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This article focuses on human‐plant relations, drawing on ethnographic research from northern Australia's Gulf Country to address the concept of indigeneity. Just as the identities of ‘Indigenous’ and ‘non‐Indigenous’ people in this region are contextual and at times contested according to the vernacular categories of ‘Blackfellas’, ‘Whitefellas’, and ‘Yellafellas’, so too the issue of what ‘belongs’ in the natural world is negotiated through ambiguities about whether species are useful, productive, and aesthetically pleasing to humans, as well as local understandings about how plants and animals came to be located in the Gulf region. At the same time, plants’ distinctive characteristics as plants shape their relations with humans in ways which affect their categorization as ‘native’ and ‘alien’ or ‘introduced’. Focusing our analysis on three specific trees, we argue that attention to the ‘plantiness’ of flora contributes significantly to debates about indigeneity in society and nature. At the same time, our focus on human‐plant relations contributes important context and nuance to current debates about human and other‐than‐human relations in a more‐than‐human world.  相似文献   

The steady flow of solar energy through prebiotic chemical systems forced them to undergo material cycles, and this cycling was inherited by living organisms. Organisms whose cycling synchronized with periodic phenomena, such as day/night and seasonal variations were favored. At a later stage, evolution also favored organisms that, besides of a synchronized cycling, developed a ‘sense of time’ to cope with non-cyclic and unique events in the environment. In the case of human beings, this ‘sense of time’ was used to detect causal chains (cause → effect), combine them to produce dynamic models of reality, and transform real time scales into mental time scales (it takes a moment to remember a year-long phenomenon). The ‘sense of time’ constituted a decisive evolutive advantage, because it enables humans to analyze a multitude of future possibilities, and choose the most promising one. Yet ‘sense of time’ is just an empty metaphore, because it is not a true ‘sense’, and we ignore what ‘time’ really is. Most scientific disciplines simply take for granted that there is a ‘time flowing from future to past’. Biologists instead, cannot adopt this attitude because ‘time’ may very well be an intrinsic property of our mind, i.e., a peculiar aspect of brain physiology.  相似文献   

The term ‘Anthropocene’ often carries apocalyptic overtones of environmental devastation, but many nineteenth-century iterations of the ‘Age of Humans’ idea were explicitly optimistic. The current time period was framed as a ‘Psychozoic Era’ or ‘Age of Mind’ in which human beings took their predetermined place at the pinnacle of ‘creation’. Hiram Alvin Reid, an amateur scientist in the midwestern United States, took this line of thinking a step further. He drafted a geologic time chart in which the current ‘Age of Man’ was succeeded by a future ‘Age of Angels’, wherein humans will become higher beings. Reid was a Christian spiritualist who thought that evolution drove both physical and spiritual advancement, including the recent development of a ‘sixth sense’ that allowed humans to perceive ghosts and angels. Reid’s views, while idiosyncratic and coloured by his metaphysical beliefs, drew heavily on mainstream concepts in biology and geology. Prominent geologists like James Dana and Joseph Le Conte argued for an Age of Mind in terms that mixed scientific rigor with religious and progressionist ideas. The Psychozoic was also embraced by many progressive-minded individuals outside the natural sciences, paralleling widespread modern interest in the Anthropocene.  相似文献   

Encountered by mobile money professionals – industry and philanthropic actors seeking to bring mobile phone‐enabled financial products to poor people in the ‘developing world’ – the authors move together with new collaborators to inquire into a problem they had been grappling with for some time. This is the problem of agency; specifically, the agency of ‘mobile money agents’, the people ‘on the ground’ or ‘in the field’ who form a crucial function in permitting others to put cash into an electronic money transfer system and pull cash out of it. These ‘human ATMs’ or ‘bridges to cash’ become the object of analytical scrutiny for mobile money experts and anthropologists. This article takes that analytical scrutiny – and not mobile money agents themselves – as its object. It seeks to understand how ‘agency’ inflects debates over money, its meaning and its pragmatics, and its transformation in new communicative infrastructures, and how it might inform anthropology and political struggles over money and payment.  相似文献   

What are the relations between the discourse of ‘multiculturalism’ and that of ‘indigeneity’ in Australia? In problematising these relations this paper explores the affiliations that Latin American migrants and political refugees living in Adelaide have with the notion of indigeneity. For some Latin Americans affiliations with the struggle of Aboriginal people and indigeneity is a product of strong political identification with the political left and the struggle for human rights in their countries of origin. At the same time references to Latin Americans' indigeneity are often evoked within Australian multicultural settings and performances that promote ‘cultural diversity’ and are consumed by White Australians for their exotic otherness and as forms of cultural enrichment. Such representations work to marginalise further the migrants (and the ‘indigenous’) into a cultural sphere which marks them as the tolerated ethnic ‘Other’.  相似文献   

Melatonin signals time of day and time of year in mammals by virtue of its pattern of secretion, which defines ‘biological night.’ It is supremely important for research on the physiology and pathology of the human biological clock. Light suppresses melatonin secretion at night using pathways involved in circadian photoreception. The melatonin rhythm (as evidenced by its profile in plasma, saliva, or its major metabolite, 6‐sulphatoxymelatonin [aMT6s] in urine) is the best peripheral index of the timing of the human circadian pacemaker. Light suppression and phase‐shifting of the melatonin 24 h profile enables the characterization of human circadian photoreception, and circulating concentrations of the hormone are used to investigate the general properties of the human circadian system in health and disease. Suppression of melatonin by light at night has been invoked as a possible influence on major disease risk as there is increasing evidence for its oncostatic effects. Exogenous melatonin acts as a ‘chronobiotic.’ Acutely, it increases sleep propensity during ‘biological day.’ These properties have led to successful treatments for serveal circadian rhythm disorders. Endogenous melatonin acts to reinforce the functioning of the human circadian system, probably in many ways. The future holds much promise for melatonin as a research tool and as a therapy for various conditions.  相似文献   

Harwood’s Spurfowl Pternistis harwoodi is an endemic bird of Ethiopia. Globally, it is categorised as Vulnerable. Habitat loss and hunting are the major conservation threats to the species. This study investigated the activity patterns of Harwood’s Spurfowl in relation to biophysical variables in the Central Highlands of Ethiopia. A species focal sampling method was applied to quantify the time budget of the target species during the dry and wet seasons of 2016. The time spent by the species on various activity patterns were significantly different (p < 0.05). The mean proportion of time utilised by the species for ‘calling’, ‘feeding’, ‘preening’ and ‘resting’ activities based on habitat types and seasons were also statistically different (p < 0.05). Except for ‘resting’, most activity patterns showed bimodal patterns with peaks during the early morning and late in the afternoon. The number of Harwood’s Spurfowl (birds per hour per square metre) detected was higher during the cooler wet season. The highest bird counts occurred during low temperature, low wind speed and high relative humidity in the early morning and late afternoon. The species was recorded most in the scrubland habitat where human disturbance was low. Thus, this habitat should be conserved and managed to sustain the population.  相似文献   

Based on 10 months of fieldwork in the Acholi region of northern Uganda among youth and adults who were forcefully recruited into the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) during the war, this article provides qualitative details to research on ‘appetitive aggression.’ Through two case-stories the article unfolds first person articulations of how ‘appetitive aggression’ is experienced as ‘the urge to kill’ and how it relates to the emic Acholi spiritual concept of ‘cen’; a local Luo expression used to describe places and human beings possessed by evil spirits. The analysis illuminates what the individual and social implications of ‘the urge to kill’ and ‘cen’ entail for two Acholi men; first in a militia and then in a civil post-war context. The analysis then relates these findings to soldier experiences across cultures and time periods. While our analysis supports the findings in ‘appetitive aggression’ studies that appetitive aggression serves as a resilient protective factor against developing post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), this study documents that once the former forcefully recruited return to civilian life, ‘appetitive aggression’ and ‘the urge to kill’ precipitate individual and at times lethal social and moral complications in a fragile post-war community. Thus, the article argues that appetitive aggression and the emic perceptions and experiences of it among the local population are essential to consider in studies, processes and programs targeting demobilization, rehabilitation, reconciliation and re-integration.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of floral spectral studies on 1275 flowers from India, Brazil, Israel, Germany, and Norway. Floral spectral reflectance from 400 to 700 nm (nm) was used to quantitatively represent ‘human-perceived’ color of flowers in Red, Green, Blue color space. Floral spectral reflectance from 350 to 600 nm was used to discern and objectively represent ‘insect pollinator-perceived’ flower colors in color hexagon. We leverage the advantage offered by ‘quantified human perception’ provided by ‘human-perceived’ floral colors to represent the distribution of floral hues and uncover the relationship between the composition of incoming solar radiation and predominant ‘human-perceived’ floral colors at the tropics and the higher latitudes. Further, the observed species-level mutual exclusivity of ‘insect pollinator-perceived’ floral colors is stated as chromatic exclusivity hypothesis. We compare ‘human-perceived’ and ‘insect pollinator-perceived’ floral colors at Trivandrum (India) and provide a physical explanation for short and long ‘wavelength triads’ of insect pollinator and human visual sensitivity respectively.  相似文献   

The link that Jean‐Jacques Rousseau forged a long time ago between the ‘real’ and the ‘natural’ has proved to be indissoluble. Time and again, contemporary constructions of the real mobilize all that can be linked to nature. Inauthentic, by contrast, is that which is fabricated, made up, artificial, the all‐too‐evident result of human design. In Bahia, Brazil, the author encountered a completely different mode in the cultural production of the real. Analysing the performance of a Bahian drag queen who goes by the name of Gina da Mascar, the author discusses ‘camp’ and ‘baroque’ as registers that foster a sensibility for (and appreciation of) cultural forms that are ‘truly false’. He shows how the appeal of these registers – their persuasiveness, their form of truth‐telling – resonates with the sensibilities of people whose biographies are marked by radical discontinuities, and he argues that these registers might be understood as a popular articulation of the Lacanian understanding that symbolic closure is an impossibility.  相似文献   

Assessment of cultivated cherry germplasm in Iran by multivariate analysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Key message

This work is an important step in the conservation of genetic cherry resources, which showed distinctive and interesting agronomical characters. Also it introduces suitable genotypes for cultivation and breeding studies.


The purpose of this study was to characterize cherry germplasm that is cultivated in Iran. Thirty-three morphopomological parameters were studied in this germplasm, consisting of 70 cherry genotypes (41 sweet cherry, 24 sour cherry and 5 duke cherry genotypes). A wide variation was found in blooming time, ripening time, fruit weight, fruit color, anthocyanin, total soluble solids (TSS), titratable acidity (TA), fruit dimensions and flesh firmness and stone size. There were close positive correlations between fruit weight and fruit dimensions, and between fruit weight and fruit stalk weight, fruit flesh firmness and cracking and also a negative correlation between pH and TA. Dendrogram gave a clear separation between the sour, duke and sweet cherry species and also showed existing intraspecific morphological variation. Based on fruit size and organoleptic properties, the sweet cherry genotypes ‘Siah-Mashhad’, ‘Takdaneh-Mashhad’, ‘Shabestar’, ‘Siah-Daneshkade’, ‘Ghazvin’ and ‘Droongezna’ are recommended for fresh consumption. Good fruit chemical composition and late-ripening time stands out genotypes ‘Dirres-Italia’, ‘Dirres-Pardis’, ‘Maremoot’, ‘Abardeh’ and ‘Rorshon’ and make them suitable for processing. Also, ‘Gilas46’ and ‘Gilas49’ were substantially late-ripening, a characteristic that makes these genotypes highly suitable for breeding studies in case of ripening time. Furthermore, sour cherries ‘Hashtgerd2’ and ‘Hashtgerd3’ and duke cherries ‘Pardis1’ and ‘Pardis3’ were the best genotypes. This work is an important step in the conservation of genetic cherry resources in Iran, which showed distinctive and interesting agronomical characters such as low susceptibility to fruit cracking, high levels of total soluble solids, early fruit maturity and high fruit quality.  相似文献   

In our 2011 synthesis (Bowman et al., Journal of Biogeography, 2011, 38 , 2223–2236), we argued for a holistic approach to human issues in fire science that we term ‘pyrogeography’. Coughlan & Petty (Journal of Biogeography, 2013, 40 , 1010–1012) critiqued our paper on the grounds that our ‘pyric phase’ model was built on outdated views of cultural development, claiming we developed it to be the unifying explanatory framework for all human–fire sciences. Rather, they suggest that ‘historical ecology’ could provide such a framework. We used the ‘pyric transition’ for multiple purposes but did not offer it as an exclusive explanatory framework for pyrogeography. Although ‘historical ecology’ is one of many useful approaches to studying human–fire relationships, scholars should also look to political and evolutionary ecology, ecosystems and complexity theories, as well as empirical generalizations to build an interdisciplinary fire science that incorporates human, ecological and biophysical dimensions of fire regimes.  相似文献   


Disquiet relating to the potential for knowing one's ‘fate’ emerged strongly in sixteen focus groups relating to genetic testing held in Aotearoa/New Zealand. This paper draws on the concept of ‘life itself’, rephrased here as ‘capitalised genomics’, to understand this reaction. A tension relating to the discourse of geneticisation, in which ‘the gene’ is held to carry essential identity, links to ancestors and people, and yet also to create fixed and innate characteristics, is described. Insofar as genes are also understood to be coded and manipulable information, participants were concerned that the instrumentalisation inherent to Western technoscience may become applicable to human nature. This paper argues that participants' focus on issues associated with potentially ‘knowing one's fate’ thus speaks to an understanding of the underlying dynamics of human genomics within a capitalistic context.  相似文献   

Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (MAP), the causative agent of Johne's disease (JD) in animals, has also been linked with Crohn's disease in human beings. Lack of indigenous diagnostics and vaccine hampered control of JD in India. Designing effective control strategies require thorough understanding of the etiological agent at phenotypic and molecular levels. On the basis of cultural phenotypes and IS1311 PCR-REA typing, MAP strains have been genotyped as ‘Cattle type’, ‘Sheep type’ and ‘Bison type’. Information exists on genetic differences and comparative evolution of ‘Cattle type’ and ‘Sheep type’ strains after divergence from M. avium; however, emphasis has been little on ‘Bison type’ strains. Recently, a new ‘Indian Bison type’ genotype has been reported as principal strain infecting different animal species and human beings in India. The study analyzed few genetic markers to have inferences on the molecular evolution of native MAP isolates belonging to ‘Bison type’ genotype. Results pointed towards recent evolution of ‘Bison type’ genotype.  相似文献   

Switzerland's governmental ‘Biodiversity Monitoring’ program is designed to produce factual information on the dynamics of biodiversity within the country for governmental agencies, politicians, and the general public. Monitoring a complex issue like biodiversity in order to give relevant and accurate messages to the general public and politicians within a politically relevant timescale and at moderate cost means focusing on few elements. Because relevant human impacts on biodiversity operate differently at different spatial scales, we need at least three different indicators to observe changes over time in local (‘within‐habitat’), landscape (‘habitat‐mosaic’), and macro‐scale (‘regional’) diversity. To keep things as simple as possible, we use species richness as an indicator for all three levels of diversity, just defining three different spatial scales (10 m2, 1 km2, regions, respectively). Each indicator is based on a number of taxonomic groups which have been selected mainly on the basis of costs and the availability of appropriate methods.  相似文献   

‘Young’ human red cells are shown to possess a specific K+ pathway which is dependent on Cl and sensitive to cell volume. This system was latent in ‘mature’ cells but was revealed by high hydrostatic pressure. This suggests the pathway is functionally active in ‘young’ cells but becomes masked with cell maturation.  相似文献   


Based on long-term doctoral fieldwork on bush fires in New Caledonia, this paper aims to explore the double assumption that bush fires were shaped as a public issue through specific categorisations of human and natural elements, and that this work resulted in negative outcomes as far as the environment is concerned. This paper will address the question of mediation between human agency (colonial history, population distribution and development choices) and the production of ‘bush fires’ as an event category and as a ‘public problem’ calling for a policy solution. More specifically it will address the validity of the definition of bush fires as a ‘disaster’. While this phenomenon is both a discursive creation rooted in colonial imagination and a consciously forgotten strategy used by administrators and settlers to control land and dominate indigenous people, its growing importance today is related to the emergence of environmental concerns. However, one must not forget other issues obscured by the smoke of bush fires, namely a declining cattle farming sector and its lasting environmental impacts on drought (also considered a ‘natural disaster’ in New Caledonia by inhabitants, local administrations and scientists) and biodiversity loss. Addressing this issue leads to more general questions about the manner in which policy-makers, naturalists and environmentalists conceptualise and morally address environmental (natural and man-made) phenomena through time in a colonial/postcolonial setting.  相似文献   

This essay reviews one of the most recent books in a trend of new publications proffering evolutionary theorising about aesthetics and the arts—themes within an increasing literature on aspects of human life and human nature in terms of evolutionary theory. Stephen Davies’ The Artful Species links some of our aesthetic sensibilities with our evolved human nature and critically surveys the interdisciplinary debate regarding the evolutionary status of the arts. Davies’ engaging and accessible writing succeeds in demonstrating the maturity and scope of the field and his critique is timely and unparalleled. A laudable effort, however it may have benefited from espousing a co-evolutionary model more explicitly. Moreover there may be reason to question the usefulness of the standard set of distinctions (‘adaptation’, ‘spandrel’, ‘technology’) that Davies appeals to.  相似文献   

Jones DG  Telfer B 《Bioethics》1995,9(1):32-49
Issues surrounding human embryos are poignant and profound. Should research be conducted on them? Should they be discarded? Should they be donated to infertile couples? The Warnock Report was a landmark in providing guidelines limiting experimentation on human embryos to the first 14 days after fertilization, at which time implantation of the embryo is complete and the primitive streak has appeared.2 However, these embryological features were not considered sufficiently distinctive to bestow upon this 14-day period a separate classification. This situation changed when, in 1986, Anne McLaren suggested the use of the terms ‘pre-embryo’ or ‘conceptus' to designate “the entire product of the fertilized egg up to the end of the implantation stage” and the term ’embryo‘ for “that small part of the pre-embryo or conceptus, first distinguishable at the primitive streak stage, that later develops into the foetus.”3 In this paper we look critically at the term ‘pre-embryo’, and we shall present the case for an alternative set of terms, namely, embryo-placenta and embryo-fetus. We consider this latter to be biologically-based terminology, that does not have any connotation of restricted moral value as the term pre-embryo does for some.  相似文献   

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