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The side effects of cancer chemotherapeutic agents such as mitoxantrone (MIT) in multiple sclerosis (MS) patients justify the search for less toxic drugs. Ethonafide is an anthracene-based antineoplastic drug similar to MIT. With reference to MIT, we examined the effect of ethonafide on experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) in C57BL/6 mice, an animal model of human MS. We demonstrated that ethonafide is effective in preventing development of EAE as well as in ameliorating the severity of EAE when disease is ongoing. In relatively higher dosages, the effects of ethonafide and MIT on EAE were identical, whereas in lower dosages, MIT seemed more effective. Therapeutic effects of ethonafide were associated with the initial reduction in cellular counts of CD3(+), CD4(+), CD8(+), B220(+), CD11b(+), NK cells, and NKT cells, followed by recovery of these cells from the bone marrow. Interestingly, the recovered autoreactive T cells in ethonafide-treated animals have reduced capacity to expand and produce cytokines in response to myelin Ag stimulation. Furthermore, CD4(+)CD25(+) regulatory T cells were relatively resistant to depletion and/or recovered faster than T effector cells. The ability of regulatory T cells to resist depletion and replenish quickly during cell ablation therapy may provide an opportunity to reprogram the immune system. Moreover, we provided evidences that ethonafide has less cardiac toxicity compared with MIT. The effectiveness and the low cardiotoxicity of ethonafide might make it a promising immunosuppressive agent for clinical use in treating MS patients.  相似文献   

Immunization with myelin antigens leads to the development of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis, an animal model of multiple sclerosis. The disease can also be induced by the transfer of encephalitogenic CD4+ T helper (T(H)) lymphocytes into naive mice. These T cells need to re-encounter their cognate antigen in the context of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II-bearing antigen-presenting cells (APCs) in order to recognize their target. The cell type and location of the APC mediating T-cell entry into the central nervous system (CNS) remain unknown. Here, we show that APCs of the lymphoreticular system and of the CNS parenchyma are dispensable for the immune invasion of the CNS. We also describe that a discrete population of vessel-associated dendritic cells (DCs) is present in human brain tissue. In mice, CD11c+ DCs alone are sufficient to present antigen in vivo to primed myelin-reactive T cells in order to mediate CNS inflammation and clinical disease development.  相似文献   



Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an immune mediated demyelinating disease of the central nervous system (CNS). A potential new therapeutic approach for MS is cell transplantation which may promote remyelination and suppress the inflammatory process.


We transplanted human embryonic stem cells (hESC)-derived early multipotent neural precursors (NPs) into the brain ventricles of mice induced with experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), the animal model of MS. We studied the effect of the transplanted NPs on the functional and pathological manifestations of the disease.


Transplanted hESC-derived NPs significantly reduced the clinical signs of EAE. Histological examination showed migration of the transplanted NPs to the host white matter, however, differentiation to mature oligodendrocytes and remyelination were negligible. Time course analysis of the evolution and progression of CNS inflammation and tissue injury showed an attenuation of the inflammatory process in transplanted animals, which was correlated with the reduction of both axonal damage and demyelination. Co-culture experiments showed that hESC-derived NPs inhibited the activation and proliferation of lymph node–derived T cells in response to nonspecific polyclonal stimuli.


The therapeutic effect of transplantation was not related to graft or host remyelination but was mediated by an immunosuppressive neuroprotective mechanism. The attenuation of EAE by hESC-derived NPs, demonstrated here, may serve as the first step towards further developments of hESC for cell therapy in MS.  相似文献   

Substantial evidence suggest that oxidative damage may play a role in the pathogenesis of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS). We examined levels of 8-Hydroxy-2'-deoxyguanosine (8OH2'dG) in the nuclear DNA from the spinal cord, frontal cortex, striatum and cerebellum from G93A mice at 60, 90, and 120 days of age. We also used in vivo microdialysis to measure free levels of 8OH2'dG and 8-Hydroxyguanine (8OHG) at the same time points in the frontal cortex of G93A mice. Increased 8OH2'dG DNA levels were observed in the spinal cord (at 60, 90 and 120 days), in the cortex (at 90, and 120 days), and in the striatum (at 120 days), as compared to age-matched littermate controls. No significant changes were found in the cerebellum at any of the time points studied. Free levels of 8OH2'dG in the cortex of G93A mice were increased, as compared to control mice, at 90 and 120 days. Free levels of 8OHG were found to be significantly higher at 120 days of age in control mice than in G93A mice. These results provide evidence that in this model of ALS oixidative DNA-damage is increased and base excision-repair may be deficient.  相似文献   

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is the most common adult motor neuron disease, causing motor neuron degeneration, muscle atrophy, paralysis, and death. Despite this degenerative process, a stable hypermetabolic state has been observed in a large subset of patients. Mice expressing a mutant form of Cu/Zn-superoxide dismutase (mSOD1 mice) constitute an animal model of ALS that, like patients, exhibits unexpectedly increased energy expenditure. Counterbalancing for this increase with a high-fat diet extends lifespan and prevents motor neuron loss. Here, we investigated whether lipid metabolism is defective in this animal model. Hepatic lipid metabolism was roughly normal, whereas gastrointestinal absorption of lipids as well as peripheral clearance of triglyceride-rich lipoproteins were markedly increased, leading to decreased postprandial lipidemia. This defect was corrected by the high-fat regimen that typically induces neuroprotection in these animals. Together, our findings show that energy metabolism in mSOD1 mice shifts toward an increase in the peripheral use of lipids. This metabolic shift probably accounts for the protective effect of dietary lipids in this model.  相似文献   

A more detailed insight into disease mechanisms of multiple sclerosis (MS) is crucial for the development of new and more effective therapies. MS is a chronic inflammatory autoimmune disease of the central nervous system. The aim of this study is to identify novel disease associated proteins involved in the development of inflammatory brain lesions, to help unravel underlying disease processes. Brainstem proteins were obtained from rats with MBP induced acute experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), a well characterized disease model of MS. Samples were collected at different time points: just before onset of symptoms, at the top of the disease and following recovery. To analyze changes in the brainstem proteome during the disease course, a quantitative proteomics study was performed using two-dimensional difference in-gel electrophoresis (2D-DIGE) followed by mass spectrometry. We identified 75 unique proteins in 92 spots with a significant abundance difference between the experimental groups. To find disease-related networks, these regulated proteins were mapped to existing biological networks by Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (IPA). The analysis revealed that 70% of these proteins have been described to take part in neurological disease. Furthermore, some focus networks were created by IPA. These networks suggest an integrated regulation of the identified proteins with the addition of some putative regulators. Post-synaptic density protein 95 (DLG4), a key player in neuronal signalling and calcium-activated potassium channel alpha 1 (KCNMA1), involved in neurotransmitter release, are 2 putative regulators connecting 64% of the identified proteins. Functional blocking of the KCNMA1 in macrophages was able to alter myelin phagocytosis, a disease mechanism highly involved in EAE and MS pathology. Quantitative analysis of differentially expressed brainstem proteins in an animal model of MS is a first step to identify disease-associated proteins and networks that warrant further research to study their actual contribution to disease pathology.  相似文献   

Fatty acid metabolism in multiple sclerosis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

A Tavakkol  A T Burness 《Biochemistry》1990,29(47):10684-10690
Sialic acid residues are required in cellular receptors for many different mammalian viruses. Sialic acid could have a direct role, being an integral part of the virus binding site on the receptor. Alternatively, negatively charged sialic acid could have an indirect role, being responsible for holding the receptor in the required configuration for virus recognition, for instance, by interacting with positively charged amino acid residues found in the polypeptide chain of receptors. We have investigated the role of sialic acid in virus attachment by studying the interaction of the small RNA virus encephalomyocarditis (EMC) with glycophorin A, its receptor on human erythrocytes. In several experiments, influenza virus A was used for control purposes. Blocking positive charges on glycophorin either in lysine residues by acetylation or in arginine residues with butanedione did not affect its interaction with EMC virus. In contrast, blocking negatively charged carboxyl groups in sialic acid residues by amidation destroyed the ability of glycophorin to inhibit EMC virus attachment suggesting an important role for this part of sialic acid in EMC virus attachment. Removal of the polyhydroxy side chain in sialic acid residues of glycophorin by mild oxidation with periodate followed by reduction with borohydride had little effect on its interaction with EMC virus. Further, sialic acid species with either an acetyl or glycolyl group attached to the amino group on position 5 interacted equally well with EMC virus.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Cannabinoids are potential agents for the development of therapeutic strategies against multiple sclerosis. Here we analyzed the role of the peripheral CB(2) cannabinoid receptor in the control of myeloid progenitor cell trafficking toward the inflamed spinal cord and their contribution to microglial activation in an animal model of multiple sclerosis (experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis, EAE). CB(2) receptor knock-out mice showed an exacerbated clinical score of the disease when compared with their wild-type littermates, and this occurred in concert with extended axonal loss, T-lymphocyte (CD4(+)) infiltration, and microglial (CD11b(+)) activation. Immature bone marrow-derived CD34(+) myeloid progenitor cells, which play a role in neuroinflammatory pathologies, were shown to express CB(2) receptors and to be abundantly recruited toward the spinal cords of CB(2) knock-out EAE mice. Bone marrow-derived cell transfer experiments further evidenced the increased contribution of these cells to microglial replenishment in the spinal cords of CB(2)-deficient animals. In line with these observations, selective pharmacological CB(2) activation markedly reduced EAE symptoms, axonal loss, and microglial activation. CB(2) receptor manipulation altered the expression pattern of different chemokines (CCL2, CCL3, CCL5) and their receptors (CCR1, CCR2), thus providing a mechanistic explanation for its role in myeloid progenitor recruitment during neuroinflammation. These findings demonstrate the protective role of CB(2) receptors in EAE pathology; provide evidence for a new site of CB(2) receptor action, namely the targeting of myeloid progenitor trafficking and its contribution to microglial activation; and support the potential use of non-psychoactive CB(2) agonists in therapeutic strategies for multiple sclerosis and other neuroinflammatory disorders.  相似文献   

Glutamate excitotoxicity in a model of multiple sclerosis   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
Glutamate excitotoxicity mediated by the AMPA/kainate type of glutamate receptors damages not only neurons but also the myelin-producing cell of the central nervous system, the oligodendrocyte. In multiple sclerosis, myelin, oligodendrocytes and some axons are lost as a result of an inflammatory attack on the central nervous system. Because glutamate is released in large quantities by activated immune cells, we expected that during inflammation in MS, glutamate excitotoxicity might contribute to the lesion. We addressed this by using the AMPA/kainate antagonist NBQX to treat mice sensitized for experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis, a demyelinating model that mimics many of the clinical and pathologic features of multiple sclerosis. Treatment resulted in substantial amelioration of disease, increased oligodendrocyte survival and reduced dephosphorylation of neurofilament H, an indicator of axonal damage. Despite the clinical differences, treatment with NBQX had no effect on lesion size and did not reduce the degree of central nervous system inflammation. In addition, NBQX did not alter the proliferative activity of antigen-primed T cells in vitro, further indicating a lack of effect on the immune system. Thus, glutamate excitotoxicity seems to be an important mechanism in autoimmune demyelination, and its prevention with AMPA/kainate antagonists may prove to be an effective therapy for multiple sclerosis.  相似文献   

Many serotype 3 reoviruses bind to two different host cell molecules, sialic acid and an unidentified protein, using discrete receptor-binding domains in viral attachment protein, final sigma1. To determine mechanisms by which these receptor-binding events cooperate to mediate cell attachment, we generated isogenic reovirus strains that differ in the capacity to bind sialic acid. Strain SA+, but not SA-, bound specifically to sialic acid on a biosensor chip with nanomolar avidity. SA+ displayed 5-fold higher avidity for HeLa cells when compared with SA-, although both strains recognized the same proteinaceous receptor. Increased avidity of SA+ binding was mediated by increased k(on). Neuraminidase treatment to remove cell-surface sialic acid decreased the k(on) of SA+ to that of SA-. Increased k(on) of SA+ enhanced an infectious attachment process, since SA+ was 50-100-fold more efficient than SA- at infecting HeLa cells in a kinetic fluorescent focus assay. Sialic acid binding was operant early during SA+ attachment, since the capacity of soluble sialyllactose to inhibit infection decreased rapidly during the first 20 min of adsorption. These results indicate that reovirus binding to sialic acid enhances virus infection through adhesion of virus to the cell surface where access to a proteinaceous receptor is thermodynamically favored.  相似文献   

At the University of Alberta''s multiple sclerosis research clinic 100 patients with multiple sclerosis were matched to control patients for age, sex, race and zone of residence before the age of 15 years. Case and control subjects were interviewed and information was collected by questionnaire on factors that might play a role in the development of multiple sclerosis. The only factors found to be significantly associated with the development of this disorder were a history of leisure time spent in physical activities before the onset of symptoms, exposure to animal illness -- specifically canine distemper -- and a history of severe or prolonged emotional stress. The study also confirmed a familial predisposition to multiple sclerosis and suggested a relation between the disorder and a personal or family history of diabetes mellitus.  相似文献   

Paliulis LV  Nicklas RB 《Chromosoma》2005,113(8):440-446
The distinctive behaviors of chromosomes in mitosis and meiosis depend upon differences in kinetochore position. Kinetochore position is well established except for a critical transition between meiosis I and meiosis II. We examined kinetochore position during the transition and compared it with the position of kinetochores in mitosis. Immunofluorescence staining using the 3F3/2 antibody showed that in mitosis in grasshopper cells, as in other organisms, kinetochores are positioned on opposite sides of the two sister chromatids. In meiosis I, sister kinetochores are positioned side by side. At nuclear envelope breakdown in meiosis II, sister kinetochores are still side by side, but are separated by the time all chromosomes have fully attached in metaphase II. Micromanipulation experiments reveal that this switch from side-by-side to separated sister kinetochores requires attachment to the spindle. Moreover, it is irreversible, as chromosomes detached from a metaphase II spindle retain separate kinetochores. How this critical separation of sister kinetochores occurs in meiosis is uncertain, but clearly it is not built into the chromosome before nuclear envelope breakdown, as it is in mitosis.  相似文献   

It has been shown that chronic psychoemotional stress caused by repeated experience of defeats in agonistic interactions during 30 days led to development of the anxiety depression--like state accompanied by pronounced anxiety, behavioral deficit, decreased communication, and increased depressiveness as estimated by various behavioral tests in male mice. This psychopathological state still existed after 1-2 weeks living with females in comfortable conditions (without confrontations with other males), that testified to persistence of behavior pathology.  相似文献   

Fucose and sialic acid contents of intestinal microvillus membranes isolated from different animal species have been analysed. Expressed on protein basis, brush borders from fish contained considerably high amounts of sialic acid (298 +/- 16 nmole/mg protein), while rat, goat, sheep and guinea pig membranes showed 41-61 nmole/mg protein. Pig, frog, monkey rabbit and chicken membranes exhibited low levels of sialic acid (10-13 nmole/mg protein). Fucose content of the brush borders was quite high (203-212 nmole/mg protein) in frog and fish intestines. It was least in rabbit (54 +/- 3) and of intermediate levels (80-122 nmole/mg protein) in various other animal species analysed. Fucose to sialic acid molar ratio was less than 1 in fish microvillus membranes. In all other animal species, the ratio was however, greater than one and ranged between 1.65 and 15.20.  相似文献   

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