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Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) grows some 400 km south of its current native limit at Wybunbury Moss, Cheshire, UK, on a peatland around a small floating bog (Schwingmoor). Cone and seed production of trees, which have been growing on the site for just over 100 years, were investigated over 3 years. Cones matured between September and March and seed shedding began in early April. The number of cones produced per reproductive tree ranged between 31 and 2,418, with a total average of 685 cones tree?1 y?1. A strong relationship was found between tree diameter and seed production which allowed the prediction of annual seed production. Scots pine on this peatland produced between 766,874 and 950,000 seeds ha?1 annually with a germination percentage of 64%. The predicted number of seeds reaching the central bog (maximum of 120 m from the trees) every year was c. 16,000.  相似文献   

It is generally thought that carbon-limited conifers with low priority stem growth investment will suffer significantly reduced wood formation following defoliation by insects, as long as resource sinks (apical buds and young needles) are unaffected compared to sources (mature needles). We examined the long-term consequences of periodic defoliation by a moth (Bupalus piniaria L.) on the growth of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.), by retrospectively determining annual rates of needle retention using the needle trace method, and comparing these rates with patterns of radial growth obtained by tree-ring analysis. Cumulative moth densities in the current and previous year had the strongest negative influence on subsequent tree growth. Radial and volume increments were reduced substantially (by up to 50%) for 2-3 years after peaks in the moth population. In turn, tree growth was positively correlated with needle retention, with better growth promoting better retention in the following two seasons. This dominant relationship masked the more subtle impact of B. piniaria on needle retention. However, when each needle cohort was examined separately, it was possible to detect the immediate effects of B. piniaria on the loss of the youngest (0 to 1-year-old) needle cohort. Needle budgeting differed for trees in two study compartments, where the rate of tree growth was evidently different. In the compartment where trees grew more slowly they retained a greater number of needle sets over time by shedding fewer of the older needles, but they responded more quickly to the negative effects of the defoliator by losing needles more rapidly in years when the defoliator was abundant.  相似文献   

Boreal forests are highly sensitive to climate and human impacts and therefore suitable as biological indicator for environmental changes. In this context, our study was aimed at getting deeper insight into the climate-dependence of the onset, intensity and end of wood formation of Scots pine during the growing season.We monitored the intra-annual growth dynamics of, on average, 42-year-old Scots pine trees over five consecutive years, 2000-2004, at two sites located 80 and 300 km south of the tree line in northern Finland. For that purpose, the cambium of the trees was weekly wounded with a pin and the resulting wound tissue, microscopically detectable in transverse thin-sections through the newly built wood, was taken as a time marker. During this 5-year study period, the intra-annual wood formation at the southern site was mainly positively associated with summer temperature. However, at the northern site such an association was either entirely missing or negative. At both sites, two thirds of the radial growth was produced within only 4 weeks from mid-June to mid-July, independent of whether the growing season started earlier or later.Moreover, we measured the widths of all tree rings from bark to pith (inter-annual growth) of the same study trees and assembled them to 51-year long tree-ring site chronologies. Since 1999, these two site chronologies - after having run fairly parallel over the preceding decades - were running in divergent directions thus corroborating our results derived from the intra-annual climate/growth analysis. Whereas the chronology of the southern site follows the average temperature of May and July very closely from 1961 up to 2004, the chronology of the northern site follows the July temperature, but only up to 1998, and from 1999 to 2004 is running just opposite to the distinctly rising July temperature. During the same period, there was - unlike in the years before - nearly no snow cover in May at the northern site, whereas at the southern site there was no change of the normally existing slight snow cover in May. This deviating weather situation may have led to a temperature-induced, temporary drought stress for the Scots pines at the northern site.  相似文献   

Recovery of photosynthesis in winter-stressed Scots pine   总被引:4,自引:5,他引:4  
Abstract. . Winter-induced inhibition of photosynthesis in Scots pine (Pinns sylvestris L.) is caused by the combined effects of light and freezing temperatures; light causes photoinhibition of photosystem II (Strand & Oquist, 1985b, Physiologic Plantarum, 65 , 117–123), whereas frost causes inhibition of enzymatic steps of photosynthesis (Strand & Öquist, 1988, Plant, Cell & Environment, 11 , 231–238). To reveal limiting steps during recovery from winter stress, the potential of photosynthesis to recover and the actual recovery outdoors during spring, were studied in Scots pine. Studies of light dependent O2-evolution under saturating CO2 and recordings of room temperature fluorescence induction kinetics were used. When branches of pine, in February and March, were brought into the laboratory and kept at 18°Cand 100μmol m?2 s?1, light saturated rates and apparent quantum yields of photo-synthetic O2-evolution recovered fully within approximately 48h. The photochemical efficiency of photosystem II, as measured by Fv/Fm ratios, recovered fully within 24h after an initial lag-phase of 2-3 h. Under natural winter conditions, the Fv/Fm ratio decreased more in exposed than in shaded pine, whereas the efficiency of photosynthesis was similarly inhibited in exposed and shadedpine. However, when recovery from winter stress occurred during spring, the Fv/Fm ratios of both shaded and exposed pine recovered well before photosynthesis. It is concluded that the light-induced photoinhibition component of winter stress in photosynthesis of pine recovers well before the frost induced component(s) of winter stress. In this context, reversible photoinhibition of photosynthesis in evergreen conifers is considered as a dynamic down-regulation of photosystem II to prevent more severe photodynamic damage of the thylakoid membrane when photosynthesis is inhibited by frost.  相似文献   

Daily dynamics of radial cell expansion during wood formation within the stems of 25-year-old Scots pine trees (Pinus sylvestris L.), growing in field conditions, were studied. The samples of forming wood layers were extracted 4 times per day for 3 days. Possible variations in the growth on different sides of the stem, duration of cell development in radial cell expansion phase and dynamics of cell growth in this phase were taken into account. The perimeters of tracheid cross-sections as a reflection of primary cell wall growth were the criterion of growth in a radial direction. For the evaluation of growing cell perimeters a special system for digital processing and image analysis of tracheid cross-sections of the forming wood was used. Growth rate for certain time intervals was estimated by the change in the relation of the perimeter of each observed cell in each of ten tracheid rows in each of 12 trees to the perimeter of the xylem cell of the same row before the expansion. Temporal differences in average values of the relations were estimated by Analyses of Variance. The existence of daily dynamics of Scots pine xylem cell radial growth has been proved. Intensive growth of pine tracheids has been shown to occur at any time of the day and to depend on the temperature regime of the day and the night as well as water supply of stem tissues. Moreover, reliable differences (P = 0.95) in the increment of cell walls during tracheid radial expansion have been found. Pulsing changes of the water potentials both of the cell and the apoplast, as the reason for the fluctuations of radial cell growth rate, were discussed.  相似文献   

Biomass functions applicable to Scots pine   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
This study describes parameterization of biomass functions applicable to Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris, L.) in the conditions of Central Europe. Fifty-two sample trees from seven sites in different regions of the Czech Republic were used for destructive measurements. The observed aboveground biomass (B AB) and its individual components were examined by different types of non-linear regression models using one to five independent variables including stem diameter (D), tree height (H), tree age (A), crown length (C) and altitude (Z). The best single-equation approximation of B AB was a three-parameter model using D, H and Z, which was also best suited for bark. Including altitude into classical multiplicative exponential function with three independent variables (DHZ) and four parameters yielded the best model for stem over or under bark. Age was important for assessment of dead branches within DHA model, whereas living branches were best approximated using four variables including C (DHAC model). The most complex model (DHACZ) worked best for needle biomass. The comparison of B AB assessment by single regression equation and from sum of individual components showed a negligible difference for full-grown trees, whereas the additive assessment yielded considerably higher B AB for small or young trees. This corresponds to the assessed confidence intervals for individual trees that were larger for smaller trees. The paper also discusses the issue of commonly used linearization of biomass equations and application of linear regression, and provides comparative examples with nonlinear approach used here. The paper presents the parameter sets for the tested equations for B AB and individual biomass components.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Proper characterization of the clumped structure of forests is needed for calculation of the absorbed radiation and photosynthetic production by a canopy. This study examined the dependency of crown-level clumping on tree size and growth conditions in Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris), and determined the ability of statistical canopy radiation models to quantify the degree of self-shading within crowns as a result of the clumping effect.


Twelve 3-D Scots pine trees were generated using an application of the LIGNUM model, and the crown-level clumping as quantified by the crown silhouette to total needle area ratio (STARcrown) was calculated. The results were compared with those produced by the stochastic approach of modelling tree crowns as geometric shapes filled with a random medium.

Key Results

Crown clumping was independent of tree height, needle area and growth conditions. The results supported the capability of the stochastic approach in characterizing clumping in crowns given that the outer shell of the tree crown is well represented.


Variation in the whole-stand clumping index is induced by differences in the spatial pattern of trees as a function of, for example, stand age rather than by changes in the degree of self-shading within individual crowns as they grow bigger.  相似文献   

The proportion of planted forests in the Mediterranean Basin is one of the largest in the world. These plantations are dominated by pine species and present a series of characteristics such as low elevation, high competition or small tree size that make them more vulnerable to droughts. However, quantitative assessments of their post-drought growth resilience in accordance with species, site factors and tree characteristics are lacking. In this study we sampled 164 trees at four forest sites located in the drought-prone Sierra Nevada, southeastern Spain. We compared growth responsiveness to drought in rear-edge planted vs. relic natural Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) and coexisting Pyrenean oak (Quercus pyrenaica) stands. Our objective was to characterize and compare the different growth responses to drought between species and sites and the effect of the main physiographic factors (altitude, aspect, and slope) on these responses since the influence of these factors on post-drought resistance and resilience has received little attention to date. Our results reveal that the planted pine sites with the lowest mean growth rates displayed greater resistance during drought, and that higher altitude was associated with improved resistance and/or resilience for all species and sites. Natural pine and Pyrenean oak stands were better adapted to the dry climatic conditions of the Mediterranean region where the study was undertaken, displaying greater resistance and/or resilience and lower influence of drought on growth in comparison to stands of planted pines. These results suggest that promoting the conservation of high-elevation pine plantations and enhancing the regeneration of natural pine and oak may improve the resistance and resilience of these drought-prone forest ecosystems.  相似文献   

Antonova GF  Stasova VV 《Ontogenez》2006,37(5):368-383
The formation of phloem was studied for two years in stems of 50 to 60 year old trees of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) growing in nature. The development of phloem of the current year begins 10 to 20 days before the xylem formation and is completed with the termination of shoot growth in the end of June. Observations over the seasonal activity of cambium producing sieve-like cells of phloem and duration of their differentiation as compared to the xylem derivatives of cambium have shown that the maxima of formation of phloem and xylem cells could coincide or not coincide by season, while the activities of their differentiation were always at antiphase. The sieve-like cells of early phloem were separated from those of late phloem by a layer of tannin-containing cells, which are formed simultaneously with the formation of late xylem cells by the cambium. Seasonal dynamics of accumulation of starch grain in structural elements of the phloem is related to the xylem development. The content of metabolites in differentiating and mature phloem elements, in the cambium zone, and in the xylem cells growing in the radial direction depended on cell specificity, stage of their development, and type of forming wood, early or late, which differ in the cell wall parameters and, hence, requirement of assimilates. Significant differences were described between the content of low molecular weigh carbohydrates, amino acids, organic acids, and phenol compounds using two methods of calculation: per dry weight and per cell.  相似文献   

Analysis of the branch area/stem area ratio of Scots pine growing in different climatic conditions in Europe and Siberia indicates that the branch area supported by a stem increases in warmer and drier conditions. The ratio was significantly correlated with several climatic variables, especially with potential evapotranspiration (E p). The ratio was negatively correlated with stand density (d s). A regression model combining E p and d s accounted for 85% of the total variation. These trends are believed to reflect hydraulic segmentation of trees and may represent a strategy to avoid cavitation in the tree, especially in the branches.  相似文献   

Cryopreservation of embryogenic cultures of Scots pine   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
The aim of the study was to develop an effective cryopreservation method for Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) embryogenic cultures. Altogether nine cell lines derived from three mother trees were cryopreserved after cold hardening using dimethylsulfoxide or two different mixtures of polyethyleneglycol 6000, glucose and dimethylsulfoxide as cryoprotectants. Seventy-eight percent of the cell lines remained viable after cryostorage, the best cryoprotectant treatment being 10% polyethyleneglycol 6000, 10% glucose, and 10% dimethylsulfoxide in water. This treatment resulted in significantly better regrowth of the embryogenic cultures than with the other cryoprotectants or with the controls. According to microscopical observations, the cells that retained their viability and regrowth ability after cryopreservation were the embryonal head cells, as well as some elliptic suspensor cells close to the embryonal head cell area. When proliferation growth of the frozen cultures had started, their morphological appearance was the same as the non-frozen cultures. In addition, the RAPD assays suggested that the cryostorage treatment used here preserved the genetic fidelity of the Scots pine embryogenic cultures. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

A procedure has been developed for freeze-preservation of buds of the Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.). Instead of liquid nitrogen, cold storage in –80°C was used. The partly dormant material used in the experiments was obtained directly from a natural stand in Northern Finland and no prefreezing or cryoprotectants for preconditioning were used. Cooling velocity was 1°C/min up to a terminal freezing temperature of –39°C, after which the buds were immersed in liquid nitrogen at –196°C for 10 minutes. The material was then transferred to a deepfreezer at –80°C and stored up to 6 months. After rapid thawing, the buds were sterilized and their viability was tested by FDA staining and by culturing meristems on 1/2 MS medium for at least two weeks. All the freezing experiments were performed during March and April. The best survival of buds (90–100%) was achieved at the beginning of April, after which a pronounced decline in survival occurred obviously due to a rise in the water content of the buds.  相似文献   

Plasticity in hydraulic architecture of Scots pine across Eurasia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Widespread tree species must show physiological and structural plasticity to deal with contrasting water balance conditions. To investigate these plasticity mechanisms, a meta-analysis of Pinus sylvestris L. sap flow and its response to environmental variables was conducted using datasets from across its whole geographical range. For each site, a Jarvis-type, multiplicative model was used to fit the relationship between sap flow and photosynthetically active radiation, vapour pressure deficit (D) and soil moisture deficit (SMD); and a logarithmic function was used to characterize the response of stomatal conductance (G s) to D. The fitted parameters of those models were regressed against climatic variables to study the acclimation of Scots pine to dry/warm conditions. The absolute value of sap flow and its sensitivity to D and SMD increased with the average summer evaporative demand. However, relative sensitivity of G s to D (m/G s,ref, where m is the slope and G s,ref is reference G s at D = 1 kPa) did not increase with evaporative demand across populations, and transpiration per unit leaf area at a given D increased accordingly in drier/warmer climates. This physiological plasticity was linked to the previously reported climate- and size-related structural acclimation of leaf to sapwood area ratios. G s,ref, and its absolute sensitivity to D (m), tended to decrease with age/height of the trees as previously reported for other pine species. It is unclear why Scots pines have higher transpiration rates at drier/warmer sites, at the expense of lower water-use efficiency. In any case, our results suggest that these structural adjustments may not be enough to prevent lower xylem tensions at the driest sites.  相似文献   

Aims The ground level of boreal pine forests consists of a dense layer of ericaceous shrubs, herbs, grasses, mosses and lichens. The primary productivity of this forest floor vegetation is notable but the role the most common ericoid dwarf shrub plant species,Calluna vulgaris,Vaccinium myrtillusandVaccinium vitis-idaea, play in carbon (C) cycling in these ecosystems is poorly understood. Here, we studied their C dynamics in detail using plants of similar size (age 14–19 months) in a microcosm study.  相似文献   

A Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) cDNA library was screened with two heterologous cDNA probes (P31 and T10) encoding cytosolic and chloroplastic superoxide dismutases (SOD) from tomato. Several positive clones for cytosolic and chloroplastic superoxide dismutases were isolated, subcloned, mapped and sequenced. One of the cDNA clones (PS3) had a full-length open reading frame of 465 bp corresponding to 154 amino acid residues and showed approximately 85% homology with the amino acid sequences of angiosperm cytosolic SOD counterparts. Another cDNA clone (PST13) was incomplete, but encoded a putative protein with 93% homology to pea and tomato chloroplastic superoxide dismutase. The derived amino acid sequence from both cDNA clones matched the corresponding N-terminal amino acid sequence of the purified mature SOD isozymes. Northern blot hybridizations showed that, cytosolic and chloroplastic CuZn-SOD are expressed at different levels in Scots pine organs. Sequence data and Southern blot hybridization confirm that CuZn-SODs in Scots pine belong to a multigene family. The results are discussed in relation to earlier observations of CuZn-SODs in plants.  相似文献   

Cold acclimation and photoinhibition of photosynthesis in Scots pine   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Cold acclimation of Scots pine did not affect the susceptibility of photosynthesis to photoinhibition. Cold acclimation did however cause a suppression of the rate of CO2 uptake, and at given light and temperature conditions a larger fraction of the photosystem II reaction centres were closed in cold-acclimated than in nonacclimated pine. Therefore, when assayed at the level of photosystem II reaction centres, i.e. in relation to the degree of photosystem closure, cold acclimation caused a significant increase in resistance to photoinhibition; at given levels of photosystem II closure the resistance to photoinhibition was higher after cold acclimation. This was particularly evident in measurements at 20° C. The amounts and activities of the majority of analyzed active oxygen scavengers were higher after cold acclimation. We suggest that this increase in protective enzymes and compounds, particularly Superoxide dismutase, ascorbate peroxidase, glutathione reductase and ascorbate of the chloroplasts, enables Scots pine to avoid excessive photoinhibition of photosynthesis despite partial suppression of photosynthesis upon cold acclimation. An increased capacity for light-induced de-epoxidation of violaxanthin to zeaxanthin upon cold acclimation may also be of significance.Abbreviations APX ascorbate peroxidase - DHA dehydroascorbate - DHAR dehydroascorbate reductase - Fm maximal fluorescence when all reaction centres are closed - Fv/Fm maximum photochemical yield of PSII - GR glutathione reductase - GSH reduced glutathione - Je rate of photosynthetic electron transport - MDAR monodehydroascorbate reductase - qN nonphotochemical quenching of fluorescence - qP photochemical quenching of fluorescence - SOD superoxide dismutase This work was supported by the Swedish Natural Science Research Council and the National Natural Science Foundation of China.  相似文献   

The respiratory CO2 exchange and the growth of the annual shoots were followed in Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) trees growing under extreme continental forest-steppe conditions near the lake Baikal. The temperature coefficient of dark respiration (Q10) in growing shoots dropped down from 3.2–4.0 (in the temperature range of 10–20°C) to 1.5–2.0 (in the temperature range of 20–30°C). The changes in averaged daily respiration rates correlated with the changes in shoot growth increments and temperature (with the multiple determination coefficient of 0.94). Growth respiration of the axial shoots during the phenophase reached 80% of the total respiration costs, with the coefficients of growth respiration and maintenance respiration 0.32 and 0.021. In young crown shoots, the average value of CO2 evolution in the light combined for the whole observation period (years 1976–2004) was about 1 kg/dm2, that is 9% of CO2 evolution from the trunk surface.  相似文献   

  • 1 During 1989–93, field studies were conducted in Finland to develop a method based on pheromone traps to monitor and forecast population levels of the European pine sawfly (Neodiprion sertifer Geoffr.) and tree defoliation.
  • 2 Three traps per site were baited with 100 µg of the N. sertifer sex pheromone, the acetate ester of (2S,3S,7S)‐3,7‐dimethyl‐2‐pentadecanol (diprionol), in maturing pine stands in southern and central Finland. In addition, three different dosages (1, 10 and 100 µg) of the pheromone were tested in 1991–92.
  • 3 The highest number of males was observed in traps baited with the highest dose. On average, there was a 10‐fold increase in trap catch between lure doses.
  • 4 Density of overwintering eggs was used to evaluate the effectiveness of pheromone traps in predicting sawfly populations. The proportion of healthy overwintering eggs was determined each year. A model based on the number of current shoots on sample trees, diameter at breast height and tree height was formulated to estimate eggs per hectare.
  • 5 Linear regression analysis produced high coefficients of determination between number of males in traps and density of total eggs in the subsequent generation, when populations were at peak densities. The relationships were not significant for low population densities. The results indicate a risk of moderate defoliation when the seasonal trap catch is 800–1000 males per trap or higher.

Pre-zygotic pollen competition is believed to play an important role in nonrandom mating, i.e., the unequal success of different pollen donors. We studied pollen–pollen interactions of Scots pine in vitro using multiwell plates with freely permeable inserts. Six genotypes were included in our experiments: three from northern Finland and three from southern Finland. We conducted control experiments by placing pollen of each genotype in both the well and its insert. In competition experiments each southern genotype was incubated in insert with each northern genotype in well, and vice-versa. Samples for the germinability observations were taken from inserts. The mean germination percentage of northern genotypes was lower when incubating with southern genotypes in competition experiments than in control experiments. In one case, a northern genotype showed lower mean germination percentage in competition experiment than in control experiment and in another case a southern genotype showed a higher value. Our results suggest a chemically mediated interaction between pollen from different genotypes and one which can vary among genotypes.  相似文献   

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