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Gymnocarpos przewalskii Bunge ex Maxim.belongs to Gymnocarpus of Caryophyllaceae,a rare and endangered ancient Mediterranean relict plant,alias‘achene caryophyllum’,Perennial deciduous subshrub,50-100 cm tall.Leaves linear,5-20 long and 1-1.5 mm wide,sessile,acute apex,contracted base,fleshy,waxy layer on surface,glabrous,no obvious veins.Stipules membranous,scaly.  相似文献   

This special feature resulted from a symposium entitled "Interactions Between Plants and Their Herbivores," held during the Meeting of the Society of Population Ecology in Ohmi-Shirahama, Shiga, Japan, in October 1999 (Chairperson of Symposium: Professor Emeritus E. Kuno of Kyoto University). This theme emerged from discussions by the organizing committee for this symposium: N. Yamamura, J. Takabayashi, T. Nishida, and N. Ohsaki. Professor Mark D. Rausher of Duke University was invited as a special lecturer. In this series of reports, five of the seven participants illustrate the variation found in plant–herbivore interactions and address some problems inherent in current theory.  相似文献   

Aims To test the hypothesis that water is the main limiting factor of tree growth at the arid alpine timberline, and to explore the effects of water on growth-climate relationships of Sabina przewalskii along a precipitation gradient in the northeast Qinghai-Xizang Plateau. Methods Three sides were selected to sample the alpine timberline along a precipitation gradient in the northeast Qinghai-Xizang Plateau: Halihatu National Forest Park in Wulan County (HL, annual precipitation 217 mm), Qushigang in Dulan County (QS, 281 mm) and Hebei Forest Farm in Tongde County (HB, 470 mm). The correlation and response analysis at seasonal and extreme climate year scales were used to examine the spatial variations of the growth-climate relationship of S. przewalskii at different timberlines. Important findings Our results do not support the hypothesis that water is the main limiting factor of tree growth at the arid alpine timberline. The effect of precipitation on the radial growth of S. przewalskii were consistent across all three sampling sites, while the effects of temperature were different across sites. At HL site (low precipitation), the winter and summer minimum temperature were the main limiting factor of S. przewalskii radial growth, and this relationship did not significantly change in different extreme climate years. At QS site (middle precipitation), the radial growth of S. przewalskii was mainly limited by the minimum temperature in spring and summer, but its effect was weaker than that at low precipitation site. At HB site (high precipitation), the spring temperature had a significant negative effect on tree growth, and the positive effect of spring precipitation on tree growth was significantly enhanced in comparison with those at low and middle precipitation sites, especially in extreme high temperature and drought years. Summer precipitation did not significantly affect tree growth at high precipitation site. Our results did not support the hypothesis that the radial growth of trees at alpine timberline in arid/humid area is mainly limited by water/temperature. However, precipitation at timberline will affect the relationship between tree growth and temperature at different seasons. With the warming and humidification of the northeastern Qinghai-Xizang Plateau, the climatic limiting factors of tree growth in different timberline areas may be complicated. © 2018 Editorial Office of Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

The vegetation classification in China was updated by referring to recent advances for vegetation classification worldwide and on the basis of our former paper Recognition and Proposal on the Vegetation Classification System of China (hereafter, "Recognition and Proposal"). In this revision, the criteria for vegetation classification were discussed and unified, and a quantified standard for high, medium, and low level units in a new hierarchical classification scheme was supplemented. Compared with the old classification scheme in "Recognition and Proposal", the units at the level of vegetation type were substantially changed. Finally, in order to improve mutual communication among international peers, a comparison was carried out between the new revised scheme and each of International Classification and Mapping of Vegetation of UNESCO, The National Vegetation Classification Standard of United States, and The Braun-Blanquet Classification Scheme.  相似文献   

成都地奥集团是1988年8月18日借款50万元创办的高新技术企业,经过20多个春秋的不懈努力,已成为集天然药物、合成药物、基因工程药物、微生物药物、药物制剂研制为一体的大型骨干制药企业,是国内实力最强的药物研制、中试、生产基地之一,是世界上最大的高纯度甾体皂苷和高纯度胸腺肽生产企业,矿业能源领域极具发展潜力的生力军。地奥集团已拥有四个制药企业、一个药品销售公司、一个医药连锁销售公司、一个化妆品生产企业、一个保健品(含化妆品)销售公司、一个矿业能源公司、一个房地产公司等共计11家下属企业和控股企业,现有  相似文献   


<正>中国科学院微生物所期刊联合编辑部编辑出版有《微生物学报》、《菌物学报》、《微生物学通报》和《生物工程学报》四种期刊,凡向本编辑部投稿,均视为同意在本编辑部网站及CNKI中国期刊全文数据库等数据库出版,所付稿酬包含网络出版稿酬。  相似文献   

成都地奥集团是1988年8月18日借款50万元创办的高新技术企业,经过20多个春秋的不懈努力,已成为集天然药物、合成药物、基因工程药物、微生物药物、药物制剂研制为一体的大型骨干制药企业,是国内实力最强的药物研制、中试、生产基地之一,是世界上最大的高纯度甾体皂苷和高纯度胸腺肽生产企业,矿业能源领域极具发展潜力的生力军。地奥集团已拥有四个制药企业、一个药品销售公司、一个医药连锁销售公司、一个化妆品生产企业、一个保健品(含化妆品)销售公司、一个矿业能源公司、  相似文献   

成都地奥集团是1988年8月18日借款50万元创办的高新技术企业,经过20多个春秋的不懈努力,已成为集天然药物、合成药物、基因工程药物、微生物药物、药物制剂研制为一体的大型骨干制药企业,是国内实力最强的药物研制、中试、生产基地之一,是世界上最大的高纯度圍体皂苷和高纯度胸腺肽生产企业,矿业能源领域  相似文献   

成都地奧集团是1988年8月18日借款50万元创办的高新技术企业,经过20多个春秋的不懈努力,已成为集天然药物、合成药物、基因工程药物、微生物药物、药物制剂研制为一体的大型骨干制药企业,是国内实力最强的药物研制、中试、生产基地之一,是世界上最大的高纯度甾体皂苷和高纯度胸腺肽生产企业,矿业能源领域极具发展潜力的生力军。  相似文献   

本期导读主题:基因诊断技术、抗新冠抗体药物、高通量药物筛选技术、纳米抗体、多组学肿瘤药物敏感性预测、植物质体转基因技术、肠道微生物与疾病。以基因工程为基础、细胞工程为导向的现代生物技术在医药领域的广泛应用,被称之为现代医药生物技术。现代医药生物技术在疾病的诊断、预防和治疗及生物技术药物的研发中的应用,促进了诸如传染病、恶性肿瘤、心脑血管疾病等重大疾病在诊断、预防、治疗上的技术革命,已成长为现代工业的支柱产业之一的生物医药产业,服务于人类的健康事业。  相似文献   

朱玥荃,王文恭,薛丽香.一种新型SUMO E3连接酶CBX4的化学修饰作用[J].中国生物化学与分子生物学报,2016,32(2):115-122.该文3.2部分(119页)"因此这样就形成了一个CBX4与底物作用蛋白质之间化学修饰的反馈调节环路(Fig.4)"更改为"因此这样就形成了一个CBX4与底物作用蛋白质之间化  相似文献   

<正>中国科学院微生物研究所期刊联合编辑部编辑出版有《微生物学报》、《菌物学报》、《微生物学通报》和《生物工程学报》4种期刊(按创刊时间排序),凡向本编辑部投稿,均视为同意在本编辑部网站及CNKI中国期刊全文数据库等数据库出版,所付稿酬包含网络出版稿酬。  相似文献   

Aims The increase in atmospheric nitrogen (N) deposition has accelerated N cycling of ecosystems, probably resulting in increases in phosphorus (P) demand of ecosystems. Studies on the effects of artificial N:P treatment on the growth and carbon (C), N, P ecological stoichiometry of desert steppe species could provide not only a new insight into the forecasting of how the interaction between soils and plants responses to long-term atmospheric N deposition increase, but also a scientific guidance for sustainable management of grassland in northern China under global climate change. Methods Based on a pot-cultured experiment conducted for Glycyrrhiza uralensis (an N-fixing species) during 2013 to 2014, we studied the effects of different N:P supply ratios (all pots were treated with the same amount of N but with different amounts of P) on aboveground biomass, root biomass, root/shoot ratio, and C:N:P ecological stoichiometry both in G. uralensis (leaves and roots) and in soils. Additionally, through the correlation analyses between biomass and C:N:P ecological stoichiometry in leaves, roots, and soils, we compared the differences among the C:N:P ecological stoichiometry of the three pools, and discussed the indication of C:N:P ecological stoichiometry in soils for the growth and nutrient uptake of G. uralensis. Important findings The results showed that, reducing N:P decreased C:P and N:P ratios both in G. uralensis (leaves and roots) and in soils but increased aboveground biomass and root biomass of G. uralensis, indicating that low to moderate P addition increased P availability of soils and P uptake of G. uralensis. However, excessive low N:P (high P addition) led to great decreases in soil C:P and N:P ratios, thus hindering N uptake and the growth of G. uralensis. C:N:P ratios in the two pools of G. uralensis (especially in leaves) had close correlations with soil C:N:P ratio, indicating that the change in soil C:N:P ratio would have a direct influence on plants. Our results suggest that, through regulating C:N:P ratio in leaves and soils, appropriate amounts of P addition could balance soil P supply and plant P demand and compensate the opposite influences of long-term atmospheric N deposition increase on the structure of desert steppe.  相似文献   

《生物工程学报》是由中国科胁批准,中国科学院主管,中国科学院微生物研究所和中国微生物学会共同主办的综合性的学术刊物,系中国自然科学核心期刊。主要报道我国生命科学领域科学和技术的新进展和新成果,刊登的内容包括:基因工  相似文献   

谭华荣 《微生物学报》2013,(1):F0002-F0002
在2013年新年来临之际,中国知网(CNKI)传来喜讯——《微生物学报》荣获“2012中国最具国际影响力学术期刊”奖。此奖项是按照在Web of Science中的国际他引总被引频次和国际他引影响因子排序,取全部被选期刊的5%,也称TOP5%期刊。  相似文献   

心智解读即对大脑思维过程的理解,是脑科学研究中的重要课题。说谎是一种常见的社会现象,对谎言的探测和鉴别是解读大脑思维的应用分支。几千年来,测谎技术不断发展,经历了封建迷信依赖、察言观色、外周牛理反应记录及中枢神经系统检测等过程。至今,人们仍在研究更有效的测谎方法。  相似文献   

<正>中文核心期刊第56卷第2期(总第310期)2016年2月4日《微生物学报》创刊于1953年,是由中国科学院主管,中国科学院微生物研究所和中国微生物学会共同主办,国内外公开发行的综合性学术期刊,系我国微生物学领域历史悠久,有较大影响力的国家自然科学核心期刊。主要报道微生物学研究领域中最新的研究动态和科研成果,内容涵盖普通微生物学、工业、农业、医学和兽医微生物学、免疫学以及与微生物学有关的生物工程等诸多方向。《微生物学报》已被美国化学文摘(CA)、荷兰Scopus、美国医学索引(MEDLINE-PubMed)、  相似文献   


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