corresponding activity demonstrates that electron-withdrawing groups on side chain are better than electron-donating groups. 2-Hydroxyl group on A ring, promoting the formation of hydrogen bond, is vital for bactericidal effect; and the substituents at 4-position of A ring, 2′-position and 4′-position of B ring benefit antibacterial activity due to forming a hydrogen bond or stabilizing the conformation of active pocket residues of receptor. While the substituents at 3′-position and 5′-position of B ring destroy the π-π stacking interaction of A ring and NAD+ which depresses the antibacterial activity. This study provides a new sight for designing novel TCL derivatives with superior antibacterial activity.  相似文献   

We have determined, for the first time, the enthalpic contributions to the energy change associated with ligand reorganization (LR) upon the binding of the same ligand to multiple sites within human serum albumine (HSA). Quantum mechanics based density functional theory (DFT) has been used for the LR calculations, which provides much better accuracy than previously used molecular mechanics methods (MM). Our findings show that for some ligands these enthalpic contributions can be attributed to specific structural and conformational changes.  相似文献   

Quercetin 2,3-dioxygenase from Bacillus subtilis (QueD) converts the flavonol quercetin and molecular oxygen to 2-protocatechuoylphloroglucinolcarboxylic acid and carbon monoxide. QueD, the only known quercetin 2,3-dioxygenase from a prokaryotic organism, has been described as an Fe2+-dependent bicupin dioxygenase. Metal-substituted QueDs were generated by expressing the enzyme in Escherichia coli grown on minimal media in the presence of a number of divalent metals. The addition of Mn2+, Co2+, and Cu2+ generated active enzymes, but the addition of Zn2+, Fe2+, and Cd2+ did not increase quercetinase activity to any significant level over a control in which no divalent ions were added to the media. The Mn2+- and Co2+-containing QueDs were purified, characterized by metal analysis and EPR spectroscopy, and studied by steady-state kinetics. Mn2+ was found to be incorporated nearly stoichiometrically to the two cupin motifs. The hyperfine coupling constant of the g = 2 signal in the EPR spectra of the Mn2+-containing enzyme showed that the two Mn2+ ions are ligated in an octahedral coordination. The turnover number of this enzyme was found to be in the order of 25 s(-1), nearly 40-fold higher than that of the Fe2+-containing enzyme and similar in magnitude to that of the Cu2+-containing quercertin 2,3-dioxygenase from Aspergillus japonicus. In addition, kinetic and spectroscopic data suggest that the catalytic mechanism of QueD is different from that of the Aspergillus quercetinases but similar to that proposed for the extradiol catechol dioxygenases. This study provides evidence that Mn2+ might be the preferred cofactor for this enzyme and identifies QueD as a new member of the manganese dioxygenase family.  相似文献   

Zabell AP  Post CB 《Proteins》2002,46(3):295-307
A method is described for docking a large, flexible ligand using intra-ligand conformational restraints from exchange-transferred NOE (etNOE) data. Numerous conformations of the ligand are generated in isolation, and a subset of representative conformations is selected. A crude model of the protein-ligand complex is used as a template for overlaying the selected ligand structures, and each complex is conformationally relaxed by molecular mechanics to optimize the interaction. Finally, the complexes were assessed for structural quality. Alternative approaches are described for the three steps of the method: generation of the initial docking template; selection of a subset of ligand conformations; and conformational sampling of the complex. The template is generated either by manual docking using interactive graphics or by a computational grid-based search of the binding site. A subset of conformations from the total number of peptides calculated in isolation is selected based on either low energy and satisfaction of the etNOE restraints, or a cluster analysis of the full set. To optimize the interactions in the complex, either a restrained Monte Carlo-energy minimization (MCM) protocol or a restrained simulated annealing (SA) protocol were used. This work produced 53 initial complexes of which 8 were assessed in detail. With the etNOE conformational restraints, all of the approaches provide reasonable models. The grid-based approach to generate an initial docking template allows a large volume to be sampled, and as a result, two distinct binding modes were identified for a fifteen-residue peptide binding to an enzyme active site.  相似文献   

Glutathione S-transferase of the malarial parasite Plasmodium falciparum (PfGST) represents a novel class of GST isoenzymes. Since the architecture of the PfGST substrate binding site differs significantly from its human counterparts and there is only this one isoenzyme present in the parasite, PfGST is considered a highly attractive target for antimalarial drug development. Here we report the mechanistic, kinetic, and structural characterization of PfGST as well as its interaction with different ligands. Our data indicate that in solution PfGST is present as a tetramer that dissociates into dimers in the presence of glutathione (GSH). Fluorescence spectroscopy shows that in the presence of GSH GST serves as ligandin for parasitotoxic ferriprotoporphyrin IX with a high- and a low-affinity binding site. This is supported by a clear uncompetitive inhibition type. Site-directed mutagenesis studies demonstrate that neither Cys 86 nor Cys 101 contribute to the peroxidase activity of the enzyme, which is thus performed GSH-dependently at the active site. Tyr 9 is responsible for the deprotonation of GSH and Lys 15, but also Gln 71 are involved in GSH binding. We furthermore report the 2.4 A resolution X-ray structure of PfGST cocrystallized with the inhibitor S-hexylglutathione. In comparison with a previously reported structure obtained by crystal soaking, differences occur at the C-terminal end of helix alpha4 and at the S-hexylmoiety of the inhibitor. We furthermore show that, in contrast to previous reports, the antimalarial drug artemisinin is not metabolized by PfGST.  相似文献   

We investigated the contribution percentage of tryptophan 2,3-dioxygenase (TDO) and indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO) to the conversion of d-tryptophan to nicotinamide in TDO-knockout mice. The calculated percentage conversions indicated that TDO and IDO oxidized 70 and 30%, respectively, of the dietary l-tryptophan. These results indicate that both TDO and IDO biosynthesize nicotinamide from d-tryptophan and l-tryptophan in mice.  相似文献   

Indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO) reacts with either oxygen or superoxide and tryptophan (trp) or other indoleamines while tryptophan 2,3-dioxygenase (TDO) reacts with oxygen and is specific for trp. These enzymes catalyze the rate-limiting step in the kynurenine (KYN) pathway from trp to quinolinic acid (QA) with TDO in kidney and liver and IDO in many tissues, including brain where it is low but inducible. QA, which does not cross the blood-brain barrier, is an excitotoxin found in the CNS during various pathologies and is associated with convulsions. We proposed that HBO-induced convulsions result from increased flux through the KYN pathway via oxygen stimulation of IDO. To test this, TDO and IDO of liver and brain, respectively, of Sprague Dawley rats were assayed with oxygen from 0 to 6.2 atm HBO. TDO activity was appreciable at even 30 microM oxygen and rose steeply to a maximum at 40 microM. Conversely, IDO had almost no detectable activity at or below 100 microM oxygen and maximum activity was not reached until about 1150 microM. (Plasma contains about 215 microM oxygen and capillaries about 20 microM oxygen when rats breathe air.) KYN was 60% higher in brains of HBO-convulsed rats compared to rats breathing air. While the oxygen concentration inside cells of rats breathing air or HBO is not known precisely, it is clear that the rate-limiting, IDO-catalyzed step in the brain KYN pathway (but not liver TDO) can be greatly accelerated in rats breathing HBO.  相似文献   

Docking simulations have been used to assess protein complexes with some success. Small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) is a well-established technique to investigate protein spatial configuration. This work describes the integration of geometric docking with SAXS to investigate the quaternary structure of recombinant human purine nucleoside phosphorylase (PNP). This enzyme catalyzes the reversible phosphorolysis of N-ribosidic bonds of purine nucleosides and deoxynucleosides. A genetic deficiency due to mutations in the gene encoding for PNP causes gradual decrease in T-cell immunity. Inappropriate activation of T-cells has been implicated in several clinically relevant human conditions such as transplant rejection, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and T-cell lymphomas. PNP is therefore a target for inhibitor development aiming at T-cell immune response modulation and has been submitted to extensive structure-based drug design. The present analysis confirms the trimeric structure observed in the crystal. The potential application of the present procedure to other systems is discussed.  相似文献   

Topoisomerases (Topos) are very important protein targets for drug design in cancer treatment. Human Topo type IIα (hTopo IIα) has been widely studied experimentally and theoretically. Here, we performed protein rigid/flexible side-chain docking to study a set of thirty-nine 3-substituted-2,6-piperazindiones (labelled 1a, (R)-[(2–20)a] and (S)-[(2–20)b]) derived from α-amino acids. To explain the ligand–protein complexes at the electronic level [using the highest occupied and the lowest unoccupied molecular orbitals (HOMO and LUMO) energies], density functional theory calculations were carried out. Finally, to show adenosine triphosphate (ATP) binding-site constituents, the Q-SiteFinder program was used. The docking results showed that all of the test compounds bind to the ATP-binding site on hTopo IIα. Recognition is mediated by the formation of several hydrogen bond acceptors or donators. This site was the largest (631 Å3) according to the Q-SiteFinder program. When using the protein rigid docking protocol, compound 13a derived from (R)-Lys showed the highest affinity. However, when a flexible side-chain docking protocol was used, the compound with the highest affinity was 16a, derived from (R)-Trp. Frontier molecular orbital studies showed that the HOMO of the ligand interacts with the LUMO located at side-chain residues from the protein-binding site. The HOMO of the binding site interacts with the LUMO of the ligand. We conclude that some ligand properties including the hindrance effect, hydrogen bonds, π–π interactions and stereogenic centres are important for the ligand to be recognised by the ATP-binding site of hTopo IIα.  相似文献   

Abstract Naphthalene 1,2-dioxygenase from Pseudomonas sp. NCIB 9816-4 and biphenyl dioxygenase from Beijerinckia sp. B8/36 oxidized the aromatic N-heterocycle carbazole to 3-hydroxycarbazole. Toluene dioxygenase from Pseudomonas putida F39/D did not oxidize carbazole. Transformations were carried out by mutant strains which oxidize naphthalene and biphenyl to cis -dihydrodiols, and with a recombinant E. coli strain expressing the structural genes of naphthalene 1,2-dioxygenase from Pseudomonas sp. NCIB 9816-4. 3-Hydroxycarbazole is presumed to result from the dehydration of an unstable cis -dihydrodiol.  相似文献   

Biochemical mechanisms leading to tryptophan 2,3-dioxygenase activation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Tryptophan 2,3-dioxygenase (TDO) is the first enzyme in the tryptophan oxidation pathway. It is a hemoprotein and its heme prosthetic group is present as a heme-ferric (heme-Fe(3+)) form that is not active. To be able to oxidize tryptophan, the heme-Fe(3+) form of the enzyme must be reduced to a heme-ferrous (heme-Fe(2+)) form and this study describes conditions that promote TDO activation. TDO is progressively activated upon mixing with tryptophan in a neutral buffer, which leads to an impression that tryptophan is responsible for TDO activation. Through extensive analysis of factors resulting in TDO activation during incubation with tryptophan, we conclude that tryptophan indirectly activates TDO through promoting the production of reactive oxygen species. This consideration is supported by the virtual elimination of the initial lag phase when either pre-incubated tryptophan solution was used as the substrate or a low concentration of superoxide or hydrogen peroxide was incorporated into the freshly tryptophan and TDO mixture. However, accumulation of these reactive oxygen species also leads to the inactivation of TDO, so that both TDO activation and inactivation proceed with the specific outcome depending greatly on the concentrations of superoxide and hydrogen peroxide. As a consequence, the rate of TDO catalysis varies depending upon the proportion of the active to inactive forms of the enzyme, which is in a dynamic relationship in the reaction mixture. These data provide some insight towards elucidating the molecular regulation of TDO in vivo.  相似文献   

The mechanics of peptide–protein docking has long been an area of intense interest to the computational community. Here we discuss an improved docking protocol named XPairIt which uses a multitier approach, combining the PyRosetta docking software with the NAMD molecular dynamics package through a biomolecular simulation programming interface written in Python. This protocol is designed for systems where no a priori information of ligand structure (beyond sequence) or binding location is known. It provides for efficient incorporation of both ligand and target flexibility, is HPC-ready and is easily extensible for use of custom code. We apply this protocol to a set of 11 test cases drawn from benchmarking databases and from previously published studies for direct comparison with existing protocols. Strengths, weaknesses and areas of improvement are discussed.  相似文献   

The literature has reported that ferriprotoporphyrin IX (hematin) intoxicates the malarial parasite through competition with NADH for the active site of the enzyme lactate dehydrogenase (LDH). In order to avoid this, the parasite polymerizes hematin to hemozoin. The quinoline derivatives are believed to form complexes with dimeric hematin, avoiding the formation of hemozoin and still inhibiting LDH. In order to investigate this hypothesis we calculated the docking energies of NADH and some quinoline derivatives (in the free forms and in complex with dimeric hematin) in the active site of the Plasmodium falciparum LDH (PfLDH). Ours results showed better docking score values to the complexes when compared to the free compounds, pointing them as more efficient inhibitors of Pf_LDH. Further we performed Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulations studies on the best docking conformation of the complex chloroquine-dimeric hematin with PfLDH. Our in silico results corroborate experimental data suggesting a possible action route for the quinoline derivatives in the inhibition of PfLDH.  相似文献   

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