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膜翅目精子结构研究新进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据观察,膜翅目昆虫精子由顶体,精核,中部,尾部四个主要部分构成。顶体具顶体丝,中部具轴丝,中部与精核间具线粒体衍生物。本文同时对膜翅目,分别隶属12个科,10个总科中的2个亚目昆虫精子的顶体、精核、线粒体衍生物、轴丝等结构的研究状况进行概括,并应用精子结构特征对上述类群的系统发育状况进行讨论。  相似文献   

Mature spermatozoa from four species of platypleurine cicadas (Albanycada albigera, Azanicada zuluensis, Platypleura capensis and P. hirtipennis) were examined by light and electron microscopy. The filiform sperm have a similar ultrastructure in all species but notable variations were found in sperm dimensions. All species produce more than one discrete length of nucleated, motile sperm, a form of polymorphism termed polymegaly. Polymegaly is expressed in two ways: sperm have bi- or trimodal head and tail lengths. The anterior parts of sperm heads are embedded in an elongate homogenous matrix forming a spermatodesm. The conical acrosome is deeply invaginated posteriorly, and sits on top of the nucleus. The acrosomal contents are differentiated internally with an electron-lucent central medulla and a denser cortex. The homogenously electron-dense nucleus is pointed anteriorly and is generally cylindrical, although posteriorly there is a lateral invagination that extends part-way along the nucleus. This invagination houses fine granular material of the centriolar adjunct. Vesicle-like elements that are associated with both the posterior nucleus and the centriolar adjunct are also found within the invagination. Immediately posterior of and adjoining the centriolar adjunct is a pair of mitochondrial derivatives that are elongated and extend for almost the entire length of the tail. The absence of accessory bodies in cicada sperm suggests that within the Cicadomorpha, the families Cicadidae and Cercopidae are closely affiliated.  相似文献   

Larval head structures of Xyela sp. are described in detail. The characters are compared to conditions found in larvae of other groups of Hymenoptera and Endopterygota. Like other symphytan larvae the immature stages of Xyelidae are mainly characterized by presumably plesiomorphic features of the head. The head sutures are well developed and all parts of the tentorium are present. The labrum is free and a complete set of labral muscles is present. The maxillae are in a retracted position. In contrast to other hymenopteran larvae Xyela possesses a clypeofrontal suture, a comparatively long antenna and three well‐developed antennal muscles. Apomorphic features of Xyela are the absence of muscles associated with the salivarium and the complete absence of Musculus craniocardinalis. A clade comprising Orussidae and Apocrita is supported by the unsegmented maxillary and labial palps and the absence of the lacinia. Six potential autapomorphies for the Hymenoptera were revealed: (1) the caudal tentorial apodeme, (2) the bifurcated tendon of Musculus craniomandibularus internus, (3) the lateral lobe of the cardo, (4) the origin of M. tentoriohypopharyngalis from the posterior head capsule, (5) the exceptionally strong prepharyngo‐pharyngeal longitudinal muscle and (6) the longitudinal muscle of the silk press. The maxillolabial complex, the vestigial M. craniocardinalis and a distinctly developed labio‐hypopharyngeal lobe bearing the opening of the salivary duct are potential synapomorphies of Hymenoptera and Mecopterida. The globular, orthognathous head capsule, the modified compound eyes, the occipital furrow and the X‐shaped tentorium are features with unclear polarity shared by Hymenoptera and Mecoptera.  相似文献   

Budak M  Korkmaz EM  Basibuyuk HH 《ZooKeys》2011,(130):363-378
Cephinae is traditionally divided into three tribes and about 24 genera based on morphology and host utilization. There has been no study testing the monophyly of taxa under a strict phylogenetic criterion. A molecular phylogeny of Cephinae based on a total of 68 sequences of mtDNA COI gene, representing seven genera of Cephinae, is reconstructed to test the traditional limits and relationships of taxa. Monophyly of the traditional tribes is not supported. Monophyly of the genera are largely supported except for Pachycephus. A few host shift events are suggested based on phylogenetic relationships among taxa. These results indicate that a more robust phylogeny is required for a more plausible conclusion. We also report two species of Cephus for the first time from Turkey.  相似文献   

We describe the sperm ultrastructure of six penaeid species, including at least one member of each tribe (Penaeini, Parapenaeini and Trachypenaeini). Fragments of the vas deferens of the Penaeidae Farfantepenaeus brasiliensis, Farfantepenaeus paulensis, Litopenaeus schmitti, Parapenaeus americanus, Rimapenaeus constrictus and Xiphopenaeus kroyeri were fixed and processed according to the routine for transmission electron microscopy. The morphological results were contextualized in an evolutionary perspective using molecular markers for the phylogenetic reconstruction of this group. A phylogram was proposed by Bayesian inference based on 1007 bp of 33 sequences of the combined genes (16S rDNA and COI mtDNA) from 27 dendrobranchiate specimens. Our findings show that morphological differences in the sperm ultrastructures of members among the tribes of Penaeidae can be used as a baseline to understand their evolutionary relationships. Individuals from the Penaeini tribe show plesiomorphic characteristics in the sperm ultrastructure compared to the Trachypenaeini tribe from which they were derived, such as shrimp from family Sicyoniidae. The morphological complexity of the sperm of the different penaeid members corroborated with the genetic phylogeny, which showed different clades for each tribe and the close relationship with Sicyoniidae. The sperm features of the selected species studied here reflected their evolutionary history. These features confirm the previous phylogenetic hypothesis and question the monophyly of Penaeidae, which should be verified in the future with a more complete set of representative members of each tribe.  相似文献   

A cladistic analysis of the lower Hymenoptera, including all the ‘symphytan’ families and the apocritan families Stephanidae, Megalyridae, Trigonalyidae, Ibaliidae, Vespidae and Gasteruptiidae, has been undertaken. A total of 98 characters were scored for 21 taxa. Twenty equally parsimonious minimum-length trees were obtained. The phylogenetic status of the Xyelidae is uncertain: they might be monophyletic. or the Xyelinae might be the sistergroup of the rest of the Hymenoptera. The non-xyelid Hymenoptera are probably monophyletic; the phylogeny Tenthredinoidea + (Megalodontoidea + (Cephidae + (Anaxyelidea + (Siricidae + (Xiphydriidae + (Orussidae + Apocrita)))))) is proposed for this clade. The Blasticotomidae are probably the sistergroup of all othe Tenthredinoidea, but tenthredinoid phylogeny is otherwise uncertain. Substantial homoplasy occurs within the ‘siricoid’ families, making the relative positions of the Anaxyelidae and Siricidae uncertain. The Stephanidae might be the sistergroup of the rest of the Apocrita; the phylogeny of the remaining apocritan taxa included is insufficiently elucidated. The phylogeny proposed here supports the hypothesis that the appearance of parasitism in the Hymenoptera took place in the common ancestor of Orussidae + Apocrita, the host of which was probably wood boring insect larvae. The exact larval mode of feeding of the ancestral hymenopteran cannot be determined due ot the diversity of lifestyles in the basal lineages of the order.  相似文献   

对螟黄足盘绒茧蜂复合群Cotesia flavipes complex (膜翅目:茧蜂科:小腹茧蜂亚科)分布全世界的5个种和外群侧沟茧蜂Microplitis 及荻茧蜂Diolcogaster 的25个性状,以及复合群5个种和外群螟蛉盘绒茧蜂Cotesia ruficrus、粘虫盘绒茧蜂Cotesia kariyai、粉蝶盘绒茧蜂Cotesia glomerata 的24个性状,分别进行比较研究,并运用支序分析的方法探讨该复合群内5个种种间的系统发育关系。支序分析表明螟黄足盘绒茧蜂复合群是一单系群,二化螟盘绒茧蜂C. chilonis 和大螟盘绒茧蜂C. sesamiae 近缘,芦螟盘绒茧蜂C. chiloluteelli 和汉寿盘绒茧蜂C. hanshouensis 近缘,螟黄足盘绒茧蜂C. flavipes相对独立。 以上研究表明无论是以近缘属作外群还是以同属其它种作外群,所得结果基本上都能反映螟黄足盘绒茧蜂复合群各种之间的分类地位。  相似文献   

The production of polymorphic spermatozoa has been registered in various insect orders such as Diptera, Lepidoptera, and Hemiptera. In this work, morphology of two types of spermatozoa produced by Largus rufipennis was reported for the first time in the Largidae family. For this, techniques including optical and transmission electron microscopy were used. Spermatozoa measured, on the average, 260 and 200 μm, and both types possessed a nucleus measuring on the average 65 μm. No ultrastructural differences were observed between the two spermatozoa types from L. rufipennis. The head region is composed of an acrosome, a nucleus, and part of the centriolar adjunct. The centriolar adjunct is in parallel with the nucleus and followed by mitochondrial derivates. The flagellum consists of an axoneme (9 + 9 + 2 microtubules) and two mitochondrial derivatives; no other accessory bodies were observed. The mitochondrial derivatives are symmetric in size and diameter. A similar quantity of the two spermatozoa types was observed in the seminal vesicle (57% of the large type and 43% of the small type), while in the spermatheca of the female, the larger spermatozoa were preferentially stored (87%). These results permit discussions concerning of the species biology reproduction, most specifically sperm competition strategies.  相似文献   

新疆光脉赤眼蜂属种类记述(膜翅目:赤眼蜂科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文简述了光脉赤眼蜂属Aphelinoidea Girault的研究历史及现状,并描述了采自新疆的光脉赤眼蜂属3个种,其中有1新种,2中国新记录种,同时提供了新疆光脉赤眼蜂属分种的分类检索表,另附主要形态特征图。所有标本保存在福建农林大学生物防治研究所。1.长翅光脉赤眼蜂Aphelinoidea dolichoptera (Novicky),中国新记录(图1)Aphelinoidea dolichoptera(Novicky),1933,Polsk.Pismo Ent.12:4。观察标本:1♀,2♂♂,新疆新源县,2001-Ⅵ-01,吴卫网扫;1♂,新疆乌鲁木齐市,2001-Ⅶ-25,崔卫东网扫。2.沙湾光脉赤眼蜂Aphelinoidea shawanica,新种(图2)本种与Aphelinoidea subexserta Novicky很相似,但本种前翅的缘毛较长,翅面纤毛较稀少;产卵管明显露出:触角棒节基部深褐色,端部淡黄色。正模:♀,新疆沙湾县,2001-Ⅶ-14,胡红英网扫;副模:1♀,同正模;2♀♀,新疆温泉县,2001Ⅶ-16,胡红英网扫;2♀♀,石河子市150团,2001-Ⅶ-12,胡红英网扫。3.土耳其光脉赤眼蜂Aphelinoidea anatolica Novicky,中国新记录(图3)Aphelinoidea natolica Novicky,1936,Zeit.Angew.Ent.Berlin.23:144.观察标本:2♀♀,1♂,新疆沙湾县,2001-Ⅶ-14,胡红英网扫;1♀,新疆温泉县,2001-Ⅶ-12,胡红英网扫;1♀,石河子市150团,2001-Ⅶ-12,胡红英网扫;4♀♀,3♂♂,新疆新源县,2001-Ⅶ-01,吴卫网扫;1♀,新疆呼图壁县,1999-Ⅷ-27,林乃铨网扫;1♂,新疆五家渠市,2001-Ⅶ-26,孙涛网扫;1♂,新疆和静县,2001-Ⅷ-08,胡红英网扫。2♀♀,新疆和硕县,2001-Ⅷ-07,胡红英网扫;3♀♀,3♂♂,新疆博湖县,2001-Ⅷ-07,胡红英网扫。  相似文献   

The D2 variable region of 28S ribosomal RNA was sequenced from ethanol specimens or obtained from the literature to provide the first phylogenetie reconstruction of the subfamily Euphorinae (Hymenoptera;Braconidae). Phylogenetic relationships were established by comparing the results using two different methods (distance-based neighbor-joining, NJ; and maximum parsimony, MP) and three different outgroups. The monophyly of the Euphorinae is well supported by all trees generated from molecular data. All phylogenetic reconstructions yielded trees with very similar topologies that only partially resolved the morphologically defined tribes and the relationships within the subfamily. We found no evidence for the monophyletic natures of the tribes Euphorinl, Dinocampini,Perilitini, Syntretini, Comsophorini and Centisitini, but we did find some evidence for the tribes Meteorini and Microctonini. The monophyletic nature of the tribe Meteodnl was well-supported in all trees. We also found the clade containing the LecythodeUa,Microctonus, Orionis and Streblocera to be a monophyletic group, which corresponded to the tribe Microtonini, with Orionis transferred from the tribe Eupholini into Microtonini.Among the genera of Euphorini our results showed strong support for a paraphyletic nature of this group, which can be roughly divided into two clades, one consisting of Aridelus Wesmaelia, the other of Leiophron Peristenus, suggesting both of which may be given tribal rank. The placement of the genus Chrysopophorus is largely uncertain. Two clades,Dinocampus Perilitus and Cosmophorus Rhopalophorus, were constantly resolved in our analyses, with 42-96 and 97-100 bootstrap value support, respectively, suggesting that both of them form monophyletic groups. For members of the Centistini, Pygostolus may be removed and included in Microctonini or other relative tribe.  相似文献   


A review is given of the state of knowledge of the 16 or more species of the ant tribe Leptothoracini that are known to occur in Turkey, together with a map of the published records and a list of new finds.  相似文献   

基于28S rRNA D2序列的内茧蜂亚科的分子系统发育   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
首次利用同源28S rRNA D2基因序列对内茧蜂亚科Rogadinae (昆虫纲Insecta:膜翅目Hymenoptera:茧蜂科Braconidae)进行了分子系统学研究。本研究从95%~100%乙醇浸渍保存的标本中提取基因组DNA并扩增了10种内群种类和5种外群种类的28S rDNA D2片段并测序(GenBank序列号AY167645-AY167659),利用BLAST搜索相关的同源序列, 采用了GenBank中13个种类的28S rRNA D2同源序列,然后据此进行分子分析。利用3个外群(共8个种类)和3种建树方法 (距离邻近法distance based neighbor joining, NJ; 最大俭约法maximum parsimony, MP; 和最大似然法maximum likelihood, ML)分析了内茧蜂亚科内的分子系统发育关系。结果表明,由分子数据产生的不同的分子系统树均显示内茧蜂亚科是一个单系群。内茧蜂亚科内依据形态和生物学特征的分群(族和亚族)及其系统发育关系得到部分支持。NJ、MP和ML分析结果均表明内茧蜂族Rogadini不是一个单系,而是一个并系,其余3族则得到不同程度的支持。内茧蜂族可分成2个分支:“脊茧蜂属Aleiodes+弓脉茧蜂属Arcaleiodes”和“沟内茧蜂属Canalirogas+锥齿茧蜂属Conspinaria+刺茧蜂属Spinaria+内茧蜂属Rogas”,二者不是姐妹群。脊茧蜂属Aleiodes和弓脉茧蜂属Arcaleiodes始终是姐妹群。脊茧蜂属Aleiodes是一个单系,并可分成2个姐妹分支,这与依据形态和生物学特征的亚属分群相一致。弓脉茧蜂属Arcaleiodes Chen et He,1991是一个独立的属。分支“沟内茧蜂属Canalirogas+锥齿茧蜂属Conspinaria+刺茧蜂属Spinaria+内茧蜂属Rogas”的单系性仅得到部分分子数据的支持;因形态特异(腹部成甲壳状)而列为亚族级的刺茧蜂属Spinaria,分子分析没有证实这一点。横纹茧蜂族Clinocentrini是个单系,并在内茧蜂亚科的系统发育中处于基部(原始)的位置。我们研究结果还表明,阔跗茧蜂属Yelicones和潜蛾茧蜂属Stiropius相对应的阔跗茧蜂族Yeliconini和潜蛾茧蜂族Stiropiini为2个独立的分支, 与形态和生物学的结果一致,但它们在内茧蜂亚科的系统发育的位置不明,有待今后进一步研究。  相似文献   

Mature unfertilized eggs (oocytes) dissected from the ovary of the sawfly Athalia rosae (Hymenoptera) begin parthenogenetic development if exposed to distilled water and produce haploid males. Injection of sperm into mature oocytes through the anterior pole resulted in karyogamy in a fraction of cases which developed as diploid females. No haploid-haploid chimeras due to independent participation of the injected sperm in development were produced. When sperm were injected through the posterior pole, however, fertilization never occurred but haploid-haploid chimeras were produced in a smaller fraction of cases. Both egg nucleus-derived and injected sperm-derived nuclei contributed in forming the germ cells of the chimeric males.  相似文献   

侧姬小蜂属Ceranisus Walker,1841隶属膜翅目Hymenoptera、小蜂总科Chalcidoidea、姬小蜂科Eulophidae、凹面姬小蜂亚科Entedoninae,是蓟马幼虫重要的寄生蜂,迄今世界上已知16种。该属颜面凹陷,额V字形,槽沟伸达中单眼水平,侧单眼后部有1条完整的沟横穿颅顶,颚眼沟一般不分叉,上颚退化;雌性触角索节2分节,棒节2或3分节;盾纵沟不明显,一般中胸盾片中叶着生2对刚毛,小盾片1对刚毛;前翅缘毛短于翅宽,后翅末端尖锐;腹柄短,宽明显大于(或至少等于)长等特征明显,较易识别。本文首次报道该属伊朗的3种类:月侧姬小蜂Ceranisus menes(Walker,1839),平侧姬小蜂C.planitianus Erds,1966和爱侧姬小蜂C.amanosus Doganlar et al.,2009,这也是该属在伊朗的首次记录。并对近缘种爱侧姬小蜂C.amanosus Doganlar et al.,2009和乌侧姬小蜂C.udnamtak Tryapitsin,2005的鉴别进行了简要讨论。  相似文献   

张彦周  于芳  朱朝东 《昆虫学报》2008,51(9):992-996
本文基于28S rDNA D2部分序列, 用MP和ML方法对几种寄生夜蛾科的多胚跳小蜂Copidosoma spp.进行了系统发育研究,并对其形态和生物学关系进行了讨论。结果表明:寄生金翅夜蛾亚科(Plusiinae)的C. floridanum 和寄生实夜蛾亚科(Heliothinae)的C. primulum关系较近,而以夜蛾亚科(Noctuinae)为寄主的C. truncatellum 和 C. agrotis关系更近。结果提示核基因28S D2区可能对研究多胚跳小蜂种间的系统发育关系很有帮助。  相似文献   

Spermatic characteristics were studied in 10 species representing several distinct groups within the catfish family Doradidae. Interestingly, different types of spermatogenesis, spermiogenesis and spermatozoa are correlated with intrafamilial groups previously proposed for Doradidae. Semi-cystic spermatogenesis, modified Type III spermiogenesis, and biflagellate sperm appear to be unique within Doradidae to the subfamily Astrodoradinae. Other doradid species have sperm with a single flagellum, cystic spermatogenesis, and spermiogenesis of Type I (Pterodoras granulosus, Rhinodoras dorbignyi), Type I modified (Oxydoras kneri), or Type III (Trachydoras paraguayensis). Doradids have an external mode of fertilization, and share a few spermatic characteristics, such as cystic spermatogenesis, Type I spermiogenesis and uniflagellate sperm, with its sister group Auchenipteridae, a family exhibiting sperm modifications associated with insemination and internal fertilization. Semi-cystic spermatogenesis and biflagellate spermatozoa are also found in Aspredinidae, and corroborate recent proposals that Aspredinidae and Doradoidea (Doradidae + Auchenipteridae) are sister groups and that Astrodoradinae occupies a basal position within Doradidae. The co-occurrence in various catfish families of semi-cystic spermatogenesis and either biflagellate spermatozoa (Aspredinidae, Cetopsidae, Doradidae, Malapturidae, Nematogenyidae) or uniflagellate sperm with two axonemes (Ariidae) reinforces the suggestion that such characteristics are correlated. Semi-cystic spermatogenesis and biflagellate sperm may represent ancestral conditions for Loricarioidei and Siluroidei of Siluriformes as they occur in putatively basal members of each suborder, Nematogenyidae and Cetopsidae, respectively. However, if semi-cystic spermatogenesis and biflagellate sperm are ancestral for Siluriformes, cystic spermatogenesis and uniflagellate sperm have arisen independently in multiple lineages including Diplomystidae, sister group to Siluroidei.  相似文献   

The study of spermatogenesis in Hymenoptera is limited to few taxa due to limitations to access the material in the right stage for analysis. The information available up to now states that the gametogenesis in males involves a modified meiosis, similar to mitosis. This is due to the haplodiploid sex determination system present in the order, where females are diploid and males are haploid. In the present work, we examined the spermatogenesis process in the parasitoid Diachasmimorpha longicaudata (Ashmead) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae). We performed squash preparations from testes of individuals from the third larval instar until the adult stage. Some cytological traits, such as the presence of a monopolar spindle, were analysed in detail by means of histological semi‐thin sections. The spermatogenesis in this species comprises an abortive first division with the formation of an anucleated cytoplasmic bud and a nucleated cell, and an equal second division of the nucleated cell, leading to the generation of two mature spermatozoa. The results presented herein provide more information about the process of spermatogenesis in Hymenoptera, which has not been studied in depth in parasitic species.  相似文献   

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