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The HLA region harbors some of the most polymorphic loci in the human genome. Among them is the class II locus HLA-DRB1, with more than 400 known alleles. The age of the polymorphism and the rate at which new alleles are generated at HLA loci has caused much controversy over the years. Previous studies have mostly been restricted to the 270 base pairs that constitute the second exon and represent the most variable part of the gene. Here, we investigate the evolutionary history of the HLA-DRB1 locus on the basis of an analysis of 15 genomic full-length alleles (10-15 kb). In addition, the variation in 49 complete coding sequences and 322 exon 2 sequences were analyzed. When excluding exon 2 from the analysis, the diversity at the synonymous sites was found to be similar to the intron diversity. The overall diversity in noncoding region was also similar to the genome average. The DRB1*03 lineage has been found in human, chimpanzee, bonobo, gorilla, and orangutan. An ancestral "proto HLA-DRB1*03 lineage" appeared to have diverged in the last 5 million years into the human-specific lineages *08, *11, *13, and *14. With exception to exon 2, both the coding- and the noncoding diversity suggests a recent origin (<1 million years ago) for most of the alleles at the HLA-DRB1 locus. Sites encoding for amino acids involved in antigen binding [antigen recognizing sites (ARS)] appear to have a more ancient origin. Taken together, the recent origin of most alleles, the high diversity between allelic lineages, and the ancient origin of sequence motifs in exon 2, is consistent with a relatively rapid generation of novel alleles by gene conversion like events.  相似文献   

 The present study is an analysis of the frequencies of HFE mutations in patients with different forms of iron overload compared with the frequencies found in healthy subjects from the same region. The frequencies of HLA-A and -B antigens and HLA haplotypes were also analyzed in the same subjects. The study population included: 71 healthy individuals; 39 genetically and clinically well-characterized patients with genetic hemochromatosis (HH); and 25 patients with non-classical forms of iron overload (NCH), excluding secondary hemochromatosis. All subjects were HLA-typed and HFE-genotyped by the oligonucleotide ligation assay (OLA). The gene frequencies found for the C282Y and H63D mutations of HFE were respectively: 0.03 and 0.23 in healthy individuals, 0.86 and 0.04 in HH patients, and 0.08 and 0.48 in NCH patients. An expected significant association between HH and HLA-A3 was observed, which was found to be in linkage disequilibrium with the C282Y mutation. A new association was seen, however, between HLA-A29 and NCH, in linkage disequilibrium with the H63D mutation. Again as expected, the HLA-B antigen B7 was associated with HH in linkage disequilibrium with HLA-A3. In addition, the HLA-B antigen B44 was found to be associated with NCH but not in linkage disequilibrium with either A29 or the H63D mutation. In conclusion, a new association of the HFE H63D mutation with forms of hemochromatosis other than HH and a new association between the HLA phenotype A29 and the HFE H63D mutation were found in the same patients. These findings reinforce evidence for the involvement of the major histocompatibility class I in iron metabolism, supporting the notion of a physiological role for the immunological system in the regulation of iron load. Received: 11 June 1997 / Revised: 29 October 1997  相似文献   

 The human genome contains a large number of interspersed microsatellite repeats which exhibit a high degree of polymorphism and are inherited in a Mendelian fashion, making them extremely useful genetic markers. Several microsatellites have been described in the HLA region, but allele nomenclature, a set of broadly distributed controls, and typing methods have not been standardized, which has resulted in discrepant microsatellite data between laboratories. In this report we present a detailed protocol for genotyping microsatellites using a semi-automated fluorescence-based method. Twelve microsatellites within or near the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) were typed in the 10th International Histocompatibility Workshop homozygous typing cell lines (HTCs) and alleles were designated based on size. All loci were sequenced in two HTCs providing some information on the level of complexity of the repeat sequence. A comparison of allele size obtained by genotyping versus that obtained by direct sequencing showed minor discrepancies in some cases, but these were not unexpected given the technical differences in the methodologies. Fluorescence-based typing of microsatellites in the MHC described herein is highly efficient, accurate, and reproducible, and will allow comparison of results between laboratories. Received: 10 May 1997 / Revised: 1 August 1997  相似文献   

 We examined 32 DNA sequences of mouse and human major histocompatibility complex (MHC) genes believed to have been subjected to gene conversion events. All regions of the mouse H2 genes as well as the human HLA genes which have been implied to be involved in gene conversion events had elevated levels of CpG dinucleotides, whereas the rest of the genes showed extensive CpG suppression. Mouse MHC genes which have been suspected but not directly implied to be involved in gene conversion events also showed elevated levels of CpG dinucleotides. Moreover, both mouse and human MHC genes which have never been suspected of undergoing gene conversion had low levels of CpG throughout the genes. These results indicate that high CpG levels are correlated with gene conversion rather than with polymorphism, as non-polymorphic genes that have been implicated as gene conversion donors also have elevated levels of CpG dimers in the involved regions, whereas polymorphic genes which have never been considered to undergo gene conversion events have a low level of CpG dinucleotides. We also studied the methylation pattern of CpG dimers in the Abk gene by restriction enzyme digestion of mouse testis DNA followed by Southern blot and hybridization to an Abk-specific probe. The examined CpG dimers in prepubescent mice, where the latest germline stages are spermatogonia, leptene, or pachytene, are respectively non-methylated. Accordingly, the CpG dimers appear to be non-methylated in germline DNA from the testis of prepubescent mice, where gene conversions have been reported to occur. Received: 6 May 1998 / Revised: 2 September 1998  相似文献   

pax-6 is thought to be a master control gene of eye development in species ranging from insects to mammals. We have isolated a pax-6 cDNA homolog of the newt, Cynops pyrrhogaster. RT-PCR and sequence analyses predicted four alternatively spliced forms derived from inclusion or exclusion of the region corresponding to exons 5a and 12 in the human pax-6 ortholog. This gene shared extensive sequence identitiy and similar expression patterns with those of mouse and zebrafish. pax-6 signal was first detected at the anterior ridge of the neural plate, and later at the eye and nasal primordium and in the central nervous system – except for the midbrain. The injection of sonic hedgehog (shh) RNA inhibited the expression of pax-6 within the optic vesicle and disturbed eye cup formation. A similar suppressive effect of shh was also observed in the conjugation of the animal caps preloaded with exogenous shh and noggin mRNA, which was used as an inducer of pax-6. In contrast, shh injection had no effect on the expression of pax-6 in the surface ectoderm overlying the optic cup, suggesting that the expression of pax-6 in the surface ectoderm is not regulated by shh in vivo. Moreover, we found transient activation of pax-6 in animal cap explants at the sibling stage of mid-late gastrula. This observation raises the possibility that the ectoderm is competent to the lens-inducing signal at a stage as early as mid gastrula. Received: 5 February 1997 / Accepted: 30 April 1997  相似文献   

Two key enzymes of gluconeogenesis, glucose-6-phosphatase and fructosp-1-6-diphosphatase, were present in the cerebral hemispheres, the cerebellum and the brain stem of the rat brain. Significant activities of these-enzymes were associated with the particulate fraction.  相似文献   

 A yeast artificial chromosome (YAC) contig from the C57BL/6 (H2 b ) mouse was created from the major histocompatibility complex (Mhc, H2 in mouse) class Ib subregion, H2-M. It spans approximately 1.2 megabase (Mb) pairs and unites the previous >1.5-Mb YAC contigs (Jones et al. 1995) into a single contig, which includes 21 Mhc class I genes distal to H2-T1. A bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) contig from the 129 (H2 bc ) mouse, spanning approximately 600 kilobases, was also built from Znf173 (Afp, a gene for acid finger protein), through Tctex5 (t-complex testis expressed-5) and Mog (myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein), to H2-M2. Twenty-four sequence-tagged site (STS) markers were newly developed, and 35 markers were mapped in the YAC/BAC contigs, which define the marker order as Cen –Znf173Tctex5 – MogD17Tu42D17Mit232H2-M3D17Leh525H2-M2– Tel. The gene order of Znf173 – Tctex5 – Mog – D17Tu42 is conserved between mouse and human, showing that the middle H2-M region corresponds to the subregion of the human Mhc surrounding HLA-A. Received: 25 July 1997 / Revised: 10 September 1997  相似文献   

利用分别含有 CMV启动子和 RSV LTR启动子的两种真核表达载体 ,在 CHO- K细胞中成功地表达了人可溶性白细胞介素 - 6受体 ( hs IL- 6R) ,比较了两种启动子在表达效率上的差异 ,结果表明 ,CMV启动子的效率略高于 RSV LTR启动子。  相似文献   

 For a single-dose toxicity assessment, five patients with recurrent malignant glioma (ages 29–46 years) were treated with intracavitary alloreactive cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) and interleukin-2 (IL-2). The trial tested the hypothesis that alloreactive CTL, sensitized to the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) proteins of the patient, offer selective, targeted killing of glioma cells that express MHC. Patient lymphocytes, which also express MHC, were irradiated and placed into CellMax artificial capillary systems with lymphocytes from MHC-disparate donors and CTL developed over a 2- to 3-week period with a low concentration of IL-2. The CTL largely expressed CD3 and CD11a/CD8 markers and lysed targets displaying patient MHC. CTL were implanted into the tumor bed at surgery and a catheter was used for subsequent infusions. Patients received one to five treatment cycles every other month; one cycle generally consisted of two or three CTL infusates administered within a 1- to 2-week period. Different unrelated donors were used for each cycle. Treatment was well tolerated; transient toxicity at grades 1–3 was recorded by NCI Common Toxicity Scale criteria. Two glioblastoma patients have died; one from tumor recurrence locally and the other from recurrence at a site distant from the treatment. Two of the five patients completed five cycles; one anaplastic oligodendroglioma patient shows no evidence of tumor 30 months from the start of immune therapy and an anaplastic astrocytoma patient shows stable disease 28 months after initiation of therapy. One anaplastic oligodendroglioma patient, who dropped the protocol during her second treatment cycle, has no evidence of tumor 28 months after recurrence. Received: 21 May 1997 / Accepted: 17 July 1997  相似文献   

 We describe the use of a high-throughput, fluorescent, polymorphism-detection system, based on single-strand conformation polymorphism to screen for polymorphism in the RING3 gene. This is the first extensive mutation screen of this major histocompatibility complex-linked gene, and the entire coding region and intron-exon junctions were examined by multiplexing over 3000 polymerase chain reaction products. These techniques should be applicable for analysis of variation in other human genes. Investigation of DNA from acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) and chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) patients, as well as healthy individuals revealed low levels of polymorphism across the RING3 gene. Comparison of the distribution of genotypes at each polymorphic site between patients and healthy individuals revealed a single site which significantly deviates from Hardy-Weinberg proportions. Received: 16 July 1998 / Revised: 9 September 1998  相似文献   

 In this study, we endeavored to determine the effectiveness of interferon β (IFNβ) gene therapy against highly metastatic murine UV-2237m fibrosarcoma cells. UV-2237m cells were engineered to produce murine IFNβ constitutively following infection by a retroviral vector harboring the murine IFNβ gene. Parental (UV-2237m-P), control-vector-transduced (UV-2237m-Neo), and IFNβ-transduced (UV-2237m-IFNβ) cells were injected subcutaneously (s.c.) or intravenously (i.v.) into syngeneic mice. Parental and control-transduced cells produced rapidly growing tumors, whereas IFNβ-transduced cells did not. The tumorigenicity of IFNβ-sensitive or -resistant parental cells was significantly suppressed when they were injected s.c. together with IFNβ-transduced cells. The IFNβ-transduced cells did not inhibit growth of parental cells injected s.c. at a distant site. UV-2237m-IFNβ cells produced s.c. tumors in nude, SCID/Beige, and natural killer(NK)-cell-compromised syngeneic mice. The IFNβ-transduced cells were more sensitive to in vitro splenic cell-mediated lysis than were the parental or control-transduced cells. Pretreatment of C3H/HeN mice with the NK-cell-selective antiserum (anti-asialoGM1) partially abrogated the cytotoxic activity of the cells. Cytotoxic activity was not observed in mixed culture of UV-2237m-IFNβ cells and splenic cells from SCID/Beige mice. Significant cytotoxicity against UV-2237m-IFNβ cells was mediated by macrophages activated by either IFNγ, lipopolysaccharide, or a combination of both. Our data led us to conclude that the constitutive expression of IFNβ can suppress tumorigenicity and metastasis of UV-2237m cells, which is due, in part, to activation of host effector cells. Received: 12 November 1997 / Accepted: 30 January 1998  相似文献   

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