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COPD exacerbations are associated with neutrophilic airway inflammation. Adhesion molecules on the surface of neutrophils may play a key role in their movement from blood to the airways. We analysed adhesion molecule expression on blood and sputum neutrophils from COPD subjects and non-obstructed smokers during experimental rhinovirus infections.


Blood and sputum were collected from 9 COPD subjects and 10 smoking and age-matched control subjects at baseline, and neutrophil expression of the adhesion molecules and activation markers measured using flow cytometry. The markers examined were CD62L and CD162 (mediating initial steps of neutrophil rolling and capture), CD11a and CD11b (required for firm neutrophil adhesion), CD31 and CD54 (involved in neutrophil transmigration through the endothelial monolayer) and CD63 and CD66b (neutrophil activation markers). Subjects were then experimentally infected with rhinovirus-16 and repeat samples collected for neutrophil analysis at post-infection time points.


At baseline there were no differences in adhesion molecule expression between the COPD and non-COPD subjects. Expression of CD11a, CD31, CD62L and CD162 was reduced on sputum neutrophils compared to blood neutrophils. Following rhinovirus infection expression of CD11a expression on blood neutrophils was significantly reduced in both subject groups. CD11b, CD62L and CD162 expression was significantly reduced only in the COPD subjects. Blood neutrophil CD11b expression correlated inversely with inflammatory markers and symptom scores in COPD subjects.


Following rhinovirus infection neutrophils with higher surface expression of adhesion molecules are likely preferentially recruited to the lungs. CD11b may be a key molecule involved in neutrophil trafficking in COPD exacerbations.  相似文献   

The expression and purification of human rhinovirus protease 3C   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Human rhinovirus type 14 protease 3C was expressed as a soluble and active protein in Escherichia coli. The protease was purified by a cationic-exchange step followed by gel filtration on a TSK 3000 column. The final yield of purified protease was in the range 0.5-1.0 mg/l culture grown to A550 = 1.0. Sequence analysis revealed that greater than 90% of the N-terminal residues were methionine. The enzyme activity of the purified protease was measured by cleavage of a synthetic peptide representing a predicted Gln/Gly viral polyprotein cleavage site. A mutant protease (Cys146----Ser) was produced and purified in the same way. The yield of mutant protease 3C was approximately 150 micrograms/l from a culture grown to A550 = 1.0. This mutant protease 3C did not cleave the synthetic peptide substrate.  相似文献   

The major human rhinovirus receptor is ICAM-1   总被引:131,自引:0,他引:131  
The major human rhinovirus receptor has been identified with monoclonal antibodies that inhibit rhinovirus infection. These monoclonal antibodies recognize a 95 kd cell surface glycoprotein on human cells and on mouse transfectants expressing a rhinovirus binding phenotype. Purified 95 kd protein binds to rhinovirus in vitro. Protein sequence from the 95 kd protein showed an identity with that of intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1); a cDNA clone obtained from mouse transfectants expressing the rhinovirus receptor had essentially the same sequence as ICAM-1. Thus, the major human rhinovirus receptor is ICAM-1. The gene for this receptor maps to human chromosome 19, which also contains the genes for a number of other picornavirus receptors.  相似文献   

Wang HH  Mao NY  Wang SZ  Wang ZX 《病毒学报》2011,27(3):294-297
1概述急、慢性呼吸道感染是最常见的人类疾病。据统计,平均每人每年发生呼吸道感染的几率大于30%,在儿童中的发病率和病死率更高。除细菌外,病毒是引起呼吸道感染的重要的病原微生物之一。近年来随着病毒实验室检测技术和分子生物学技术  相似文献   

Human infection with the protozoan parasite Trypanosoma cruzi leads to Chagas disease, which affects approximately 17 million people in Latin America. A significant percentage of the infected population will develop clinical symptoms or present changes in laboratory and/or image evaluation. The existence of a large spectrum of clinical manifestations--with patients ranging from asymptomatic to severe cardiac involvement--emphasizes the need to use standardized and well-defined clinical criteria among different research groups. In this article, we carry out a systematic review of the immunology in human Chagas disease, discussing recent findings in the context of a clinical perspective.  相似文献   

Human rhinovirus type 2 (HRV2) is internalized by members of the low-density lipoprotein (LDL) receptor (LDLR) family. It then progresses into late endosomes, where it undergoes conversion from D- to C-antigenicity at pH < 5.6. Upon uncoating, the viral RNA is transferred into the cytoplasm across the endsosomal membrane. However, C-antigenic particles fail to attach to LDLR; this raised the question of whether the virus remains attached to the receptors and is carried to late compartments or rather falls off at the higher pH in early endosomes. We therefore determined the pH dependence of virus-receptor dissociation and virus conversion to C-antigen under conditions preventing endocytosis. (35)S-HRV2 was attached to HeLa cells at 4 degrees C and incubated in buffers of pH 7.4 to 5.0; levels of native virus and C-antigenic particles remaining cell associated or having been released into the medium were determined by immunoprecipitation. At pH 6.0, HRV2 was readily released from plasma membrane receptors in its native form, whereas at pH < or = 5.4, it was entirely converted to C-antigen, which, however, only dissociated from the surface upon prolonged incubation. The antigenic conversion occurred at the same pH regardless of whether HRV2 was free in solution or bound to its receptors. These data suggest that, in vivo, the virus is no longer bound to its receptors when the antigenic conversion and uncoating occur in more acidic late endosomes. When virus was bound to HeLa cells at 4 degrees C, converted into C-antigen by exposure to pH 5.3, and subsequently warmed to 34 degrees C in the presence of bafilomycin (to prevent endosomal uncoating), viral de novo synthesis was detected. This study demonstrates for the first time that a nonenveloped virus such as HRV2 can infect from the plasma membrane when artificially exposed to low pH. This implies that the viral RNA can gain access to the cytoplasm from the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

T-cell activation requires the interaction of the T-cell receptor with a cognate major histocompatibility complex (MHC)-peptide complex. Initiated by antigen engagement, the adaptive immune response is orchestrated by a complex balance between stimulatory and inhibitory signals that are predominantly controlled by members of the B7 family. Here, we review the current knowledge on B7 family members concerning their constitutive and regulated expression, modulation of the immune response and their role in the evasion of host immune surveillance. We also discuss recent therapeutic strategies that aim to improve immune-cell recognition of tumors and induce tolerance to autoreactive immune responses in normal tissues by manipulating B7 functions.  相似文献   

Replication of picornaviruses is dependent on VPg uridylylation, which is linked to the presence of the internal cis-acting replication element (cre). Cre are located within the sequence encoding polyprotein, yet at distinct positions as demonstrated for poliovirus and coxsackievirus-B3, cardiovirus, and human rhinovirus (HRV-A and HRV-B), overlapping proteins 2C, VP2, 2A, and VP1, respectively. Here we report a novel distinct cre element located in the VP2 region of the recently reported HRV-A2 species and provide evolutionary evidence of its functionality. We also experimentally interrogated functionality of recently identified HRV-B cre in the 2C region that is orthologous to the human enterovirus (HEV) cre and show that it is dispensable for replication and appears to be a nonfunctional evolutionary relic. In addition, our mutational analysis highlights two amino acids in the 2C protein that are crucial for replication. Remarkably, we conclude that each genetic clade of HRV and HEV is characterized by a unique functional cre element, where evolutionary success of a new genetic lineage seems to be associated with an invention of a novel cre motif and decay of the ancestral one. Therefore, we propose that cre element could be considered as an additional criterion for human rhinovirus and enterovirus classification.  相似文献   

Delivery of the rhinovirus genome into the cytoplasm involves a cooperative structural modification of the viral capsid. We have studied this phenomenon for human rhinovirus serotype 2 (HRV2). The structure of the empty capsid has been determined to a resolution of better than 15 A by cryo-electron microscopy, and the atomic structure of native HRV2 was used to examine conformational changes of the capsid. The two proteins around the 5-fold axes make an iris type of movement to open a 10 A diameter channel which allows the RNA genome to exit, and the N terminus of VP1 exits the capsid at the pseudo 3-fold axis. A remarkable modification occurs at the 2-fold axes where the N-terminal loop of VP2 bends inward, probably to detach the RNA.  相似文献   

The role of vitamin D (VitD) in calcium and bone homeostasis is well described. In the last years, it has been recognized that in addition to this classical function, VitD modulates a variety of processes and regulatory systems including host defense, inflammation, immunity, and repair. VitD deficiency appears to be frequent in industrialized countries. Especially patients with lung diseases have often low VitD serum levels. Epidemiological data indicate that low levels of serum VitD is associated with impaired pulmonary function, increased incidence of inflammatory, infectious or neoplastic diseases. Several lung diseases, all inflammatory in nature, may be related to activities of VitD including asthma, COPD and cancer. The exact mechanisms underlying these data are unknown, however, VitD appears to impact on the function of inflammatory and structural cells, including dendritic cells, lymphocytes, monocytes, and epithelial cells. This review summarizes the knowledge on the classical and newly discovered functions of VitD, the molecular and cellular mechanism of action and the available data on the relationship between lung disease and VitD status.  相似文献   

Human rhinovirus 14 (HRV14) is a member of the rhinovirus genus, which belongs to the picornavirus family, which includes clinically and economically important members, such as poliovirus, foot-and-mouth disease virus, and endomyocarditis virus. Capsid stability plays an important role in the viral infection process, in that it needs to be stable enough to move from cell to cell and yet be able to release its genetic material upon the appropriate environmental cues from the host cell. It has been suggested that certain host cell molecules, "pocket factors," bind to the WIN drug-binding cavity beneath the canyon floor and provide transient stability to a number of the picornaviruses. To directly test this hypothesis, HRV14 was mutated in (V1188M, C1199W, and V1188M/C1199W) and around (S1223G) the drug-binding pocket. Infectivity, limited proteolysis, and matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization analyses indicate that filling the drug-binding pocket with bulky side chains is not deleterious to the viral life cycle and lends some stabilization to the capsid. In contrast, studies with the S1223G mutant suggest that this mutation at least partially overcomes WIN drug-mediated inhibition of cell attachment and capsid breathing. Finally, HRV16, which is inherently more stable than HRV14 in a number of respects, was found to "breathe" only at 37 degrees C and did not tolerate stabilizing mutations in the drug-binding cavity. These results suggest that it is the drug-binding cavity itself and not the putative pocket factor that is crucial for the capsid dynamics, which is, in turn, necessary for infection.  相似文献   

A newly discovered group of human rhinoviruses (HRVs) has been classified as the HRV-C species based on distinct genomic features. HRV-Cs circulate worldwide, and are important causes of upper and lower respiratory illnesses. Methods to culture and produce these viruses have recently been developed, and should enable identification of unique features of HRV-C replication and biology.  相似文献   



Human rhinoviruses (HRVs) are the most frequently detected pathogens in acute respiratory tract infections (ARTIs) and yet little is known about the prevalence, recurrence, structure and clinical impact of individual members. During 2007, the complete coding sequences of six previously unknown and highly divergent HRV strains were reported. To catalogue the molecular and clinical features distinguishing the divergent HRV strains, we undertook, for the first time, in silico analyses of all available polyprotein sequences and performed retrospective reviews of the medical records of cases in which variants of the prototype strain, HRV-QPM, had been detected.

Methodology/Principle Findings

Genomic analyses revealed that the six divergent strains, residing within a clade we previously called HRV A2, had the shortest polyprotein of all picornaviruses investigated. Structure-based amino acid alignments identified conserved motifs shared among members of the genus Rhinovirus as well as substantive deletions and insertions unique to the divergent strains. Deletions mostly affected regions encoding proteins traditionally involved in antigenicity and serving as HRV and HEV receptor footprints. Because the HRV A2 strains cannot yet be cultured, we created homology models of predicted HRV-QPM structural proteins. In silico comparisons confirmed that HRV-QPM was most closely related to the major group HRVs. HRV-QPM was most frequently detected in infants with expiratory wheezing or persistent cough who had been admitted to hospital and required supplemental oxygen. It was the only virus detected in 65% of positive individuals. These observations contributed to an objective clinical impact ranging from mild to severe.


The divergent strains did not meet classification requirements for any existing species of the genus Rhinovirus or Enterovirus. HRV A2 strains should be partitioned into at least one new species, putatively called Human rhinovirus C, populated by members detected with high frequency, from individuals with respiratory symptoms requiring hospital admission.  相似文献   

A role for immunology in invasion biology   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Invasive species are of increasing conservation and economic concern, yet mechanisms underlying invasions remain poorly understood. We propose that variation in immune defences might help explain why only some introduced populations become invasive. Introduced species escape many of their native diseases, but also face novel pathogens that can induce costly, and sometimes deadly, immune responses in na?ve hosts. Therefore, favouring less resource-demanding and dangerous defence mechanisms and allocating a greater proportion of resources to growth and reproduction should favour invasion. Specifically, we argue that successful invaders should reduce costly systemic inflammatory responses, which are associated with fever and metabolic and behavioural changes, and rely more heavily on less expensive antibody-mediated immunity. Here we provide supporting arguments for this hypothesis and generate predictions that are testable using tools from the growing field of ecological immunology.  相似文献   

HeLa cells were made strictly dependent upon polyamine by growth in the presence of alpha-difluoromethylornithine, a specific inhibitor of ornithine decarboxylase. Under these conditions, the specific activity of the cellular polyamine pools eventually equilibrated to that of exogenously supplied [14C]putrescine; however, the process was very slow, requiring half-equilibration times of about 16 h for spermidine and 28 for spermine. Thus, the distribution of radioactivity in individual polyamines became a valid measure of polyamine content only after a continuous 4-day incorporation period. When propagated in polyamine-labeled cells, two picornaviruses were found to incorporate substantially different amounts of polyamine: about 0.6% of the cell pool for human rhinovirus 14 but only 0.04% for poliovirus. This content of polyamine was sufficient to neutralize nearly 27% of the negative charge of the RNA in human rhinovirus 14 but only 1.6% in poliovirus.  相似文献   

Plasmodium falciparum malaria remains a global public health threat. Optimism that a highly effective malaria vaccine can be developed stems in part from the observation that humans can acquire immunity to malaria through experimental and natural P. falciparum infection. Recent advances in systems immunology could accelerate efforts to unravel the mechanisms of acquired immunity to malaria. Here, we review the tools of systems immunology, their current limitations in the context of human malaria research, and the human 'models' of malaria immunity to which these tools can be applied.  相似文献   

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