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Zusammenfassung Aus einer der Sehzellen 1–6 vonCalliphora erythrocephala (, rechtes Auge) aus dem Ommatidium (d, v) = (56, 55) (Abb. 5) wird intrazellulär abgeleitet. Das Euhepotential der Zelle wird während der gesamten Versuchsdauer gemessen. Zu Beginn beträgt es –52,5 mV um sich dann für ca. 1000sec auf –48 mV zu halten; anschließend steigt das Ruhepotential für 1200 sec auf –25 mV. Die Form der Antworten und die Kennlinien werden für rechteckförmige Reize in Abhängigkeit davon dargestellt. Für beide Werte des Ruhepotentials werden jeweils die Amplituden- und Phasengänge der Sehzelle in Abhängigkeit von der Intensität für 4,5 Zehnerpotenzen mit sinusförmig moduliertem Licht (Modulationsgrad 16%) für den Zeitraum 0,5–4,5 sec nach Reizbeginn vom dunkeladaptierten Zustand ausgehend bestimmt.Nimmt der Betrag des Ruhepotentials ab, so werden die Kennlinien für rechteckförmige Reize flacher. Beim Amplitudengang nimmt die Amplitude ab und das Maximum des Amplitudenganges verschiebt sich zu tieferen Frequenzen. Eine einfache Gesetzmäßigkeit ist nicht zu erkennen. Beim Phasengang nimmt die Phase zu. Der Phasengang kann im Bereich von 10–100 Hz durch eine Totzeit, die von der Intensität abhängt (Abb. 16) beschrieben werden. Die Phasenzunahme läßt sich für alle Intensitäten durcheinen Faktor angeben. Dieser besehreibt um wieviel die Totzeit bei der Änderung des Ruhepotentials von –48 mV auf –25 mV zunimmt; er beträgt 1,34±0,03 (S.A.).
Transfer characteristics of the visual cell ofCalliphora erythrocephala 1. Dependence on the resting potential
Summary Intracellular recordings are made out of the visual cells 1–6 of the ommatidia ofCalliphora erythrocephala (, right eye) with the coordinates (d, v) = (56, 55) (Fig. 5). During the whole experiment the resting potential of the cell is recorded. It starts with –52.5 mV to stay for 1000 sec on –48 mV and then alters to –25 mV and stays there for 1200 sec. The form of the response of the cell and the characteristic curve are shown for rectangular stimuli. We measure on both values of the resting potential the amplitude and the phase characteristics of the visual cell and show their dependency on the intensity of light for 4.5 decades for sinusoidal modulated light with a modulation degree of 16%. We start at a dark adapted level and analyse the response in the tune intervall 0.5–4.5 sec after onset of the stimulus. When the resting potential declines, the characteristic curve gets less steep. The amplitude decreases and the maximum of the amplitude characteristics goes to lower frequencies. We cannot recognize a simple law of dependency. At the phase characteristics the phase lag increases. The phase characteristics can be described through a time lag in the range 10–100 c/s which is dependent on the intensity of light (Fig. 16). How the phase angle increases is given byone factor for all intensities. This factor says how the time lag increases if the resting potential changes from –48 mV to –25 mV. Its value is 1.34±0.03 (S.D.).

Diese Arbeit widmen wir Herrn Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. H. Autrum in Verehrung und Dankbarkeit zu seinem 65. Geburtstag.

Die Experimente wurden mit Sachmitteln durchgeführt, die Herrn Prof. Dr. H. Autrum und Herrn Dr. A. Treff von der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft zur Verfügung gestellt wurden.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Im Auge von Calliphora erythrocephala Meig., Mutante chalky, sind zwei ATP-asen, saure und alkalische Phosphatase sowie Glukose-6-Phosphatase histochemisch darstellbar. Die Lokalisation der Enzyme in Retinula und Lamina ganglionaris ist sehr unterschiedlich. 20 min lange Dunkelhaltung der Tiere führt zu Änderungen der Stärke der Nachweisreaktionen einiger Enzyme.
Histochemical investigations of the eye of the blowfly Calliphora erythrocephala Meig.Part I. ATP-ase, acid phosphatase, alkaline phosphatase, and glucose-6-phosphatase
Summary Within the compound eye of the blow-fly, Calliphora erythrocephala, white-eyed mutant chalky, ATP-ase in two different types, acid and alkaline phosphatase and glucose-6-phosphatase are demonstrated histochemically. In the retina one type of ATP-ase is distributed in the cytoplasm, the other is located at the rhabdomeres. Acid phosphatase activity is located in semper and pigment cells and in the lamina, while alkaline phosphatase is demonstrable only in pigment cells around the crystalline cones and in the lamina. Reaction product of glucose-6-phosphatase is only visible at the basement membrane. Dark adaption about twenty minutes alters the intensity of the reaction of some enzymes.

Summary The transfer properties of the optical system in the arthropod compound eye are determined by the interommatidial angle , influencing the resolving power, and by the width of the visual fields of single ommatidia , influencing the response at high spatial frequencies of brightness distributions in the object space. The energy transfer/ receptor is proportional to ( )2 and decreases with in-inreasing approximation of the perfect-imaging condition: gD 0; 0. However, a value > 0 has to be maintained in order to overcome the threshold of nervous excitation at a certain minimum-brightness level. Theoretical treatment yields /=0.62 to 0.88 as the corresponding optimum-imaging relation. The actual ratio can be derived from measurements of the optomotor reactions to the movement of periodic brightness patterns. The approximate value 0.76 is obtained from the fruitfly Drosophila with normal and mutant eye pigmentation. As a result, the parameters of this imaging system are found to be established in a way that enables optimum performance at sufficient illumination. An dieser Stelle möchte ich Dr. W. Reichardt für sein eingehendes Interesse und manche anregende Diskussion über die Sehvorgänge im Komplexauge meinen Dank sagen. Dr. K. Kirschfeld verdanke ich ebenfalls wertvolle Hinweise. Herrn E. Freiberg bin ich für die Anfertigung der Abbildungen sehr verbunden.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Elektronenoptische Untersuchungen mit der Gefrierätzmethode an Augen der Normalform von Calliphora erythrocephala (Meig.) ergeben, daß im dunkeladaptierten Zustand die Rhabdomere 1–6 in den Retinulazellen dicht von Vesikeln umgeben sind, die wahrscheinlich durch Pinocytose an den Mikrovilli der Rhabdomere entstehen. Diese Bläschen fehlen im helladaptierten Zustand nahezu völlig. Die optische Dichte des umgebenden Mediums der lichtleitenden Rhabdomere wird dadurch im Dunkel-Auge herabgesetzt, was mit Hilfe der Becke-Methode im Lichtmikroskop festgestellt werden konnte.Physikalische Berechnungen mit den Gleichungen der geometrischen Optik ergeben, daß durch diese Brechzahländerung in den Sinneszellen im dunkeladaptierten Auge der physiologisch wirksame Lichtfluß in den Rhabdomeren l–6 im grünen Spektralbereich um etwa 30% erhöht werden kann.
Evidence for a longitudinal pupil in the blowfly eye from studies with light and electron microscopes
Summary Eyes of the wild-type blowfly, Calliphora erythrocephala (Meig.), were investigated by using freeze-etching and the light microscope. In the dark-adapted eye a layer of vesicles 1 m thick borders on the rhabdomeres in sense cells Nos. 1 to 6. These vesicles may arise by pinocytosis at the bases of the rhabdomeric microvilli and decrease the optical density of the sense cell medium adjacent to the rhabdomeres. In the light-adapted sense cells only a few vesicles could be seen. No differences could be observed to exist between the two states of adaptation in the retinular cells Nos. 7 and 8 and in the axial retinular space.Calculations based on geometrical optics show that when rhabdomeres Nos. 1 to 6 are in the dark-adapted state they can transmit about 1.3 times more light energy than when they are in the light-adapted state. The results show the existence of a light-induced pupil reaction correlated to ultrastructural changes in the photoreceptor cells of the blowfly eye.

Der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft danke ich für die Gewährung eines Ausbildungsstipendiums.  相似文献   

The apparatus forming bristles (macrochaetae) of Calliphora erythrocephala directly involves only two cells, of which the larger one, known as the triehogen cell, produces the long tapering hair, and the smaller tormogen cell forms a circular chitineous socket around the base of the bristle. During the development in the pupa these two cells proceed to grow rapidly by endomitotic polyploidisation, attaining a nuclear volume of about three thousand times that of the neighbouring epidermal cells. Under optimal culture conditions (especially of temperature and feeding) the chromosomes assume polytenic banded form in surprising good quality (Fig. 5c and 6). The chromosomes of the trichogen cells are subject of the investigations presented in this paper. — High fragmentation and unspecific fusing tendency — characteristic of larval polytene chromosomes of Calyptratae — are diminuished sufficiently to establish chromosome-maps (Tables I and II). Several definitive chromosome loci still retain a high rate of breakage. Some morphological properties of the chromosomes, especially the distribution of heterochromatin and the peculiar swollen kinetochore regions (Fig. 12b) have been described in more detail. Homologous pairing is distinctly reduced. The distribution of the pairing-gaps is non-random (Fig. 18, 20 and 21), but no correlation with other structural or functional properties of the chromosomes besides the sex dimorphismus in chromosome III (Fig. 22 and 23) is recognizable. Chromosome III is the sex chromosome pair. The only morphological difference between X- and Y-chromosome is an unilocal structural heterozygozity represented by a single additional intercalary heterochromatic band, which marks the Y-chromosome (Fig. 22 and 25). — The developmental history of the big puffs and Balbiani-rings I, III and IV has been followed over a period from the fifth to the eleventh pupal day. The majority of activated structures becomes inactivated in close correlation with the diminuition of ecdyson concentration in pupal haemolymph occurring with increasing age (as determined by Shaaya and Karlson, 1964). It is concluded, as a working hypothesis, that at least some of these puffs are under direct hormonal control of ecdyson. A smaller group of puffs attains maximal activation at a time, when ecdyson concentration has already decreased.  相似文献   

Development Genes and Evolution -  相似文献   

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