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《Inorganica chimica acta》1987,138(3):187-192
The thermodynamic parameters (ΔG, ΔH, ΔS) of complexation have been measured by potentiometric and calorimetric titration for formation of ML and MHL (M  Mg2+, Ca2+; L  AMP2−, ADP3−, ATP4−). The parameters are interpreted to support a model of inner sphere complexation of the metal cations to the phosphate groups with no evidence of metal-ring interaction in the ML complexes. In the MHL complexes, the protonation (of a ring nitrogen) seemingly leads to ‘backfolding’ interaction between the metal and the ring system in addition to the interaction between the metal and the phosphate groups.  相似文献   

The uptake activity ratio for AMP, ADP, and ATP in mutant (T-1) cells of Escherichia coli W, deficient in de novo purine biosynthesis at a point between IMP and 5-aminoimidazole-4-carboxiamide-1-β-D-ribofuranoside (AICAR), was 1:0.43:0.19. This ratio was approximately equal to the 5'-nucleotidase activity ratio in E. coli W cells. The order of inhibitory effect on [2-3H]ADP uptake by T-1 cells was adenine > adenosine > AMP > ATP. About 2-fold more radioactive purine bases than purine nucleosides were detected in the cytoplasm after 5 min in an experiment with [8-1?C]AMP and T-1 cells. Uptake of [2-3H]adenosine in T-1 cells was inhibited by inosine, but not in mutant (Ad-3) cells of E. coli W, which lacked adenosine deaminase and adenylosuccinate lyase. These experiments suggest that AMP, ADP, and ATP are converted mainly to adenine and hypoxanthine via adenosine and inosine before uptake into the cytoplasm by E. coli W cells.  相似文献   

Alkylation of ATP with iodoacetic acid at pH 6.5 yielded 1-carboxymethyl-ATP which, after alkaline rearrangement, gave N-6-carboxymethyl-ATP. Condensation of this analogue with 1,6-diaminohexane in the presence of a water-soluble carbodiimide generated N-6-[(6-aminohexyl)carbamoylmethyl]-ATP in an overall yield of 40% based on the parent nucleotide ATP. The coenzymic activities of both N-6-adenine-substituted derivatives of ATP were tested with three kinases. Both derivatives showed coenzymic function against hexokinase with the "long" derivative having highest activity (95%) relative to unsubstituted ATP. Their activities towards the other two kinases tested was negligible except with the "long" analogue against glycerokinase (20%). The latter ATP analogue, when bound to Sepharose through its terminal amino group, could be dephosphorylated to the corresponding ADP analogue with soluble hexokinase yielding glucose 6-phosphate in an enzymic "solidphase" fashion. The Sepharose-bound ADP formed could subsequently be phosphorylated back to ATP using soluble acetate kinase. Sepharose-ATP preparations were also used in preliminary affinity chromatography studies using citrate synthase. Alkylation of ADP following the above procedure yielded the corresponding ADP analogue, N-6-[(6-aminohexyl)carbamoylmethyl]-ADP in an overall yield of 40%. Alkylation of AMP yielded the corresponding N-6-[(6-aminohexyl)carbamoylmethyl]-AMP in an overall yield of 45%.  相似文献   

(1) Mitochondrial ATPase (F1) is influenced by specific nucleotides in its kinetic behavior towards its substrates. In this work, initial hydrolysis rates, as well as continuous reaction progress, were measured by recording proton production (equivalent to triphosphate hydrolysis). (2) After preincubation with ATP, F1 hydrolyzes MgITP partly as if it were MgATP, with respect to temperature dependence and 2,4-dinitrophenol inhibition/stimulation. (3) Acetyl ATP is a competitive inhibitor versus ATP on the F1-ATPase. With F1 which has been freed of ambient ATP by repeated precipitations with ammonium sulfate the Ki of acetyl ATP is 400 nM. (4) F1-ATPase which was depleted of bound nucleotides in the presence of glycerol (Garret, N.E. and Penefsky, H.S. (1975) J. Biol. Chem. 250, 6640-6647) was preincubated with ADP and acetyl ATP. These preparations were assayed for hydrolytic activity with MgITP as substrate. Compared to a nonpreincubated control enzyme, the hydrolysis with these preparations was first stimulated, then inhibited. This stimulation/inhibition effect is most pronounced at 10 degrees C, but is also observed at 20 degrees C. (5) When nucleotide-depleted enzyme is preincubated with acetyl AMP, its ability to hydrolyze MgITP slowly decreases to approx. 50% after 60 min. This effect is reversed by further preincubation with acetyl ATP. It is speculated that under appropriate conditions AMP may exist or arise in a buried position on F1-ATPase, and act there as an inhibitor of MgITP hydrolysis.  相似文献   

Procedural modifications of the luciferase method for ATP assay in conjunction with enzymatic conversion of AMP and ADP allow the assay of all three adenine nucleotides in quantities ranging from 4 to 20 pmoles. An unmodified Beckman scintillation detector at ambient temperature and in a coincidence mode of operation serves as a suitable instrument for quantitating light emitted by the enzyme preparation. The most significant modifications include use of Ca3(PO4) activated crude arsenate extracts of desiccated firefly lanterns, low arsenate concentrations during the assay, and an assay pH of 8.0. Extracts handled in this manner exhibit approximately fivefold higher activity than nonactivated extracts employed at pH 7.4 and 50 mm arsenate. Stability of activated extracts is also somewhat greater than for nonactivated preparations. ADP can be 95% enzymatically converted to ATP by treatment with phosphoenolpyruvate and pyruvate kinase under the conditions described. If myokinase is included, approximately 90% of sample AMP can be converted to ATP. Follwing the appropriate enzymatic treatment, the nucleotides are assayed as ATP and amounts calculated by comparison to curves established for known nucleotide standards. The method is appropriate for perchloric acid extracts of biological tissue and certain considerations necessary for application to experimental situations are described.  相似文献   

The different roles and effectiveness of adenosine monophosphate, diphosphate and triphosphate labeled at the 6 position of the purine ring with 2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine-1-oxyl in reactions catalyzed by Escherichia coli glutamine synthetase (GS) have been investigated. Our results show that the spin-labeled ATP (Tempo-ATP) serves as a substrate in the glutamine synthesis reaction and in the adenylation of E. coli glutamine synthetase catalyzed by ATP: glutamine adenylyl transferase (ATase) with essentially the same effectiveness as normal ATP. In another reaction (gamma-glutamyltransferase), Tempo ADP serves as an effector with a Km of 9.4 . 10(-8) M compared to 1.2 . 10(-8) M for the normal ADP, while covalently bonded Tempo-AMP serves as a modifier on the catalytic properties of E. coli glutamine synthetase just as the covalently bonded normal AMP does. The dissociation constants between the labeled nucleotides, Mn2+, Mg2+ and Ca2+ are in the same order of magnitude as the binding constants for those cations and the corresponding normal nucleotides. Our findings indicate that the spin-labeled nucleotides are good substitutes for the normal nucleotides in the biochemical systems studied.  相似文献   


New affinity reagents for ATP-dependent enzymes are described. Optimal conditions are evolved for the synthesis of mixed anhydrides of AMP, ADP, ATP with mesitoic acid (MsCOpnA, n = 1?3) and for their 1, N6-etheno, 2′, 3′-dialdehyde and photoactive analogues. UV, CD and fluorescence spectra of the compounds have been analyzed. Hydrolysis of MsCOpnA (n = 1?3) and their etheno analogues over a wide pH range has been carried out.  相似文献   

In a cytosolic extract from rat liver, the number and the concentration of ADP-binding sites as well as their dissociation constants were determined by using the rate-of-dialysis technique. Interfering cytosolic adenylate kinase was extracted from the cytosol by affinity chromatography on Ap5A-agarose, and remaining traces of enzyme activity were inhibited with (+)-catechin. Binding of ADP to cytosolic proteins was increased by poly(ethylene glycol) and decreased by EDTA. The effect of 0.1 mM-EDTA could be reversed by addition of equimolar concentrations of Mn2+ or Mg2+. In presence of 5% poly(ethylene glycol), added to increase local protein concentration, two binding sites for ADP were observed, with KD values of 1.9 microM (site I) and 10.8 microM (site II). The concentration of these binding sites, when extrapolated to cellular protein concentrations, were 30 microM (site I) and 114 microM (site II). It is concluded that a minimum of about 50% of total cytosolic ADP is bound to proteins, and that the ratio of free ATP/free ADP is at least twice that of total ATP/total ADP.  相似文献   

AMP is converted to ATP by incubating overnight with pyruvate kinase, phosphoenolpyruvate and adenylate kinase in th prensence of endogenous ATP (ADP) as primer. In a subsequent incubation in the presence of pyruvate kinase, phosphoenolpyruvate, radioactive glucose and hexokinase. ATP and ADP are estimated together by coupling their recycling to the formation of glucose 6-phosphate. The latter is separated by precipitation using 76% (v/v) acetone for radioactivity measurement in the same Eppendorf tube. The sensitivity of these simple procedures matches or exceeds those of luciferase methods of nucleotide determination.  相似文献   

We measuredsignificant undershoots of the concentrations of free ADP([ADP]) and Pi([Pi]) and the freeenergy of ATP hydrolysis (GATP) belowinitial resting levels during recovery from severe ischemic exercisewith 31P-nuclear magneticresonance spectroscopy in 11 healthy sports students. Undershoots ofthe rate of oxidative phosphorylation would be predicted if the rate ofoxidative phosphorylation would depend solely on free[ADP],[Pi], orGATP. However,undershoots of the rate of oxidative phosphorylation have not beenreported in the literature. Furthermore, undershoots of the rate ofoxidative phosphorylation are unlikely because there is evidence that a balance between ATP production and consumption cannot be achieved if anundershoot of the rate of oxidative phosphorylation actually occurs.Therefore, oxidative phosphorylation seems to depend not only on free[ADP],[Pi], orGATP. Anexplanation is that acidosis-related or other factors control oxidativephosphorylation additionally, at least under some conditions.


AMP and ADP are linear competitive inhibitors of ATP phosphoribosyltransferase with respect to both substrates in the histidine biosynthetic direction reaction. This apparent contradiction to the proposed steady-state ordered Bi-Bi kinetic mechanism is reconciled to it on the basis of near equilibrium binding of the first substrate ATP. In the presence of histidine, AMP and ADP become positively cooperative and much more potent inhibitors of the enzyme, with AMP becoming the better inhibitor. This synergism is specific since other amino acids or nucleotides will not substitute. It is concluded, in agreement with previous workers, that energy charge could be a quantitatively important regulator of histidine biosynthesis at the metabolite level.  相似文献   

Adenosine-5-triphosphate was synthesized by the phosphorylation of adenosine-5-diphosphate in aqueous solution containing cyanate as a condensing reagent and insoluble calcium phosphate produced from phosphate and calcium chloride. In a similar manner, adenosine-5-diphosphate was synthesized from adenosine-5-monophosphate. When the experiment was carried out in the conditions of 4 °C and pH 5.75, the formation of adenosine-5-diphosphate and adenosine-5-triphosphate from adenosine-5-monophosphate was observed in the yields of 19 and 7%, respectively. The other nucleoside-5-triphosphates were also produced from their respective diphosphates.  相似文献   

Purinergic Signalling - Prostate cancer is among the major malignancies that affect men around the world. Adenine nucleotides are important signaling molecules that mediate innumerous biological...  相似文献   

Forty samples of both the surface microlayer (60 to 100 μm) and underlying waters (0.5 m), were collected in a neritic area (Gulf of Marseilles, France) and their microplanktonic composition studied by adenosine, pigment, and organic carbon content. In the surface film, the accumulation of the living fraction was weaker than for inert organic matter; this phenomenon was more marked in the hydrological structures which are named “slicks”. The relationship between nucleotides and chlorophyll provided evidence for a substantial participation of heterotrophic organisms, such as bacteria, in the living biomass of the surface film. In this layer, lower values of the energy charge, as compared with those of water from 0.5 m may indicate the presence of stressed microorganisms. Nevertheless, as was shown by ATP data, part of hyponeustonic microbiomass was alive, and not killed by severe ecological conditions of this biotope. High AMP concentrations may be partially explained by a contribution of non-living organic matter, as was proved by the high enrichment factor for this adenosine form, higher than those of ATP and ADP, closer to those of phaeophytins, degrading products from chlorophylls. Adenylic nucleotide measurements in the paniculate matter of the surface microlayer, as their ratios and relations with chlorophyll, seem to be a practical tool for investigating the sea-air interface, from an ecological point of view.  相似文献   

The efficacy of various media regarding the extraction of free creatine and phosphocreatine of mouse skeletal muscle was evaluated. In anesthetized animals tissue was quick-frozen in situ and removed by means of a modified Rongeur forceps cooled in liquid N2. Homogenization of muscle tissue in 1 m EDTA in 50% (v/v) ethanol at −20°C, which was gradually diluted with ice-cold 0.4 perchloric acid to a final concentration of 0.3 perchloric acid in 12.5% ethanol proved to be the most suitable procedure regarding rapid handling of tissue samples, recovery of total creatine, and the ratio of phosphocreatine to total creatine. Phosphocreatine values as high as 78% of total creatine of skeletal muscle were thus obtained. Extraction of free creatine and phosphocreatine with concentrated ethanolic solutions (50–80%, v/v) was found to be incomplete apparently due to irreversible binding of creatine and phosphocreatine to protein precipitates.  相似文献   

Binding of native adenine nucleotides to rat liver and adipose plasma membranes was studied under steady-state conditions using EDTA/Na for inhibition of ecto-nucleotidase activity. [3H]-labelled ATP, ADP and AMP are able to interact with specific binding sites with respective Kd values of 88 +/- 9, 278 +/- 29 and 495 +/- 40 nmol/l for liver membranes; and of 64 +/- 7, 231 +/- 36 and 2050 +/- 290 nmol/l for adipose membranes. The nucleotide-binding capacity (Bmax) varied from 15 to 18 pmol/mg protein in the case of [3H]ATP and [3H]ADP-binding studies and from 22 to 26 pmol/mg protein for [3H]AMP-binding sites. Both 2-MeSATP and ADP inhibited [3H]ATP-binding to membranes with respective IC50 values of 60 +/- 7 and 285 +/- 30 nM. Other purinergic agents suramin, Reactive blue 2, alpha,beta-MeATP and beta,gamma-MeATP were less potent competitors of [3H]ATP binding, whereas AMP, adenosine, GTP, UTP, and CTP did not cause any displacement effect at concentrations of 10(-6)-10(-5) M. It is suggested that the described ATP/ADP-binding sites are linked to G protein-coupled P2Y receptors, whereas AMP-binding sites may represent a substrate-binding component of the membrane ecto-5'-nucleotidase.  相似文献   

Coordination of Mn(II) to the phosphate groups of the substrates and products in the central complexes of the creatine kinase reaction mixture has been investigated by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy with regiospecifically 17O-labeled substrates. The EPR pattern for the equilibrium mixture is a superposition of spectra for the two central complexes, and this pattern differs from those observed for the ternary enzyme-Mn(II)-nucleotide complexes and from that for the dead-end complex enzyme-Mn(II)ADP-creatine. In order to identify those signals that are associated with each of the central complexes of the equilibrium mixture, spectra were obtained for a complex of enzyme, Mn(II)ATP, and a nonreactive analogue of creatine, 1-(carboxymethyl)-2-iminoimidazolidin-4-one, which is a newly synthesized competitive inhibitor. This inhibitor permits an unobstructed view of the EPR spectrum for Mn(II)ATP in the closed conformation of the active site. The EPR spectrum for this nonreactive complex with Mn(II)ATP matches one subset of signals in the spectrum for the equilibrium mixture, i.e., those due to the enzyme-Mn(II)-ATP-creatine complex. Chemical quenching of the samples followed by chromatographic assays for both ATP and ADP indicates that the enzyme-Mn(II)ADP-phosphocreatine and the enzyme-Mn(II)ATP-creatine complexes are present in a ratio of approximately 0.7 to 1. A similar value for the equilibrium constant for enzyme-bound substrates is obtained directly from the EPR spectrum for the equilibrium mixture.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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