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Composition of the cell walls of several yeast species   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Cell walls, representing 26%–32% of the cell dry weight, were prepared from several strains of the yeasts Kloeckera apiculata, Debaryomyces hansenii, Zygosaccharomyces bailii,Kluyveromyces marxianus and Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Extraction of the walls with potassium hydroxide at 4 °C, followed by saturation of the alkali-soluble extract with ammonium sulphate gave fractions of mannoprotein, alkali-soluble glucan and alkali-insoluble glucan. Chitin was associated with the alkali-insoluble glucan. The proportions of the different fractions within the walls varied with the species and strain. Mannoprotein comprised between 25% and 34% of the walls, the content of alkali-insoluble glucan ranged from 15% to 48%, and the content of alkali-soluble glucan ranged from 10% to 48%. There was significant variation in the physical appearance of the alkali-soluble glucans and the relative viscosity of suspensions of these glucans. The yeasts could represent novel sources of polysaccharides with industrial and medical applications. Received: 30 December 1997 / Received revision: 24 March 1998 / Accepted: 27 March 1998  相似文献   

A perfusion method is described whereby large discs of amphistomatous leaves are vacuum-perfused with water so that either successive fractions of perfusate may be analyzed for solutes or the infused water may be displaced and collected after equilibration with the leaf cells. With castor bean leaves, estimates of electrolyte concentration in cell wall water by the two methods were similar. Total electrolytes in leaf cell wall water of castor beans (Ricinus communis), sunflower (Helianthus annuus), and cabbage (Brassica oleracea capitata) from nonsaline cultures were about 2, 2, and 10 milliequivalents per liter, respectively, increasing to 4, 10, and 30 milliequivalents per liter under saline conditions. Electrolytes recovered in successive fractions were similar in composition, and continuous perfusion resulted in a steady release of solutes, the concentration in the perfusate varying inversely with the perfusion rate. Diffusional release of solutes from cells was less than expected at low perfusion rates, suggesting that solute reabsorption may increase as solute concentration in the perfusate increases with decreased perfusion rates. Perfusate concentration and composition were essentially unaffected by temperature (2 and 23 C) or by perfusing with 0.5 mm CaSO4 rather than with water. Electrolytes in perfusates on an equivalent basis were Ca2+, 30%; Mg2+, 10%; and Na+ + K+, 60%, the proportions of sodium increasing from 10 to 50% in leaves (cabbage) that accumulated sodium under saline conditions. Salinity (added NaCl) of the root culture medium caused a 3- to 5-fold increase in total cell wall electrolyte concentration, but this amounted to an increase from less than 1 or a few per cent to no more than 7% (in cabbage) of the cell sap electrolyte concentrations. Solutes in the cell wall appear to be in dynamic equilibrium with intracellular solutes.  相似文献   

Composition of cell walls of some gram-negative cocci   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Plants were regenerated via adventitious shoot initiation from petal explants of carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus L.) cultivars Crowley Sim, Ember Rose, Orchid Beauty, Red Sim, White Sim and from stem segments of Crowley Sim, Red Sim, White Sim. Differences in cultivar response were observed, with White Sim being the most responsive for both explant types. Plants were also regenerated from receptacles of this cultivar. The effect of different cytokinins on regeneration from petal and stem explants of cultivar White Sim was compared. Thidiazuron was more effective than 6-benzylaminopurine or kinetin. In stem explants, morphogenic capacity was determined by the developmental stage of the explant. Highest percentage of shoot formation was observed in the youngest stem segments, on all the cytokinins tested. Stem-derived plants grew faster than petal or receptacle-derived plants and produced normal, flowering plants eight to ten months after culture.  相似文献   

The laboratory bioassay of the essential oil and the isolated compounds from Chloroxylon swietenia against Aedes aegypti and Anopheles stephensi was carried out to evaluate the larvicidal activity. LC50 value estimated for A. aegypti and An. stephensi were 16.5 and 14.9 microg/ml and 20.2 and 19 microg/ml for leaf and stem oils, respectively. The three sesquiterpenes pregeijerene, geijerene and germacrene D were isolated and their Larvicidal activity was evaluated. Pregeijerene and geijerene were observed for the first time in the volatile constituents of C. swietenia, however, leaves contained higher amount of geijerene compared to stems.  相似文献   

The composition of walls isolated from pollen grains of the seagrass Amphibolis antarctica was determined. Glucose, galactose, and rhamnose were the major neutral monosaccharides in the wall polysaccharides, and fucose, arabinose, xylose, and mannose were present in minor proportions. No apiose, a monosaccharide present in the wall polysaccharides of the vegetative parts of the seagrass Heterozostera tasmanica, was found. Large amounts of uronic acid (mainly as galacturonic acid) were found in the walls. The monosaccharides were probably present in cellulose and pectic polysaccharides, the latter comprising neutral pectic galactans, and rhamnogalacturonans containing high proportions of rhamnose. The walls contained a small amount of protein; glycine and lysine were the amino acids present in the highest proportions. Histochemical examination of isolated walls confirmed the presence of polyanionic components (pectic polysaccharides), -glucans (cellulose), and protein. The composition of the walls is discussed in relation to analyses of the walls of pollen grains and vegetative organs of other plants.  相似文献   

Cell-wall enzymes were assayed by the difference between enzyme activities in the whole cell and the protoplast. Both peroxidase (85.2%) and acid phosphatase (21.9%) were located in the wall. However, malate dehydrogenase was found only in the protoplast. A study of the time-course of the release of peroxidase and malate dehydrogenase into the incubation medium from cells either treated with cellulase or untreated, also indicated that peroxidase and not malate dehydrogenase was located in the wall. Only two anodic isoenzymes of peroxidase were present in the cell wall. These were more negatively charged than those of horseradish peroxidase.  相似文献   

When [2-14C]tyramine was fed in vivo by petiolar uptake to Nicotiana tabacum Xanthi n.c. leaves partially inoculated with tobacco mosaic virus, radioactivity accumulated in inoculated areas bearing necrotic lesions, mainly in the veins and around the lesions. Light-microscopic autoradiography showed that integration of radioactivity was especially evident in xylem cell walls. This was confirmed in sections of petiole by electron-microscopic autoradiography. Study of the mechanism of insolubilisation of tyramine showed that the amine was integrated in regions in which peroxidase activity could be located cytochemically using 3,3-diaminobenzidine and H2O2 as substrates. When sections of petiole were incubated with labelled tyramine and H2O2 after fixation in glutaraldehyde, a distribution of radioactivity similar to that obtained after feeding tyramine by petiolar uptake was observed. It is concluded that simple phenols such as tyramine can be integrated in vivo into cell walls because they are oxidised by peroxidases. This result illustrates the difficulty of studying the metabolism of exogenous phenols in plants, especially in lignifying tissues which contain active wall-bound peroxidases.Abbreviations DAB 3,3-diamino-benzidine - TMV tobacco mosaic virus  相似文献   

We examined the relationship between the bulk elastic modulus (epsilon) of an individual leaf obtained by the pressure-volume (P-V) technique and the mechanical properties of cell walls in the leaf. The plants used were Quercus glauca and Q. serrata, an evergreen and a deciduous broad-leaved tree species, respectively. We compared epsilon and Young's modulus of leaf specimens determined by the stretch technique at various stages of their leaf development. The results showed that epsilon increased from approximately 5 to 20 MPa during leaf development, although other potential determinants of epsilon such as the apoplastic water content in the leaf and the diameter of a palisade tissue cells remained almost constant. epsilon in these two species was similar at every developmental stages, although the apparent mechanical strength of the leaf lamina and thickness of mesophyll cell walls were greater in Q. glauca. There were significant linear relationships between Young's modulus and epsilon (P < 0.01; R (2) = 0.78 and 0.84 in Q. glauca and Q. serrata, respectively) with small y-intercepts. From these results, we conclude that epsilon is closely related to the reversible properties of the cell walls. From the estimation of epsilon based on a physical model, we suggest that the effective thickness of cell walls responsible for epsilon is smaller than the observed wall thickness.  相似文献   

Cell walls isolated from pollen of Nicotiana alata germinated in vitro contain glucose and arabinose as the predominant monosaccharides. Methylation analysis and cytochemical studies are consistent with the major polysaccharides being a (13)--D-glucan (callose) and an arabinan together with small amounts of cellulose. The cell walls contain 2.8% uronic acids. Alcian blue stains the pollen-tube walls intensely at the tip, indicating that acidic polysaccharides are concentrated in the tip. Synthetic aniline-blue fluorochrome is specific primarily for (13)--D-glucans and stains the pollen-tube walls, except at the tip. Protein (1.5%), containing hydroxyproline (2.4%), is present in the cell wall.  相似文献   

The epiphytic bacterial communities colonising roots and leaves have been described for many plant species. In contrast, microbiologists have rarely considered flowers of naturally growing plants. We identified bacteria isolated from the surface of petals and leaves of two plant species, Saponaria officinalis (Caryophyllaceae) and Lotus corniculatus (Fabaceae). The bacterial diversity was much lower on petals than on leaves of the same plants. Moreover, the bacterial communities differed strongly in composition: while Pseudomonadaceae and Microbacteriaceae were the most abundant families on leaves, Enterobacteriaceae dominated the floral communities. We hypothesise that antibacterial floral volatiles trigger the low diversity on petals, which is supported by agar diffusion assays using substances emitted by flowers and leaves of S. officinalis. These results suggest that bacteria should be included in the interpretation of floral traits, and possible effects of bacteria on pollination are proposed and discussed.  相似文献   

Portions of stems from the base of asparagus spears (Asparagus officinalis L. cv. Connovor Collossus) were dissected to give the following tissues: (1) pith, which was free of vascular bundles, (2) two surrounding layers, parenchyma and fibre I and II (PFI and PFII), containing parenchyma and vascular bundles, (3) sclerenchyma sheath, (4) epidermis and sub-epidermal layers and (5) asparagus vascular fibre (AVF). The alcohol-insoluble residues (AIRs) from these tissues were shown to be free of starch. They were analysed for moisture and protein, and the component sugars were released by two hydrolytic procedures, which helped to distinguish the sugars from non-cellulosic polysaccharides and cellulose. The AIRs from pith and epidermal tissues were relatively low in xylose, but were rich in cellulosic glucose, and sugars associated with pectic polysaccharides such as galacturonic acid, galactose and arabinose. Their major component polysaccharides (in decreasing amounts) were inferred to be pectic polysaccharides, cellulose, and hemicelluloses. AIR from sclerenchyma was rich in glucose and xylose, suggesting the presence of much cellulose and (acidic) xylans. The AIRs of PFI, PFII and AVF contained significant amounts of xylose in addition tn other sugars, and the major polysaccharides inferred to be present were pectic polysaccharides, cellulose and hemicelluloses, a significant proportion of which may be acidic xylans. Methylation analysis of the AIRs confirmed the above inferences. The bulk of the glucosyl residues were (1–4)-linked, and there were small but significant amounts of (1–4, 6)-linked glucosyl residues (the linkage characteristic of xyloglucans) in all the preparations. The presence of (1–4)-linked galactosyl, (1–5)-linked arabinosyl, terminal galactosyl, terminal arabinosyl, (1–2)- and (1–2, 4)-linked rhamnosyl residues in all the AIRs except that from sclerenchyma, confirmed the presence of significant levels of pectic polysaccharides in all the parenchyma tissues. All the preparations containing vascular tissues contained significant amounts of (1–4)-linked xylosyl residues, probably derived from acidic xylans. Even in the AIR of pith, a significant amount of (1–4)-linked xylosyl residues were detected. This may be due to the ability of these cells and the parenchyma cells associated with the vascular bundles, to undergo lignification in mature asparagus plants.  相似文献   

The cell walls and peptidoglycans of two mutant strains, Streptomyces chrysomallus var. carotenoides and Streptomyces chrysomallus var. macrotetrolidi, were studied. The strains are organisms producing carotenes and antibiotics of the macrotetrolide group. By the qualitative composition of the peptidoglycans the mutants belong to Streptomyces and are similar. Their glycan portion consists of equimolar quantities of N-acetyl glucosamine and muramic acid. The peptide subunit is presented by glutamic acid, L, L-diaminopimelic acid, glycine and alanine. The molar ratio of alanine is 1.2-1.3. The mutant strains differ in the content of carbohydrates, total phosphorus and phosphorus belonging to teichoic acids. Teichoic acids of the cell walls of the both strains are of the ribitolhosphate nature. The cell walls of the mutants contain polysaccharides differing from teichoic acids and consisting of glucose, galactose, arabinose and fucose. The influence of the cell wall composition of the mutant strains on their morphology and metabolism and comparison of the data relative to the mutant strains with those relative to the starting strain are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary— Polyclonal antibodies against 4-O-methyl-glucuronoxylan and α L-1-3 arabinofuranosyl poly-β-d-1-4-xylopyranosyl were raised from rabbits. An immunocytochemical technique was used to localize xylans and arabinoxylans in the plant cell walls of the apical internode of two maize lines of different digestibility. The sclerenchyma, fibres and xylem (lignified tissues) and the parenchyma (non-lignified tissue) were studied. The arabinoxylans were more heavily labelled than the xylans in the lignified tissues of the less digestible maize whereas in the more digestible line the labelling of the two polysaccharides was similar. The xylans and arabinoxylans were localized in the secondary cell wall. In both maize lines, labelling increased from the base upwards of the apical internode, reflecting the changes in growth stage.  相似文献   

采用常压柱色谱和重结晶相结合的分离方法,从木奶果的茎叶提取物的乙酸乙酯部分中分离得到8个化合物,通过波谱方法及与已知样品对照的手段鉴定它们为(2S,3S,4R)-2-[(2R)-2-hydroxytetracosanoyl-amino]-1,3,4-octadecanetriol(1),Aralia cerebroside(2),(24S)-24-ethylcholesta-3β,5α,6β-triol(3),Stigmast-4-en-6β-ol-3-one(4),7-oxo-β-sitosterol(5),7α-methoxy-sigmast-5-en-3β-ol(6),β-sitosterol(7),daucosterol(8)。化合物1-6为首次从该种植物中发现的。  相似文献   

The rooting of stem cuttings is a common vegetative propagation practice in many ornamental species. A detailed analysis of the morphological changes occurring in the basal region of cultivated carnation cuttings during the early stages of adventitious rooting was carried out and the physiological modifications induced by exogenous auxin application were studied. To this end, the endogenous concentrations of five major classes of plant hormones [auxin, cytokinin (CK), abscisic acid, salicylic acid (SA) and jasmonic acid] and the ethylene precursor 1‐aminocyclopropane‐1‐carboxylic acid were analyzed at the base of stem cuttings and at different stages of adventitious root formation. We found that the stimulus triggering the initiation of adventitious root formation occurred during the first hours after their excision from the donor plant, due to the breakdown of the vascular continuum that induces auxin accumulation near the wounding. Although this stimulus was independent of exogenously applied auxin, it was observed that the auxin treatment accelerated cell division in the cambium and increased the sucrolytic activities at the base of the stem, both of which contributed to the establishment of the new root primordia at the stem base. Further, several genes involved in auxin transport were upregulated in the stem base either with or without auxin application, while endogenous CK and SA concentrations were specially affected by exogenous auxin application. Taken together our results indicate significant crosstalk between auxin levels, stress hormone homeostasis and sugar availability in the base of the stem cuttings in carnation during the initial steps of adventitious rooting.  相似文献   

Carnation vein mottle virus (CarVMV) is rare in glasshouse carnations in Britain, although locally common in Dianthus barbatus in private gardens. In Sim carnations free from other viruses, CarVMV caused slight diffuse chlorotic mottling in the younger leaves, decreased flower yield by c. 22%, and caused flower breaking in cvs William Sim and Dusty. In non-Sim cultivars Pink Shibiuya, Orchid Beauty and Vesta, leaf symptoms and flower breaking were more pronounced. In mixed infections with carnation mottle virus, symptoms were much more severe. CarVMV was not eliminated from carnation or D. barbatus plants grown for 4 wk at 37oC, and only rarely from cuttings then taken from them, but it was readily eliminated by meristem-tip culture. Myzus persicae adults or nymphs acquired and transmitted the virus within a total time of 4 min, and remained infective for 30–60 min if feeding, or for 75 min if starved. The carnation aphid, M. persicae f. dianthi, transmitted the virus much less efficiently. The virus was not transmitted by dodder (Cuscuta campestris), or through seed of D. barbatus or Chenopodium quinoa. The maximum infective dilution in sap of D. barbatus, carnation and C. quinoa ranged from 10-2 to 10-5. The virus withstood 10 min at 60 but not 65oC, up to 9 days at c. 18oC or 3–4 wk at c. 2oC. CarVMV infected twenty-two of 107 plant species in six of thirty-seven families; suscepts were confined to the Chenopodiaceae, Caryophyllaceae and closely allied families. C. quinoa was the best local lesion assay host. Seedling clones of D. barbatus, selected as resistant to carnation mottle virus, proved the best indicator and propagation species. Up to 50 mg virus/kg tissue were obtained by butanol clarification followed by differential and density gradient centrifugation. The preparations contained a single sedimenting component, s20w= 144S, and had flexuous filamentous particles, c. 790 times 12 run; the particles contained a single polypeptide, mol. wt 34800, and 5% of a single-stranded ribonucleic acid (RNA) with nucleotide base ratios of G21: A25: C25: U29. Serologically CarVMV was related distantly to turnip mosaic (cabbage black ring strain), pea mosaic, watermelon mosaic (Strain 2) and bean yellow mosaic viruses, more closely to pepper veinal mottle virus, but unrelated to twelve other potyviruses. CarVMV is not at present a danger to carnation crops in Britain, but the recent trend of sending carnation plants to overwinter outdoors in warmer countries involves potential risks of more rapid spread by effective vector races of M. persicae.  相似文献   

Investigation of carnation viruses   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Siddiqui BS  Ilyas F  Rasheed M  Begum S 《Phytochemistry》2004,65(14):2077-2084
The continued studies on the constituents of the fresh leaves and stem bark of Plumeria obtusa Linn. have led to the isolation and characterization of four new triterpenoids, dammara-12,20(22)Z-dien-3-one (1), dammara-12,20(22)Z-dien-3beta-ol (2), olean-12-en-3beta,27-diol (3), and 27-hydroxyolean-12-en-3-one (4) and 12 known compounds, which included eight triterpenoids; dammara-3beta,20(S),25-triol (5), urs-12-en-3beta-hydroxy-27-Z-feruloyloxy-28-oic acid (6), 3beta-hydroxyolean-12-en-28-oic acid (7), 3beta,27-dihydroxylupan-29-ene (8), 3beta-hydroxylupan-29-en-28-oic acid (9), 3beta-hydroxyursan-12-en-28-oic acid (11), 3beta-hydroxy-27-p-coumaroyloxy-olea-12-en-28-oic acid (12) and urs-12-en-3-one (15); an iridoid 1alpha-plumieride (10); a cardenolide 3alpha,14beta-dihydroxy-17beta-card-20(22)-enolide (13); a fatty acid ester methyl n-octadecanoate (14) and a steroid 3beta-hydroxy-delta5-stigmastane (16). The new constituents were characterized through spectroscopic studies including 1D (1H and 31C NMR) and 2D (COSY-45, NOESY, J-resolved, HMQC and HMBC) NMR and chemical transformations. This is the first report on the isolation of dammarane triterpenoids from P. obtusa. Compounds 5 and 6 are hitherto unreported from P. obtusa. The known compounds were identified by comparison of their spectral data with those reported in the literature.  相似文献   

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