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成纤维细胞生长因子(FGFs)对于细胞代谢的刺激作用是通过双受体系统(dual-receptor system)介导的.该系统包括一个酪氨酸激酶受体家族(FGFRs)及肝素硫酸蛋白多糖(HSPG).目前已知有4种FGFRs基因,其转录过程表现出剪切多样性.FGFs与FGFRs的结合表现出交叉特异性.HSPG可促进FGFs与FGFRs的结合和受体二聚体的形成,并增强FGFs对细胞调控的精度.FGFRs通过激活不同下游信号分子影响细胞有丝分裂、神经细胞轴突生长、胚胎发育等.  相似文献   

成纤维细胞生长因子(FGFs)是一类蛋白质活性肽,在有机体内外显示广谱的生物学活性和功能,在生物发育学、生理学与临床药理学方面具有重要的作用和意义.对 FGFs 家族成员肽的特征特性,FGFs 的染色体定位、基因结构与功能,FGFs 的信号分子作用与促分裂素作用,FGFs 的作用受体、主动和被动调节与拮抗机理进行了综述.  相似文献   

Functionally heterogeneous populations of serotonergic neurons, located within the dorsal raphe nucleus (DR), play a role in stress-related behaviors and neuropsychiatric illnesses such as anxiety and depression. Abnormal development of these neurons may permanently alter their structure and connections, making the organism more susceptible to anxiety-related disorders. A factor that critically regulates the development of serotonergic neurons is fibroblast growth factor 8 (Fgf8). In this study, we used acute restraint stress followed by behavioral testing to examine whether Fgf8 signaling during development is important for establishing functional stress- and anxiety-related DR neurocircuits in adulthood. Wild-type and heterozygous male mice globally hypomorphic for Fgf8 were exposed to acute restraint stress and then tested for anxiety-like behavior on the elevated plus-maze. Further, we measured c-Fos immunostaining as a marker of serotonergic neuronal activation and tissue 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid concentrations as a marker of serotonin functional output. Results showed that Fgf8 hypomorphs exhibited 1) an exaggerated response of DR anxiety-promoting circuits and 2) a blunted response of a DR panic-inhibiting circuit to stress, effects that together were associated with increased baseline anxiety-like behavior. Overall, our results provide a neural substrate upon which Fgf8 deficiency could affect stress response and support the hypothesis that developmental disruptions of serotonergic neurons affect their postnatal functional integrity.  相似文献   

Neurotrophic factors are involved in neuroprotection and its expression in mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) may change during light-induced retinal injury. In this study, neurotrophic factor expression in MSCs was investigated after stimulation by supernatants of homogenized retina (SHR) from normal and light-injured rats. Conditioned media from control MSCs (CM-MSCs), MSCs stimulated by normal SHR (CM-NSHR), and MSCs stimulated by light-injured SHR (CM-ISHR) were examined regarding their ability to prevent degeneration of retinal explants. Basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) in MSCs was knockdown by lentivirus-mediated mRNA interference. Transfected MSCs were stimulated by SHR, and retinal preservation was reevaluated in the resultant conditioned media. We detected significant up-regulation of bFGF in CM-ISHR, accompanied by superior retinal neurotrophic effects in CM-ISHR over CM-NSHR and CM-MSCs. Down-regulation of bFGF in MSCs effectively inhibited this protective effect. Adding neutralizing antibody against bFGF to CM-ISHR also induced a similar effect. It is thus concluded that retinal injury may enhance neurotrophic factor expression in MSCs and promote the repair process. bFGF may play a critical role in MSCs’ response to retinal injury.  相似文献   

成纤维细胞生长因子;创伤修复;代谢调控;成纤维细胞生长因子受体抑制剂  相似文献   

FGF-20:成纤维细胞生长因子家族新成员   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
FGF-20是成纤维细胞生长因子家族的一名新成员,其氨基酸序列与其他成员之间具有不同程度的同源性。FGF-20仅在成年人脑组织,尤其是小脑组织有特异性表达,在一些肿瘤细胞株中也有一定量表达,并可能受Wnt信号转导通路中β-链蛋白(β-catenin)的调节。FGF-20能与一系列酪氨酸激酶型受体(FGFR)高亲和性结合,参与分化发育、神经营养、组织修复和肿瘤发生等生理和病理过程。目前在美国,FGF-20用于治疗放疗或化疗后肿瘤病人的口腔黏膜炎已经进入Ⅰ期临床试验。  相似文献   

Mechanical forces play an important role in the organization, growth and function of tissues. Dynamic extracellular environment affects cellular behavior modifying their orientation and their cytoskeleton. In this work, human fibroblasts have been subjected for three hours to increasing substrate deformations (1–25%) applied as cyclic uniaxial stretching at different frequencies (from 0.25 Hz to 3 Hz). Our objective was to identify whether and in which ranges the different deformations magnitude and rate were the factors responsible of the cell alignment and if actin cytoskeleton modification was involved in these responses. After three hours of cyclically stretched substrate, results evidenced that fibroblasts aligned perpendicularly to the stretch direction at 1% substrate deformation and reached statistically higher orientation at 2% substrate deformation with unmodified values at 5–20%, while 25% substrate deformation induced cellular death. It was also shown that a percentage of cells oriented perpendicularly to the deformation were not influenced by increased frequency of cyclical three hours deformations (0.25–3 Hz). Cyclic substrate deformation was shown also to involve actin fibers which orient perpendicularly to the stress direction as well. Thus, we argue that a substrate deformation induces a dynamic change in cytoskeleton able to modify the entire morphology of the cells.Key Words: mechanical stretching, cell orientation, stress fibers  相似文献   

Abstract: Extracellular signal-regulated protein kinases (ERKs) are members of the mitogen-activated protein kinase family that are rapidly phosphorylated and activated in response to various extracellular stimuli, including growth factors. Of these, the ERK1 and ERK2 forms are by far the most abundant and the most studied. Much less is known about other ERK forms, including one previously designated ERK4 on the basis of its cross-reactivity with ERK1 and ERK2. We report here that ERK4 in rat PC12 pheochromocytoma cells can be immunoprecipitated by anti-ERK antiserum R2 and have used this reagent to characterize this species further. We find that ERK4 rapidly becomes tyrosine-phosphorylated in response to nerve growth factor (NGF) and epidermal growth factor (EGF) and, to a lesser degree, in response to insulin and a permeant cyclic AMP analogue. As in the case of ERK1 and ERK2, tyrosine phosphorylation of ERK4 occurs by a ras-dependent pathway in response to NGF and EGF and shows prolonged kinetics for NGF but not EGF treatment. Recognition by multiple antisera directed against various domains of ERK1 supports classification of ERK4 within the ERK family; however, two-dimensional gel analysis clearly distinguishes ERK4 from isoforms of ERK1. These findings thus reveal an additional member of the ERK family that is responsive to growth factors and that could play a distinct role in intracellular signaling.  相似文献   

Abstract: The effects of extracellular ATP and polypeptide growth factors on DNA synthesis in primary cultures of rat astrocytes have been examined. It was found that ATP acts synergistically with either acidic or basic fibroblast growth factor to stimulate DNA synthesis. The specificity of this effect was demonstrated by the inability of ATP to potentiate DNA synthesis induced by platelet-derived growth factor or epidermal growth factor. ATP appears to act via P2 purinergic receptors, because (a) it was more effective than adenosine and (b) the synergistic effect was observed with the hydrolysis-resistant P2 agonists, ADPβS and ATPγS. The evidence suggests that extracellular ATP may be an important factor in regulating the extent of gliosis and, as such, may be involved in mechanisms of neural injury and repair.  相似文献   

Previously, we have identified the RUNX2 gene as hypomethylated and overexpressed in post-chemotherapy (CT) primary cultures derived from serous epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) patients, when compared to primary cultures derived from matched primary (prior to CT) tumors. However, we found no differences in the RUNX2 methylation in primary EOC tumors and EOC omental metastases, suggesting that DNA methylation-based epigenetic mechanisms have no impact on RUNX2 expression in advanced (metastatic) stage of the disease. Moreover, RUNX2 displayed significantly higher expression not only in metastatic tissue, but also in high-grade primary tumors and even in low malignant potential tumors. Knockdown of the RUNX2 expression in EOC cells led to a sharp decrease of cell proliferation and significantly inhibited EOC cell migration and invasion. Gene expression profiling and consecutive network and pathway analyses confirmed these findings, as various genes and pathways known previously to be implicated in ovarian tumorigenesis, including EOC tumor invasion and metastasis, were found to be downregulated upon RUNX2 suppression, while a number of pro-apoptotic genes and some EOC tumor suppressor genes were induced.Taken together, our data are indicative for a strong oncogenic potential of the RUNX2 gene in serous EOC progression and suggest that RUNX2 might be a novel EOC therapeutic target. Further studies are needed to more completely elucidate the functional implications of RUNX2 and other members of the RUNX gene family in ovarian tumorigenesis.  相似文献   

Four well-defined heparan sulfate (HS) block copolymers containing S-domains (high sulfo group content) placed adjacent to N-domains (low sulfo group content) were chemoenzymatically synthesized and characterized. The domain lengths in these HS block co-polymers were ∼40 saccharide units. Microtiter 96-well and three-dimensional cell-based microarray assays utilizing murine immortalized bone marrow (BaF3) cells were developed to evaluate the activity of these HS block co-polymers. Each recombinant BaF3 cell line expresses only a single type of fibroblast growth factor receptor (FGFR) but produces neither HS nor fibroblast growth factors (FGFs). In the presence of different FGFs, BaF3 cell proliferation showed clear differences for the four HS block co-polymers examined. These data were used to examine the two proposed signaling models, the symmetric FGF2-HS2-FGFR2 ternary complex model and the asymmetric FGF2-HS1-FGFR2 ternary complex model. In the symmetric FGF2-HS2-FGFR2 model, two acidic HS chains bind in a basic canyon located on the top face of the FGF2-FGFR2 protein complex. In this model the S-domains at the non-reducing ends of the two HS proteoglycan chains are proposed to interact with the FGF2-FGFR2 protein complex. In contrast, in the asymmetric FGF2-HS1-FGFR2 model, a single HS chain interacts with the FGF2-FGFR2 protein complex through a single S-domain that can be located at any position within an HS chain. Our data comparing a series of synthetically prepared HS block copolymers support a preference for the symmetric FGF2-HS2-FGFR2 ternary complex model.  相似文献   

成纤维细胞生长因子(FGF)有许多重要的生理功能,并与肿瘤的形成有关.为了弄清FGF与成纤维细胞生长因子受体(FGFR)相互作用的机制,人们对FGF和FGFR的各个结合结构域进行了深入、细致的研究,定位了aFGF、bFGF的肝素结合区、bFGF的受体结合区、FGF受体的肝素结合区、配体结合区和FGF受体相互结合区,提出了两个FGF与FGFR相互作用的模型,在此基础上设计了FGF的核酸类、糖类和多肽类抑制剂,为寻找新一代抗癌药物打下了理论基础.  相似文献   

Abstract: We have generated a novel rat TrkA receptor mutant (TrkAS3) by deletion of five conserved residues (493IMENP497) in the juxtamembrane domain. TrkAS3 receptors cannot support nerve growth factor (NGF)-induced cell cycle arrest or neuronal differentiation but retain cell survival responses as well as Ras-dependent mitogenic signaling. Cells of the nnr5 line stably expressing TrkAS3 induce NGF-dependent SHC phosphorylation and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase, phospholipase Cγ-1, and prolonged mitogen-activated protein kinase activation to absolute levels comparable to those in PC12 cells. Although the stoichiometry of TrkAS3-SHC binding is reduced, cells overexpressing TrkAS3 exhibit NGF-dependent SHC-Grb-2/Sos binding, essential for Ras activation, as well as NGF-dependent SNT phosphorylation to absolute levels comparable to those in PC12 cells. Collectively, these data suggest that the TrkAS3 deletion either directly affects a novel Ras-independent TrkA binding protein or that the decrease in TrkAS3-SHC association affects a Ras-independent SHC binding protein essential for cell cycle arrest and/or neurite outgrowth.  相似文献   

《Endocrine practice》2008,14(9):1108-1114
ObjectiveTo evaluate the expression of various phosphaturic factors in the tumor of a patient with tumorinduced osteomalacia (TIO) and to analyze serum levels of fibroblast growth factor (FGF)-23 in TIO and healthy subjects.MethodsWe measured serum FGF-23 levels in 2 patients with TIO and 6 healthy volunteers. Expression of FGF-23, matrix extracellular phosphoglycoprotein (MEPE), FGF-7, and secreted frizzled-related protein-4 (sFRP-4) was analyzed in a hemangiopericytoma from a patient with TIO, in a hemangiopericytoma from a patient without TIO, and in various control cell lines.ResultsSerum FGF-23 levels were substantially higher in patients with TIO in comparison with those in healthy control subjects and normalized with successful resection of the tumor. Tissue expression analysis showed preferential expression of FGF-23 and MEPE in TIO related hemangiopericytoma, whereas FGF-7 and sFRP-4 were widely expressed in all studied cell lines and tissues.ConclusionThese results support the use of FGF-23 measurements for the diagnosis and follow-up of patients with TIO. In addition, the specific expression of FGF-23 and MEPE in the TIO-associated tumor suggests an important role of these two phosphatonins in the pathogenesis of TIO. Because of the limited number of patients in our report, further studies are needed to clarify the role of different phosphatonins in the development of the clinical features of TIO. (Endocr Pract. 2008;14:1108-1114)  相似文献   

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