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Ceratophyllum demersum L. remained physiologically active beneath ice of a southeastern Michigan lake. The effect of seasonally low photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) and cold but nonfreezing temperature on whole-plant physiology was studied. Net photosynthesis was measured at six temperatures and 12 PPFDs. Net photosynthesis, soluble protein concentration, ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) protein concentration, and Rubisco activity of winter plants were 32, 31, 33, and 70% lower, respectively, than those of plants collected in the summer. Optimum temperatures for net photosynthesis of winter and summer plants were 5 and 30[deg]C, respectively. Dark respiration of winter plants was up to 313% greater than that of summer plants. Reduced Rubisco activity and increased dark respiration interacted to reduce net photosynthesis. Interaction of reduced net photosynthesis and increased dark respiration increased CO2 and light compensation points and the light saturation point of winter plants. Growth of C. demersum was limited by the ambient phosphorus concentration of lake water during summer. Apical stem segments of winter-collected plants had 54 and 35% more phosphorus and nitrogen, respectively, than summer-collected plants. Physiologically active perennation beneath ice enabled C. demersum to accumulate phosphorus during the winter when it was most abundant. Partial uncoupling of phosphorus acquisition from utilization may reduce phosphorus limitation upon growth during the summer when phosphorus concentration is seasonally the lowest.  相似文献   

The rate of respiratory O2 consumption by Chlamydomonas reinhardtii cell suspensions was greater after a period of photosynthesis than in the preceding dark period. This "light-enhanced dark respiration" (LEDR) was a function of both the duration of illumination and the photon fluence rate. Mass spectrometric measurements of gas exchange indicated that the rate of gross respiratory O2 consumption increased during photosynthesis, whereas gross respiratory CO2 production decreased in a photon fluence rate-dependent manner. The rate of postillumination O2 consumption provided a good measure of the O2 consumption rate in the light. LEDR was substantially decreased by the presence of 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea or glycolaldehyde, suggesting that LEDR was photosynthesis-dependent. The onset of photosynthesis resulted in an increase in the cellular levels of phosphoglycerate, malate, and phosphoenolpyruvate, and a decrease in whole-cell ATP and citrate levels; all of these changes were rapidly reversed upon darkening. These results are consistent with a decrease in the rate of respiratory carbon flow during photosynthesis, whereas the increase in respiratory O2 consumption during photosynthesis may be mediated by the export of photogenerated reductant from the chloroplast. We suggest that photosynthesis interacts with respiration at more than one level, simultaneously decreasing the rate of respiratory carbon flow while increasing the rate of respiratory O2 consumption.  相似文献   

The functional significance of the pigment migration in the compound insect eye during dark adaptation has been studied in diurnal and nocturnal Lepidoptera. Measurements of the photomechanical changes were made on sections of eyes which had been dark-adapted for varying periods of time. In some experiments the sensitivity changes during dark adaptation were first determined before the eye was placed in the fixation solution. No change in the position of the retinal pigment occurred in Cerapteryx graminis until the eye had been dark-adapted for about 5 minutes. The start of the migration was accompanied by the appearance of a break in the dark adaptation curve. During longer periods of dark adaptation the outward movement of the pigment proceeded in parallel with the change in sensitivity, the migration as well as the adaptive process being completed within about 30 minutes. In the diurnal insects chosen for the present study (Erebia, Argynnis) the positional changes of the retinal pigment were insignificant in comparison with the movement of the distal pigment in Cerapteryx graminis. On the basis of these observations the tentative hypothesis is put forward that the second phase of adaptive change in nocturnal Lepidoptera is mediated by the migration of the retinal pigment while the first phase is assumed to be produced by the resynthesis of some photochemical substance. In diurnal insects which have no appreciable pigment migration the biochemical events alone appear to be responsible for the increase in sensitivity during dark adaptation.  相似文献   

DC-SIGN is a C-type lectin expressed on dendritic cells and restricted macrophage populations in vivo that binds gp120 and acts in trans to enable efficient infection of T cells by human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1). We report here that DC-SIGN, when expressed in cis with CD4 and coreceptors, allowed more efficient infection by both HIV and simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) strains, although the extent varied from 2- to 40-fold, depending on the virus strain. Expression of DC-SIGN on target cells did not alleviate the requirement for CD4 or coreceptor for viral entry. Stable expression of DC-SIGN on multiple lymphoid lines enabled more efficient entry and replication of R5X4 and X4 viruses. Thus, 10- and 100-fold less 89.6 (R5/X4) and NL4-3 (X4), respectively, were required to achieve productive replication in DC-SIGN-transduced Jurkat cells when compared to the parental cell line. In addition, DC-SIGN expression on T-cell lines that express very low levels of CCR5 enabled entry and replication of R5 viruses in a CCR5-dependent manner, a property not exhibited by the parental cell lines. Therefore, DC-SIGN expression can boost virus infection in cis and can expand viral tropism without affecting coreceptor preference. In addition, coexpression of DC-SIGN enabled some viruses to use alternate coreceptors like STRL33 to infect cells, whereas in its absence, infection was not observed. Immunohistochemical and confocal microscopy data indicated that DC-SIGN was coexpressed and colocalized with CD4 and CCR5 on alveolar macrophages, underscoring the physiological significance of these cis enhancement effects.  相似文献   

A Comparison of Dark Respiration between C(3) and C(4) Plants   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Byrd GT  Sage RF  Brown RH 《Plant physiology》1992,100(1):191-198
Lower respiratory costs were hypothesized as providing an additional benefit in C4 plants compared to C3 plants due to less investment in proteins in C4 leaves. Therefore, photosynthesis and dark respiration of mature leaves were compared between a number of C4 and C3 species. Although photosynthetic rates were generally greater in C4 when compared to C3 species, no differences were found in dark respiration rates of individual leaves at either the beginning or after 16 h of the dark period. The effects of nitrogen on photosynthesis and respiration of individual leaves and whole plants were also investigated in two species that occupy similar habitats, Amaranthus retroflexus (C4) and Chenopodium album (C3). For mature leaves of both species, there was no relationship between leaf nitrogen and leaf respiration, with leaves of both species exhibiting a similar rate of decline after 16 h of darkness. In contrast, leaf photosynthesis increased with increasing leaf nitrogen in both species, with the C4 species displaying a greater photosynthetic response to leaf nitrogen. For whole plants of both species grown at different nitrogen levels, there was a clear linear relationship between net CO2 uptake and CO2 efflux in the dark. The dependence of nightly CO2 efflux on CO2 uptake was similar for both species, although the response of CO2 uptake to leaf nitrogen was much steeper in the C4 species, Amaranthus retroflexus. Rates of growth and maintenance respiration by whole plants of both species were similar, with both species displaying higher rates at higher leaf nitrogen. There were no significant differences in leaf or whole plant maintenance respiration between species at any temperature between 18 and 42°C. The data suggest no obvious differences in respiratory costs in C4 and C3 plants.  相似文献   

Although modulation of protein levels is an important tool for study of protein function, it is difficult or impossible to knockdown or knockout genes that are critical for cell growth or viability. For such genes, a conditional knockdown approach would be valuable. The FKBP protein-based destabilization domain (DD)-tagging approach, which confers instability to the tagged protein in the absence of the compound Shield-1, has been shown to provide rapid control of protein levels determined by Shield-1 concentration. Although a strategy to knock-in DD-tagged protein at the endogenous loci has been employed in certain parasite studies, partly due to the relative ease of knock-in as a result of their mostly haploid lifecycles, this strategy has not been demonstrated in diploid or hyperploid mammalian cells due to the relative difficulty of achieving complete knock-in in all alleles.The recent advent of CRISPR/Cas9 homing endonuclease-mediated targeted genome cleavage has been shown to allow highly efficient homologous recombination at the targeted locus. We therefore assessed the feasibility of using CRISPR/Cas9 to achieve complete knock-in to DD-tag the essential gene Treacher Collins-Franceschetti syndrome 1 (TCOF1) in human 293T cells. Using a double antibiotic selection strategy to select clones with at least two knock-in alleles, we obtained numerous complete knock-in clones within three weeks of initial transfection. DD-TCOF1 expression in the knock-in cells was Shield-1 concentration-dependent, and removal of Shield-1 resulted in destabilization of DD-TCOF1 over the course of hours. We further confirmed that the tagged TCOF1 retained the nucleolar localization of the wild-type untagged protein, and that destabilization of DD-TCOF1 resulted in impaired cell growth, as expected for a gene implicated in ribosome biogenesis. CRISPR/Cas9-mediated homologous recombination to completely knock-in a DD tag likely represents a generalizable and efficient strategy to achieve rapid modulation of protein levels in mammalian cells.  相似文献   

Levels of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) colonization and dark septate endophyte (DSE) colonization were assessed in the vegetation recolonizing a remnant bottomland hardwood forest in north central Texas following a 100 year flood. Thirty seven plant species representing 21 dicotyledonous and 2 montocotyledonous families established following floodwater recession. AM and/or DSE were found in all species. AM colonization was found in 31 out of the 37 species assessed including both monocotyledonous families (Poaceae and Cyperaceae) and 17 out of 21 dicotyledonous families (Acanthaceae, Asteraceae, Boraginaceae, Cucurbitaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Lamiaceae, Loganiaceae, Lythraceae, Malvaceae, Onagraceae, Pedaliaceae, Ranunculaceae, Sapindaceae, Scrophulariaceae, Solanaceae, Verbanaceae and Violaceae). DSE were found in 31 out of 37 species assessed including both monocotyledonous families and 15 out of 21 dicotyledonous families (Amaranthaceae, Asteraceae, Boraginaceae, Brassicaceae, Cucurbitaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Lamiaceae, Lythraceae, Malvaceae, Pedaliaceae, Phytolaccaceae, Polygonaceae, Ranunculaceae, Sapindaceae, Scrophulariaceae and Violaceae). There were no detectable differences in AM or DSE colonization levels among wetland indicator groups (p > 0.05). Levels of DSE colonization were negatively correlated with vesicular colonization and hyphal colonization for the obligate wetland species. There were no other significant relationships between AM and DSE colonization detected. Spearman rank order correlation coefficients did not differ significantly among wetland indicatory category for any level of AM or DSE colonization.  相似文献   

The relationship between the binding affinity and specificity of modular interaction domains is potentially important in determining biological signaling responses. In signaling from the T-cell receptor (TCR), the Gads C-terminal SH3 domain binds a core RxxK sequence motif in the SLP-76 scaffold. We show that residues surrounding this motif are largely optimized for binding the Gads C-SH3 domain resulting in a high-affinity interaction (K(D)=8-20 nM) that is essential for efficient TCR signaling in Jurkat T cells, since Gads-mediated signaling declines with decreasing affinity. Furthermore, the SLP-76 RxxK motif has evolved a very high specificity for the Gads C-SH3 domain. However, TCR signaling in Jurkat cells is tolerant of potential SLP-76 crossreactivity, provided that very high-affinity binding to the Gads C-SH3 domain is maintained. These data provide a quantitative argument that the affinity of the Gads C-SH3 domain for SLP-76 is physiologically important and suggest that the integrity of TCR signaling in vivo is sustained both by strong selection of SLP-76 for the Gads C-SH3 domain and by a capacity to buffer intrinsic crossreactivity.  相似文献   

Amongst all the internal gene segments (PB2. PB1, PA, NP, M and NS), the avian PB1 segment is the only one which was reassorted into the human H2N2 and H3N2 pandemic strains. This suggests that the reassortment of polymerase subunit genes between mammalian and avian influenza viruses might play roles for interspecies transmission. To test this hypothesis, we tested the compatibility between PB2, PB1, PA and NP derived from a H5N1 virus and a mammalian H1N1 virus. All 16 possible combinations of avian-mammalian chimeric viral ribonucleoproteins (vRNPs) were characterized. We showed that recombinant vRNPs with a mammalian PB2 and an avian PB1 had the strongest polymerase activities in human cells at all studied temperature. In addition, viruses with this specific PB2-PB1 combination could grow efficiently in cell cultures, especially at a high incubation temperature. These viruses were potent inducers of proinflammatory cytokines and chemokines in primary human macrophages and pneumocytes. Viruses with this specific PB2-PB1 combination were also found to be more capable to generate adaptive mutations under a new selection pressure. These results suggested that the viral polymerase activity might be relevant for the genesis of influenza viruses of human health concern.  相似文献   

The phytochrome superfamily of photoreceptors exploits reversible light-driven changes in the bilin chromophore to initiate a variety of signaling cascades. The nature of these alterations and how they impact the protein moiety remain poorly resolved and might include several species-specific routes. Here, we provide a detailed picture of photoconversion for the photosensing cGMP phosphodiesterase/adenylyl cyclase/FhlA (GAF) domain from Thermosynechococcus elongatus (Te) PixJ, a member of the cyanobacteriochrome clade. Solution NMR structures of the blue light-absorbing dark state Pb and green light-absorbing photoactivated state Pg, combined with paired crystallographic models, revealed that the bilin and GAF domain dynamically transition via breakage of the C10/Cys-494 thioether bond, opposite rotations of the A and D pyrrole rings, sliding of the bilin in the GAF pocket, and the appearance of an extended region of disorder that includes Cys-494. Changes in GAF domain backbone dynamics were also observed that are likely important for inter-domain signal propagation. Taken together, photoconversion of T. elongatus PixJ from Pb to Pg involves complex structural changes within the GAF domain pocket that transduce light into a mechanical signal, many aspects of which should be relevant to others within the extended phytochrome superfamily.  相似文献   

Spatial relationship between cytochrome a and a3   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We have studied the spatial relationship between cytochromes a and a3 by the enhancement of the spin relaxation of cytochrome a3-NO EPR signals by the paramagnetic a heme at 15 K. An Fe-Fe distance of 12-19A is estimated from the absence of dipolar broadening and from the observation of spin relaxation enhancement in the a3-NO complex. When this result is combined with resonance x-ray diffraction data reported by Blasie et al. (Blasie, J. K., Pachence, J. M., Tavormina, A., Dutton, P. L., Stamatoff, J., Eisenberger, P., and Brown, G. (1982) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 679, 188-197) and the contribution from the exchange interaction is considered, we can limit the iron-iron distance to 12-16 A and estimate the angle between the Fe-Fe vector and mitochondrial membrane normal as 30-60 degrees. We also consider the possible effects of CuA on cytochrome a3-NO.  相似文献   

Doklady Biochemistry and Biophysics - The study evaluates the dependence of p53 protein expression on the appearance of dark neurons (DNs) in the hippocampus in rats during experimental modeling of...  相似文献   

Interactions between an isolate of dark septate endophytes (DSE) and roots of Dendrobium nobile Lindl. seedlings are reported in this paper. The isolate was obtained from orchid mycorrhizas on Dendrobium sp. in subtropical forest. The fungus formed typical orchid mycorrhiza in aseptic co-culture with D. nobile seedlings on modified Murashige-Skoog (MMS) medium. Anatomic observations of the infected roots showed that the DSE hyphae invaded the velamen layer, passed through passage cells in exodermis, entered the cortex cells, and then formed fungal pelotons of orchid mycorrhiza. D. nobile seedlings' plant height, stem diameter, new roots number and biomass were greatly enhanced by inoculating the fungus to seedlings. The fungus was identified as Leptodontidium by sequencing the polymerase chain reaction-amplified rDNA ITS1-5,8S-ITS2 (internal transcribed spacer (ITS)) regions and comparison with similar taxa.  相似文献   

We must frequently adapt our movements in order to successfully perform motor tasks. These visuomotor adaptations can occur with or without our awareness and so, have generally been described by two mechanisms: strategic control and spatial realignment. Strategic control is a conscious modification used when discordance between an intended and actual movement is observed. Spatial realignment is an unconscious recalibration in response to subtle differences between an intended and efferent movement. Traditional methods of investigating visuomotor adaptation often involve simplistic, repetitive motor goals and so may be vulnerable to subject boredom or expectation. Our laboratory has recently developed a novel, engaging computer-based task, the Viewing Window, to investigate visuomotor adaptation to large, apparent distortions. Here, we contrast behavioural measures of visuomotor adaptation during the Viewing Window task when either gradual progressive rotations or large, sudden rotations are introduced in order to demonstrate that this paradigm can be utilized to investigate both strategic control and spatial realignment. The gradual rotation group demonstrated significantly faster mean velocities and spent significantly less time off the object compared to the sudden rotation group. These differences demonstrate adaptation to the distortion using spatial realignment. Scan paths revealed greater after-effects in the gradual rotation group reflected by greater time spent scanning areas off of the object. These results demonstrate the ability to investigate both strategic control and spatial realignment. Thus, the Viewing Window provides a powerful engaging tool for investigating the neural basis of visuomotor adaptation and impairment following injury and disease.  相似文献   

Net photosynthesis, dark respiration, and growth of Rumex patientia L. exposed to a ultraviolet irradiance (288-315 nanometers) simulating a 0.18 atm·cm stratospheric ozone column were determined. The ultraviolet irradiance corresponding to this 38% ozone decrease from normal was shown to be an effective inhibitor of photosynthesis and leaf growth. The repressive action on photosynthesis accumulated through time whereas leaf growth was retarded only during the initial few days of exposure. Small increases in dark respiration rates occurred but did not continue to increase with longer exposure periods. A reduction in total plant dry weight and leaf area of approximately 50% occurred after 22 days of treatment, whereas chlorophyll concentrations remained unaltered.  相似文献   

Mass spectrometric analysis shows that assimilation of inorganic nitrogen (NH4+, NO2, NO3) by N-limited cells of Selenastrum minutum (Naeg.) Collins results in a stimulation of tricarboxylic acid cycle (TCA cycle) CO2 release in both the light and dark. In a previous study we have shown that TCA cycle reductant generated during NH4+ assimilation is oxidized via the cytochrome electron transport chain, resulting in an increase in respiratory O2 consumption during photosynthesis (HG Weger, DG Birch, IR Elrifi, DH Turpin [1988] Plant Physiol 86: 688-692). NO3 and NO2 assimilation resulted in a larger stimulation of TCA cycle CO2 release than did NH4+, but a much smaller stimulation of mitochondrial O2 consumption. NH4+ assimilation was the same in the light and dark and insensitive to DCMU, but was 82% inhibited by anaerobiosis in both the light and dark. NO3 and NO2 assimilation rates were maximal in the light, but assimilation could proceed at substantial rates in the light in the presence of DCMU and in the dark. Unlike NH4+, NO3 and NO2 assimilation were relatively insensitive to anaerobiosis. These results indicated that operation of the mitochondrial electron transport chain was not required to maintain TCA cycle activity during NO3 and NO2 assimilation, suggesting an alternative sink for TCA cycle generated reductant. Evaluation of changes in gross O2 consumption during NO3 and NO2 assimilation suggest that TCA cycle reductant was exported to the chloroplast during photosynthesis and used to support NO3 and NO2 reduction.  相似文献   

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