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Lymph node dissection is often performed as a part of surgical treatment for breast cancer and malignant melanoma to prevent malignant cells from traveling via the lymphatic system. Currently little is known about postoperative lymphatic drainage pattern alterations. This knowledge may be useful for management of recurrent cancer and prevention of breast cancer related lymphedema. We mapped the complete superficial lymphatic system of a dog and used this canine model to perform preliminary studies of lymphatic architectural changes in postoperative condition.


Lymphatic territories (lymphosomes) were mapped with 4 female mongrel carcasses using an indocyanine green (ICG) fluorescent lymphography and a radiographic microinjection technique. Two live dogs were then subjected to unilateral lymph node dissection of lymph basins of the forelimb, and ICG lymphography and lymphangiogram were performed 6 months after the surgery to investigate lymphatic changes. Lymphatic patterns in the carcass were then compared with postoperative lymphatic patterns in the live dogs.


Ten lymphosomes were identified, corresponding with ten lymphatic basins. Postoperative fluorescent lymphographic images and lymphangiograms in the live dogs revealed small caliber lymphatic network fulfilling gaps in the surgical area and collateral lymphatic vessels arising from the network connecting to lymph nodes in the contralateral and ipsilateral neck in one dog and the ipsilateral subclavicular vein in another dog.


Our canine lymphosome map allowed us to observe lymphatic collateral formations after lymph node dissection in live dogs. This canine model may help clarify our understanding of postoperative lymphatic changes in humans in future studies.  相似文献   

During iron deficiency, perturbations in copper homeostasis have frequently been documented. Previous studies in iron-deprived rats demonstrated that enterocyte and hepatic copper levels increase and a copper transporter (the Menkes Copper ATPase; Atp7a) is induced in the duodenal epithelium in parallel to iron transport-related genes (e.g. Dmt1, Dcytb, Fpn1). Moreover, two ferroxidase proteins involved in iron homeostasis, hephaestin expressed in enterocytes and ceruloplasmin, produced and secreted into blood by the liver, are copper-dependent enzymes. We thus aimed to test the hypothesis that Atp7a function is important for the copper-related compensatory response of the intestinal epithelium to iron deficiency. Accordingly, iron homeostasis was studied for the first time in mice expressing a mutant Atp7a protein with minimal activity (Brindled [MoBr /y]). Mutant mice were rescued by perinatal copper injections, and, after a 7–8 week recovery period, were deprived of dietary iron for 3 weeks (along with WT littermates). Adult MoBr /y mice displayed copper-deficiency anemia but had normal iron status; in contrast, iron-deprived MoBr /y mice were iron deficient and more severely anemic with partial amelioration of the copper-deficient phenotype. Intestinal iron absorption in both genotypes (WT and MoBr /y) increased ∼3-fold when mice consumed a low-iron diet and ∼6-fold when mice were concurrently bled. WT mice exhibited no alterations in copper homeostasis in response to iron deprivation or phlebotomy. Conversely, upregulation of iron absorption was associated with increased enterocyte and liver copper levels and serum ferroxidase (ceruloplasmin) activity in MoBr /y mice, typifying the response to iron deprivation in many mammalian species. We thus speculate that a copper threshold exists that is necessary to allow appropriate regulate of iron absorption. In summary, MoBr /y mice were able to adequately regulate iron absorption, but unlike in WT mice, concurrent increases in enterocyte and liver copper levels and serum ferroxidase activity may have contributed to maintenance of iron homeostasis.  相似文献   

Our recognition of the mitochondria as being important sites of fatty acid biosynthesis is continuously unfolding, especially in light of new data becoming available on compromised fatty acid synthase type 2 (FASII) in mammals. For example, perturbed regulation of murine 17β-HSD8 encoding a component of the mitochondrial FASII enzyme 3-oxoacyl-thioester reductase is implicated in polycystic kidney disease. In addition, over-expression in mice of the Mecr gene coding for 2-trans-enoyl-thioester reductase, also of mitochondrial FASII, leads to impaired heart function. However, mouse knockouts for mitochondrial FASII have hitherto not been reported and, hence, there is a need to develop alternate metazoan models such as nematodes or fruit flies. Here, the identification of Caenorhabditis elegans W09H1.5/MECR-1 as a 2-trans-enoyl-thioester reductase of mitochondrial FASII is reported. To identify MECR-1, Saccharomyces cerevisiae etr1Δ mutant cells were employed that are devoid of mitochondrial 2-trans-enoyl-thioester reductase Etr1p. These yeast mutants fail to synthesize sufficient levels of lipoic acid or form cytochrome complexes, and cannot respire or grow on non-fermentable carbon sources. A mutant yeast strain ectopically expressing nematode mecr-1 was shown to contain reductase activity and resemble the self-complemented mutant strain for these phenotype characteristics. Since MECR-1 was not intentionally targeted for compartmentalization using a yeast mitochondrial leader sequence, this inferred that the protein represented a physiologically functional mitochondrial 2-trans-enoyl-thioester reductase. In accordance with published findings, RNAi-mediated knockdown of mecr-1 in C. elegans resulted in life span extension, presumably due to mitochondrial dysfunction. Moreover, old mecr-1(RNAi) worms had better internal organ appearance and were more mobile than control worms, indicating a reduced physiological age. This is the first report on RNAi work dedicated specifically to curtailing mitochondrial FASII in metazoans. The availability of affected survivors will help to position C. elegans as an excellent model for future pursuits in the emerging field of mitochondrial FASII research.  相似文献   

Biochemical and cell-based studies have identified the G0S2 (G0/G1 switch gene 2) as a selective inhibitor of the key intracellular triacylglycerol hydrolase, adipose triglyceride lipase. To better understand the physiological role of G0S2, we constructed an adipose tissue-specific G0S2 transgenic mouse model. In comparison with wild type animals, the transgenic mice exhibited a significant increase in overall fat mass and a decrease in peripheral triglyceride accumulation. Basal and adrenergically stimulated lipolysis was attenuated in adipose explants isolated from the transgenic mice. Following fasting or injection of a β3-adrenergic agonist, in vivo lipolysis and ketogenesis were decreased in G0S2 transgenic mice when compared with wild type animals. Consequently, adipose overexpression of G0S2 prevented the “switch” of energy substrate from carbohydrates to fatty acids during fasting. Moreover, G0S2 overexpression promoted accumulation of more and larger lipid droplets in brown adipocytes without impacting either mitochondrial morphology or expression of oxidative genes. This phenotypic change was accompanied by defective cold adaptation. Furthermore, feeding with a high fat diet caused a greater gain of both body weight and adiposity in the transgenic mice. The transgenic mice also displayed a decrease in fasting plasma levels of free fatty acid, triglyceride, and insulin as well as improved glucose and insulin tolerance. Cumulatively, these results indicate that fat-specific G0S2 overexpression uncouples adiposity from insulin sensitivity and overall metabolic health through inhibiting adipose lipolysis and decreasing circulating fatty acids.  相似文献   

正常成年仓鼠肠道菌群可拮抗艰难梭菌在该动物肠道中定居。将该菌群转移到无菌小鼠并经过抗生素和热(70℃,10min)简化处理后,获得一组由严格厌氧菌组成的菌群,仍有拮抗艰难梭菌的能力,由此建立了一研究拮抗艰难梭菌在肠道中定居的实验动物模型。作者研究了屏障菌群与艰难梭菌相互作用的可能机制,并对与艰难梭菌有关的伪膜性结肠炎的病原学进行了讨论。  相似文献   

Copper accumulation and induction of DNA strand breaks were investigated in the brain of Long-Evans Cinnamon (LEC) rats, an animal model for human Wilson disease that is a heritable disease of copper accumulation and copper toxicity in the liver, kidney and brain. Copper contents in the brain of LEC rats increased from 20 weeks of age and were approximately 3.5 to 6 folds higher than those in the brain of WKAH rats at 24 weeks of age. Hepatic copper contents in LEC rats increased from 4 to 12 weeks of age in an age-dependent manner, and then decreased from 16 to 20 weeks of age. Thus, we consider that copper accumulated in the liver was released from severely damaged hepatocytes and deposited in the brain, although copper contents in the brain were 1/20-fold lower than those in the liver. We also evaluated the amounts of DNA single-strand breaks (SSBs) in the brain by comet analysis. The proportions of nuclei in the cerebrum and cerebellum without DNA damage decreased, and nuclei with severe DNA damage appeared in LEC rats at 24 weeks of age. The comet scores of cerebrum and cerebellum cells significantly increased in LEC rats and were significantly higher than those in WKAH rats at 24 weeks of age. The results show that SSBs in LEC rat brain cells are induced at a lower concentration of copper than are SSBs in hepatic cells.  相似文献   

The plasma phenolsulfonphthalein index (PSPI) was determined in 175 subjects and was compared with levels of blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and serum creatinine, 15-minute urinary excretion of PSP, and clearance of creatinine, PAH and inulin. Statistical analyses indicate that the PSPI measures the same function as the 15-minute urine test when PSP is administered in a dosage of 1 mg./kg. body weight; and that, although the index cannot be used as a precise substitute for PAH clearance, it is equally repeatable and no greater error is associated with its measurement. The PSPI has been found of most value when complete, accurately timed urine collections are unobtainable because of urological abnormality or inability of the patient to co-operate.  相似文献   

The first enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for a microsporidian is described. The assay detects as little as 2 ng of spore homogenate protein and as few as 2000 intact spores. Several time-saving and reagent-conserving modifications of traditional ELISA protocols are employed.  相似文献   

Vitellogenin (Vtg) is a yolk protein produced in the liver of oviparous animals in response to estrogen. Vitellogenesis is normally observed only in sexually mature females, but it can be induced in male and juvenile animals by exposure to exogenous estradiol (E2) or substances that mimic estrogens. The abnormal production of Vtg by males can, therefore, be used as a biological indicator for exposure to xenoestrogens. In this study, an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for measuring Vtg in English sole (Pleuronectes vetulus) was developed and validated. Plasmatic Vtg was purified from E2-injected male English sole using DEAE ion-exchange and Sepharose size-exclusion chromatography, and polyclonal antibodies against the purified Vtg protein were generated in rabbits. In this assay, a competition for the Vtg antibody was established between Vtg coated onto microtiter plate wells and free Vtg. Detection of adsorbed antigen–antibody complexes was achieved using a horseradish peroxidase conjugated anti-rabbit secondary antibody whose enzyme activity was revealed with 3,3′,5,5′-tetramethyl benzidine (TMB) substrate. Assay conditions provided a detectable Vtg range of 10–450 ng ml−1 (85–20% of binding) of diluted sample. Plasma dilution curves from vitellogenic female and E2-treated male English sole showed parallelism with the standard dilution curve. We are presently conducting field and laboratory studies to investigate estrogenic and anti-estrogenic activity resulting from exposure to contaminants.  相似文献   

The reactivity of the cyclic primary aliphatic amines cyclopropyl-, cyclopentyl- and cyclohexylamine with cis- and trans-[PtCl2(NCMe)2], under the same experimental conditions, is compared. Whereas cis-[PtCl2(NCMe)2] yields the neutral diamidine compounds, the reactions with trans-[PtCl2(NCMe)2] take place either with addition or substitution processes yielding the neutral diamidine complexes trans-[PtCl2(Amidine)2], the monocationic trans-[PtCl(Amine)(Amidine)2]Cl and the dicationic trans-[Pt(Amine)2(Amidine)2]Cl2 salts. An NMR and ESI study indicate that the main species formed is the monocationic trans-[PtCl(Amine)(Amidine)2]Cl complex.The X-ray structure of is reported and its supramolecular arrangement is described.  相似文献   

The structures of the complexes (CuX)2DPM (X = Br, I; DMP = bis(diphenylphosphino)methane) were determined from three dimensional X-ray data collected by counter methods. The iodine derivative crystallizes in the space group Pbca with eight units in a cell defined by a = 17.128(9), b = 18.306(9) c, = 16.508 (8) Å. The structure was refined by the least-squares method to a final R factor of 0.054 for 1336 non-zero independent reflections. The bromine derivative crystallizes in the space group P21/c with eight units in a cell defined by a = 23.707(1), b = 17.805(9), c = 16.991(1) Å, β = 136.10(5)°. The final least-squares refinement, based on 2489 non-zero independent reflections, gave an R factor of 0.074.Both the compounds have similar structures with a centrosymmetric (CuX)4 core, in which two copper atoms have a tetrahedral geometry, while the other two are trigonal.The above structures are compared with those already reported for other compounds (CuX)nLm and a single scheme is proposed to rationalize the different geometries of the (CuX)n core on the basis of steric and electronic effects.  相似文献   

To optimize the resection of gliomas during neurosurgery we present an imaging system capable of wide field fluorescence lifetime mapping with 11 mm field of view and 250 mm working distance. Based on a time of flight dual‐tap CMOS camera and a modulated laser at 405 nm we show unobserved quenching effects in tissue phantoms and demonstrate life‐time imaging on 5‐ALA labeled human ex vivo brain tumor samples. Further details can be found in the article by Mikael T. Erkkilä, Bianca Bauer, Nancy Hecker‐Denschlag, et al. ( e201800378 ).


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