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We analyzed the molecular composition of dissolved organic matter (DOM) in the lower Amazon River (ca. 850 km from Óbidos to the mouth) using ultrahigh-resolution mass spectrometry and geochemical tracers. Changes in DOM composition along this lower reach suggest a transition from higher plant-derived DOM to more algal/microbial-derived DOM. This result was likely due to a combination of autochthonous production, alteration of terrigenous DOM as it transits down the river, and increased algal inputs from floodplain lakes and clearwater tributaries during high discharge conditions. Spatial gradients in dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations varied with discharge. Maximal DOC concentrations were observed near the mouth during high water, highlighting the importance of lateral inputs of DOM along the lower river. The majority of DOM molecular formulae did not change within the time it takes the water in the mainstem to be transported through the lower reach. This is indicative of molecules representing a mixture of compounds that are resistant to rapid alteration and reactive compounds that are continuously replenished by the lateral input of terrestrial organic matter from the landscape, tributaries, and floodplains. River water incubations revealed that photo- and bio-transformation alter at most 30% of the DOM molecular formulae. River discharge at the mouth differed from the sum of discharge measurements made at Óbidos and the main gauged tributaries in the lower Amazon. This indicates that changes in hydrology and associated variations in the source waters along the lower reach affected the molecular composition of the DOM that is being transported from the Amazon River to the coastal ocean.  相似文献   

1. We examined the absorption of solar radiation by phytoplankton and chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM) taking into account riparian shading in the rivers, reservoirs, swamps of the Neuse River Estuary and its drainage basin. 2. In the streams, CDOM typically absorbed 55 and 64% of photons in the spectral range of 400–700 nm (photosynthetically active radiation, PAR) and 500–600 nm, respectively. The large proportion of photons absorbed by CDOM indicates high potential for abiotic photochemial reactions in the 500–600 nm region. 3. Despite the high concentration of nutrients, phytoplankton contributed little (2%) to the total absorption of PAR in the streams. Small (<30 m wide) streams typically received only 7% of incident PAR that impinged onto the more exposed reservoirs and estuary. Riparian shading and the low contribution of phytoplankton to the total absorption resulted in conditions where phytoplankton absorbed nearly two orders of magnitude less PAR in the streams than in the estuary and reservoirs. 4. The results indicated that riparian shading and non‐algal absorbing components can significantly restrict phytoplankton production in nutrient‐rich streams with a high concentration of CDOM flowing throughout forested catchments.  相似文献   

Absorptions by non-phytoplankton particles and phytoplankton, and chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM) were measured at 50 sites in large, shallow, Lake Taihu in winter and summer 2006 to study their seasonal and spatial variations, and their relative contributions to total absorption. The CDOM absorption was significantly higher in winter than in summer, due to degradation and release of fixed carbon in phytoplankton and submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV). The hyperbolic model was used to model the spectral absorption of CDOM, and the mean spectral slope of 6.38 nm−1 was obtained. At most sites, the spectral absorption of non-phytoplankton particles was similar to that of the total particles, demonstrating that the absorption of the total particles is dominated by the absorption of non-phytoplankton particles. In summer, phytoplankton absorption increased markedly, due to frequent algal blooms especially in Meiliang Bay. In winter, the significant increase in non-phytoplankton particle absorption resulted from the increase of inorganic particulate matter caused by sediment resuspension. Strong linear relationships were found between a d(440) and total suspended matter (TSM), organic suspended matter (OSM), and inorganic suspended matter (ISM). Strong linear relationships were also found between a ph(440), a ph(675) and chlorophyll a (Chl-a) concentration. The total relative contributions of non-phytoplankton particles over the range of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) (400–700 nm) were 48.4 and 79.9% in summer and winter respectively. Non-phytoplankton particle absorption dominated the total absorption, especially in winter, in Lake Taihu, due to frequent sediment resuspension in the large shallow lake as a result of strong windy conditions. The results indicate that strong absorption by CDOM and non-phytoplankton particles at the blue wavelength has an impact on the spectral availability, and acts as a selection factor for the composition of the phytoplankton community, with cyanobacteria being the dominate species in Lake Taihu. Handling editor: L. Naselli-Flores  相似文献   

The increase of ultraviolet radiation (UVR, 280–400 nm) caused by stratospheric ozone depletion has profound effects on aquatic ecosystems. High-altitude lakes in the Yunnan Plateau are exposed to high intensities of UVR and contain low concentrations of chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM). Thirty-eight lakes in the Yunnan Plateau with elevations from 1291 to 3809 m above sea level were investigated to study CDOM concentrations and possible effects of UVR on the lake ecosystem. The attenuation of UVR in the Yunnan Plateau lakes was calculated from the absorption coefficient of CDOM based on an empirical relationship from lakes in the Alps and Pyrenees mountains. Absorption coefficients [α(λ)] at 320 nm [α(320)] ranged from 0.52 to 14.05 m−1 (mean ± standard deviation, 4.40 ± 3.85 m−1) and at 380 nm [α(380)] from 0.05 to 4.51 m−1 (1.40 ± 1.30 m−1). The exponential slope coefficient for the relationship of wavelength to α(λ) ranged from 16.2 to 41.4 μm−1 (21.74 ± 4.93 μm−1) over the 280–400 nm interval. Normalized fluorescence emission (NFLU) at 450 nm from an excitation wavelength of 355 nm, F n(355), averaged 7.93 ± 3.22 NFLU. A significant positive relationship was found between α(355) and F n(355). The estimated diffuse attenuation coefficients of UV-B (320 nm) and UV-A (380 nm) ranged from 0.55 to 15.77 m−1 and from 0.24 to 6.73 m−1; the corresponding 1% attenuation depths ranged from 0.29 to 8.44 m and from 0.68 to 19.12 m. Twenty-five of 38 lakes had 1% UV-B attenuation depths of 1.5 m or more. The median 1% attenuation depth was 28.8% of the sampling depth for UV-B radiation and 60% for UV-A. In addition to CDOM, chlorophyll α (Chla) and total suspended matter (TSM) also may contribute to attenuation of UVR.  相似文献   

Blooms of the raphidophyte Chattonella subsalsa have been associated with massive fish‐kill events in several parts of the world. However, there have been few studies into physiological responses of tropical strains that could contribute to bloom outcomes. Such knowledge could provide insight into the C. subsalsa blooms recently documented within tropical coastal waters (e.g., 2010 and 2012 events in Singapore). Strains used in this study were isolated from the East Johor Straits (EJS), Singapore, an enclosed water channel frequently subjected to high levels of eutrophication. These cells were classified within the ‘global’ clade (and distinct from the ‘Adriatic Sea’ clade) based on morphology. The present study examined cellular responses to varying inputs of different forms of nitrogen (N), specifically nitrate, ammonium, and urea. Results from the study indicated that cells were unable to utilize urea as an N‐source, but grew well on a nitrate (Vmax = 0.73 day?1) and ammonium (Vmax = 0.81 day?1) supply. These growth rates were high compared to other strains from around the world, indicating that tropical C. subsalsa could exhibit elevated bloom potential within frequently eutrophic environments such as the EJS. Six pigments were detected in all cultures. These pigments were chlorophylls a and c; fucoxanthin; diadinoxanthin; violaxanthin; and β‐carotene. Chlorophyll‐a and fucoxanthin were the dominant pigments under both nitrate and ammonium regimes. Measurements of chromophoric dissolved organic matter generally increased both in molecular weight and in total content across the N‐concentration ranges. Such outcomes could have consequences for the chemical and optical conditions of the coastal environment.  相似文献   

太湖梅梁湾水体悬浮颗粒物和CDOM的吸收特性   总被引:35,自引:0,他引:35  
张运林  秦伯强  杨龙元 《生态学报》2006,26(12):3969-3979
通过测定滤膜上悬浮颗粒物和过滤液中CDOM吸光度的方法计算得到太湖梅梁湾总颗粒物和CDOM的光谱吸收系数,并计算了各吸收组份的贡献份额以及吸收与PAR衰减的比值。总颗粒物的吸收系数从400 nm到600 nm大致呈下降趋势,到675nm附近由于叶绿素a的特征吸收会出现明显峰值,峰值高低随叶绿素a浓度的变化而变化,ap(440)在3.58~9.86 m-1间变化。非藻类颗粒物和CDOM的吸收随波长增加大致按指数规律下降,ad(440)和ag(440)的变化范围分别为2.23~7.07m-1和1.06~1.70 m-1。非藻类颗粒物在400~700 nm波段的指数函数斜率Sd的平均值为(10.91±0.62)μm-1;CDOM在280~500 nm波段指数函数斜率Sg的平均值为(15.52±0.49)μm-1。浮游藻类的光谱吸收表现为在440、675 nm附近存在两个明显的峰值,分别为(2.55±1.14)、(1.34±0.69)m-1。ap(440)与TSS、OSSI、SS均存在显著性正相关,而ad(440)则只与TSSI、SS有显著性相关,aph(440)只与OSS、Chla有显著性相关。CDOM吸收系数与DOC浓度没有显著正相关,但与Chla存在显著幂函数关系,浮游藻类降解产物是水体中CDOM的重要来源之一。水体中物质吸收主要以颗粒物为主,对总吸收的贡献率在70%以上,而颗粒物中又以非藻类颗粒物占主导,一般超过40%,总吸收对漫射衰减的贡献也在40%以上。  相似文献   

As the planet warms, widespread changes in Arctic hydrology and biogeochemistry have been documented and these changes are expected to accelerate in the future. Improved understanding of the behavior of water-borne constituents in Arctic rivers with varying hydrologic conditions, including seasonal variations in discharge?Cconcentration relationships, will improve our ability to anticipate future changes in biogeochemical budgets due to changing hydrology. We studied the relationship between seasonal water discharge and dissolved organic carbon and nitrogen (DOC and DON) and nutrient concentrations in the upper Kuparuk River, Arctic Alaska. Fluxes of most constituents were highest during initial snowmelt runoff in spring, indicating that this historically under-studied period contributes significantly to total annual export. In particular, the initial snowmelt period (the stream is completely frozen during the winter) accounted for upwards of 35% of total export of DOC and DON estimated for the entire study period. DOC and DON concentrations were positively correlated with discharge whereas nitrate (NO3 ?) and silicate were negatively correlated with discharge throughout the study. However, discharge-specific DOC and DON concentrations (i.e. concentrations compared at the same discharge level) decreased over the summer whereas discharge-specific concentrations of NO3 ? and silicate increased. Soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) and ammonium (NH4 +) were negatively correlated with discharge during the spring thaw, but were less predictable with respect to discharge thereafter. These data provide valuable information on how Arctic watershed biogeochemistry will be affected by future changes in temperature, snowfall, and rainfall in the Arctic. In particular, our results add to a growing body of research showing that nutrient export per unit of stream discharge, particularly NO3 ?, is increasing in the Arctic.  相似文献   

有色溶解有机物(CDOM)是海洋溶解有机碳(DOC)的重要组成成分,其光降解能加速海草床生源物质和能量的流动。本文以海南新村湾海草床CDOM为研究对象,研究CDOM的空间分布特征,分析其主要来源,并结合光降解实验,探讨CDOM在紫外光(UV-B)照射下内部物质组分的变化过程。结果表明:新村湾冬季CDOM的分布主要表现为海草区最高,河口区域和网箱养殖区次之,而海湾中心最低;海草区和河口区CDOM的类蛋白质与类腐殖质荧光强度比网箱养殖区高;海草区和河流区域的CDOM分子量较大,而网箱养殖区的CDOM分子量较小;CDOM在UV-B下暴露5 d,海草区域、河口区域和网箱养殖区的类蛋白质荧光强度分别下降了44.67%、31.75%和37.09%,表明海草区域类蛋白质吸收了大部分UV-B,降解速率比其他区域快;而类腐殖质荧光强度的下降比例分别为43.64%、36.32%和50.18%,网箱养殖区CDOM的类腐殖质下降速率较快,这可能是由于网箱养殖区的CDOM分子量小,结构简单,易在UV-B照射下降解。因此,海草床海草的释放、河流的输入及网箱养殖区浮游植物的降解是新村湾的CDOM主要来源。  相似文献   

Little is known about the life histories of the deep-sea metazoan meiobenthos. At a bathyal site (depth 1430 m) in Sagami Bay, central Japan, temporal changes in abundance and reproductive activity of deep-sea benthic copepods were investigated for eight abundant species that composed about 50% of total individuals, based on samples collected before fresh organic matter increased in the sediment (December 1996 and 1997), 1 month thereafter (June 1997 and May 1998), and a few months after the event (August 1997 and 1998). Densities of adults of these species fluctuated among samples (the total abundance was 5–30 individuals/10 cm2), but did not show any seasonal trend. Strong evidence for competitive relationships among species could not be detected, and there was no significant negative correlation in abundance between any species pair. The percentage of ovigerous females among total adult females of Schizopera sp. 1 differed significantly by month. Furthermore, the adult sex ratio of the species appeared to fluctuate temporally. These suggest a temporal change in reproductive activity and synchronized growth of Schizopera sp. 1. There was no temporal trend, however, in any parameter for the other species. Mean egg number per brood and egg diameter differed among species, but did not change seasonally in any species. Our study suggests the rarity of seasonal breeding species among the deep-sea benthic copepods, one of the major metazoan meiofaunal groups, as well as among other macro-megafaunal metazoans.  相似文献   

Absorption measurements from chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM) and their relationships with dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and fluorescence were studied in Lake Taihu, a large, shallow, subtropical lake in China. Absorption spectra of lake water samples were measured from 240 nm to 800 nm. Highest values of a(λ), DOC and F n (355) occurred near the river inflow to Meiliang Bay and decreased towards the central lake basin. A significant spatial difference was found between Meiliang Bay and the central lake basin in absorption coefficient, DOC-specific absorption coefficient, exponential slope coefficient, DOC concentration and fluorescence value. The spatial distribution of CDOM suggested that a major part of CDOM in the lake was from river input. CDOM absorption coefficients were correlated with DOC over the wavelength range 280–500 nm, and a(355) was also correlated with F n (355), which showed that CDOM absorption could be inferred from DOC and fluorescence measurement. The coefficient of variation between a(λ) and DOC concentration decreased with increase in wavelength from 240 nm to 800 nm. Furthermore, a significant negative linear relationship was recorded between S value and CDOM absorption coefficient, as well as DOC-specific absorption coefficient. S value and DOC-specific absorption coefficient were used as a proxy for CDOM composition and source. Accurate CDOM absorption measurements are very useful in explaining UV attenuation and in developing, validating remote sensing model of water quality in Lake Taihu.  相似文献   

1. Groundwater nitrate contamination has become a worldwide problem as increasing amounts of nitrogen fertilisers are used in agriculture. Alluvial groundwater is uniquely juxtaposed between soils and streams. Hydrological connections among these subsystems regulate nutrient cycling. 2. We measured denitrification using an in situ acetylene‐block assay in a nitrate‐contaminated portion of the Garonne River catchment along a gradient of surface water–ground water mixing during high (snowmelt) and low flow. 3. During high flow (mid‐April to early June) the water table rose an average of 35 cm and river water penetrated the subsurface to a great extent in monitoring wells. Denitrification rates averaged 5.40 μgN2O L?1 min?1 during the high flow period, nearly double the average rate (2.91 μgN2O L?1 min?1) measured during base flow. This was driven by a strong increase in denitrification in groundwater under native riparian vegetation. Nitrate concentrations were significantly lower during high flow compared with base flow. Riparian patches had higher dissolved organic carbon concentrations that were more aromatic compared with the gravel bar patch closest to the river. 4. Multiple linear regression showed that the rate of denitrification was best predicted by the concentration of low molecular weight organic acids. These molecules are probably derived from decomposition of soil organic matter and are an important energy source for anaerobic respiratory processes like denitrification. The second best predictor was per cent surface water, reflecting higher denitrification rates during spring when hydrological connection between surface water and ground water was greatest. 5. Our results indicate that, while denitrification rates in Garonne River alluvium were spatially and temporally variable, denitrification was a significant NO3 sink during transport from the NO3‐contaminated floodplain to the river. DOC availability and river–floodplain connectivity were important factors influencing observed spatial and temporal patterns.  相似文献   

Production and bioavailability of dissolved organic matter (DOM) were followed during a year in the nutrient-rich estuary, Roskilde Fjord (RF), and the more oligotrophic strait, Great Belt (GB), in Denmark. Bioavailability of dissolved organic carbon (DOC), nitrogen (DON), and phosphorous (DOP) was determined during incubations over six months. Overall, RF had three to five times larger pools of total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorous (TP) and five to eight times higher concentrations of inorganic nutrients compared to GB. However, the allocation of carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorous into different pools were remarkably similar between the two systems. DON and DOP contributed with about equal relative fractions in the two systems: 72 ± 13% of total nitrogen and 21 ± 12% of total phosphorous. The average bioavailability of DOM was 25 ± 15, 17 ± 5.5, and 49 ± 29% for carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorous, respectively. The observed release of DIN from degradation of DON amounted to between 0.1 (RF winter) and 14 times (GB summer) the loadings from land and contributed with half of the total input of bioavailable nitrogen during summer. Hence, this study shows that nitrogen in DOM is important for the nitrogen cycling, especially during summer. The sum of inorganic nutrients, particulate organic matter, and bioavailable DOM (the dynamic pools of nutrients) accounted for 42 and 92% of nitrogen, and phosphorous, respectively, and was remarkably similar between the two systems compared to the difference in nutrient richness. It is hypothesized that the pelagic metabolism of nutrients in marine systems dictates a rather uniform distribution of the different fractions of nitrogen and phosphorous containing compounds regardless of eutrophication level.  相似文献   

Photochemical degradation of chromophoric-dissolved organic matter (CDOM) by UV-B radiation decreases CDOM absorption in the UV region and fluorescence intensity, and alters CDOM composition. CDOM absorption, fluorescence, and the spectral slope indicating the CDOM composition were studied using 0.22-μm-filtered samples of Meiliang Bay water from Lake Taihu that were exposed to short-term (0–12 h) simulated UV-B radiation and long-term (0–12 days) natural solar radiation in summer. CDOM absorption coefficient and fluorescence decreased with increasing exposure time, which relates to the amounts of absorbed light energy. The decreases of CDOM absorption and normalized fluorescence corresponded to first order kinetics reactions. Different decreases of CDOM absorption and fluorescence at different wavelengths suggested that the composition of CDOM changed when it absorbed ultraviolet radiation. Photochemical degradation increased the spectral slope during 275–295 nm region (S 275–295) but decreased the spectral slope during 275–295 nm region (S 350–400). The slope ratio S R (S 275–295:S 350–400) increased in the photochemical process, which could be used as an indicator of photobleaching and composition change of CDOM. Our results show that photochemical degradation is important in the cycling of CDOM, which indicated change in the composition of CDOM. Handling editor: Luigi Naselli-Flores  相似文献   

This study reports on the interacting effect of photochemical conditioning of dissolved organic matter and inorganic phosphorus on the metabolic activity of bacteria in freshwater. Batch cultures with lake-water bacteria and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) extracted from a humic boreal river were arranged in an experimental matrix of three levels of exposure to simulated sunlight and three levels of phosphorus concentration. We measured an increase in bacterial biomass, a decrease in DOC and bacterial respiration as CO(2) production and O(2) consumption over 450 h. These measurements were used to calculate bacterial growth efficiency (BGE). Bacterial degradation of DOC increased with increasing exposure to simulated sunlight and availability of phosphorus and no detectable growth occurred on DOC that was not pre-exposed to simulated sunlight. The outcome of photochemical degradation of DOC changed with increasing availability of phosphorus, resulting in an increase in BGE from about 5% to 30%. Thus, the availability of phosphorus has major implications for the quantitative transfer of carbon in microbial food webs.  相似文献   

Release of dissolved organic matter (DOM) was studied on macroalga, Ecklonia cava Kjellman, by in situ field bag experiments, which were designed to keep the algal body under natural field condition, in Oura Bay, Shimoda, Izu Peninsula, Japan, from August 2003 to May 2005. The experiments were conducted 6 times in different seasons. The concentrations of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in the experimental bag generally increased during the first 1-2 days, showing the release of DOC from algae. The daily release rates of DOC varied between 0.12 and 5.8 mgC per g (dry wt) of the algal blades per day. The seasonal variability of the DOC release rate was similar to those of the growth and the photosynthetic rates reported by the previous studies on E. cava in the same location. The fractions of the DOC release of the net primary production accounted for 18-62%. These contributions are comparable to other macroalgae in the previous studies (27-43%) using other macroalgae. Analysis of organic composition of DOM using gas chromatography (neutral aldose composition) and spectrometry (UV-visible and fluorescence) indicates that E. cava usually release extracellular products containing mucilaginous polysaccharides containing fucose as a main constituent and colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM). The release of these organic compounds is likely performed as the ordinary metabolism of brown algae. An exceptional release of a considerable amount of protein and carbohydrates mainly composed of mannose was found in June 2004, probably reflecting leakage of the intracellular material by an autolysis of the algal cells. The high DOM release rate in the present study suggests that macroalgae would be one of the important DOM producers in coastal regions.  相似文献   

The clear, shallow, oligotrophic waters of Florida Bay are characterized by low phytoplankton biomass, yet periodic cyanobacteria and diatom blooms do occur. We hypothesized that allochthonous dissolved organic matter (DOM) was providing a subsidy to the system in the form of bound nutrients. Water from four bay sites was incubated under natural light and dark conditions with enrichments of either DOM ( > 1 kD, 2×DOM) or inorganic nutrients (N+P). Samples were analyzed for bacterial numbers, bacterial production, phytoplankton biomass, phytoplankton community structure, and production, nutrients, and alkaline phosphatase (AP) activity. The influence of 2×DOM enrichment on phytoplankton biomass developed slowly during the incubations and was relatively small compared to nutrient additions. Inorganic nutrient additions resulted in an ephemeral bloom characterized initially as cyanobacterial and brown algae but which changed to dinoflagellate and/or brown algae by day six. The DIN:TP ratio decreased 10-fold in the N+P treatments as the system progressed towards N limitation. This ratio did not change significantly for 2×DOM treatments. In addition, these experiments indicated that both autotrophic and heterotrophic microbial populations in Florida Bay may fluctuate in their limitation by organic and inorganic nutrient availability. Both N+P and 2×DOM enrichments revealed significant and positive response in bioavailability of dissolved organic carbon (BDOC). Potential BDOC ranged from 1.1 to 35.5%, with the most labile forms occurring in Whipray Basin. BDOC at all sites was stimulated by the 2×DOM addition. Except for Duck Key, BDOC at all sites was also stimulated by the addition of N+P. BDOC was lower in the dry season than in the wet season (5.56% vs. 16.86%). This may be explained by the distinct chemical characteristics of the DOM produced at different times of year. Thus, both the heterotrophic and autotrophic microbial communities in Florida Bay are modulated by bioavailability of DOM. This has ramifications for the fate of DOM from the Everglades inputs, implicating DOM bioavailability as a contributing factor in regulating the onset, persistence, and composition of phytoplankton blooms.  相似文献   

A study of the isotopic composition of organic matter was conducted in a freshwater marsh over seasonal and diel time scales to determine the sources of dissolved organic matter (DOM) and the processes leading to its formation. Bulk C and N isotopic compositions of the bacterial fraction (0.2–0.7 m) and particulate organic matter (POM; 0.7–10 m) were compared on a seasonal basis with the change in 13C of DOM. The bulk isotopic data support the idea that DOM was, in part, derived from the breakdown of larger organic matter fractions. The bacterial fraction and POM were compositionally similar throughout the year, based on a comparison of the 13C of individual amino acids in each fraction. Annual variation in the 13C of amino acids in DOM was greater relative to the variation in larger fractions indicating that microbial reworking was an important factor determining the proteinaceous component of DOM. The 13C enrichment of serine and leucine in each organic matter fraction suggested microbial reworking was an important factor determining organic matter composition during the most productive times of year. Changes in the bulk 13C of DOM were more significant over daily, relative to seasonal, time scales where values ranged by 6 and followed changes in chlorophyll a concentrations. Although bulk 13C values for POM ranged only from –29 to –28 during the same diel period, the 13C of alanine in POM ranged from –30 to –22. Alanine is directly synthesized from pyruvate and is therefore a good metabolic indicator. The 13C of individual amino acids in DOM revealed the diel change in the importance of autotrophic versus heterotrophic activity in influencing DOM composition. Diel changes in the 13C of phenylalanine, synthesized by common pathways in phytoplankton and bacteria, were similar in both DOM and POM. The diel change in 13C of isoleucine and valine, synthesized through different pathways in phytoplankton and bacteria, were distinctly different in DOM versus POM. This disparity indicated a decoupling of the POM and DOM pools, which suggests a greater source of bacterial-derived organic matter at night. The results of this study demonstrate the use of the isotopic composition of individual amino acids in determining the importance of microbial reworking and autotrophic versus heterotrophic contributions to DOM over both diel and seasonal time scales.  相似文献   

A 12-month study was conducted to measure the concentrations ofdissolved organic matter (DOC, TDN, TDP) in four sites within a119 km long reach of the Ohio River, near Louisville, KY. In thisstudy we test whether specific geomorphological and biologicalfactors influenced variations in dissolved organic matter.Concentrations of DOC in the river averaged 1200mol/L, and varied by nearly two orders of magnitudeseasonally (mean DOC during base flow 620 mol/L).Peak periods for DOC at all sites were during April–May. Thesite nearest a navigation dam (deeper, lower current velocities)had significantly lower concentrations of TDN and greater C:Nratios than upstream sites. The largest tributary entering thisreach (Kentucky River) had no significant effect on levels of DOMin the main river, despite having significantly greaterconcentrations of TDN and lower levels of DOC during most monthsof the year. Concentrations of DOC, TDN, and TDP were notsignificantly different in littoral and pelagic habitats at allsites studied, suggesting little floodplain influence on DOM inthis constricted-channel section of the Ohio River. C:N ratios ofDOM in the Ohio were significantly different among seasons; C:Nexceeded or equaled Redfield ratios in summer and fall (6 to 10),but were below Redfield (1.8 to 3.0) during winter and spring.Regression models suggest that total phytoplankton densities andflow conditions are the two most important factors regulating DOMin this very large river.  相似文献   

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