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Human erythrocyte membrane bound enzyme acetylcholinesterase   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

The fluorescent probes, perilene and diphenyl hexatriene, were used to study changes in the lipid phase of erythrocytic ghosts induced by ionizing radiation (100-1000 Gy) and lipid peroxidation initiated by Fe2+ (5-100 microM). Both of the factors were shown to bring about similar changes in the membrane, that is, an increase in the viscosity of the probe localization sites and a decrease in diphenyl hexatriene fluorescence intensity. During the postirradiation incubation of the exposed membranes they were additionally damaged whereas upon peroxidation, most of the changes occurred after 15-min incubation with Fe2+.  相似文献   

Acetylcholinesterase has been isolated from bovine erythrocyte membranes by affinity chromatography using a m-trimethylammonium ligand. The purified enzyme had hydrophobic properties by the criterion of phase partitioning into Triton X-114. The activity of the hydrophobic enzyme was seen as a slow-moving band in nondenaturing polyacrylamide gels. After treatment with phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C, another form of active enzyme was produced that migrated more rapidly toward the anode in these gels. This form of the enzyme partitioned into the aqueous phase in Triton X-114 phase separation experiments and was therefore hydrophilic. The hydrophobic form bound to concanavalin A in the absence of Triton X-100. As this binding was partially prevented by detergent, but not by alpha-methyl mannoside, D-glucose, or myo-inositol, it is in part hydrophobic. Erythrocyte cell membranes showed acetylcholinesterase activity present as a major form, which was hydrophobic by Triton X-114 phase separation and in nondenaturing gel electrophoresis moved at the same rate as the purified enzyme. In the membrane the enzyme was more thermostable than when purified in detergent. The hydrophobic enzyme isolated, therefore, represents a native form of the acetylcholinesterase present in the bovine erythrocyte cell membrane, but in isolation its stability becomes dependent on amphiphile concentration. Its hydrophobic properties and lectin binding are attributable to the association with the protein of a lipid with the characteristics of a phosphatidylinositol.  相似文献   

Purified detergent solubilized dimeric human erythrocyte acetylcholinesterase (6.3 S form) was converted to a stable monomeric 3.9 S species when treated with 2-mercaptoethanol and iodoacetic acid. More than 60% of the enzymatic activity were recovered after this treatment. A decreased susceptibility to reduction and alkylation was observed with purified, detergent depleted acetylcholinesterase aggregates. When erythrocyte membranes (ghosts) were subjected to the same treatment, acetylcholinesterase could subsequently be solubilized as monomeric 3.9 S form and and more than 90% of the activity were recovered. Monomeric acetylcholinesterase was less reactive towards antibodies raised against (dimeric) human erythrocyte membrane acetylcholinesterase and towards antibodies against human erythrocyte membranes. The results suggest that acetylcholinesterase is present as dimeric species in human erythrocyte membranes despite the fact that fully active monomers can be obtained.  相似文献   

Erythrocyte membrane fluidity was evaluated in chronic alcoholic patients without any liver alteration, assuming different daily ethanol amounts, and in normal subjects and related to ghost fatty acid and total lipid composition obtained by high resolution gas chromatography. Erythrocyte membrane fluidity was significantly increased in a dose dependent manner in chronic alcoholic patients respect to normal subjects. This real fluidizing effect of ethanol "in vivo" was attributed mainly to a significant increase in the polyunsaturated fatty acids amount in patient ghosts in comparison with control subjects. On the other hand the cholesterol/phospholipid ratio was not significantly affected by chronic ethanol assumption.  相似文献   

A previous report (Watkins, M.S., Hitt, A.S. and Bulger, J.E. (1977) Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 79, 640-647) has indicated that the asymmetric forms of Electrophorus acetylcholinesterase bind exclusively to sphingomyelin vesicles through interaction with the collagen-like 'tail' portion of the enzyme. We report here that acetylcholinesterase also binds to phosphatidylcholine vesicles containing saturated fatty acyl chains and to egg phosphatidylcholine vesicles containing cholesterol. This suggests preferential binding of acetylcholinesterase to membranes of lower fluidity. Surface charge of vesicles and density of zwitterionic lipid headgroups do not significantly affect binding of native acetylcholinesterase. The presence of chondroitin sulfate or hyaluronic acid slightly increases the binding of native acetylcholinesterase to sphingomyelin vesicles, while the presence of 1 M NaCl, bovine serum albumin, or tissue fractions enriched in basement membrane diminish binding. The dissociation constant for native acetylcholinesterase and sphingomyelin vesicles is (1.0-1.5) X 10(-7) M, as measured by a flotation binding assay. The globular, 11S form of acetylcholinesterase also binds to lipid vesicles, although not to the same degree as native acetylcholinesterase. This suggests that the collagen tail of the enzyme enhances binding, but is not essential for binding to occur. These results are consistent with the location of acetylcholinesterase on the surface of the postsynaptic plasma membrane in vivo.  相似文献   

Erythrocytes prepared from riboflavin- and tocopherol-deficient (RT?) and from control rats were used to investigate the mechanism of oxidative hemolysis by the factors of favism. RT? erythrocytes have a defense system against the oxidative stress which is blocked either where regeneration of GSH occurs or the scavenging of the radicals from the membrane is prevented. The oxidative factors used were isouramil, divicine and diamide. When RT? erythrocytes were treated with isouramil, GSH decreased to undetectable levels and was not regenerated. Complete hemolysis occurred, but no oxidation of SH groups of membrane proteins or formation of spectrin polymers was detected. A similar effect was observed with diamide. However, SH groups of membrane proteins were completely oxidized and spectrin polymers were formed. Extensive lipid peroxidation was also detected together with a 30% fall in the arachidonic acid level. Control erythrocytes treated with either isouramil or diamide were not hemolyzed. When treated with isouramil, after a fall in the first few minutes, the GSH level was completely regenerated after 20 min. Incubation with diamide caused extensive oxidation of SH groups of membrane proteins and formation of spectrin polymers. No lipid peroxidation was detected after treatment with isouramil, but the same decrease of arachidonic acid occurred as in RT? erythrocytes. These results support the hypothesis that oxidative hemolysis by the factors of favism is caused by uncontrolled peroxidation of membrane lipids.  相似文献   

Acetylcholinesterase of human erythrocytes from healthy donors and from patients with hematological disorders was analysed in a search for differential membrane parameters. Two substrates were used to estimate the exposure of acetylcholinesterase active site in the membrane: phenylacetate, a hydrophobic substrate, to determine total enzyme activity, and acetylcholine, an ionic substrate, to measure the externally reactive enzyme. The sensitivity of acetylcholinesterase to added stearic acid was also analysed. Three categories of the disorders studied were discerned: (a) The erythrocyte acetylcholinesterase profile was indistinguishable from normal control in beta-thalassemia minor and groups of patients with autoimmune hemolytic anemia or congenital dyserythropoietic anemia type II. (b) A marked decline in acetylcholinesterase with both substrates and reduced sensitivity to stearic acid were exhibited by the erythrocytes of paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria, beta-thalassemia major and other autoimmune hemolytic anemia and congenital dyserythropoietic anemia type II patients. Normal erythrocytes, either aged or pretreated to 50 degrees C, also showed similar characteristics. (c) Hereditary spherocytosis was singly differentiated by an elevated acetylcholinesterase activity with acetylthiocholine and by a vastly diminished sensitivity to stearic acid, while activity with phenylacetate was equal to control. This distinct profile may reflect the unique organization of the erythrocyte membrane in hereditary spherocytosis.  相似文献   

Administration of monoamine oxidase type A inhibitor clorgyline to rats before hyperoxia prevented oxygen-induced increase in diene conjugate and Shiff's base brain and plasma levels in hyperoxia. This was due to antioxidative effect of clorgyline which resulted in stabilization of blood cellular membranes. Clorgyline had a normalizing effect on extraerythrocyte hemoglobin level, total peroxidase activity and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase activity in the serum.  相似文献   

The partial removal of cholesterol from the human erythrocyte membrane, by contact with lecithin sols, had mixed effects on the transport of d-glucose. When about 8% of the cholesterol was removed, the rate of d-glucose transfer was increased, but as cholesterol was progressively further removed, the transport was inhibited. Replacement of the depleted cholesterol by 3-ketosteroids did not restore the transport activity; but with substitution of steroids containing only a 3β-hydroxy substituent, the rate of glucose transport returned to normal. In some instances, as little as a 2% replacement of the removed cholesterol by 3β-hydroxy steroids was sufficient for full restoration of d-glucose transport. Cholesterol substitution by steroids with a more planar nucleus and a more bulky side chain than cholesterol also aided in the restoration of glucose transfer. The partial removal of cholesterol had no effect on the apparent Km for d-glucose, but excessive membrane cholesterol led to a 4-fold decrease in d-glucose affinity. The extent of transport inhibition by a fixed phloretin treatment was independent of membrane steroid content.  相似文献   

Natural liquid crystalline membranes are made up of many different lipids carrying a mixture of saturated and unsaturated fatty acyl chains. Whereas in the past considerable attention has been paid to cholesterol content, the phospholipid head groups and the membrane surface charge the detailed fatty acyl composition was often considered less important. However, recent investigations indicate that the detailed fatty acyl chain composition has pronounced effects on the oligomerization of the transmembrane helical anchoring domains of the MHC II receptor or the membrane alignment of the cationic antimicrobial peptide PGLa. In contrast the antimicrobial peptides magainin 2 and alamethicin are less susceptible to lipid saturation. Using histidine-rich LAH4 designer peptides the high energetic contributions of lipid saturation in stabilizing transmembrane helical alignments are quantitatively evaluated. These observations can have important implications for the biological regulation of membrane proteins and should be taken into considerations during biophysical or structural experiments.  相似文献   

The dependence of membrane dynamics on the mole ratio of lecithin to sphingomyelin (L/S) was examined by the fluorescence depolarization of the fluidity probe DPH in membranes isolated from sheep and human erythrocytes. In these membranes L/S is the main variable of lipid composition (0.02 and 1.7, respectively). The sheep erythrocyte membrane, which is rich in sphingomyelin, displays a higher lipid microviscosity than the human erythrocyte membrane in addition to a broad gel/liquid-crystal phase transition in the range of 26–35°C. Single-walled lipid vesicles of high sphingomyelin content, when studied by the same technique, exhibited dynamic characteristics similar to those found in the sheep erythrocyte membrane. Both the apparent microviscosity and the transition temperature decreased with increasing the L/S. Membrane proteins of human and sheep erythrocytes were fluorescently labeled with the sulfhydryl reagent N-dansylaziridine and the emission spectrum was recorded as a function of temperature. In the human erythrocyte membranes a gradual increase in the ratio of emission maxima at 520 and 490 nm was observed between 6 and 40°C. At this temperature range the ratio of the above emission maxima in sheep erythrocyte membranes displayed a break between 20 and 28°C, which partially overlapped the phase transition observed for the lipid core. The effect of the lipid phase transition on membrane proteins for the lipid core. The effect of the lipid phase transition on membrane proteins was further assessed by comparing the activity of the membrane bound phospholipase A2 in the intact and detergent-solubilized sheep erythrocyte membranes. Below 31°C the lipids suppress the enzyme activity by about 90%, whereas above this temperature this suppression is progressively abolished.  相似文献   

The molar ratio of cholesterol to phospholipid (C/P) in human erythrocyte membrane is modified by incubating the cells with liposomes of various C/P ratios. The observed increase in cell surface area may be accounted for by the addition of cholesterol molecules. Fusion between liposomes and cells or attachment of liposomes to cells is not a significant factor in the alteration of C/P ratio. Onset temperatures for lipid phase separation in modified membranes are measured by electron diffraction. The onset temperature increases with decreasing C/P ration from 2 degrees C at C/P = 0.95 to 20 degrees C at C/P = 0.5. Redistribution of intramembrane particles is observed in membranes freeze-quenched from temperatures below the onset temperature. The heterogeneous distribution of intramembrane particles below the onset temperature suggests phase separation of lipid, with concomitant segregation of intramembrane protein into domains, even in the presence of an intact spectrin network.  相似文献   

竹红菌甲素对红细胞膜内脂双层的微扰   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In this paper, using human erythrocyte membrane, the effect of Hypocrellin A on the lipid bilayer of the membrane was studied by measuring the change of the fluidity of the membrane, the energy transfer of the fluorescent probes, the shift of the fluorescent emission peaks, and the split of band-a of Hypocrellin A. The results showed that in the presence of HA, the fluidity of erythrocyte membrane was increased, the fluorescence intensity of the probes was decreased, and the fluorescence peaks shifted blue. These phenomena took place more seriously with the increment of HA concentration. Meanwhile, the band-a of HA excitation spectra was splitted. It was suggested from all of the results that HA could significantly perturb the lipid bilayer of erythrocyte membrane, there were interactions existing between the Hypocrellin A and the membrane. The HA was mainly located in the middle range of the membrane lipid bilayer when in high concentration (mainly to the 12-16 positions of the long chain fatty acid).  相似文献   

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