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Richness and diversity of perennial plant species were evaluated in 17 Stipa tenacissima steppes along a degradation gradient in semiarid SE Spain. The main objective of the study was to evaluate the relative importance of historical human impacts, small‐scale patch attributes and environmental factors as determinants of perennial plant species richness and diversity in S. tenacissima steppes, where vegetation is arranged as discrete plant patches inserted on a bare ground matrix. Partial least squares regression was used to determine the amount of variation in species richness and diversity that could be significantly explained by historical human impacts, patch attributes, and environmental factors together and separately. They explained up to 89% and 69% of the variation in species richness and diversity, respectively. In both cases, the predictive power of patch attributes models was higher than that of models consisting of abiotic characteristics and variables related to human impact, suggesting that patch attributes are the major determinants of species richness and diversity in semiarid S. tenacissima steppes. However, patch attributes alone are not enough to explain the observed variation in species richness and diversity. The area covered by late‐successional sprouting shrubs and the distance between consecutive patches were the most influencing individual variables on species richness and diversity, respectively. The implications of these results for the management of S. tenacissima steppes are discussed.  相似文献   

Aim We developed a model enabling us to evaluate the contribution of both natural and human‐related factors to butterfly species richness in Catalonia, a Mediterranean area that harbours one of the most diverse butterfly faunas in Europe. Location The study was carried out in Catalonia (north‐east Iberian Peninsula), a region of 31,930 km2 lying between the Pyrenees, the Ebro depression and the Mediterranean sea. Methods Data from the Catalan Butterfly Monitoring Scheme were used to assess butterfly species richness from 55 transects spread all over the region. Three groups of environmental variables likely to affect the presence of butterfly species were calculated, above all from geographic information system data: (1) climatology and topography, (2) vegetation structure and (3) human disturbance. Because climatic and topographic variables are expected to be strongly correlated, we first performed a principal component analysis (PCA) to create a summarizing factor that would account for most of the variance within this set of variables. Subsequently, a backward stepwise multiple regression was performed in order to assess the effects of environmental factors on butterfly species richness. Results A total of 131 species were detected in the monitoring transects, representing 75.7% of the butterfly fauna known from Catalonia. Mean species richness per transect and per year was 41.4, although values varied greatly among sites (range: 14–76.8). The final regression model explained more than 80% of the total variance, which indicated a strong association between butterfly species richness and the studied environmental factors. The model revealed the very important contribution of climatic and topographic variables, which were combined into a single factor in the PCA. In contrast to what has been found in other, more northerly countries, species richness was negatively correlated with temperature and positively correlated with rainfall, except for extreme cold and wet conditions. This may be a consequence of the predictably adverse effects of the Mediterranean summer drought on herbivorous insects, and the fact that the limits of distribution of many butterflies correlate well with climatic variables. Human disturbance (defined as the proportion of urban and agricultural landscape cover in buffer areas of 5 km around the transect sites) was the second most important predictor for species richness. We found that a significant decrease in species numbers was associated with an increase in human pressure, a finding that indicates that not only building development, but also modern‐day agricultural practices are detrimental to the conservation of Mediterranean butterflies. Surprisingly, vegetation variables had an almost negligible effect on butterfly species richness. Main conclusions Our findings strongly indicate that the current motors of global change will have a negative effect on Mediterranean butterfly assemblages. First, changes in land‐use are transforming and fragmenting the landscape into an inhospitable and less permeable matrix for butterflies. Secondly, the negative correlation between species richness and temperature will lead to a predictable loss of diversity over the coming years, as predicted in the most plausible scenarios of climate change. Considering the high butterfly richness characterizing the Mediterranean Basin, this future trend will pose a serious threat to biodiversity.  相似文献   

Maestre  Fernando T.  Cortina  Jordi 《Plant and Soil》2002,241(2):279-291
In arid and semi-arid areas with sparse vegetation cover, the spatial pattern of surface soil properties affects water and nutrient flows, and is a question of considerable interest for understanding degradation processes and establishing adequate management measures. In this study, we investigate the spatial distribution of vegetation and surface soil properties (biological crusts, physical crusts, mosses, rock fragments, earthworm casts, fine root accumulation and below-ground stones) in a semi-arid Stipa tenacissima L. steppe in SE Spain. We applied the combination of spatial analysis by distance indices (SADIE) and geostatistics to assess the spatial pattern of soil properties and vegetation, and correlation analyses to explore how these patterns were related. SADIE analysis detected significant clumped patterns in the spatial distribution of vegetation, mosses, fine root accumulation and below-ground stone content. Contoured SADIE index of clustering maps suggested the presence of patchiness in the distribution of earthworm casts, fine roots, below-ground stone content, mosses and biological crusts. Correlation analyses suggested that spatial pattern of some soil properties such as biological crusts, moss cover, surface rock fragments, physical crusts and fine roots were significantly related with above-ground plant distribution. We discuss the spatial arrangement of surface soil properties and suggest mechanistic explanations for the observed spatial patterns and relationships.  相似文献   

Isolation effects on species richness of woody plants were investigated in a system of islands that were created by the filling of the Clarks Hill Reservoir, Georgia. This reservoir was built between 1946–1954. Some islands were logged and cleared of woody plants prior to the filling of the reservoir and others were not logged. The presence of logged versus unlogged islands in the same system allowed us to test whether and how geographical isolation interacts with island history and species-specific dispersal properties in determining patterns of among-island variation in species number. Thirty-six years after the islands were created, logged islands had significantly fewer species of woody plants than unlogged ones. On logged islands, total number of woody species was negatively correlated with distance to the closest mainland (r=–0.95). On unlogged islands, variation in species number was very low (CV=4.9%) and was not correlated with distance to the mainland. These results indicate that the studied system as a whole has not yet reached equilibrium. However, the mean number of species on unlogged islands was very close to the intercept of the regression obtained for logged islands, suggesting that islands close to the mainland have already reached their equilibrium species richness. This conclusion is consistent with predictions of island biogeography theory. When species representing different dispersal properties were analyzed separately, statistically significant distance effects were obtained for bird-dispersed species (r=0.88) and for species with no adaptations to bird or wind dispersal (r=0.81). Wind-dispersed species did not show a decrease in species number with increasing isolation, but their relative frequency was positively and significantly correlated with distance to the mainland (r=0.94). Historical factors, as well as differences among species in dispersal properties, are important in explaining patterns of among-island variation in species number.  相似文献   

We investigated the spatial patterns of perennial species (Stipa tenacissima, Anthyllis cytisoidesGlobularia alypum, Brachypodium retusum and chamaephytes) in a 50 m × 50 m semi-arid steppe by using the combination of a linear model of coregionalization (LMC) and sampling units of varying size (1.25 m × 1.25 m, 2.5 m × 2.5 m, and 5 m × 5 m). The data-adjusted LMC showed the patchy structure of the vegetation, which was especially evident with the highest resolution grid. It also detected a periodic pattern in the distribution of S. tenacissima, as well as autocorrelation at two spatial scales for A. cytisoides and G. alypum. The latter species was negatively associated with the other species at both short and long distances. These negative associations were consistent for all sampling grids and suggest the presence of interference between G. alypum and the rest of the evaluated species. Despite species-specific differences, the LMC was fitted satisfactorily to all of them. This suggests a common variation pattern for all the species, which may be caused by an underlying environmental property driving the patterns of all the species or, alternatively, by the dominance of some species’ spatial pattern, or another kind of species association, over the rest. The spatial patterns found were profoundly affected by the observational scale. Our results reveal that the multivariate geostatistical approach introduced in this paper is a suitable technique for the spatial analysis of semi-arid plant communities. It allows plant ecologists to evaluate if the species forming the plant community of interest share a common spatial pattern, and to assess the spatial covariation between the species forming a plant community at different spatial scales independently.  相似文献   

Island biogeography theory, created initially to study diversity patterns on islands, is often applied to habitat fragments. A key but largely untested assumption of this application of theory is that landscape matrix species composition is non‐overlapping with that of the islands. We tested this assumption in successional old field patches in a closely mowed matrix, and because our patches are appropriately viewed as sets of contiguous habitat units we studied patterns of species richness per unit area. Previous studies at our site did not find that diversity patterns on patch ‘islands’ conformed to predictions of island biogeography theory. Our results indicate that when matrix species are removed from the patch samples, diversity patterns conform better to theory. We suggest that classical island theory remains an appropriate tool to study diversity patterns in fragmented habitats, but that allowances should be made for spill‐over colonization of ‘islands’ from the ‘sea’.  相似文献   

Differences in the dynamics of ecological processes between Mediterranean and colder temperate aquatic systems could imply different patterns in faunal communities in terms of composition and biodiversity (i.e. species richness and rarity). In order to identify some of these patterns the crustacean and aquatic insect composition and biodiversity of four water body types, classified according to their salinity and water permanence, were compared. Moreover, the relationships between species richness and water, pond and landscape variables were analysed. A total number of 91 water bodies located throughout Catalunya (NE Iberian Peninsula) were sampled. Three species assemblages were observed: one for permanent freshwaters, another for temporary freshwaters, and a third one for saline waters (SW), since permanent and temporary saline water bodies had similar composition. Differences in salinity were associated with proportion of crustaceans versus insects and with singularity. Thus, saline ponds had a higher proportion of crustaceans, and lower values of singularity. Conductivity was significantly related to total (crustaceans plus insects) richness, and also related to insect richness. The main difference between the models obtained for crustacean species richness and insect species richness is the significance of landscape variables in the latter, and this fact could be related to the different dispersion types of these two faunal groups: active for insects versus passive for crustaceans. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. Guest editors: R. Céréghino, J. Biggs, B. Oertli & S. Declerck The ecology of European ponds: defining the characteristics of a neglected freshwater habitat  相似文献   

Aim We analyse modern patterns of richness, presence and extinction of birds of prey (Accipitriforms and Falconiforms) in the Mediterranean and Macaronesian islands, using an integrated approach involving both biogeographical and human‐induced factors. Location Forty‐three islands grouped into nine Mediterranean and Macaronesian archipelagos. Methods Information about 25 species breeding during the past century and their fate (permanence or extinction) was compiled from the literature and regional reports. Jaccard's similarity index and cluster analyses were applied to define island assemblages. In order to detect the factors driving richness, presence and extinction, generalized linear models (GLM) were applied to 32 explanatory variables, evaluating location, physiography, isolation of island, taxonomic affinities and life‐history patterns of the raptor species. Results Islands belonging to the same archipelago clustered when raptor assemblages were compared, revealing a marked biogeographical signal. Species richness was influenced by island area and accessibility from the continent (explained deviance of 51% in the GLM). Models of the probability of presence (explained deviance of 32%) revealed positive influences of migratory patterns (maximum for partial migrants), size of distribution areas and proximity to main migration routes. The model for probability of extinction explained only 8% of the deviance. It revealed that populations living on islands with a high density of human population were more prone to disappear. Also, raptors depending on human resources had more risk of extinction. Main conclusions Basic predictions of island biogeography can explain current patterns of raptor richness in the study area despite millennia of intense humanization processes. Colonization success appears to depend on life‐history traits linked to migratory and dispersal strategies, whereas body‐size constraints are not influential. Additionally, our results reveal the importance of species‐based analyses in studies of island biogeography.  相似文献   

Questions: What is the relative influence of size, connectivity and disturbance history on plant species richness and assemblages of fragmented grasslands? What is the contribution of small fragments to the conservation of native species pool of the region? Location: Tandilia's Range, Southern Pampa, Argentina. Methods: Cover of plants was registered within 24 fragments of tall‐tussock grassland remnants within an agricultural landscape using modified Whittaker nested sampling. We analysed the influence of site variables related to disturbance history (canopy height, litter thickness) and fragment variables (size, connectivity) on species richness (asymptotic species richness, slope of the species–area curve) as well as on species assemblages by multiple regressions analysis and canonical correspondence analyses, respectively. Cumulative area was used for analysing whether small fragments or large fragments are more important to species diversity in the landscape. Results: Asymptotic species richness was significantly influenced by site variables, in particular by Paspalum quadrifarium's canopy height, but not by fragment variables. Species assemblages were also affected by site variables (12.2% of total variation), but no additional portion of the species assemblage variability was significantly explained by fragment size and connectivity. Sampling of several small fragments rendered more exotic and native species than sampling of few large fragments of the same total area. Conclusions: Our results agree with previous studies reporting low sensitivity of species diversity to size and isolation of grassland fragments in fragmented landscapes and high sensitivity of species diversity to local variables. The higher capture of regional native species pool by small grassland fragments than by few larger ones of equivalent accumulated area highlights the value of small fragments for conservation.  相似文献   

Question: Phytogenic mounds (nebkhas) ‐ the natural accumulation of wind‐blown sediments within or around the canopies of plants ‐ have been proposed as important structures for locally maintaining high species richness in coastal and arid ecosystems. Nebkhas are assumed to increase habitat heterogeneity, but what is the importance of the nebkha host species relative to other nebkha characteristics in determining the associated plant assemblages? Are some host species more effective in creating diversity hotspots, or does a single species‐area relationship apply to all nebkhas, regardless of host species? Can the influence of the host be ascribed to its indirect effects on abiotic attributes of the nebkha complex? Methods and location: We investigated plant species richness and composition on nebkhas around six psammophytic species on Mediterranean coastal dunes of the Sinai Peninsula. Results: Plant species richness was significantly related to nebkha size by the single power function according to the general prediction of island biogeography theory, but this relationship was modified ‐ though to a limited degree ‐ by nebkha host species identity. Canonical Correspondence Analysis revealed that nebkha host species identity and nebkha environmental and non‐environmental factors significantly explained species composition on the nebkhas, but host species identity did so to a greater extent. The latter might reflect differences in seed trapping ability or free space for colonization between host species. Conclusion: Differences in community composition and richness among nebkhas formed by different host species represent a key factor in the maintenance of plant diversity on arid coastal dunes.  相似文献   

Summary During five different periods between Nov. 1982 and Aug. 1983, the diurnal patterns exhibited in photosynthetic CO2 uptake and stomatal conductance were observed under natural conditions on twigs of Cistus salvifolius, a Mediterranean semi-deciduous shrub which retains a significant proportion of its leaves through the summer drought. During the same periods, net photosynthesis at saturating CO2 partial pressure was measured on the same twigs as a function of irradiance at different temperatures. From these data, photosynthetic capacity, defined here as the CO2- and light-saturated net photosynthesis rate, was obtained as a function of leaf temperature. C. salvifolius is a winter growing species, shoot growth being initiated in Nov. and continuing through May. Photosynthetic capacity was quite high in Nov., March and June, exceeding 40 mol m-2 s-1 at optimum temperature. In Dec., photosynthetic capacity was somewhat reduced, perhaps due to low night-time temperatures (<5°C) during the measurement period. In Aug., capacity in oversummering shoots at optimum temperature fell to less than 8 mol m-2 s-1, due to water trees and perhaps leaf aging. Seasonal changes in maximal photosynthetic rates under ambient conditions were similar, and like those found in co-occurring evergreen sclerophylls. Like the evergreens, Cistus demonstrated considerable stomatal control of transpirational water loss, particularly in oversummering leaves. During each measurement period except Aug. when capacity was quite low, the maximum rates of net photosynthesis measured under ambient conditions were less than half the measured photosynthetic capacities at comparable temperatures, suggesting an apparent excess nitrogen investment in the photosynthetic apparatus.  相似文献   

Aim To examine the richness of breeding bird species in relation to elevation, primary productivity and urbanization. Location The island of Taiwan (120°–122° E, 22°–25° N). Methods We arranged bird species richness (BSR) data from 288 bird censuses undertaken in Taiwan into a 2 × 2 km quadrat system and calculated average values of elevation, primary productivity [surrogated by normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI)], and urbanization (surrogated by road density and percentage of built area) for each 2 × 2 km quadrat. Results Bird species richness showed a hump‐shaped relationship with elevation. It increased with elevation from sea level (10–64 species per 2 × 2 km quadrat), peaked around 2000 m (43–76 species), and then decreased with elevation towards its minimum at the highest elevation. Road density and percentage of built area decreased with elevation, and NDVI showed a hump‐shaped relationship with elevation and inverse relationships with road density and percentage of built area. BSR increased with NDVI and decreased with road density and percentage of built area. Linear and cubic terms of elevation together explained 31.3% of the variance in BSR, and road density explained additional 3.4%. The explanatory power of NDVI on BSR was insignificant after the effects of elevation and road density had been justified. Main conclusions We argue that urbanization plays an important role in the BSR of Taiwan. Urbanization might indirectly decrease BSR through decreasing primary productivity and therefore change the hypothetical inverse relationship between BSR and elevation into a hump‐shaped relationship. We also propose a time hypothesis that the biotic communities in the mid‐elevation zone of Taiwan had relatively longer periods of existence during the Pleistocene glacial cycles, which might be one underlying process of the observed hump‐shaped relationship between species diversity and elevation.  相似文献   

王思齐  朱章明 《生态学报》2022,42(1):209-219
物种丰富度的大尺度地理格局及其成因是宏观生态学及生物地理学的中心议题之一。蔷薇属(Rosa L.)植物具有很高的经济价值和生态价值,探讨中国蔷薇属植物的丰富度分布格局及其影响因素可为该属植物资源的保护和合理开发利用乃至其系统进化研究提供重要依据。基于蔷薇属植物在中国的15451条分布数据和11种地理、气候等环境因子进行了物种丰富度分析和相关性分析,研究结果显示:(1)蔷薇属植物在中国分布不均匀。在水平方向上,蔷薇属植物于26.19°—34.29°N带内有较高的物种丰富度,之后随着纬度的增加而降低,且随着经度的增加表现为先增加后减少,于99.10°—108.47°E间存在明显的峰值;在垂直方向上,蔷薇属植物的物种丰富度随海拔的增加表现为先增加后减少,956.46—3518.60m范围内的丰富度最高。西南横断山区为蔷薇属物种分布的中心地区,新疆北部及东北长白山周边地区为局部聚集区。(2)蔷薇属物种丰富度与各能量、水分和生境异质性因子均呈正相关关系,与气候稳定性因子呈负相关关系。表明中国蔷薇属植物在水分和热量条件好、气候季节性变化小且生境异质性程度高的地方,有着更高的物种丰富度。(3)蔷薇属...  相似文献   

Levizou  E.  Manetas  Y. 《Plant Ecology》2001,154(1-2):179-186
Seedlings of two Mediterranean plants, the slow-growing, evergreen sclerophyll Ceratonia siliqua L. and the fast growing drought semi-deciduous Phlomis fruticosa L., were grown for one year in the field at ambient or ambient plus supplemental UV-B radiation (equivalent to a 15% ozone depletion) and two levels of applied fertilizers (NPK). The effects on growth, morphological, anatomical and physiological parameters were measured at final plant harvest. Additional nutrients increased leaf nitrogen, improved growth and reduced the root/shoot ratio in both plants, yet these effects were more pronounced in the fast growing P. fruticosa. A nutrient-induced increase in chlorophyll content was also observed in this plant. The growth responses to UV-B radiation were different for the two species. Growth in C. siliqua was not affected by UV-B radiation at both nutrient levels and the same was true for P. fruticosa at low nutrients. However, at the high nutrient level, supplemental UV-B radiation improved growth in P. fruticosa, indicating a strong interaction between the treatments. Photosystem II (PSII) photochemical efficiency, methanol-extractable UV-B absorbing capacity, total phenolics and tannins were not affected by either treatment in both plants. It is concluded that nutrient levels can strongly modify the UV-B radiation effects on growth of P. fruticosa. We presume that this may be correlated to the fast growing habit of this species.  相似文献   

Question: What is the relative influence of forest continuity, environmental differences and geographical context on vegetation and species richness in ancient and recent forests? Location: Himmerland and Hornsherred in Denmark. Methods: Lists of forest species from deciduous forests were subjected to CCA with variation partitioning to quantify the relative amount of variation in species composition attributable to historical, present geographical and environmental variables. GLM was used to estimate the importance of the variables to species richness. Results: The importance of temporal forest continuity in one region was negligible but was considerable in the other. The variation in species composition explained by geographical, environmental and historical variables showed little overlap in both regions, particularly at the fine scale. Conclusions: This paper does not support the idea that differences in the flora between ancient and recent forests is mainly caused by environmental differences. Furthermore, species richness seemed unaffected by isolation and forest connectivity.  相似文献   

The effects of 16 years of continuous browsing by goats in a South African savanna at stocking rates intended for bush control were compared with plots unbrowsed for the same period of time. Differences in bush-clump density, structure and species composition were recorded. Bush-clump density did not differ between browsed and unbrowsed plots. Within individual bush-clumps, browsing was shown to impact more on structure than species composition, with smaller, shorter bush-clumps, containing fewer species but much greater stem-densities. Although species presence/absence was little affected by browsing, many species showed differences in abundance, growth and location within browsed and unbrowsed bush-clumps. Species reduced in abundance in browsed plots included Cussonia spicata, Ehretia rigida, Grewia occidentalis, Jasminum angulare and Senecio linifolius. Several species showed reduced growth in browsed plots, particularly those located at bush-clump edges. The relatively unpreferred Aloe ferox was a notable exception. Although browsing had little effect on the composition of the main clump founding species, emergents or late arrivals, there were twice as many single plants in browsed plots and emergence of several species was restricted to the middle of bush-clumps. Comparison of our findings with aerial photographic evidence and other literature suggest that browsing alone is unlikely to significantly reduce scrub cover, although it can clearly control further expansion. Combinations of fire and browsing, rather than one factor alone, are considered likely to act fastest and most effectively to significantly reduce or remove scrub cover altogether.  相似文献   

为探明黔西北地区不同杜鹃灌丛群落特征和物种多样性变化,本研究以5个不同的杜鹃群落为研究对象,分析了物种组成、重要值和多样性指数。结果表明,5个群落共有33种植物,属16科23属,灌木层和草本层分别有27种和6种;优势种和共优势种植物分别为小果珍珠花、小果珍珠花+露珠杜鹃、小果珍珠花+露珠杜鹃、露珠杜鹃、露珠杜鹃+黄山杜鹃。5个杜鹃灌丛群落灌木层的α多样性指数差异明显,灌木层的Margalef丰富度指数、Simpson多样性指数均表现为露珠杜鹃+黄山杜鹃灌丛群落(V)最大,小果珍珠花灌丛群落(I)最小;Shannon-Wiener多样性指数和Pielou均匀度指数均表现为小果珍珠花+露珠杜鹃灌丛群落(II)最大,小果珍珠花灌丛群落(I)最小。露珠杜鹃+黄山杜鹃灌丛群落(V)有进一步演替为亚热带常绿阔叶林的趋势。杜鹃属植物覆盖度大的临近群落的Whittaker指数、Jaccard指数和Sorenson指数值均较覆盖度小的临近群落大。  相似文献   

Loss of soil is a major problem that restoration actions must solve in Mediterranean quarries. Soil replacement by a low-quality substrate is often inadequate for revegetation and limits plant establishment and growth in these degraded areas, which are also subject to drought recurrent stress.In 1998, a field experiment was performed in a limestone quarry at Outão (Serra da Arrábida, SW Portugal) to test different types of substrate improvement: NPK fertilizer, water-holding polymer, mycorrhizal inoculum, and combinations of these. Two-year old plants of three native woody species were planted - carob (Ceratonia siliqua), wild-olive tree (Olea europaea var. sylvestris) and mastic (Pistacia lentiscus). Reports concerning the short-term results showed some differential effects of the assayed treatments on plant growth and physiology. The monitoring program was maintained, and here we report on the survival and growth of the introduced plants over eight years after planting. This prolonged study showed that, with the limited exception of fertilization, none of the assayed treatments added major advantages for plant survival or growth. Regardless of the tested substrate treatment, mortality was low and these native species became established in the revegetated area.  相似文献   

How the often highly endemic biodiversity of islands originated has been debated for decades, and it remains a fervid research ground. Here, using mitochondrial and nuclear gene sequence analyses, we investigate the diversity, phylogenetic relationships, and evolutionary history of the mayfly Baetis gr. rhodani on the three largest northwestern Mediterranean islands (Sardinia, Corsica, Elba). We identify three distinct, largely co‐distributed, and deeply differentiated lineages, with divergences tentatively dated back to the Eocene–Oligocene transition. Bayesian population structure analyses reveal a lack of gene exchange between them, even at sites where they are syntopic, indicating that these lineages belong to three putative species. Their phylogenetic relationships with continental relatives, together with the dating estimates, support a role for three processes contributing to this diversity: (1) vicariance, primed by microplate disjunction and oceanic transgression; (2) dispersal from the continent; and (3) speciation within the island group. Thus, our results do not point toward a prevailing role for any of the previously invoked processes. Rather, they suggest that a variety of processes equally contributed to shape the diverse and endemic biota of this group of islands.  相似文献   

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