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The conditions of eutrophication are described in three lagoon systems differing by their structure, their catchment area and their connection with the sea: the Bassin d'Arcachon on the Atlantic coast, SW France, the semi-artificial fish ponds of the Bassin d'Arcachon, and the Étang du Prévost on the Mediterranean. The Bassin d'Arcachon is a shallow semi-enclosed bay, strongly influenced by climatic factors and tidal currents. The Bassin receives significant inflow of freshwater and the waters are only partially renewed. The greatest part of the primary production is due to the seagrass Zostera noltii. Although the ecosystem remains on the whole in steady state, some evidence of potential eutrophication are visible. For instance, the flux of nitrogen into the Bassin d'Arcachon has increased by more than 50% during the last 25 years. The most significant change among primary producers is the massive development since 1988 of the green alga Monostroma obscurum. The fish reservoirs of the Bassin d'Arcachon are man-made enclosures designed for extensive aquaculture and where the water renewal is only possible during certain periods of time. Thus, because of the shallowness and the confined nature of these fish ponds, acute eutrophication is sometimes observed in summer. The Étang du Prevost is extremely eutrophic due to agricultural and urban run-off. Red waters occur periodically during the warm summer months as a consequence of ecological events beginning in the early spring with a bloom of green macroalgae (Ulva sp.). In summer, the algal biomass is degraded by aerobic heterotrophic bacteria; the oxygen demand encompasses the oxygen production, leading to the predominence of anaerobic processes and dystrophic crisis. From the comparison of the selected sites, three stages of eutrophication are recognized according to the conceptual model of Nienhuis (1992) describing the relation between the relative dominance of primary producers connected to the availability of nutrients. Such macroscopic observations should, now, be explained by the study of microbiological processes including meiofauna, protozoa, bacteria and all the components of the microbial loop.  相似文献   

Enumeration of the functional groups of sulfur bacteria was performed in the sediments in the Bassin d'Arcachon, a mesotidal lagoon with strong tidal currents and dominant populations of seagrass (Zostera noltii), and in the Etang du Prévost, a shallow lagoon with moderate tidal fluctuations and dominant populations of floating seaweed (Ulva sp.). In addition, data were collected on the distribution of oxygen and sulfide at the water-sediment interface during diel cycles. Bacterial enumeration studies revealed highest numbers in the top two cm of the sediments for three functional groups of sulfur bacteria, these being the sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB), the colorless sulfur bacteria (CSB), and the phototrophic sulfur bacteria (PSB). In both systems high numbers of SRB were encountered, suggesting ample availability of organic matter. A comparison between different sites in each ecosystem showed that sediments overlain by more stagnant water were dominated by PSB, whereas those overlain by more oxygenated water were dominated by CSB. Important factors are the physical forces induced by tidal currents and the degree of daily exchange of water between the lagoons and the sea. These factors may explain the differences observed between the two systems with regard to the development of anoxic conditions, more so than the level of eutrophication. It appears that rooted plants play an important role in the introduction of oxygen into the sediments, thus enhancing the competitive position of CSB compared to PSB. Mini-electrodes studies revealed high concentrations of free sulfide at the inner site of the Etang du Prévost but very low concentrations at the inner station of the Bassin d'Arcachon, which may be explained by the high iron input of the latter, rather than by differences in the rate of sulfide production.  相似文献   

The high biodiversity observed in coastal lagoons can often be related to a very high degree of environmental heterogeneity (β-biodiversity). In this article, I describe many physical factors that contribute to create environmental heterogeneity and different habitats within the Bassin d’Arcachon, a mesotidal lagoon in S.W. France. The microbial biodiversity has been studied in this coastal lagoon by culture-dependent and culture-independent techniques. The sediments of the meadows of the seagrass Zostera noltii have received a specific focus. During the last 15 years, several novel bacterial species have been isolated from these sediments and obtained in culture. Among these, five different species have been fully described as novel species according the Bacteriological Code and two of them represent also the type strain for a novel genus. The bacterial biodiversity has also been studied by molecular ecology techniques. An early study was focused on water column bacteria and a comparison has been made with the same community from the more eutrophic Prévost lagoon (France, Mediterranean coast). A clone library was also constructed for 16-S rRNA genes isolated and amplified from the 1–2 cm depth layer of the Z. noltii sediment. These studies showed a high degree of biodiversity and the importance of sulfate-reducing bacteria in the sediment, pointing to species that have not been obtained in culture. Collectively, these data show that there is still a large discrepancy between culture-dependent and culture-independent prokaryotic biodiversity. It is important to link the functional biogeochemical approach with the biodiversity approach. For the Bassin d’Arcachon studies, the biogeochemical approach has successfully nurtured the biodiversity studies, while the reverse has not yet been the case as the biogeochemical studies have lumped prokaryotes in functional groups. Guest editors: A. Razinkovas, Z. R. Gasiūnaitė, J. M. Zaldivar & P. Viaroli European Lagoons and their Watersheds: Function and Biodiversity  相似文献   

Within the framework of an investigation into the carrying capacity of the Bay of Marennes-Oléron (France) for bivalve culture, thein situ uptake of suspended particulate material by oysters (Crassostrea gigas) and mussels (Mytilus edulis) was determined in experiments with benthic ecosystem tunnels. Very high fluctuations in seston quantity and quality were observed within and between tidal cycles. The percentage of organic carbon was inversely related to seston quantity at low concentrations. Organic carbon was diluted by resuspension of material rich in inorganic matter. At high seston concentrations a constant level of about 2% organic carbon was found. The C/N ratio was relatively constant throughout the seasons and fairly low (6.5 to 8.4). Owing to the presence of bivalves large fluxes of suspended particulate material were observed in thein situ measurements. Selective retention of organic carbon or nitrogen could not be demonstrated. Clearance rates based on chlorophyll uptake were within a normal range compared to other studies. A large contribution to the food of the bivalves seemed to be formed by resuspended microphytobenthos. Judged by the low C/N ratio, the food was of good quality. Although its quantity was variable by dilution, it may support largely the carrying capacity of the Bay of Marennes-Oléron for the cultivation of bivalves. Communication no. 687 of the Netherlands Institute of Ecology, Centre for Estuarine and Coastal Ecology, Yerseke, the Netherlands.  相似文献   

Zarattini  P.  Rossi  V.  Mantovani  B.  Mura  G. 《Hydrobiologia》2002,486(1):315-323
Randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) was used to detect intra-clutch genetic differences of the anostracan Chirocephalus diaphanus Prévost, 1803. Thirty primers were tested on 130 nauplii from three different clutches. Two primers produced five repeatable and well-defined amplification products, that were used as genotype markers. Nauplii hatched after three successive dehydration and rehydration cycles. Consistent genetic differentiation was observed among nauplii from the same clutch. Significant association between presence or absence of three polymorphic amplification products and hatching after different stimuli was observed. These results suggest that RAPD markers might be related to the difference in nauplii hatching and provide reasonable support to the hypothesis that the source of the observed variation in hatching phenology are genetic as well as epigenetic.  相似文献   

The aim of this research was to link vegetation characteristics, such as spatial and temporal distribution, and environmental variables, with land cover information derived from remotely sensed satellite images of the Eastern Mediterranean coastal wetlands of Turkey. The research method was based on (i) recording land cover characteristics by means of a vegetation indicator, and (ii) classifying and mapping coastal wetlands utilizing a Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) image of Çukurova Deltas in Turkey. Vegetation characteristics of various habitats, such as sand dunes, salt marshes, salty plains and afforestation areas, were identified by field surveys. A Landsat TM image of 4 July 1993 was pre-processed and then classified using the Maximum Likelihood (ML) algorithm and Artificial Neural Networks (ANN). As a result of this supervised classification, the land cover types were classified with a largest accuracy of 90.2% by ANN. The classified satellite sensor imagery was linked to vegetation and bird census data, which were available through literature in a Geographical Information System (GIS) environment to determine the spatial distribution of plant and bird biodiversity in this coastal wetland. The resulting data provide an important baseline for further investigations such as monitoring, change detections and designing conservation policies in this coastal ecosystem.  相似文献   

An osmotic hatching mechanism is proposed for the Anostracan Branchiopod Chirocephalus diaphanus, Prevost. In this mechanism, glycerol is thought to accumulate in the egg as a result of the metabolism of the embryo. The osmotic pressure exerted by the egg, largely due to this glycerol accumulation, causes water to enter from the environment. Eventually the hydrostatic pressure thus generated is sufficient to cause rupture of the eggshell. It is recognised that hatching in this Anostracan is a two-staged phenomenon, a process of “breaking”, in which glycerol is involved, preceding true “hatching”, in which glycerol is not involved. The egg is described and the physiology and ecological significance of the proposed hatching mechanism are discussed.  相似文献   

The abundance, generation time and production ofChironomus salinarius larvae in a lagoon fish-pond system in the Bay of Cádiz were studied by taking monthly samples at 3 sites during 1991 and 1992. Numerical abundance and biomass of larvae showed considerable spatial, seasonal and interannual variation (ANCOVAs,P<0.001). The maximum mean annual density was 7048 larvae m–2, and corresponded to a biomass of 3.08 g dry weight (DW) m–2. It was recorded at the site with the lowest rate of water renewal. Seasonal patterns were similar at all sites, with main annual peaks of abundance and biomass in autumn-early winter. Chironomid density was positively related to the biomass of benthic macroalgae (P<0.001). The population studied was multivoltine with a probable average of five generations per year, with overlapping cohorts and a predominance of third- and fourth-instar larvae. Estimates of annual production ranged between 72.2 g DW m–2 yr–1 at the site with the lowest rate of water renewal in 1991 and 0.1 g DW m–2 yr–1 at the site with the highest rate of water renewal in 1992. Mean annual production and the production/biomass ratio for the system was estimated to be 16.8 g DW m–2 yr–1 and 12.7, respectively. Possible factors leading to the observed density fluctuations are discussed, as well as possible sources of error in production estimates.  相似文献   

Óbidos Lagoon is classified as a sensible system according to the eutrophication criteria in the Portuguese Decree-Law 149/2004, which transpose the standards of Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive (Council Directive 91/271/EEC) concerning urban waste water treatment. From September 2005 onwards, the urban loads of five Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP) were deviated to a submarine outfall to prevent water degradation and improve the lagoon trophic state (LTS). This paper evaluated the LTS after urban loads diversion, testing the hypothesis behind the management decision. First, the loads reaching the lagoon were determined with the Harp-Nut guidelines and watershed modeling. Then, the water quality in the lagoon was simulated with a hydro-ecological model and compared with measured data. Finally, management scenarios corresponding to nutrient loads reduction were tested to determine hypothesis-driven LTS. Results showed that the loads from pig farms should be diverted instead of the WWTP, to improve the LTS and achieve a “Good/Bad” status. The proposed method stresses the importance of integrated modeling tools in the Water Framework Directive, given their skill in testing various hypothesis, and ultimately ruling out inadequate management decisions before implementation.  相似文献   

Sequence data derived from two mitochondrial markers, 16S rRNA and COI genes, were used to infer the evolutionary history of 47 insular and mainland populations covering most of the distributional range of the northeastern Mediterranean scorpion species Mesobuthus gibbosus. Based on the estimated divergence times of Mesobuthus lineages, the temporal frame of the genus differentiation in the northeastern Mediterranean region is placed in middle Miocene (15 million years ago). The biogeographic affinities of M. gibbosus populations point towards a mainly vicariant pattern of differentiation of the species which is consistent with the geological events that transformed the Aegean region during the period from 12 to 5 million years ago. M. gibbosus is an old northeastern Mediterranean species that has retained valuable bits of genetic information, reflecting some of the oldest vicariant events that have occurred in the area. Most importantly, the history witnessed by M. gibbosus has not been obscured by more recent palaeoevents of the region. Therefore, the case of M. gibbosus is in favour of a taxon-oriented 'perception' of the natural history of a given area.  相似文献   

Short term variations of zooplankton populations were studied during an algal spring bloom in two characteristic areas of the Marennes-Oléron Bay (France). The sampling sites were chosen in the north of the bay, one close to the neritic zone, the other close to the estuarine zone. Five distinct zooplanktonic communities were observed: two typical neritic and estuarine assemblages, two eurytopic groups (linked to neritic or estuarine water masses) and an autochtonous community, widely distributed in the north of the bay. The copepod Euterpina acutifrons dominated the zooplankton community during this period of the year in terms of abundance (up to 83% of the zooplankton community). Its production differed between water masses: the highest production occurred at the estuarine station (3.48 ± 0.65 mg C m–3 d–1), where nauplii accounted for a large part of these high values. Its P/B ratio was similar at the two stations (0.196 and 0.209 d–1).  相似文献   

Batch culture experiments using viral enrichment were conducted to test the response of a coastal bacterial community to autochthonous (i.e., co-existing) or allochthonous riverine viruses. The effects of viral infections on bacterial dynamics and activity were assessed by epifluorescence microscopy and thymidine incorporation, respectively, whereas the effect of viral infection on bacterial community composition was examined by polymerase chain reaction-single strand conformation polymorphism 16S ribosomal RNA fingerprinting. The percentages of high nucleic acid-containing cells, evaluated by flow cytometry, were significantly correlated (r 2 = 0.91, n = 12, p < 0.0001) to bacterial production, making this value a good predictor of active cell dynamics along the study. While confinement and temperature were the two principal experimental factors affecting bacterial community composition and dynamics, respectively, additions of freshwater viruses had significant effects on coastal bacterial communities. Thus, foreign viruses significantly reduced net bacterial population increase as compared to the enrichment treated with inactivated virus. Moreover, freshwater viruses recurrently and specifically affected bacterial community composition, as compared to addition of autochthonous viruses. In most cases, the combined treatment viruses and freshwater dissolved organic matter helped to maintain or even enhance species richness in coastal bacterial communities in agreement to the ‘killing the winner’ hypothesis. Thus, riverine virus input could potentially influence bacterial community composition of the coastal bay albeit with modest modification of bulk bacterial growth. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The syllid fauna of three locations in Crete and Israel (eastern Mediterranean Sea) was studied, yielding 82 syllid species, many of which were found for the first time in the respective areas: Seventeen species were recorded for the first time on the Israeli coasts and 20 in Greek waters. Perkinsyllis augeneri (Hartmann-Schröder, 1979) and Prosphaerosyllis chauseyensis Olivier et al., 2011 are new records for the Mediterranean Sea. Detailed information is given on the morphology, ecology and distribution of the species recorded for the first time in the studied areas. In addition, an update on the distribution of the genus Prosphaerosyllis San Martín, 1984 in the Mediterranean is given and an identification key to the Mediterranean species is provided.  相似文献   

We experimentally simulated the temporality of the interactions between intertidal seagrasses and phytoplankton in the context of nutrient enrichment from continental origin. Phytoplankton development was retarded after 1-day exposure to intertidal Zostera noltii Hornemann vegetation samples, with respect to control treatments. This was not explained by resource competition and we hypothesized a direct interference between seagrass leaves and phytoplankton. After separation from the vegetation in 5-day incubations, the final yield of large phytoplankton, mainly diatoms and haptophytes, was determined by nutrient loading. In contrast, Synechococcus-like cells (SYN), phototrophic picoeukaryotes and nanophytoplankton decreased after day 3, most likely due to grazing control. A second experiment was designed to test the pelagos?Cbenthos coupling in more detail. Therefore, we compared the effect of aboveground biomass of Z. noltii alone with the effect of the entire vegetation including the sediment. This experiment did not provide unequivocal support for our initial hypothesis on direct interference competition between Z. noltii leaves and phytoplankton. Surprisingly, we found a spectacular decrease of SYN, phototrophic picoeukaryotes and nanophytoplankton in treatments with Z. noltii vegetation including the sediment, which could be attributed to benthic grazing by suspension feeders.  相似文献   

Abundance and diversity of insect pollinators are declining in many ecosystems worldwide. The abundance and diversity of wild and managed bees are related to the availability of continuous floral resources. In particular, in Mediterranean basin countries, the presence of wildflower spots enhances the establishment of social Apoidea, since coastal regions are usually characterized by pollen and nectar shortage in early spring and late summer. Anthyllis barba-jovis produces both nectar and pollen as important food source for bees helping them to overcome early spring period food shortage. We investigated flowering, seed set, and pollinator diversity of A. barba-jovis in arid coastal environments of the Mediterranean basin. Pollinator abundance reached a maximum in early April. Honeybees were the most common pollinators followed by bumblebees and solitary bees. Plants prevented from entomophilous pollination showed inbreeding depression with a strong decrease in seed-set. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report on pollination ecology of A. barba-jovis.  相似文献   

《Acta Oecologica》2001,22(5-6):253-257
Demographic structure and life history traits of the common goby Pomatoschistus microps were investigated in a brackish water lagoon of the Rhône River delta (Mediterranean Sea, southern France). The size frequency distribution and gonadosomatic index indicated that three different age groups occurred and reproduced successively in the lagoon, resulting in a long spawning period from March to September and a high investment in reproduction. This high investment in reproduction, which contrasts with that found in other mostly northern European populations, probably relates to the unpredictability of the gobyˈs environmental conditions.  相似文献   

The behavior of the basic nutrients (NO3, PO4, SiO2) was studied in the estuary of the Razdolnaya River in low and high water, the flow was 4.3 × 106 m3/day and 10.8 × 106 m3/day, respectively. It was shown that within the limits of the euphotic zone the nutrients were characterized by a pronounced nonconservative behavior caused by their removal by phytoplankton in primary production. It was determined that phytoplankton removal of nutrients occurred with ratios C : NO3 : P : Si = 105 : 18 : 1 : 37 and C : NO3 : P : Si = 93 : 11 : 1 : 29 at a respective ratio P : NO3 : Si = 1 : 22 : 140 in low water and P : NO3 : Si = 1 : 17 : 120 in high water. It was also determined that the maximum rate of nutrient removal was 4 times higher in the high water than in the low water. The maximum value of primary production of phytoplankton was 2.5–4.0 gC/m2 day. The estuary area of the Razdolnaya River was specified by rather high production. Such a rate of estuarine primary production, caused by nutrients carried out by the river, being no less than 250 t of dry weight of phytoplankton a day, can provide daily production up to 800 t of biomass in the secondary chain of the ecosystem.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Biologiya Morya, Zvalinsky, Nedashkovsky, Sagalayev, Tishchenko, Shvetsova.  相似文献   

Sauriau  Pierre-Guy  Kang  Chang-Keun 《Hydrobiologia》2000,440(1-3):317-329
The contribution of natural food sources to the growth and secondary production of the suspension feeding bivalve Cerastoderma edule (L.) was estimated under field conditions in the Marennes-Oléron Bay (Atlantic coast, France). Monthly estimates of abundance, biomass and cockle growth were combined with seasonal analyses of 13C and 15N ratios of juvenile and adult cockles, together with their potential food sources [i.e. suspended particulate organic matter (POM), microphytobenthos, macroalgae and seagrass] sampled at mid-tide level in a muddy sandflat. Adult cockles grew mainly in spring, whereas juveniles grew in summer and autumn, following spat recruitment in early summer. Total annual production and elimination of cockles were estimated to be 32.5 and 34.7 g AFDW m–2 yr–1. Relative contributions of each year class to production were ca 40, 41, 11 and 6% for 0-group, 1-, 3- and 4-yr-old cockles in 1995, respectively. Quantitative assessment of proportions of food sources to the annual secondary production of cockles was obtained by using a simple carbon isotope-mixing model with microphytobenthos (13C = –16.0±0.6) and POM (13C = –22.2±1.1) as end-members. On average, more than 70% of the total annual cockle production originated from microphytobenthos, with a much higher contribution for the 0-group (88%) than for adult cockles (60%). The between-age difference was induced mainly by changes in the availability of food resources (benthic versus planktonic) during the non-synchronous growing seasons of juvenile and adult cockles.  相似文献   

Ara  Koichi 《Hydrobiologia》2001,(1):177-187
Diel and seasonal variations in abundance, population structure, biomass and production rate of the harpacticoid copepod Euterpina acutifrons were studied in the Cananéia Lagoon estuarine system, São Paulo, Brazil. Zooplankton samples were collected at 4-h intervals during multiple 24-h periods, from February 1995 to January 1996. Copepodites and adults of E. acutifrons were present in the plankton throughout the year (temperature, 18.6–29.4 °C; salinity, 4.5–33.0 psu; chlorophyll-a concentration, 1.32–20.42 g l–1). Abundance of E. acutifrons showed considerable diel variations. On most sampling dates, higher abundances were recorded at times when salinity was higher. Biomass varied from 0.044 ± 0.046 (daily mean ± SD) to 5.264±3.425 mg C m–3. The estimated production rates (minimum ± SD–maximum ± SD) were 0.034±0.035–4.95±3.25 (Ikeda-Motoda model), 0.035±0.036–5.123±3.347 (Huntley-Lopez model), and 0.016±0.017–2.101±1.372 mg C m–3 d–1 (Hirst-Sheader model).  相似文献   

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