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Activin is a potent inducer of mesoderm in amphibian embryos. We previously reported that low concentrations of activin could induce the formation of blood cells from Xenopus explants (animal caps). Both hematopoietic and vascular endothelial cell lineages are believed to share a common precursor, termed hemangioblasts. In this study, we tried to induce differentiation of vascular endothelial cells in aggregates derived from Xenopus animal caps. Aggregates formed from cells that were co-treated with activin and angiopoietin-2 expressed the vascular endothelial markers, X-msr, Xtie2 and Xegfl7. However, none of these aggregates expressed the hematopoietic marker genes, globin alpha T3, alpha T5, alpha A or GATA-1. We used microarray analysis to compare the gene expression profiles of aggregates treated with activin alone or with activin and angiopoietin. The combination, but not activin alone, induced expression of vascular-related genes such as Xl-fli and VEGF. These results demonstrate that treatment of dissociated animal cap cells with activin and angiopoietin-2 can induce differentiation of endothelial cells, and provides a promising model system for the in vitro study of blood vessel induction in vertebrates.  相似文献   

The beta cells of the pancreatic islets, which maintain glucose homeostasis by secreting insulin, are important cells for sustaining life. In recent years, islet transplantation has been performed as a treatment for type I diabetes. Since there are not enough donors for patients awaiting transplantation, beta cells grown in vitro are expected to be utilized as a substitute for islets. To obtain the cells with properties of human beta cells, it is necessary to understand the process by which human pancreatic islets are formed, as well as their structural characteristics. By using undifferentiated cells, such as Xenopus laevis animal caps and mouse ES cells, pancreatic tissue has shown to be able to be induced in vitro. Various attempts have been made to obtain human beta cells from human ES/iPS cells. Versatile methods have been developed and improved efficiency has been achieved by the use of low molecular weight compounds, but the challenge remains to prevent tumor formation and achieve functional maturation. Inducing the differentiation of somatic stem cells into insulin-producing cells has also brought us closer to clinical application. There are still many challenges related to the practical use of beta cells derived from undifferentiated cells, such as the development of methods to substitute these cells for host beta cells, standardization of the treatment protocol, quality control, and confirmation of safety. Research on the methods of inducing undifferentiated cells to differentiate into beta cells has shown definite progress, suggesting that cell therapy for diabetes may become a preferred therapeutic option over islet transplantation.  相似文献   

Inhibition of the synthesis of alkali-insoluble glucan by aculeacin A in Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells caused a decrease in the incorporation of a high molecular weight heterogeneous mannoprotein material and of a 33000 mannoprotein into the wall network. This was concomitant with the excretion of the latter molecule into the growth medium. Regenerating yeast protoplasts liberated considerable amounts of the heterogeneous material to the medium independently of the presence of aculeacin. The protoplast walls did lack this component and contained only minor amounts of the 33000 molecule, which was also completely absent from walls of aculeacin-treated protoplasts. Considerable levels of the 33000 species were immunodetected in the supernatants from treated and untreated protoplasts. These results point to the existence of specific interactions between the glucan network of the yeast cell surface and some of the wall mannoproteins. On the other hand, the presence of a population of SDS-solubilizable mannoproteins in the wall was independent of glucan levels.Abbreviations SDS sodium dodecyl sulphate - YNB Yeast nitrogen base  相似文献   

A vertebrate eye was induced via a series of coordinated inductive interactions. Here, we describe a novel in vitro system to induce eye formation at high frequency using Xenopus early gastrulae. The eye formed in vitro is morphologically similar to the normal eye. When the in vitro eye was transplanted into a stage-33 tadpole, the optic nerve was seen extending from the grafted eye to the tectum of the host brain and the in vitro eye graft was retained after metamorphosis. In addition, we transplanted the eye formed in vitro into a tadpole with both eyes removed. The resultant juvenile frogs could perceive brightness using the grafted eye and thereby control their skin color, suggesting that the eye formed in vitro could function normally.  相似文献   

The FGF pathway regulates a variety of developmental processes in animals through activation and/or repression of numerous target genes. Here we have identified a Xenopus homolog of potassium channel tetramerization domain containing 15 (KCTD15) as an FGF-repressed gene. Kctd15 expression is first detected at the gastrula stage and gradually increases until the tadpole stage. Whole-mount in situ hybridization reveals that the spatial expression of kctd15 is tightly regulated during early embryogenesis. While kctd15 is uniformly expressed throughout the presumptive ectoderm at the early gastrula stage, its expression becomes restricted to the non-neural ectoderm and is excluded from the neural plate at the early neurula stage. At the mid-neurula stage, kctd15 shows a more restricted distribution pattern in regions that are located at the anterior, lateral or medial edge of the neural fold, including the preplacodal ectoderm, the craniofacial neural crest and the prospective roof plate. At the tailbud stage, kctd15 expression is mainly detected in neural crest- or placode-derived tissues that are located around the eye, including the mandibular arch, trigeminal ganglia and the olfactory placode. FGF represses kctd15 expression in ectodermal explants, and the inhibition of FGF receptor with a chemical compound dramatically expands the region expressing kctd15 in whole embryos. Dorsal depletion of kctd15 in Xenopus embryos leads to bent axes with reduced head structures, defective eyes and abnormal somites, while ventral depletion causes defects in ventral and caudal morphologies. These results suggest that kctd15 is an FGF-repressed ectodermal gene required for both dorsal and ventral development.  相似文献   

F M Rosa 《Cell》1989,57(6):965-974
In frogs, mesoderm presumably derives from presumptive ectoderm by induction under the control of diffusible substances produced by the endoderm. To analyze the early phase of mesoderm induction, I have isolated cDNA copies of mRNAs induced in presumptive ectoderm by mesoderm inducing factor secreted by the XTC cell line. One of the inducible mRNAs encodes a homeodomain-containing protein that is likely to play a regulatory role in development. Mix.1 behaves as an immediate early response to induction, and its kinetics of expression suggest a major role for MBT in the control of inducible gene expression. Unexpectedly, Mix.1 is expressed mostly in the future endoderm, suggesting that endoderm may be formed by induction in a similar way as mesoderm.  相似文献   

The mesoderm, comprising the tissues that come to lie entirely in the deep layer, originates in both the superficial epithelial and the deep mesenchymal layers of the early amphibian embryo. Here, we characterize the mechanisms by which the superficial component of the presumptive mesoderm ingresses into the underlying deep mesenchymal layer in Xenopus tropicalis and extend our previous findings for Xenopus laevis. Fate mapping the superficial epithelium of pregastrula stage embryos demonstrates ingression of surface cells into both paraxial and axial mesoderm (including hypochord), in similar patterns and amounts in both species. Superficial presumptive notochord lies medially, flanked by presumptive hypochord and both overlie the deep region of the presumptive notochord. These tissues are flanked laterally by superficial presumptive somitic mesoderm, the anterior tip of which also appears to overlay the presumptive deep notochord. Time-lapse recordings show that presumptive somitic and notochordal cells move out of the roof of the gastrocoel and into the deep region during neurulation, whereas hypochordal cells ingress after neurulation. Scanning electron microscopy at the stage and position where ingression occurs suggests that superficial presumptive somitic cells in X. laevis ingress into the deep region as bottle cells whereas those in X. tropicalis ingress by "relamination" (e.g., [Dev. Biol. 174 (1996) 92]). In both species, the superficially derived presumptive somitic cells come to lie in the medial region of the presumptive somites during neurulation. By the early tailbud stages, these cells lie at the horizontal myoseptum of the somites. The morphogenic pathway of these cells strongly resembles that of the primary slow muscle pioneer cells of the zebrafish. We present a revised fate map of Xenopus, and we discuss the conservation of superficial mesoderm within amphibians and across the chordates and its implications for the role of this tissue in patterning the mesoderm.  相似文献   

Loss of mesodermal competence (LMC) during Xenopus development is a well known but little understood phenomenon that prospective ectodermal cells (animal caps) lose their competence for inductive signals, such as activin A, to induce mesodermal genes and tissues after the start of gastrulation. Notch signaling can delay the onset of LMC for activin A in animal caps [Coffman, C.R., Skoglund, P., Harris, W.A., Kintner, C.R., 1993. Expression of an extracellular deletion of Xotch diverts cell fate in Xenopus embryos. Cell 73, 659-671], although the mechanism by which this modulation occurs remains unknown. Here, we show that Notch signaling also delays the onset of LMC in whole embryos, as it did in animal caps. To better understand this effect and the mechanism of LMC itself, we investigated at which step of activin signal transduction pathway the Notch signaling act to affect the timing of the LMC. In our system, ALK4 (activin type I receptor) maintained the ability to phosphorylate the C-terminal region of smad2 upon activin A stimulus after the onset of LMC in both control- and Notch-activated animal caps. However, C-terminal-phosphorylated smad2 could bind to smad4 and accumulate in the nucleus only in Notch-activated animal caps. We conclude that LMC was induced because C-terminal-phosphorylated smad2 lost its ability to bind to smad4, and consequently could not accumulate in the nucleus. Notch signal activation restored the ability of C-terminal-phosphorylated smad2 to bind to smad4, resulting in a delay in the onset of LMC.  相似文献   

1. Optic cups of 48, 72 and 96 hours old chick embryos were prepared, cultured and recombined with ectoderm. With the optic cups of 48 hours old embryos, lens formation occurred in 16% of the cases. With the optic cups of 72 hours old embryos, lens formation occurred in 28% of the cases. Optic cups of 96 hours old embryos were not able to induce a lens. 2. The optic cup proved to be able to induce a lens more than once. 3. Ectoderm of the head of 72 hours old embryos was still able to form a lens. 4. Using homogenized eye cups of 72 hours old embryos, lens induction occurred only in a few cases. When the optic cups were cut into small pieces, lens induction occurred in 30% of the cases. This suggests that intact cells are necessary to obtain lens induction.  相似文献   

Recently, we demonstrated that a pulse of BrdU given to prenatal animals reveals the existence of slow-cycling long-term label-retaining cells (LRCs), putative adult stem or progenitor cells, which reside in the dental pulp. This study aims to clarify responses of LRCs to allogenic tooth transplantation into mouse maxilla using prenatal BrdU-labeling, in situ hybridization for osteopontin and periostin, and immunohistochemistry for BrdU, nestin, and osteopontin. The upper-right first molars were allografted in the original socket between BrdU-labeled and non-labeled mice or between GFP transgenic and wild-type mice. Tooth transplantation caused degeneration of the odontoblast layer, resulting in the disappearance of nestin-positive reactions in the dental pulp. On postoperative days 5–7, tertiary dentin formation commenced next to the preexisting dentin where nestin-positive odontoblast-like cells were arranged in the successful cases. In BrdU-labeled transplanted teeth, dense LRCs were maintained in the center of the dental pulp beneath the odontoblast-like cells including LRCs, whereas LRCs disappeared in the area surrounding the bone-like tissue. In contrast, LRCs were not recognized in the pulp chamber of non-labeled transplants through the experimental period. Tooth transplantation using GFP mice demonstrated that the donor cells constituted the dental pulp of the transplant except for endothelial cells and some migrated cells, and the periodontal tissue was replaced by host-derived cells except for epithelial cell rests of Malassez. These results suggest that the maintenance of BrdU label-retaining dental pulp cells play a role in the regeneration of odontoblast-like cells in the process of pulpal healing following tooth transplantation.  相似文献   

Gene expression of activin, activin receptors, and follistatin was investigated in vivo and in vitro using semiquantitative RT-PCR in intestinal epithelial cells. Rat jejunum and the intestinal epithelial cell line IEC-6 expressed mRNA encoding the betaA-subunit of activin, alpha-subunit of inhibin, activin receptors IB and IIA, and follistatin. An epithelial cell isolation study focused along the crypt-villus axis in rat jejunum showed that betaA mRNA levels were eight- to tenfold higher in villus cells than in crypt cells. Immunohistochemistry revealed the expression of activin A in upper villus cells. The human intestinal cell line Caco-2 was used as a differentiation model of enterocytes. Four- to fivefold induction of betaA mRNA was observed in postconfluent Caco-2 cells grown on filter but not in those cells grown on plastic. In contrast, follistatin mRNA was seen to be reduced after reaching confluence. Exogenous activin A dose-dependently suppressed the proliferation and stimulated the expression of apolipoprotein A-IV gene, a differentiation marker, in IEC-6 cells. These results suggest that the activin system is involved in the regulation of such cellular functions as proliferation and differentiation in intestinal epithelial cells.  相似文献   

Summary The inducing capacity of the vegetal hemisphere of early amphibian blastulae was studied by placing a Nucleopore filter (pore size 0.4 m) between isolated presumptive endoderm and animal (ectodermal) caps. The inducing effect was shown to traverse the Nucleopore membrane. The reacting ectoderm differentiated into mainly ventral mesodermal derivatives. Expiants consisting of five animal caps also formed dorsal mesodermal and neural structures. Those results together with data published elsewhere suggest that, in addition to a vegetalizing factor, different mesodermal factors must be taken into consideration for the induction of either the ventral or the dorsal mesodermal derivatives. The neural structures are thought to be induced by the primarily induced dorsal mesodermal tissue. Electron microscopic (TEM) examination did not reveal any cell processes in the pores of the filter. The results indicate that transmissible factors rather than signals via cytoplasmic contacts or gap junctions are responsible for the mesodermal induction of ectodermal cells. The data support the view that in normogenesis the mesoderm is determined by the transfer of inducing factors from vegetal blastomeres to cells of the marginal zone (presumptive mesodermal cells).  相似文献   

In recent years, genes that show left-right (L-R) asymmetric expression patterns have been identified one after another in vertebrate gastrula-neurula embryos. However, we still have little information about when the irreversible L-R specification is established in vertebrate embryos. In this report, we show that almost 100% of the embryos develop to be L-R-inverted larvae after microinjection of activin molecules into the right lateral hypodermic space of Xenopus neurula embryos. After right-side injection of 10-250 pg activin protein, both early neurulae just after gastrulation movement (stage 13-14) and late neurulae just before neural tube closure (stage 17-18) showed almost 100% reversal of the heart and gut L-R axes. At higher doses of activin, more than 90% of the L-R-inverted embryos showed L-R reversal of both heart and gut. The survival ratio of the right-injected 4-day embryos was 90% on average. In the left-injected embryos, the occurrence of L-R inversion was less than 2% as observed in normal untreated siblings (1.7%). When the same amount of activin (1-50 pg) was microinjected into both sides of neurula embryos, the incidence of L-R inversion was reduced to 58%. The injection of activin along the dorsal midline in the trunk region also randomized the visceral L-R axis. Injection of activin into the right side changed normal left-handed expression of Xnr-1 to right-handed or bilateral expression. In contrast, left-handed expression of Pitx2 was switched to the right side by right activin injection. This is the first report of a method that achieves complete inversion of the visceral L-R axis by treatment of embryos at the neurula stage. Activin not only acts on the neurulae to cancel the original L-R specification up to the late neurula stage, but also rebuilds a new L-R axis whose left side coincides with the injection side. It is suggested that the left and right halves of neurulae have equal potential for L-R differentiation.  相似文献   

The gene for activin betaA is expressed in the early odontogenic mesenchyme of all murine teeth but mutant mice show a patterning defect where incisors and mandibular molars fail to develop but maxillary molars develop normally. In order to understand why maxillary molar tooth development can proceed in the absence of activin, we have explored the role of mediators of activin signalling in tooth development. Analysis of tooth development in activin receptor II and Smad2 mutants shows that a similar tooth phenotype to activin betaA mutants can be observed. In addition, we identify a novel downstream target of activin signalling, the Iroquois-related homeobox gene, Irx1, and show that its expression in activin betaA mutant embryos is lost in all tooth germs, including the maxillary molars. These results strongly suggest that other transforming growth factor beta molecules are not stimulating the activin signalling pathway in the absence of activin. This was confirmed by a non-genetic approach using exogenous soluble receptors to inhibit all activin signalling in tooth development, which reproduced the genetic phenotypes. Activin, thus, has an essential role in early development of incisor and mandibular molar teeth but this pathway is not required for development of maxillary molars.  相似文献   

Dorsal and ventral specification in the early optic vesicle appears to play a crucial role in the proper development of the eye. In the present study, we performed embryonic transplantation and organ culturing of the chick optic vesicle in order to investigate how the dorsal-ventral (D-V) polarity is established in the optic vesicle and what role this polarity plays in proper eye development. The left optic vesicle was cut and transplanted inversely in the right eye cavity of host chick embryos. This method ensured that the D-V polarity was reversed while the anteroposterior axis remained normal. The results showed that the location of the choroid fissure was altered from the normal (ventral) to ectopic positions as the embryonic stage of transplantation progressed from 6 to 18 somites. At the same time, the shape of the optic vesicle and the expression patterns of Pax2 and Tbx5, marker genes for ventral and dorsal regions of the optic vesicle, respectively, changed concomitantly in a similar way. The crucial period was between the 8- and 14-somite stages, and during this period the polarity seemed to be gradually determined. In ovo explant culturing of the optic vesicle showed that the D-V polarity and choroid fissure formation were already specified by the 10-somite stage. These results indicate that the D-V polarity of the optic vesicle is established gradually between 8- and 14-somite stages under the influence of signals derived from the midline portion of the forebrain. The presumptive signal(s) appeared to be transmitted from proximal to distal regions within the optic vesicle. A severe anomaly was observed in the development of optic vesicles reversely transplanted around the 10-somite stage: the optic cup formation was disturbed and subsequently the neural retina and pigment epithelium did not develop normally. We concluded that establishment of the D-V polarity in the optic vesicle plays an essential role in the patterning and differentiation of the neural retina and pigment epithelium.  相似文献   

Following surgical ablation of the temporal (posterior) region of the eye-bud in stage 32 Xenopus frog embryos, the surviving nasal (anterior) fragment gradually rounds up to form a functional eye and orderly retinotectal map. Large nasal fragments (N-23) assemble topographically normal maps, as does the majority of nasal “half-eye” fragments; small nasal fragments (N-13), and a minority of nasal half-eye fragments, give a characteristic, mirror-symmetrical duplication map, similar (but not identical) to the “double-nasal” maps which develop when two nasal half-eyes are fused to form a frank NN double-eye. Ventral fragments and temporal fragments show similar size-dependent behavior, although their characteristic duplicate maps are topographically different from those of nasal fragments and more similar to the “double-ventral” and “double-temporal” maps of VV and TT recombinant eyes. Here we show that a simple surgical transection, applied either dorsally or ventrally to large nasal (N-23) fragments so as to isolate a subregion of the tissue at the dorsum or venturm of the fragment, induces full or partial duplication of the nasal type in the majority of cases. The results refute the hypothesis that special properties at the eye-bud center, by their presence or absence in the fragment, control pattern duplication, and point instead toward interactions around the circumference of the eye-bud as a crucial parameter in determining positional information in the retina.  相似文献   

J B Green  H V New  J C Smith 《Cell》1992,71(5):731-739
The potent mesoderm-inducing factors activin and FGF are present as maternally synthesized proteins in embryos of X. laevis. We show that activin can act on explanted blastomeres to induce at least five different cell states ranging from posterolateral mesoderm to dorsoanterior organizer mesoderm. Each state is induced in a narrow dose range bounded by sharp thresholds. By contrast, FGF induces only posterolateral markers and does so over relatively broad dose ranges. FGF can modulate the actions of activin, potentiating them and broadening the threshold-bounded dose windows. Our results indicate that orthogonal gradients of activin and FGF would be sufficient to specify the main elements of the body plan.  相似文献   

Studies performed over the last century have clarified the mechanisms of organ and tissue formation. Mesoderm formation is one of the most important events in early body pattern determination during embryogenesis. In 1988, we found that activin A has mesoderm-inducing activity. As activin A could induce dorsal mesoderm formation, unlike fibroblast growth factor and bone morphogenetic protein, this factor was thought to be the molecular entity of the Spemann-Mangold organizer. Subsequently, the mechanisms of early embryogenesis have been clarified using molecular biological techniques, resulting in the identification of many genes that are involved in organ and tissue development. This finding that activin A could induce dorsal mesoderm formation spurred research into the application of agents that induce organs and tissues in vitro . In this regard, we have shown that many organ types can be induced by activin A in vitro . Moreover, we have found that other types of organs can be induced by changing the conditions of treatment. To date, more than 20 different types of tissues and organs have been successfully induced from Xenopus undifferentiated cells in vitro . In recent years, we have applied these protocols to mouse embryonic stem cells, and we have successfully induced several tissues, such as the pancreas and cardiomyocytes. We are also investigating how the pluripotency of undifferentiated stem cells is regulated. In this review, we summarize the current knowledge regarding activin as a mesoderm-inducing factor and its application for the induction of tissues and organs from undifferentiated cells. Moreover, we provide some examples of in vitro tissue differentiation from mouse embryonic stem cells, which may prove useful in regenerative medicine.  相似文献   

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