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Parental care activities of male and female Common Terns Sterna hirundo were recorded over two breeding seasons. Males and females exhibited distinct parental roles throughout a breeding bout. Courtship feeding by males was extensive prior to and during egg-laying, but declined with the onset of incubation. Females performed significantly more incubation behaviour than males although both sexes spent equal time attending at the nest site. During the chick stage, females spent significantly more time on the territory than did males. Chick feeding was largely the responsibility of the male; males fed chicks at a rate approximately three times higher than that of females. In addition, whereas females showed no trend in the size of fish delivered to chicks relative to chick age, the size of fish delivered by males increased with chick age. Courtship feeding activities and extensive chick feeding contributions by male Common Terns appear to outweigh parental contributions by females, contrary to predictions for a monogamous species.  相似文献   

It is known that rats tend to eat a smaller/lighter piece of food at the food source but carry a larger/heavier one to the nest for consumption. This could be interpreted well in terms of the trade-off or motivational conflict between "feeding" and "risk avoidance", because eating food immediately satisfies feeding motivation while carrying food has an advantage to avoid predatory risk by keeping time spent outside the nest shorter. In the present study, influences of incentive factors of feeding motivation on food-carrying behavior were evaluated using three different kinds of food that were identical in weight. There was no significant difference in food-carrying tendency among the three kinds of food, though a significant preference was indicated among the food. The results suggest that food-carrying behavior is not influenced by food types.  相似文献   

We describe the unusual mating system of the Greater Vasa Parrot Caracopsis vasa . The dull black plumage of males and females is similar but females are significantly larger than males. Females are promiscuous and copulated with at least five different males. Copulations were either short (1–3 s) or very long (mean 35.9 min), and long copulations involved a copulatory tie facilitated by the male's enlarged cloacal protrusion. Multilocus DNA fingerprinting of 17 broods showed that all were of mixed paternity, and that some broods had three fathers. Males never visited nests directly, but during the incubation and chick-rearing periods females came off the nest and were fed regurgitated fruit by multiple males. Four had band-sharing coefficients that suggested they were unrelated. Males copulated with and provided food for several widely separated females simultaneously. During the chick-rearing period females defended a territory around the nest from conspecific females, developed conspicuous orange skin on the head (through feather loss), and uttered loud, complex vocalizations that we refer to as 'song' from prominent perches near the nest. Males showed none of these traits. Females with high song rates attracted more males and as a result received more food than other females. Play-back experiments in which female song rates were either increased or decreased, attracted more or fewer males respectively. We propose that female song, conspicuous head colour and territoriality have all evolved as a result of competition between females for the food provided by males. The selective pressures favouring this highly unusual breeding system in the Greater Vasa Parrot are unclear but some sort of ecological constraint, such as food availability, may be important.  相似文献   

Territoriality was investigated in the tube blenny Neoclinus bryope (Actinopterygii: Chaenopsidae) at rocky intertidal areas of Banda Beach, Tateyama Bay, central Japan. Males used small holes as spawning nests, usually staying at the nest and maintaining the area while showing exclusive behaviors. Their home ranges were limited to areas within 30 cm distance from the nest for over 2 months. Four heterospecific fishes were threatened when they approached to within 6–14 cm of the nest holes, and two species of carnivorous snails were removed at points 0–30 cm from the nest entrance. There were no significant differences between the distances from the nest entrances to the points defended against fish and those used for foraging. As the four heterospecific species have similar feeding habits to those of N. bryope, the area defended against fishes may function as a foraging territory. At 24 h following the removal of nest owners, carnivorous snails had gathered to actively prey on eggs, indicating that the area defended against snails may function as a territory for protection against egg predators. Although the positions of females where males started courtship displays were significantly farther than the foraging points and the positions of threatened fishes, males displayed no territoriality against conspecific males. The fact that males did not leave the nest hole during the courtship suggests that it may be costly to maintain a courtship territory. These results show that males of tube blenny maintain territories for egg guarding and for protecting food resources around their nest holes in the spawning season.  相似文献   

Male sticklebacks with nests were more aggressive towards other males than were males which had yet to build nests.Males with nests were more aggressive towards other males than towards non-gravid females. This was not true of fish that had yet to build nests.The increased aggression shown to other males by males with nests was reduced after gonadectomy to the level characteristic of fish that had yet to build nests. This reduction occurred in the first week after the operation. Gonadectomy had no immediate effect on the aggression shown to non-gravid females.The aggression of males that had still to build nests was not reduced by gonadectomy.Gonadectomy resulted in a complete absence of nest building and nest-directed behaviour.  相似文献   

In many butterfly species, males compete over areas advantageous for encountering females. Rules for contest settlement are, however, largely unknown and neither morphological nor physiological traits can reliably predict the contest outcome. Here, we test the hypothesis that contests are settled in accordance with a motivation asymmetry. We staged contests between males of Pararge aegeria and after removing the resident, the non-resident was allowed (i) either to interact with a non-receptive female for 30 min (n = 30) or (ii) to spend 30 min alone in the cage (n = 30), after which the initial resident was reintroduced. The results show that males that had interacted with a female had a higher probability of becoming dominant and reversing contest outcome. Moreover, males that were faster to take over a vacant territory when the resident was removed were more likely to become dominant. Here, we show for the first time, to our knowledge, that frequent encounters with a mated female can increase male motivation to persist in a territorial contest in a butterfly. Further, we suggest that variation in intrinsic motivation reflects male eagerness to take over vacant territory. This study indicates that variation in resource value and motivational asymmetries are important for settling contests in butterflies.  相似文献   

Much attention has been paid to the polyterritorial mating system of some passerine birds. Here we report how a male's mating success is related to the behavioral traits of polyterritorial pied flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca) males. We found no evidence that the timing of polyterritoriality in relation to egg laying in the primary nest or the singing behavior of males have any influence on mating success. However, results show clearly that male mating success was improved with an increase in the distance between territories up to a distance of about 200–300 m whereupon there was no further enhancement of mating success. This finding is crucial for both the deception hypothesis and female-female aggression hypothesis which have been put forward to explain polyterritorial polygyny. Males who establish a distant second territory seemed to allocate more time to singing there. The association, although weak, between singing activity and distance between territories makes it more difficult for females to use song rate as a cue to discriminate males with a secondary territory far from the primary territory, and these are the males that are least likely to feed the young of a second female. Males who established a second territory late in relation to egg laying in the primary nest did not take over a close second territory as might be predicted from female-female aggression hypothesis.  相似文献   

The behaviour of helpers at nests of Northwestern Crows was studied on Mandarte Island and Mitlenatch Island, British Columbia. Not all nests had a helper and there was only one helper per nest. Helpers participated in varying degrees in the defence of the territory and nest, feeding of the nestlings and fledglings and they cached food on the territory. Adult males fed helpers, and helpers obtained most of their food on the adults' territory. Adults with helpers laid larger clutches and produced more fledglings per nest than adults without helpers. It is suggested that cooperative breeding in the Northwestern Crow is of recent origin.  相似文献   

Male territorial defence is a component of many vertebrate mating systems and is often regarded as a tactic for acquiring mates. Traditionally considered within the context of overt site‐specific defence, territoriality actually may have several components which encompass a variety of behavioural tactics (e.g. post‐copulatory mate‐guarding, defence of resources that females need, defence of area around females) that underlie a mating system. The purpose of our study was to evaluate such influences on the territorial behaviour of male Columbian ground squirrels in southwestern Alberta, Canada. Males were dominant and territorial if they defended a minimum convex polygon activity range by chasing other males more within the activity range than they were chased. Subordinate males had no territory and were chased throughout their ranges, but they competed for mates by increasing chases in their activity range when nearby females were oestrous. Dominant males exhibited conditional breeding tactics, tending to chase other dominant males from their territory when nearby females were oestrous, but travelling outside their activity ranges to chase subordinate males when females were not oestrous. Although females mated first with a dominant male on whose territory they resided (and in order from oldest to youngest if several territories overlapped), mating pairs were not exclusive, as females usually mated with additional males. Males also guarded females after copulation and defended females directly just before oestrus, rather than defending territory per se during those times. Thus, males possess a repertoire of behaviours that complement site‐specific territoriality, and territory ownership serves to facilitate a first mating with females that live on the territory.  相似文献   

Data are presented on the breeding behaviour of Oreochromis mossambicus under captive conditions. Males tended to synchronize their occupation of territories and breeding activities. Different male mating tactics were observed, namely establishing a breeding territory, acting as a floater, or behaving as a sneaker. The majority of spawnings observed involved dominant males and were subjected to interference from other males. Males were found to court other males that frequently responded to these attempts by adopting a female-like behaviour. Results are discussed in terms of a probable time constraint in territoriality, which promotes male-male competition and a low level of sex discrimination by territorial fish.  相似文献   

In birds, asynchronous hatching typically leads to lower growth and survival of last-hatched chicks. However, all crimson rosella Platycercus elegans, chicks grow at the same rate, although first-hatched chicks can be as much as seven times heavier than last-hatched chicks at the end of hatching. We examined the delivery and distribution of food to 18 rosella broods by videotaping feeds and simultaneously recording mass changes in the nestbox using a digital balance. Parents visited the nest infrequently and delivered loads of up to 25% of their body weight during a feeding visit. Male rosellas consistently delivered larger loads and consequently had higher feeding rates (g/h) than females. Parents distributed food between chicks by direct regurgitation in a series of up to 51 food transfers. Overall, chicks of all hatching ranks received equal numbers of transfers, but parents differed in how they distributed food within the brood. Males fed first-hatched chicks more than last-hatched chicks, whereas females distributed food equally to all chicks. Selective feeding of small chicks might be costly to females since they delivered food more slowly than males and spent more time in the nestbox. Thus female rosellas may invest more in current reproduction than males. Parents also distributed food differently to male and female chicks. Large males were fed more than all other nestlings, while female nestlings were fed equally irrespective of size. This study confirms that complex patterns of parental allocation occur in wild populations. Copyright 1999 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

Relocation to novel nests (sometimes called drifting) in flying Hymenoptera is often interpreted as the result of navigation error and guard bees erroneously admitting foreign individuals into the nest. We studied nest fidelity and nest relocation of both females and males in a nesting aggregation of Xylocopa virginica in southern Ontario, Canada, where females can nest either solitarily or socially. Adult female and male bees were trapped at nest entrances, individually paint marked, and then released. Subsequent recapture patterns were used to assess nest fidelity: that is, how faithful individuals were to their home nest and how often they moved to another nest. Bees were considered to have relocated if they were recaptured in a nest different from the one in which they were initially trapped, indicating that they had spent at least one night in a new nest. Some females were only captured in one nest, some occasionally moved to new nests, temporarily or permanently, and a few were never caught in the same nest twice. In addition, females relocated to nests that were further away in 2007 when population density was low, suggesting that they seek out and claim nesting spaces when they are available. Males relocated more frequently than females, with most drifting from nest to nest in no obvious pattern. This indicates that males spend the night wherever space is available or in nests nearest to their territories. This study reveals that for both female and male X. virginica, nest membership is not as stable as once thought.  相似文献   

H. GALBRAITH 《Ibis》1989,131(3):377-388
The arrival on the breeding grounds and habitat use in relation to agricultural land use by Lapwings Vanellus vanellus was compared in rough grazing and arable study areas in the Midland Valley of Scotland. First arrivals took place in early February. Males preceded females and territory occupation by the males began soon after first arrival. During the pre-breeding period birds remained in flocks and day time habitat use and activity was strongly influenced by the lunar cycle. Birds fed mainly in those habitats in which prey (leatherjackets and earthworms) were most plentiful, and in which their feeding success was high. The choice of nesting habitat was not influenced by food availability in the immediate vicinity of the nest site but by the crypticity of the clutch and incubating adults. On rough grazing birds preferred unimproved land while on arable land spring cereal was the preferred habitat. The choice of actual nesting field on the arable land was influenced by the risk of predation and the proximity of suitable feeding fields for the adults and chicks.  相似文献   

Larry D.  Marshall  John  Alcock 《Journal of Zoology》1981,193(3):315-324
The Carpenter bee, Xylocopa varipuncta , appears to have evolved a dispersed lek mating system. Males leave the natal nest in the late afternoon in March and April to hover for periods of up to two hours in the crowns of non-flowering trees growing in desert washes. Females and other males occasionally visit a hovering male, probably drawn by a sex pheromone. Resident males repel intruders of the same sex and attempt to induce females to alight on foliage, where mating occurs. The hovering territories do not contain nests, or potential nest sites, or food resources for females. Lek territoriality may have evolved in this species because nests are difficult to locate and the food-plants are evenly dispersed over a large area, making economical defence of patches of this resource unfeasible. Males are left with the option of demonstrating social dominance to potential mates through control of a superior landmark territory.  相似文献   

The convict cichlid fish, Archocentrus nigrofasciatus, is biparental: the male spends the majority of his time defending the territory and the female spends much of her time close to the offspring. Under natural conditions, this separation into sex-typical roles is somewhat blurred as males do spend some time with the offspring and females do attack intruders. Here we tested whether an individual selects a parental role based on the location (i.e. parental role) of its mate. For example, do females emphasize offspring care because the male is away from the offspring? Will males be more likely to care for the offspring when the female is away from the offspring? We manipulated the location of one parent by placing it in a transparent plastic box, either near the offspring or at the far end of the tank near a clear plastic compartment that held a conspecific male intruder. We tested both male and female parent under the following four conditions: boxed mate near offspring with no intruder present, boxed mate near offspring with intruder present, boxed mate near intruder compartment with no intruder present, and boxed mate near intruder compartment with intruder present. We found that both parents spent more time with the offspring and less time attacking the intruder when the mate was positioned near the offspring and more time away from the offspring and more time attacking the intruder when the mate was near the intruder. Males were more affected by the location of their mates than were females and we concluded that males were attracted both to their mates' location and their offspring while females were mostly attracted to their offspring. Overall, the location of the mate had little effect on the types of aggressive activities used against the intruder. We did find that males increased their aggression towards boxed females when they were positioned far from the offspring, whereas the aggressive behaviour of females towards boxed males when they were positioned near the offspring was ambiguous. We suggest that males in particular enforce the separation of sex-specific parental roles via this aggression.  相似文献   

Antarctic Petrel Thalassoica antarctica incubation and brooding effort was studied at Svarthamaren, Dronning Maud Land, during the austral summer of 1991–1992. The females probably left the nest site shortly after egg laying. The duration of incubation and brooding shifts as well as the daily weight loss (absolute and proportionate) were comparable with those of other similar-sized procellariform species. Males spent more time incubating and brooding than did females, suggesting higher female energy stress due to egg laying. Incubating birds which were below average weight were likely to desert the nests before their mates returned from feeding trips. Both males and females lost approximately one-fifth of their body-weight during their first incubation shifts. Nevertheless, they increased their initial weights from egg laying to hatching and had their highest initial weights when they returned to start the shift during which the egg hatched. No factors related to adult body-weight explained the duration of the incubation shifts. Both males and females gained weight at a higher rate when at sea than they lost it during incubation, and it is suggested that factors unrelated to food availability or individual feeding skills may be important in regulating the duration of the incubation shifts and the stay at sea.  相似文献   

Nest defence is a fundamental aspect of parental care in secondary cavity‐nesting birds, and predation or competition for nesting sites can involve different defensive behaviours. Because habitat quality determines breeding success, we were interested in whether breeding pairs of the Eurasian nuthatch, Sitta europaea, established in more favourable environment also manifest higher probability of cooperative behaviour during their nest‐site defence. To explore this relationship, we quantified behavioural displays of both parents and analysed activity budget ethogram data from simulated territorial intrusions performed in the chick‐feeding phase with one conspecific and two different heterospecific stimuli (dummies of nuthatch, starling and woodpecker). We found that paired individuals shared their roles during nest‐site defence to a considerable extent. Males had a significantly higher number of attacks on intruders than females, and females performed more threat displays and controls of the brood than males. Multinomial analysis of the cooperative behaviour suggested that pairs in a high‐quality territory had higher probability of reciprocal substitution of different roles towards a balance between attacks, threat displays and nest controls. Contrary to this, pairs in a low‐quality territory had less likely pairwise combinations of simultaneous behavioural states that are associated with effective nest‐site defence. The difference in response probability according to territory quality was, however, highly variable in view of the stimulus that was used in simulated territorial intrusion. Because individual roles and the complex behavioural repertoire of pairs altered in response to territory quality and potential nest‐site competitor or brood predator, our results suggest that the cooperative nest‐defence behaviour could be linked to the breeding success of this year‐round territorial species living in a heterogeneous forest habitat.  相似文献   

Extra-pair paternity (EPP) is a widespread and highly variable reproductive phenomenon in birds. We tested the effects of habitat, spatial factors, and timing of breeding on the occurrence of EPP in red-winged blackbirds (Agelaius phoeniceus). We used PCR-amplified microsatellites to assess the paternity of 1479 nestlings from 537 broods on 235 territories over four breeding seasons. Over 4 years, 40% of nestlings were extra-pair. At least 27% of actual sires were non-neighbours, suggesting that males or females interacted over longer distances than in other populations of red-winged blackbirds. The level of EPP was significantly clumped within broods and males but not within females across broods. EPP was negatively related to the area of a male's territory. The spatial proximity of a female's nest to the territory boundary had no effect on total EPP, but tended to increase the probability of an EPP by a nearby male. We found no influence on EPP of the type of habitat on the territory or the level of nesting activity nearby. The time in the season when a nest was started and the synchrony of breeding also had no significant effect on the level of EPP. The age of the male, the age of his neighbours, and the interaction between the two had no effect on total EPP. However, older males were less likely to have an offspring sired by a neighbour on their territory. Males with older neighbours were also less likely to have offspring sired by a neighbour, particularly if they were new territory owners. The high variability in who gained and lost paternity, and the limited impact of spatial and temporal factors influencing it, have some interesting implications for theories seeking to explain mating patterns.  相似文献   

Determinants of territory size in the pomacentrid reef fish,Parma victoriae   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Summary Factors governing the size of territories defended by the pomacentrid reef fish, Parma victoriae, were investigated, prompted by contradictory predictions in the literature concerning the effects of food supply and competitors. Observations were carried out over the non-breeding period (March–October) on a medium density population in which territories were partially contiguous. The territory size of adult fish varied between 3 and 26 m2, and was inversely correlated with local densities of conspecifics. The same range in territory size was found for both males and females, which did not differ in the time they spent on territory defence and foraging activities. No correlation existed between territory size and the abundance of algal food, body size, age or time spent on territory defence. Also, there was little variation in territory size over time, despite seasonal changes in the abundance of food algae.Experimental reduction of food supplies on isolated territories of males and females had no effect on territory size. In a higher density habitat an experiment was carried out in which population density and food abundance were simultaneously manipulated. This showed that territory size was primarily determined by intraspecific interactions, as territories exhibited considerable increases in size upon removal of neighbours. No changes in the size of defended areas resulted from either artificial increases or decreases of food levels. There were also no changes in the time spent on defence of territories, foraging time or feeding rates associated with food manipulations or territory expansion, which suggested that food was not a limited resource. This conflicted with current theories proposed to explain territory defence and expansion. It is hypothesized that intraspecific interactions constrain territory size well below the optimum in terms of the abundance of preferred food algal species.  相似文献   



Nests are built in various animal taxa including fish. In systems with exclusive male parental care, the choice of a nest site may be an important component of male fitness. The nest site may influence male attractiveness as a mate, and male, embryo, and juvenile survival probabilities. Reproductively active three-spined stickleback males establish and defend a territory in which they build a nest. Territories can differ remarkably in qualities that influence male and female reproductive success like predation risk or abiotic factors such as dissolved oxygen concentration or lighting conditions. The latter may be important because in sticklebacks the extended visual capability into the ultraviolet (UV) wave range plays a role in female mate choice. Males are thus expected to be choosy about the habitat in which they will build their nest.


We tested nest-site choice in male three-spined sticklebacks with respect to different UV lighting conditions. Reproductively active males were given the simultaneous choice to build their nest either in an UV-rich (UV+) or an UV-lacking (UV-) environment. Males exhibited no significant nest-site preferences with respect to UV+ or UV-. However, larger males and also heavier ones completed their nests earlier.


We found that UV radiation as well as differences in luminance had no influence on nest-site choice in three-spined sticklebacks. Males that built in the UV-rich environment were not different in any trait (body traits and UV reflection traits) from males that built in the UV-poor environment. There was a significant effect of standard length and body mass on the time elapsed until nest completion in the UV experiment. The larger and heavier a male, the faster he completed his nest. In the brightness control experiment there was a significant effect only of body mass on the duration of nest completion. Whether nest building preferences with respect to UV lighting conditions are context dependent needs to be tested for instance by nest-site choice experiment under increased predation risk.  相似文献   

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