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Greaves S  Sanson B  White P  Vincent JP 《Genetics》1999,152(4):1753-1766
Applications of quantitative genetics and conservation genetics often require measures of pairwise relationships between individuals, which, in the absence of known pedigree structure, can be estimated only by use of molecular markers. Here we introduce methods for the joint estimation of the two-gene and four-gene coefficients of relationship from data on codominant molecular markers in randomly mating populations. In a comparison with other published estimators of pairwise relatedness, we find these new "regression" estimators to be computationally simpler and to yield similar or lower sampling variances, particularly when many loci are used or when loci are hypervariable. Two examples are given in which the new estimators are applied to natural populations, one that reveals isolation-by-distance in an annual plant and the other that suggests a genetic basis for a coat color polymorphism in bears.  相似文献   

M Peifer  E Wieschaus 《Cell》1990,63(6):1167-1176
The Drosophila segment polarity gene armadillo is required for pattern formation within embryonic segments and imaginal discs. We have found that armadillo is highly conserved during evolution; it is 63% identical to human plakoglobin, a protein found in adhesive junctions joining epithelial and other cells. We have examined arm protein localization in a number of larval tissues and found that arm protein accumulation within cells shares many features with the accumulation of plakoglobin. We have compared the phenotype and molecular lesions responsible for the different arm mutations. Surprisingly, severely truncated proteins retain some function; the degree of function is strictly correlated with the length of the truncated protein, suggesting that the internally repetitive arm protein is modular in function. We present a possible model for the cellular role of arm.  相似文献   



The asymmetric segregation of determinants during cell division is a fundamental mechanism for generating cell fate diversity during development. In Drosophila, neural precursors (neuroblasts) divide in a stem cell-like manner generating a larger apical neuroblast and a smaller basal ganglion mother cell. The cell fate determinant Prospero and its adapter protein Miranda are asymmetrically localized to the basal cortex of the dividing neuroblast and segregated into the GMC upon cytokinesis. Previous screens to identify components of the asymmetric division machinery have concentrated on embryonic phenotypes. However, such screens are reaching saturation and are limited in that the maternal contribution of many genes can mask the effects of zygotic loss of function, and other approaches will be necessary to identify further genes involved in neuroblast asymmetric division.


We have performed a genetic screen in the third instar larval brain using the basal localization of Miranda as a marker for neuroblast asymmetry. In addition to the examination of pupal lethal mutations, we have employed the MARCM (Mosaic Analysis with a Repressible Cell Marker) system to generate postembryonic clones of mutations with an early lethal phase. We have screened a total of 2,300 mutagenized chromosomes and isolated alleles affecting cell fate, the localization of basal determinants or the orientation of the mitotic spindle. We have also identified a number of complementation groups exhibiting defects in cell cycle progression and cytokinesis, including both novel genes and new alleles of known components of these processes.


We have identified four mutations which affect the process of neuroblast asymmetric division. One of these, mapping to the imaginal discs arrested locus, suggests a novel role for the anaphase promoting complex/cyclosome (APC/C) in the targeting of determinants to the basal cortex. The identification and analysis of the remaining mutations will further advance our understanding of the process of asymmetric cell division. We have also isolated a number of mutations affecting cell division which will complement the functional genomics approaches to this process being employed by other laboratories. Taken together, these results demonstrate the value of mosaic screens in the identification of genes involved in neuroblast division.  相似文献   

A genetic screen for DNA double-strand break repair mutations in Drosophila   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Wei DS  Rong YS 《Genetics》2007,177(1):63-77
The study of DNA double-strand break (DSB) repair has been greatly facilitated by the use of rare-cutting endonucleases, which induce a break precisely at their cut sites that can be strategically placed in the genome. We previously established such a system in Drosophila and showed that the yeast I-SceI enzyme cuts efficiently in Drosophila cells and those breaks are effectively repaired by conserved mechanisms. In this study, we determined the genetic requirements for the repair of this I-SceI-induced DSB in the germline. We show that Drosophila Rad51 and Rad54 are both required for homologous repair by gene conversion, but are dispensable for single-strand annealing repair. We provided evidence suggesting that Rad51 is more stringently required than Rad54 for intersister gene conversion. We uncovered a significant role of DNA ligase IV in nonhomologous end joining. We conducted a screen for candidate mutations affecting DSB repair and discovered novel mutations in genes that include mutagen sensitive 206, single-strand annealing reducer, and others. In addition, we demonstrated an intricate balance among different repair pathways in which the cell differentially utilizes repair mechanisms in response to both changes in the genomic environment surrounding the break and deficiencies in one or the other repair pathways.  相似文献   

Macroautophagy is a catabolic process that maintains cellular homeostasis and protects cells against various external stresses including starvation. Except for the identification of the Akt-mTORC1 pathway as a major negative regulator, little is known about signaling networks that control macroautophagy under optimal growth conditions. Therefore, we screened a human kinome siRNA library for siRNAs that increase the number of autophagosomes in normally growing MCF-7 human breast carcinoma cells, and identified 10 kinases as regulators of constitutive macroautophagy. Further analysis of these kinases with respect to the autophagic flux, kinase signaling and endolysosomal function identified WNK2 as a positive regulator of autophagosome maturation and nine others as macroautophagy inhibitors. The depletion of MK2, PACSIN1, DAPK2, CDKL3 and SCYL1 functioned upstream of Akt-mTORC1 pathway, whereas CSNK1A1, BUB1, PKLR and NEK4 suppressed autophagosome formation downstream or independent of mTORC1. Importantly, all identified kinases except for BUB1 regulated macroautophagy also in immortalized MCF-10A breast epithelial cells. The kinases identified here shed light to the complex regulation of macroautophagy and open new possibilities for its pharmacological manipulation.  相似文献   

Macroautophagy is a catabolic process that maintains cellular homeostasis and protects cells against various external stresses including starvation. Except for the identification of the Akt-mTORC1 pathway as a major negative regulator, little is known about signaling networks that control macroautophagy under optimal growth conditions. Therefore, we screened a human kinome siRNA library for siRNAs that increase the number of autophagosomes in normally growing MCF-7 human breast carcinoma cells, and identified 10 kinases as regulators of constitutive macroautophagy. Further analysis of these kinases with respect to the autophagic flux, kinase signaling and endolysosomal function identified WNK2 as a positive regulator of autophagosome maturation and nine others as macroautophagy inhibitors. The depletion of MK2, PACSIN1, DAPK2, CDKL3 and SCYL1 functioned upstream of Akt-mTORC1 pathway, whereas CSNK1A1, BUB1, PKLR and NEK4 suppressed autophagosome formation downstream or independent of mTORC1. Importantly, all identified kinases except for BUB1 regulated macroautophagy also in immortalized MCF-10A breast epithelial cells. The kinases identified here shed light to the complex regulation of macroautophagy and open new possibilities for its pharmacological manipulation.  相似文献   

The development of external sensory organs on the notum of Drosophila is promoted by the proneural genes achaete and scute. Their activity defines proneural cell clusters in the wing imaginal disc. Ectopic expression, under control of the GAL4 system, of the proneural gene lethal of scute (l'sc) causes the development of ectopic bristles. Persistent ectopic expression of l'sc is not sufficient to impose a neural fate on any given cell. This implies that mutual inhibition, mediated by the Notch signaling pathway, occurs among the cells of the ectopic proneural cluster. Consequently, the dominant, quantifiable phenotype associated with ectopic expression of l'sc is modified by mutations in genes known to be involved in neurogenesis. This phenotype has been utilized to screen for dominant enhancers and suppressors that modify the number of ectopic bristles. In this way, about 100 000 progeny of EMS or X-ray-treated flies have been analyzed to identify autosomal genes involved in regulation of the neural fate. In addition 1200 chromosomes carrying lethal P-element insertions were screened for modifiers. Besides mutations in genes expected to modify the phenotype, we have isolated mutations in six genes not known so far to be involved in neurogenesis.  相似文献   

To ensure proper transmission of genetic information, cells need to preserve and faithfully replicate their genome, and failure to do so leads to genome instability, a hallmark of both cancer and aging. Defects in genes involved in guarding genome stability cause several human progeroid syndromes, and an age‐dependent accumulation of mutations has been observed in different organisms, from yeast to mammals. However, it is unclear whether the spontaneous mutation rate changes during aging and whether specific pathways are important for genome maintenance in old cells. We developed a high‐throughput replica‐pinning approach to screen for genes important to suppress the accumulation of spontaneous mutations during yeast replicative aging. We found 13 known mutation suppression genes, and 31 genes that had no previous link to spontaneous mutagenesis, and all acted independently of age. Importantly, we identified PEX19, encoding an evolutionarily conserved peroxisome biogenesis factor, as an age‐specific mutation suppression gene. While wild‐type and pex19Δ young cells have similar spontaneous mutation rates, aged cells lacking PEX19 display an elevated mutation rate. This finding suggests that functional peroxisomes may be important to preserve genome integrity specifically in old cells.  相似文献   

Programmed cell death (PCD) in the Drosophila retina requires activity of the irregular chiasmC-roughest (irreC-rst) gene. Loss-of-function mutations in irreC-rst block PCD during retinal development and lead to a rough eye phenotype in the adult. To identify genes that interact with irreC-rst and may be involved in PCD, we conducted a genetic screen for dominant enhancers and suppressors of the adult rough eye phenotype. We screened 150,000 mutagenized flies and recovered 170 dominant modifiers that localized primarily to the second and third chromosomes. At least two allelic groups correspond to previously identified death regulators, Delta and dRas1. Examination of retinae from homozygous viable mutants indicated two major phenotypic classes. One class exhibited pleiotropic defects while the other class exhibited defects specific to the cell population that normally undergoes PCD.  相似文献   

Disruption of dopaminergic (DA) systems is thought to play a central role in the addictive process and in the pathophysiology of schizophrenia. Although inheritance plays an important role in the predisposition to these disorders, the genetic basis of this is not well understood. To provide additional insight, we have performed a modifier screen in mice designed to identify mutations that perturb DA homeostasis. With a genetic background sensitized by a mutation in the dopamine transporter (DAT), we used random chemical mutagenesis and screened for mutant mice with locomotor abnormalities. Four mutant lines were identified with quantitatively elevated levels of locomotor activity. Mapping of mutations in these lines identified two loci that alter activity only when dopamine levels are elevated by a DAT mutation and thus would only have been uncovered by this type of approach. One of these quantitative trait loci behaves as an enhancer of DA neurotransmission, whereas the other may act as a suppressor. In addition, we also identified three loci which are not dependent on the sensitized background but which also contribute to the overall locomotor phenotype.  相似文献   

Kankel MW  Duncan DM  Duncan I 《Genetics》2004,168(1):161-180
The pair-rule gene fushi tarazu (ftz) of Drosophila is expressed at the blastoderm stage in seven stripes that serve to define the even-numbered parasegments. ftz encodes a DNA-binding homeodomain protein and is known to regulate genes of the segment polarity, homeotic, and pair-rule classes. Despite intensive analysis in a number of laboratories, how ftz is regulated and how it controls its targets are still poorly understood. To help understand these processes, we conducted a screen to identify dominant mutations that enhance the lethality of a ftz temperature-sensitive mutant. Twenty-six enhancers were isolated, which define 21 genes. All but one of the mutations recovered show a maternal effect in their interaction with ftz. Three of the enhancers proved to be alleles of the known ftz protein cofactor gene ftz-f1, demonstrating the efficacy of the screen. Four enhancers are alleles of Atrophin (Atro), the Drosophila homolog of the human gene responsible for the neurodegenerative disease dentatorubral-pallidoluysian atrophy. Embryos from Atro mutant germ-line mothers lack the even-numbered (ftz-dependent) engrailed stripes and show strong ftz-like segmentation defects. These defects likely result from a reduction in Even-skipped (Eve) repression ability, as Atro has been shown to function as a corepressor for Eve. In this study, we present evidence that Atro is also a member of the trithorax group (trxG) of Hox gene regulators. Atro appears to be particularly closely related in function to the trxG gene osa, which encodes a component of the brahma chromatin remodeling complex. One additional gene was identified that causes pair-rule segmentation defects in embryos from homozygous mutant germ-line mothers. The single allele of this gene, called bek, also causes nuclear abnormalities similar to those caused by alleles of the Trithorax-like gene, which encodes the GAGA factor.  相似文献   

Zhu MY  Wilson R  Leptin M 《Genetics》2005,170(2):767-777
The misexpression of an activated form of the FGF receptor (FGFR) Breathless in conjunction with downstream-of-FGF-receptor (Dof), an essential signaling molecule of the FGF pathway, in the Drosophila eye imaginal discs impairs eye development and results in a rough eye phenotype. We used this phenotype in a gain-of-function screen to search for modifiers of FGF signaling. We identified 50 EP stocks with insertions defining at least 35 genes that affect the rough eye phenotype. Among these genes, 4 appear to be specific for FGFR signaling, but most of the genes also influence other signaling pathways, as assessed by their effects on rough eyes induced by other activated receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs). Analysis of loss-of-function alleles of a number of these genes in embryos indicates that in many cases the products are provided maternally and are involved in germ cell development. At least two of the genes, sar1 and robo2, show a genetic interaction with a hypomorphic dof allele, suggesting that they participate in FGF-mediated morphogenetic events during embryogenesis.  相似文献   

Many diverse animal species regenerate parts of an organ or tissue after injury. However, the molecules responsible for the regenerative growth remain largely unknown. The screen reported here aimed to identify genes that function in regeneration and the transdetermination events closely associated with imaginal disc regeneration using Drosophila melanogaster. We screened a collection of 97 recessive lethal P-lacZ enhancer trap lines for two primary criteria: first, the ability to dominantly modify wg-induced leg-to-wing transdetermination and second, for the activation or repression of the lacZ reporter gene in the blastema during disc regeneration. Of the 97 P-lacZ lines, we identified six genes (Krüppel-homolog-1, rpd3, jing, combgap, Aly and S6 kinase) that met both criteria. Five of these genes suppress, while one enhances, leg-to-wing transdetermination and therefore affects disc regeneration. Two of the genes, jing and rpd3, function in concert with chromatin remodeling proteins of the Polycomb Group (PcG) and trithorax Group (trxG) genes during Drosophila development, thus linking chromatin remodeling with the process of regeneration.  相似文献   

This article reports the production of an EP-element insertion library with more than 3,700 unique target sites within the Drosophila melanogaster genome and its use to systematically identify genes that affect embryonic muscle pattern formation. We designed a UAS/GAL4 system to drive GAL4-responsive expression of the EP-targeted genes in developing apodeme cells to which migrating myotubes finally attach and in an intrasegmental pattern of cells that serve myotubes as a migration substrate on their way towards the apodemes. The results suggest that misexpression of more than 1.5% of the Drosophila genes can interfere with proper myotube guidance and/or muscle attachment. In addition to factors already known to participate in these processes, we identified a number of enzymes that participate in the synthesis or modification of protein carbohydrate side chains and in Ubiquitin modifications and/or the Ubiquitin-dependent degradation of proteins, suggesting that these processes are relevant for muscle pattern formation.  相似文献   

The Drosophila adult external sensory organ, comprising a neuron and its support cells, is derived from a single precursor cell via several asymmetric cell divisions. To identify molecules involved in sensory organ development, we conducted a tissue-specific gain-of-function screen. We screened 2293 independent P-element lines established by P. Rorth and identified 105 lines, carrying insertions at 78 distinct loci, that produced misexpression phenotypes with changes in number, fate, or morphology of cells of the adult external sensory organ. On the basis of the gain-of-function phenotypes of both internal and external support cells, we subdivided the candidate lines into three classes. The first class (52 lines, 40 loci) exhibits partial or complete loss of adult external sensory organs. The second class (38 lines, 28 loci) is associated with increased numbers of entire adult external sensory organs or subsets of sensory organ cells. The third class (15 lines, 10 loci) results in potential cell fate transformations. Genetic and molecular characterization of these candidate lines reveals that some loci identified in this screen correspond to genes known to function in the formation of the peripheral nervous system, such as big brain, extra macrochaetae, and numb. Also emerging from the screen are a large group of previously uncharacterized genes and several known genes that have not yet been implicated in the development of the peripheral nervous system.  相似文献   

Therrien M  Morrison DK  Wong AM  Rubin GM 《Genetics》2000,156(3):1231-1242
kinase suppressor of Ras (ksr) encodes a putative protein kinase that by genetic criteria appears to function downstream of RAS in multiple receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) pathways. While biochemical evidence suggests that the role of KSR is closely linked to the signal transduction mechanism of the MAPK cascade, the precise molecular function of KSR remains unresolved. To further elucidate the role of KSR and to identify proteins that may be required for KSR function, we conducted a dominant modifier screen in Drosophila based on a KSR-dependent phenotype. Overexpression of the KSR kinase domain in a subset of cells during Drosophila eye development blocks photoreceptor cell differentiation and results in the external roughening of the adult eye. Therefore, mutations in genes functioning with KSR might modify the KSR-dependent phenotype. We screened approximately 185,000 mutagenized progeny for dominant modifiers of the KSR-dependent rough eye phenotype. A total of 15 complementation groups of Enhancers and four complementation groups of Suppressors were derived. Ten of these complementation groups correspond to mutations in known components of the Ras1 pathway, demonstrating the ability of the screen to specifically identify loci critical for Ras1 signaling and further confirming a role for KSR in Ras1 signaling. In addition, we have identified 4 additional complementation groups. One of them corresponds to the kismet locus, which encodes a putative chromatin remodeling factor. The relevance of these loci with respect to the function of KSR and the Ras1 pathway in general is discussed.  相似文献   

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