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Membrane transport in stomatal guard cells: The importance of voltage control   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Potassium uptake and export in the resting conditions and in response to the phytohormone abscisic acid (ABA) were examined under voltage clamp in guard cells of Vicia faba L. In 0.1 mM external K+ (with 5 mM Ca2(+)-HEPES, pH 7.4) two distinct transport states could be identified based on the distribution of the free-running membrane voltage (VM) data in conjunction with the respective I-V and G-V relations. One state was dominated by passive diffusion (mean VM = -143 +/- 4 mV), the other (mean VM = -237 +/- 10 mV) exhibited an appreciable background of primary H+ transport activity. In the presence of pump activity the free-running membrane voltage was negative of the respective K+ equilibrium potential (EK+), in 3 and 10 mM external K+. In these cases VM was also negative of the activation voltage for the inward rectifying K+ current, thus creating a strong bias for passive K+ uptake through inward-rectifying K+ channels. In contrast, when pump activity was absent VM was situated positive of EK+ and cells revealed a bias for K+ efflux. Occasionally spontaneous voltage transitions were observed during which cells switched between the two states. Rapid depolarizations were induced in cells with significant pump activity upon adding 10 microM ABA to the medium. These depolarizations activated current through outward-rectifying K+ channels which was further amplified in ABA by a rise in the ensemble channel conductance. Current-voltage characteristics recorded before and during ABA treatments revealed concerted modulations in current passage through at least four distinct transport processes, results directly comparable to one previous study (Blatt, M.R., 1990, Planta 180:445) carried out with guard cells lacking detectable primary pump activity. Comparative analyses of guard cells in each case are consistent with depolarizations resulting from the activation of an inward-going, as yet unidentified current, rather than an ABA-induced fall in H(+)-ATPase output. Also observed in a number of cells was an inward-directed current which activated in ABA over a narrow range of voltages positive of -150 mV; this and additional features of the current suggest that it may reflect the ABA-dependent activation of an anion channel previously characterized in Vicia guard cell protoplasts, but rule out its function as the primary mechanism for initial depolarization.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

We isolated a mutant from Vicia faba L. cv. House Ryousai. Itwilts easily under strong light and high temperature conditions,suggesting that its stomatal movement may be disturbed. We determinedresponses of mutant guard cells to some environmental stimuli.Mutant guard cells demonstrated an impaired ability to respondto ABA in 0.1 mM CaCl2 and stomata did not close in thepresence of up to 1 mM ABA, whereas wild-type stomata closedwhen exposed to 10 µM ABA. Elevating external Ca2+caused a similar degree of stomatal closure in the wild typeand the mutant. A high concentration of CO2 (700 µlliter–1) induced stomatal closure in the wild type, butnot in the mutant. On the basis of these results, we proposethe working hypothesis that the mutation occurs in the regiondownstream of CO2 and ABA sensing and in the region upstreamof Ca2+ elevation. The mutant is named fia (fava bean impairedin ABA-induced stomatal closure). 3 Corresponding author: E-mail, smoiwai{at}agri.kagoshima-u.ac.jp;Fax, +81-99-285-8556.  相似文献   

Chen Z  Gallie DR 《The Plant cell》2004,16(5):1143-1162
H(2)O(2) serves an important stress signaling function and promotes stomatal closure, whereas ascorbic acid (Asc) is the major antioxidant that scavenges H(2)O(2). Dehydroascorbate reductase (DHAR) catalyzes the reduction of dehydroascorbate (oxidized ascorbate) to Asc and thus contributes to the regulation of the Asc redox state. In this study, we observed that the level of H(2)O(2) and the Asc redox state in guard cells and whole leaves are diurnally regulated such that the former increases during the afternoon, whereas the latter decreases. Plants with an increased guard cell Asc redox state were generated by increasing DHAR expression, and these exhibited a reduction in the level of guard cell H(2)O(2). In addition, a higher percentage of open stomata, an increase in total open stomatal area, increased stomatal conductance, and increased transpiration were observed. Guard cells with an increase in Asc redox state were less responsive to H(2)O(2) or abscisic acid signaling, and the plants exhibited greater water loss under drought conditions, whereas suppressing DHAR expression conferred increased drought tolerance. Our analyses suggest that DHAR serves to maintain a basal level of Asc recycling in guard cells that is insufficient to scavenge the high rate of H(2)O(2) produced in the afternoon, thus resulting in stomatal closure.  相似文献   

气孔蒸腾中保卫细胞原生质的调控作用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
气孔运动的机理一般公认为保卫细胞的渗透调节。作者所在研究小组近几年的工作表明:动物神经递质乙酰胆碱参与气孔运动的调节;植物细胞骨架微管、微丝在气孔运动中起重要作用。因面提出保卫细胞原生质在气孔蒸腾中的气孔蒸腾中的作用值得进一步研究。  相似文献   

Stomatal movement is strictly regulated by various intracellular and extracellular factors in response environmental signals. In our recent study, we found that an Arabidopsis guard cell expressed expansin, AtEXPA1, regulates stomatal opening by altering the structure of the guard cell wall. This addendum proposes a mechanism by which guard cell expansins regulate stomatal movement.Key words: expansin, stomatal movement, AtEXPA1, guard cell, wall looseningStomatal movement is the most popular model system for cellular signaling transduction research. A complicated complex containing many proteins has been proposed to control stomatal responses to outside stimuli. The known regulation factors are primarily located in the nucleus, cytoplasm, plasma membrane and other intracellular organelles.1,2 Although the cell wall structure of the stomata is different from that of other cells,3,4 the presence of stomatal movement regulation factors in the cell wall has seldom been reported in reference 5. In our previous work, we found that extracellular calmodulin stimulates a cascade of intracellular signaling events to regulate stomatal movement.6 The involvement of this signaling pathway is the first evidence that cell wall proteins play an important role in regulation of stomatal opening. Cell wall-modifying factors constitute a major portion of cell wall proteins. However, the role of these factors in the regulation of stomatal movement is not yet known.Expansins are nonenzymatic proteins that participate in cell wall loosening.79 Expansins were first identified as “acid-growth” factors because they have much higher activities at acidic pHs.10,11 It has been reported that expansins play important roles in plant cell growth, fruit softening, root hair emergence and other developmental processes in which cell wall loosening is involved.79,12,13 Wall loosening is an essential step in guard cell swelling and the role of stomatal expansins was investigated. AtEXPA1 is an Arabidopsis guard-cell-specific expansin.13,14 Over-expressing AtEXPA1 increases the rate of light-induced stomatal opening,14,15 while a potential inhibitor of expansin activity, AtEXPA1 antibody, reduces the sensitivity of stomata to stimuli.14 We showed that the transpiration rate and the photosynthesis rate in plant lines overexpressing AtEXPA1 were nearly two times the rates for wild-type plants (Fig. 1). These in plant data revealed that expansins accelerated stomatal opening under normal physiological conditions. In addition, the increases in the transpiration and photosynthesis rates strongly suggested the possibility of exploiting expansin-regulated stomatal sensitivity to modify plant drought tolerance. Compared with the effect of hydrolytic cell wall enzymes, the destruction of cell wall structures induced by expansins is minimal. In addition, it is very difficult to directly observe the changes in the guard cell wall structure caused by expansins during stomatal movement. Our recent work showed that, in AtEXPA1-overexpressing plants, the volumetric elastic modulus is lower than in wild-type plants,14 which indicates the wall structure was loosened and that the cell wall was easier to extend. Taken together, our data suggest that expansins participate in the regulation of stomatal movement by modifying the cell walls of guard cells.Open in a separate windowFigure 1Effects of AtEXPA1 overexpression on transpiration rates and photosynthesis rates. The transpiration rate (left) and photosynthesis rate (right) of wild-type and transgenic AtEXPA1 lines were measured at 10:00 AM in the greenhouse after being watered overnight. The illumination intensity was 180 µmol/m2·s. Bars represent the standard error of the mean of at least five plants per line.It is well known that the activation of proton-pumping ATPase (H+-ATPase) in the plasma membrane is an early and essential step in stomatal opening.16 The action of the pump results in an accumulation of H+ outside of the cell, increases the inside-negative electrical potential across the plasma membrane and drives potassium uptake through the voltage-gated, inward-rectifying K+ channels.1719 The main function of the H+ pump is well accepted to create an electrochemical gradient across the plasma membrane; however, the other result is the acidification of the guard cell wall, which may also contribute to stomatal opening. A possible mechanism responsible for this effect is as follows. Expansins are in an inactive state when the stomata are in the resting state. Stomatal opening signals induce wall acidification and activate expansins. Then, the expansins move along with cellulose microfibrils and transiently break down hydrogen bonding between hemicellulose and the surface of cellulose microfibrils,20,21 facilitating the slippage of cell wall polymers under increasing guard cell turgor pressure. The guard cell then swells and the stomata open (Fig. 2).Open in a separate windowFigure 2Model of how guard cell wall expansins regulate stomatal opening. Environmental stimuli, e.g., light, activate guard cell plasma membrane H+-ATPases to pump H+ into the extracellular wall space. The accumulation H+ acidifies the cell wall and induces the activation of expansin. The active expansin disrupts non-covalent bonding between cellulose microfibrils and matrix glucans to enable the slippage of the cell wall. The wall is loosened coincident with guard cell swelling and without substantial breakdown of the structure.Although our results indicate that AtEXPA1 regulates stomatal movement, the biochemical and structural mechanism by which AtEXPA1 loosens the cell wall remains to be discovered. It remains to figure out the existing of other expansins or coordinators involving in this process. In addition, determining the roles of expansins and the guard cell wall in stomatal closing is another main goal of future research.  相似文献   

Transgenic antisense tobacco plants with a range of reductions in sedoheptulose-1,7-bisphosphatase (SBPase) activity were used to investigate the role of photosynthesis in stomatal opening responses. High resolution chlorophyll a fluorescence imaging showed that the quantum efficiency of photosystem II electron transport (F(q)(')/F(m)(')) was decreased similarly in both guard and mesophyll cells of the SBPase antisense plants compared to the wild-type plants. This demonstrated for the first time that photosynthetic operating efficiency in the guard cells responds to changes in the regeneration capacity of the Calvin cycle. The rate of stomatal opening in response to a 30 min, 10-fold step increase in red photon flux density in the leaves from the SBPase antisense plants was significantly greater than wild-type plants. Final stomatal conductance under red and mixed blue/red irradiance was greater in the antisense plants than in the wild-type control plants despite lower CO(2) assimilation rates and higher internal CO(2) concentrations. Increasing CO(2) concentration resulted in a similar stomatal closing response in wild-type and antisense plants when measured in red light. However, in the antisense plants with small reductions in SBPase activity greater stomatal conductances were observed at all C(i) levels. Together, these data suggest that the primary light-induced opening or CO(2)-dependent closing response of stomata is not dependent upon guard or mesophyll cell photosynthetic capacity, but that photosynthetic electron transport, or its end-products, regulate the control of stomatal responses to light and CO(2).  相似文献   

Controversies regarding the function of guard cell chloroplasts and the contribution of mesophyll in stomatal movements have persisted for several decades. Here, by comparing the stomatal opening of guard cells with (crl‐ch) or without chloroplasts (crl‐no ch) in one epidermis of crl (crumpled leaf) mutant in Arabidopsis, we showed that stomatal apertures of crl‐no ch were approximately 65–70% those of crl‐ch and approximately 50–60% those of wild type. The weakened stomatal opening in crl‐no ch could be partially restored by imposing lower extracellular pH. Correspondingly, the external pH changes and K+ accumulations following fusicoccin (FC) treatment were greatly reduced in the guard cells of crl‐no ch compared with crl‐ch and wild type. Determination of the relative ATP levels in individual cells showed that crl‐no ch guard cells contained considerably lower levels of ATP than did crl‐ch and wild type after 2 h of white light illumination. In addition, guard cell ATP levels were lower in the epidermis than in leaves, which is consistent with the observed weaker stomatal opening response to white light in the epidermis than in leaves. These results provide evidence that both guard cell chloroplasts and mesophyll contribute to the ATP source for H+ extrusion by guard cells.  相似文献   



Computational models of cell signaling networks typically are aimed at capturing dynamics of molecular components to derive quantitative insights from prior experimental data, and to make predictions concerning altered dynamics under different conditions. However, signaling network models have rarely been used to predict how cell phenotypic behaviors result from the integrated operation of these networks. We recently developed a decision tree model for how EGF-induced fibroblast cell motility across two-dimensional fibronectin-coated surfaces depends on the integrated activation status of five key signaling nodes, including a proximal regulator of transcellular contractile force generation, MLC (myosin light chain) [Hautaniemi et al, Bioinformatics 21: 2027 {2005}], but we have not previously attempted predictions of new experimental effects from this model.  相似文献   



Mathematical modelling of cellular networks is an integral part of Systems Biology and requires appropriate software tools. An important class of methods in Systems Biology deals with structural or topological (parameter-free) analysis of cellular networks. So far, software tools providing such methods for both mass-flow (metabolic) as well as signal-flow (signalling and regulatory) networks are lacking.


Herein we introduce CellNetAnalyzer, a toolbox for MATLAB facilitating, in an interactive and visual manner, a comprehensive structural analysis of metabolic, signalling and regulatory networks. The particular strengths of CellNetAnalyzer are methods for functional network analysis, i.e. for characterising functional states, for detecting functional dependencies, for identifying intervention strategies, or for giving qualitative predictions on the effects of perturbations. CellNetAnalyzer extends its predecessor FluxAnalyzer (originally developed for metabolic network and pathway analysis) by a new modelling framework for examining signal-flow networks. Two of the novel methods implemented in CellNetAnalyzer are discussed in more detail regarding algorithmic issues and applications: the computation and analysis (i) of shortest positive and shortest negative paths and circuits in interaction graphs and (ii) of minimal intervention sets in logical networks.


CellNetAnalyzer provides a single suite to perform structural and qualitative analysis of both mass-flow- and signal-flow-based cellular networks in a user-friendly environment. It provides a large toolbox with various, partially unique, functions and algorithms for functional network analysis.CellNetAnalyzer is freely available for academic use.  相似文献   

The essential role of brassinosteroids (BRs) in normal plant growth, development and physiology has been established by the analysis of biosynthesis and signal transduction mutants. Some of the BR-related mutants also display altered sensitivity to the phytohormone abscisic acid (ABA) suggesting that BRs normally counteract the effects of ABA on root growth, seed germination, and possibly stomatal movement. In this study, the effect of a specific BR, brassinolide (BL), on guard cell function of Vicia faba was examined alone and in conjunction with ABA. Unlike other described plant responses, BL did not oppose the effect of ABA in regulation of stomatal movement. On the contrary, BL modulated stomatal aperture by promoting stomatal closure and inhibiting stomatal opening, functions of this hormone that were previously undescribed. This study also demonstrated a role for plant steroidal hormones in ion channel regulation: BL inhibited inwardly rectifying K+ currents of V. faba guard cell protoplasts in a manner similar to ABA. In both stomatal movement assays and whole-cell patch clamp experiments, the effects of BL and ABA applied together were not additive, suggesting that these two hormones may function in interacting pathways to regulate stomatal apertures and guard cell physiology.  相似文献   

Gao XQ  Li CG  Wei PC  Zhang XY  Chen J  Wang XC 《Plant physiology》2005,139(3):1207-1216
Stomatal movement is important for plants to exchange gas with environment. The regulation of stomatal movement allows optimizing photosynthesis and transpiration. Changes in vacuolar volume in guard cells are known to participate in this regulation. However, little has been known about the mechanism underlying the regulation of rapid changes in guard cell vacuolar volume. Here, we report that dynamic changes in the complex vacuolar membrane system play a role in the rapid changes of vacuolar volume in Vicia faba guard cells. The guard cells contained a great number of small vacuoles and various vacuolar membrane structures when stomata closed. The small vacuoles and complex membrane systems fused with each other or with the bigger vacuoles to generate large vacuoles during stomatal opening. Conversely, the large vacuoles split into smaller vacuoles and generated many complex membrane structures in the closing stomata. Vacuole fusion inhibitor, (2s,3s)-trans-epoxy-succinyl-l-leucylamido-3-methylbutane ethyl ester, inhibited stomatal opening significantly. Furthermore, an Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) mutation of the SGR3 gene, which has a defect in vacuolar fusion, also led to retardation of stomatal opening. All these results suggest that the dynamic changes of the tonoplast are essential for enhancing stomatal movement.  相似文献   

Initiation of stomatal closure by various stimuli requires activation of guard cell plasma membrane anion channels, which are defined as rapid (R)- and slow (S)-type. The single-gene loss-of-function mutants of these proteins are well characterized. However, the impact of suppressing both the S- and R-type channels has not been studied. Here, by generating and studying double and triple Arabidopsis thaliana mutants of SLOW ANION CHANNEL1 (SLAC1), SLAC1 HOMOLOG3 (SLAH3), and ALUMINUM-ACTIVATED MALATE TRANSPORTER 12/QUICK-ACTIVATING ANION CHANNEL 1 (QUAC1), we show that impairment of R- and S-type channels gradually increased whole-plant steady-state stomatal conductance. Ozone-induced cell death also increased gradually in higher-order mutants with the highest levels observed in the quac1 slac1 slah3 triple mutant. Strikingly, while single mutants retained stomatal responsiveness to abscisic acid, darkness, reduced air humidity, and elevated CO2, the double mutant lacking SLAC1 and QUAC1 was nearly insensitive to these stimuli, indicating the need for coordinated activation of both R- and S-type anion channels in stomatal closure.

Combined impairment of guard cell slow and rapid anion channels results in increased stomatal conductance and complete stomatal insensitivity to abscisic acid, darkness, and elevated CO2.  相似文献   

An empirical model for stomatal conductance (g), proposed by Leuning (1995, this issue) as a modification of Ball, Woodrow & Berry's (1987) model, is interpreted in terms of a simple, steady-state model of guard cell function. In this model, stomatal aperture is a function of the relative turgor between guard cells and epidermal cells. The correlation between g and leaf surface vapour pressure deficit in Leuning's model is interpreted in terms of stomatal sensing of the transpiration rate, via changes in the gradient of total water potential between guard cells and epidermal cells. The correlation between g, CO2 assimilation rate and leaf surface CO2 concentration in Leuning's model is interpreted as a relationship between the corresponding osmotic gradient, irradiance, temperature, intercellular CO2 concentration and stomatal aperture itself. The explicit relationship between osmotic gradient and stomatal aperture (possibly describing the effect of changes in guard cell volume on the membrane permeability for ion transport) results in a decrease in the transpiration rate in sufficiently dry air. Possible extension of the guard cell model to include stomatal responses to soil water status is discussed.  相似文献   

ABA, hydrogen peroxide and nitric oxide signalling in stomatal guard cells   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
Increased synthesis and redistribution of the phytohormone abscisic acid (ABA) in response to water deficit stress initiates an intricate network of signalling pathways in guard cells leading to stomatal closure. Despite the large number of ABA signalling intermediates that are known in guard cells, new discoveries are still being made. Recently, the reactive oxygen species hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and the reactive nitrogen species nitric oxide (NO) have been identified as key molecules regulating ABA-induced stomatal closure in various species. As with many other physiological responses in which H2O2 and NO are involved, stomatal closure in response to ABA also appears to require the tandem synthesis and action of both these signalling molecules. Recent pharmacological and genetic data have identified NADPH oxidase as a source of H2O2, whilst nitrate reductase has been identified as a source of NO in Arabidopsis guard cells. Some signalling components positioned downstream of H2O2 and NO are calcium, protein kinases and cyclic GMP. However, the exact interaction between the various signalling components in response to H2O2 and NO in guard cells remains to be established.  相似文献   

Abscisic acid (ABA) induces a transient stimulation of 86Rb+ efflux from isolated guard cells of Commelina communis L. The form of the efflux transients produced in suboptimal conditions (low concentrations of ABA and/or high external pH at which ABA will penetrate poorly) has been compared with the full transient. In suboptimal conditions the stimulation of efflux is both delayed and reduced. The pH-dependence of the delay before initiation of the efflux transient suggests that a threshold internal concentration of ABA is required. However in suboptimal conditions even when the threshold internal concentration is reached and a transient is triggered, the degree of stimulation is reduced, an effect which also appears to depend on internal ABA. It is suggested that the differences reflect activation of different numbers of tonoplast ion channels for release of vacuolar ions. By contrast, the same end-state seems to be reached in optimal and suboptimal conditions, but after different times. The relative efflux stimulation during the efflux transient tracks the declining ion content; both the peak and the end of the transient are reached at the same ion content, but at different times. It is suggested that this reflects an ABA-induced change in the set-point of a regulated ion channel which is sensitive to ion content, perhaps a stretch-activated channel. This effect is independent of external concentration in the range 0.1–10 µM, and pH 6 and pH 8 are equally effective, suggesting an external site of action. Thus the results suggest multiple actions of ABA, involving both internal and external receptors. Regulation of both tonoplast ion channels by internal ABA, and of a regulated channel responsive to ion content by external ABA are suggested.  相似文献   

Rat submandibular cells treated with methylcholanthrene are able to be propagated in continuous culture while retaining beta-adrenergic responsiveness. A specific clone, RSMT-A5, has been isolated and studied in detail. RSMT-A5 cells possess beta-adrenergic receptors (BARS) as judged by [3H]-dihydroalprenolol ([3H]-DHA) binding studies. [3H]-DHA binds to RSMT-A5 membranes in a specific and saturable manner with respect to time and [3H]-DHA concentration. Specific binding is saturable within three min of incubation, and a Scatchard analysis reveals a single class of high affinity binding sites with an equilibrium dissociation constant of 0.62 +/- 0.03 nM and a receptor density of 101 +/- 4 fmole/mg protein. Antagonist competition studies indicate that the BARs are primarily of the beta 2-subtype. The BARs are functional since isoproterenol stimulation results in an increased intracellular cAMP content, marked morphological change, and decreased cell volume and chloride content. These same responses can be evoked by treating RSMT-A5 cells with 8-bromo-cAMP. Ion transport inhibitors such as bumetanide (an inhibitor of Na/K/Cl cotransport), SITS and DIDS (inhibitors of chloride-bicarbonate exchange), amiloride (an inhibitor of Na-H exchange), ouabain (an inhibitor of Na/K-ATPase), and dipyridamole and 9-anthracene carboxylic acid (chloride channel blockers) fail to inhibit the isoproterenol-stimulated change in chloride content. The effects of either isoproterenol or 8-bromo-cAMP on both chloride content and cell volume can be inhibited by the chloride channel blocker N-phenylanthranilic acid, however. Taken together, our results indicate that RSMT-A5 cells possess a beta-adrenergic receptor system which controls intracellular volume and chloride content by modulating transport processes that are 1) cAMP-responsive and 2) inhibitable by the putative chloride channel blocker N-phenylanthranilic acid.  相似文献   

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