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Summary The evolutionary origin of vertebrate hindbrain segmentation is unclear since the amphioxus, the closest living invertebrate relative to the vertebrates, possesses a hindbrain homolog that displays no gross morphological segmentation. Three of the estrogen-receptor related (ERR) receptors are segmentally expressed in the zebrafish hindbrain, suggesting that their common ancestor was expressed in a similar, reiterated manner. We have also cloned and determined the developmental expression of the single homolog of the vertebrate ERR genes in the amphioxus (AmphiERR). This gene is also expressed in a segmented manner in a region considered homologous to the vertebrate hindbrain. In contrast to the expression of amphioxus islet (a LIM-homeobox gene that also labels motoneurons), AmphiERR expression persists longer in the hindbrain homolog and does not later extend to additional posterior cells. In addition, AmphiERR and one of its vertebrate homologs (ERRalpha) are expressed in the developing somitic musculature of amphioxus and zebrafish, respectively. Altogether, our results are consistent with fine structural evidence suggesting that the amphioxus hindbrain is segmented, and indicate that chordate ERR gene expression is a marker for both hindbrain and muscle segmentation. Furthermore, our data support an evolution model of chordate brain segmentation: originally, the program for anterior segmentation in the protochordate ancestors of the vertebrates resided in the developing axial mesoderm which imposed reiterated patterning on the adjacent neural tube; during early vertebrate evolution, this segmentation program was transferred to and controlled by the neural tube.  相似文献   

Amphioxus is the closest relative to vertebrates but lacks key vertebrate characters, like rhombomeres, neural crest cells, and the cartilaginous endoskeleton. This reflects major differences in the developmental patterning of neural and mesodermal structures between basal chordates and vertebrates. Here, we analyse the expression pattern of an amphioxus FoxB ortholog and an amphioxus single-minded ortholog to gain insight into the evolution of vertebrate neural segmentation. AmphiFoxB expression shows cryptic segmentation of the cerebral vesicle and hindbrain, suggesting that neuromeric segmentation of the chordate neural tube arose before the origin of the vertebrates. In the forebrain, AmphiFoxB expression combined with AmphiSim and other amphioxus gene expression patterns shows that the cerebral vesicle is divided into several distinct domains: we propose homology between these domains and the subdivided diencephalon and midbrain of vertebrates. In the Hox-expressing region of the amphioxus neural tube that is homologous to the vertebrate hindbrain, AmphiFoxB shows the presence of repeated blocks of cells along the anterior-posterior axis, each aligned with a somite. This and other data lead us to propose a model for the evolution of vertebrate rhombomeric segmentation, in which rhombomere evolution involved the transfer of mechanisms regulating neural segmentation from vertical induction by underlying segmented mesoderm to horizontal induction by graded retinoic acid signalling. A consequence of this would have been that segmentation of vertebrate head mesoderm would no longer have been required, paving the way for the evolution of the unsegmented head mesoderm seen in living vertebrates.  相似文献   

Recent work has shown that segmentation underlies the patterning of the vertebrate hindbrain and its neural crest derivatives. Several genes have been identified with segment-restricted expression, and evidence is now emerging regarding their function and regulatory relationships. The expression patterns of Hox genes and the phenotype of null mutants indicate roles in specifying segment identity. A zinc finger gene Krox-20 is a segment-specific regulator of Hox expression, and it seems probable that retinoic acid receptors also regulate Hox genes in the hindbrain. The receptor tyrosine kinase gene Sek may mediate cell-cell interactions that lead to segmentation. These studies provide a starting point for understanding the molecular basis of segmental patterning in the hindbrain.  相似文献   

All chordates share a basic body plan and many common features of early development. Anteroposterior (AP) regions of the vertebrate neural tube are specified by a combinatorial pattern of Hox gene expression that is conserved in urochordates and cephalochordates. Another primitive feature of Hox gene regulation in all chordates is a sensitivity to retinoic acid during embryogenesis, and recent developmental genetic studies have demonstrated the essential role for retinoid signalling in vertebrates. Two AP regions develop within the chordate neural tube during gastrulation: an anterior 'forebrain-midbrain' region specified by Otx genes and a posterior 'hindbrain-spinal cord' region specified by Hox genes. A third, intermediate region corresponding to the midbrain or midbrain-hindbrain boundary develops at around the same time in vertebrates, and comparative data suggest that this was also present in the chordate ancestor. Within the anterior part of the Hox-expressing domain, however, vertebrates appear to have evolved unique roles for segmentation genes, such as Krox-20, in patterning the hindbrain. Genetic approaches in mammals and zebrafish, coupled with molecular phylogenetic studies in ascidians, amphioxus and lampreys, promise to reveal how the complex mechanisms that specify the vertebrate body plan may have arisen from a relatively simple set of ancestral developmental components.  相似文献   

 The hedgehog family of intercellular signalling molecules have essential functions in patterning both Drosophila and vertebrate embryos. Drosophila has a single hedgehog gene, while vertebrates have evolved at least three types of hedgehog genes (the Sonic, Desert and Indian types) by duplication and divergence of a single ancestral gene. Vertebrate Sonic-type genes typically show conserved expression in the notochord and floor plate, while Desert- and Indian-type genes have different patterns of expression in vertebrates from different classes. To determine the ancestral role of hedgehog in vertebrates, I have characterised the hedgehog gene family in amphioxus. Amphioxus is the closest living relative of the vertebrates and develops a similar body plan, including a dorsal neural tube and notochord. A single amphioxus hedgehog gene, AmphiHh, was identified and is probably the only hedgehog family member in amphioxus, showing the duplication of hedgehog genes to be specific to the vertebrate lineage. AmphiHh expression was detected in the notochord and ventral neural tube, tissues that express Sonic-type genes in vertebrates. This shows that amphioxus probably patterns its ventral neural tube using a molecular pathway conserved with vertebrates. AmphiHh was also expressed on the left side of the pharyngeal endoderm, reminiscent of the left-sided expression of Sonic hedgehog in chick embryos which forms part of a pathway controlling left/right asymmetric development. These data show that notochord, floor plate and possibly left/right asymmetric expression are ancestral sites of hedgehog expression in vertebrates and amphioxus. In vertebrates, all these features have been retained by Sonic-type genes. This may have freed Desert-type and Indian-type hedgehog genes from selective constraint, allowing them to diverge and take on new roles in different vertebrate taxa. Received: 20 July 1998 / Accepted: 23 September 1998  相似文献   

During development, the vertebrate hindbrain is subdivided along its anteroposterior axis into a series of segmental bulges called rhombomeres. These segments in turn generate a repeated pattern of rhombomere-specific neurons, including reticular and branchiomotor neurons. In amphioxus (Cephalochordata), the sister group of the vertebrates, a bona fide segmented hindbrain is lacking, although the embryonic brain vesicle shows molecular anteroposterior regionalization. Therefore, evaluation of the segmental patterning of the central nervous system of agnathan embryos is relevant to our understanding of the origin of the developmental plan of the vertebrate hindbrain. To investigate the neuronal organization of the hindbrain of the Japanese lamprey, Lethenteron japonicum, we retrogradely labeled the reticulospinal and branchial motoneurons. By combining this analysis with a study of the expression patterns of genes identifying specific rhombomeric territories such as LjKrox20, LjPax6, LjEphC and LjHox3, we found that the reticular neurons in the lamprey hindbrain, including isthmic, bulbar and Mauthner cells, develop in conserved rhombomere-specific positions, similar to those in the zebrafish. By contrast, lamprey trigeminal and facial motor nuclei are not in register with rhombomere boundaries, unlike those of gnathostomes. The trigeminal-facial boundary corresponds to the rostral border of LjHox3 expression in the middle of rhombomere 4. Exogenous application of retinoic acid (RA) induced a rostral shift of both the LjHox3 expression domain and branchiomotor nuclei with no obvious repatterning of rhombomeric segmentation and reticular neurons. Therefore, whereas subtype variations of motoneuron identity along the anteroposterior axis may rely on Hox-dependent positional values, as in gnathostomes, such variations in the lamprey are not constrained by hindbrain segmentation. We hypothesize that the registering of hindbrain segmentation and neuronal patterning may have been acquired through successive and independent stepwise patterning changes during evolution.  相似文献   

How regional patterning of the neural tube in vertebrate embryos may influence the emergence and the function of neural networks remains elusive. We have begun to address this issue in the embryonic mouse hindbrain by studying rhythmogenic properties of different neural tube segments. We have isolated pre‐ and post‐otic hindbrain segments and spinal segments of the mouse neural tube, when they form at embryonic day (E) 9, and grafted them into the same positions in stage‐matched chick hosts. Three days after grafting, in vitro recordings of the activity in the cranial nerves exiting the grafts indicate that a high frequency (HF) rhythm (order: 10 bursts/min) is generated in post‐otic segments while more anterior pre‐otic and more posterior spinal territories generate a low frequency (LF) rhythm (order: 1 burst/min). Comparison with homo‐specific grafting of corresponding chick segments points to conservation in mouse and chick of the link between the patterning of activities and the axial origin of the hindbrain segment. This HF rhythm is reminiscent of the respiratory rhythm known to appear at E15 in mice. We also report on pre‐/post‐otic interactions. The pre‐otic rhombomere 5 prevents the emergence of the HF rhythm at E12. Although the nature of the interaction with r5 remains obscure, we propose that ontogeny of fetal‐like respiratory circuits relies on: (i) a selective developmental program enforcing HF rhythm generation, already set at E9 in post‐otic segments, and (ii) trans‐segmental interactions with pre‐otic territories that may control the time when this rhythm appears. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Neurobiol, 2006  相似文献   

Hox Genes and Segmental Patterning of the Vertebrate Hindbrain   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
SYNOPSIS. Pattern formation in the developing hindbrain andcranio-facial region has been studied in a range of vertebrateorganisms. The developing hindbrain is transiently segmentedinto units termed rhombomeres which correspond with domainsof gene expression, lineage restriction and neuronal organizationand serve to coordinate the migration of cranial neural crestinto the adjacent branchial arches. In this paper I review thecellular and molecular events underlying both hindbrain segmentationand the acquisition of segmental identity, consolidating recentresults from different model systems. Data suggesting that thevertebrate Hox genes play an important role in specifying positionalvalue to the rhombomeres and cranial neural crest are also examined.I compare expression patterns of the Hox genes between speciesand consider the mechanisms involved in controlling their appropriatespatial regulation. In addition I describe a recently characterizedzebraflsh hindbrain segmentation mutant, Valentino; morphological,cellular and gene expression data for this mutant are helpingto further our understanding of hindbrain patterning.  相似文献   

 Homologs of the Drosophila snail gene have been characterized in several vertebrates. In addition to being expressed in mesoderm during gastrulation, vertebrate snail genes are also expressed in presumptive neural crest and/or its derivatives. Given that neural crest is unique to vertebrates and is considered to be of fundamental importance in their evolution, we have cloned and characterized the expression of a snail gene from amphioxus, a cephalochordate widely accepted as the sister group of the vertebrates. We show that, at the amino acid sequence level, the amphioxus snail gene is a clear phylogenetic outgroup to all the characterized vertebrate snail genes. During embryogenesis snail expression initially becomes restricted to the paraxial or presomitic mesoderm of amphioxus. Later, snail is expressed at high levels in the lateral neural plate, where it persists during neurulation. Our results indicate that an ancestral function of snail genes in the lineage leading to vertebrates is to define the paraxial mesoderm. Furthermore, our results indicate that a cell population homologous to the vertebrate neural crest may be present in amphioxus, thus providing an important link in the evolution of this key vertebrate tissue. Received: 11 May 1998 / Accepted: 2 August 1998  相似文献   

A network of molecular interactions is required in the developing vertebrate hindbrain for the formation and anterior-posterior patterning of the rhombomeres. FGF signaling is required in this network to upregulate the expression of the Krox20 and Kreisler segmentation genes, but little is known of how FGF gene expression is regulated in the hindbrain. We show that the dynamic expression of FGF3 in chick hindbrain segments and boundaries is similar to that of the BMP antagonist, follistatin. Consistent with a regulatory relationship between BMP signaling and FGF3 expression, we find that an increase in BMP activity due to blocking of follistatin translation by morpholino antisense oligonucleotides or overexpression of BMP results in strong inhibition of FGF3 expression. Conversely, addition of follistatin leads to an increase in the level of FGF3 expression. Furthermore, the segmental inhibition of BMP activity by follistatin is required for the expression of Krox20, Hoxb1 and EphA4 in the hindbrain. In addition, we show that the maintenance of FGF3 gene expression requires FGF activity, suggestive of an autoregulatory loop. These results reveal an antagonistic relationship between BMP activity and FGF3 expression that is required for correct segmental gene expression in the chick hindbrain, in which follistatin enables FGF3 expression by inhibiting BMP activity.  相似文献   

We have isolated an amphioxus T-box gene that is orthologous to the two vertebrate genes, Tbx1 and Tbx10, and examined its expression pattern during embryonic and early larval development. AmphiTbx1/10 is first expressed in branchial arch endoderm and mesoderm of developing neurulae, and in a bilateral, segmented pattern in the ventral half of newly formed somites. Branchial expression is restricted to the first three branchial arches, and disappears completely by 4 days post fertilization. Ventral somitic expression is restricted to the first 10–12 somites, and is not observed in early larvae except in the most ventral mesoderm of the first three branchial arches. No expression can be detected by 4 days post fertilization. Integrating functional, phylogenetic and expression data from amphioxus and a variety of vertebrate model organisms, we have reconstructed the early evolutionary history of the Tbx1/10 subfamily of genes within the chordate lineage. We conclude that Tbx1/10-mediated branchial arch endoderm and mesoderm patterning functions predated the origin of neural crest, and that ventral somite specification functions predated the origin of vertebrate sclerotome, but that Tbx1 was later co-opted during the evolution of developmental programs regulating branchial neural crest and sclerotome migration.Edited by M. Akam  相似文献   

Correct patterning of the developing brain is crucial importance for accurate wiring and function. Although the adult brain contains many complex structures, it begins with a simple structure—the neural tube. As it develops, the neural tube is divided into several regions, including the telencephalon, diencephalon, midbrain, and hindbrain. In each of these regions, signaling molecules are secreted from discrete zones, which establish positional information and regulate regional growth. There are many mechanistic questions that remain to be resolved about the action of these growth and differentiation factors. The cellular factors mediating patterning in response to these factors are largely unknown. Furthermore, identical differentiation factors are expressed in different regions of the brain and yet control significantly different patterning mechanisms, and the factors that control region-specific responses to these factors are mostly obscure. Furthermore, differentiation factors also show dramatically different expression patterns in different vertebrate species that may underlie changes in brain structure, but the mechanisms by which these changes in gene expression occur poorly understood. To address these issues, we discuss the role of Fgf8, which controls anterior/posterior patterning in different regions of the developing brain. We also discuss how modifications of Fgf8 expression in the diencephalon controlled by retrotransposons can change the shape and function of the brain in various species.  相似文献   

In chordates, early separation of cell fate domains occurs prior to the final specification of ectoderm to neural and non-neural as well as mesoderm to dorsal and ventral during development. Maintaining such division with the establishment of an exact border between the domains is required for the formation of highly differentiated structures such as neural tube and notochord. We hypothesized that the key condition for efficient cell fate separation in a chordate embryo is the presence of a positive feedback loop for Bmp signaling within the gene regulatory network (GRN), underlying early axial patterning. Here, we therefore investigated the role of Bmp signaling in axial cell fate determination in amphioxus, the basal chordate possessing a centralized nervous system. Pharmacological inhibition of Bmp signaling induces dorsalization of amphioxus embryos and expansion of neural plate markers, which is consistent with an ancestral role of Bmp signaling in chordate axial patterning and neural plate formation. Furthermore, we provided evidence for the presence of the positive feedback loop within the Bmp signaling network of amphioxus. Using mRNA microinjections we found that, in contrast to vertebrate Vent genes, which promote the expression of Bmp4, amphioxus Vent1 is likely not responsible for activation of cephalochordate ortholog Bmp2/4. Cis-regulatory analysis of amphioxus Bmp2/4, Admp and Chordin promoters in medaka embryos revealed remarkable conservation of the gene regulatory information between vertebrates and basal chordates. Our data suggest that emergence of a positive feedback loop within the Bmp signaling network may represent a key molecular event in the evolutionary history of the chordate cell fate determination.  相似文献   

Chordate origins of the vertebrate central nervous system.   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Fine structural, computerized three-dimensional (3D) mapping of cell connectivity in the amphioxus nervous system and comparative molecular genetic studies of amphioxus and tunicates have provided recent insights into the phylogenetic origin of the vertebrate nervous system. The results suggest that several of the genetic mechanisms for establishing and patterning the vertebrate nervous system already operated in the ancestral chordate and that the nerve cord of the proximate invertebrate ancestor of the vertebrates included a diencephalon, midbrain, hindbrain, and spinal cord. In contrast, the telencephalon, a midbrain-hindbrain boundary region with organizer properties, and the definitive neural crest appear to be vertebrate innovations.  相似文献   

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