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  • 1.1. Use of pyrimidine nucleotide precursors labelled in various positions on the ring shows that in rat liver, pyrimidine nucleotides formed from orotate follow anabolic pathways almost exclusively, whereas trace quantities of uridine are mostly degraded to β-alanine and its metabolites.
  • 2.2. Annomalies in the ratios of [14C] and [3H] in various common nucleotide products of orotate and uridine can be accounted for on the basis of metabolic compartmentation and recycling of CO2.

Summary Candida guilliermondii strain 1 was grown on solar as a sole carbon source for 14 days, and the lipid classes were investigated. The yeast showed high affinity towards hydrocarbons of short chain length, and within 6 days the cellular lipid classes represented 39.69%, 27.50%, 15.35%, 2.23%, 16.20% of hydrocarbons, neutral lipids, free fatty acids, sterols and polar lipids respectively. Undecanoic and hexadecanoic acids were the major fatty acids of the cellular neutral lipids and oleic acid was the major component of the polar lipids.  相似文献   

The yeast, Candida guilliermondii, has been widely studied due to its biotechnological interest as well as its biological control potential. It integrates foreign DNA predominantly via ectopic events, likely through the well-known non-homologous end-joining (NHEJ) pathway involving the Ku70p/Ku80p heterodimer, Lig4p, Nej1p and Lif1p. This phenomenon remains highly deleterious for targeted gene knock-out strategies that require the homologous recombination process. Here, we have constructed a ku70 mutant strain derived from the ATCC 6260 reference strain of C. guilliermondii. Following a series of disruption attempts of various genes (FCY1, ADE2 and TRP5), using several previously described dominant selectable markers (URA5, SAT-1 and HPH # ), we demonstrated that the efficiencies of homologous gene targeting in such a NHEJ-deficient strain was very high compared to the wild type strain. The C. guilliermondii ku70 deficient mutant thus represents a powerful recipient strain to knock-out genes efficiently in this yeast.  相似文献   

The regulation of N-acetylglucosamine catabolic enzymes was studied in both yeast and germ tube forms of the dimorphic fungus Candida albicans. The induction pattern of these enzymes was the same for yeast cells incubated at 28 degrees C and in cells incubated at 37 degrees C which formed germ tubes. However, the level of activity of these enzymes in germ tube stage is lower as compared to yeast phase cells. A strain of C. albicans that did not form germ tubes was endowed with a pronounced ability for induction of N-acetylglucosamine catabolic enzymes. This result suggests that germ tube formation and N-acetylglucosamine metabolism are mutually exclusive events.  相似文献   

When assimilating urea, arginine, ornithine and citrulline as the sole source of nitrogen, C. guilliermondii shows a higher economic coefficient of biomass accumulation (54.2, 59.7, 40.6% respectively) as compared with ammonium sulphate whose coefficient is 35.6%. Nitrogen sources exert a significant influence on the content of essential amino acids in the alcohol soluble fraction of cell biomass. For instance, urea and arginine are responsible for the accumulation of ornithine (220 and 480 mug/100 mg abs. dry weight), arginine (470 and 587 mug), aspartic acid (220 mug), glutamic acid (520 and 444 mug), alanine (460 and 500 mug), whereas ammonium sulphate provides an accumulation of serine--52 mug, glycine--57 mug, gamma-aminobutyric acid--480 mug, phenyl alanine--96 mug and leucine--96 mug.  相似文献   

We designed an efficient transformation system for Candida guilliermondii based on a ura5 ATCC 6260 derived recipient strain and a URA5 recyclable selection marker. This “URA5 blaster” disruption system represents a powerful tool to study the function of a large pallet of genes in this yeast of clinical and biotechnological interest.  相似文献   

The regulation of the synthesis of four dissimilatory enzymes involved in methanol metabolism, namely alcohol oxidase, formaldehyde dehydrogenase, formate dehydrogenase and catalase was investigated in the yeasts Hansenula polymorpha and Kloeckera sp. 2201. Enzyme profiles in cell-free extracts of the two organisms grown under glucose limitation at various dilution rates, suggested that the synthesis of these enzymes is controlled by derepression — represion rather than by induction — repression. Except for alcohol oxidase, the extent to which catabolite repression of the catabolic enzymes was relieved at low dilution rates was similar in both organisms. In Hansenula polymorpha the level of alcohol oxidase in the cells gradually increased with decreasing dilution rate, whilst in Kloeckera sp. 2201 derepression of alcohol oxidase synthesis was only observed at dilution rates below 0.10 h–1 and occurred to a much smaller extent than in Hansenula polymorpha.Derepression of alcohol oxidase and catalase in cells of Hansenula polymorpha was accompanied by synthesis of peroxisomes. Moreover, peroxisomes were degraded with a concurrent loss of alcohol oxidase and catalase activities when excess glucose was introduced into the culture. This process of catabolite inactivation of peroxisomal enzymes did not affect cytoplasmic formaldehyde dehydrogenase.  相似文献   

Basal levels of aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase, epoxide hydrolase and glutathione S-transferase enzyme activities, cytochrome P-450 content and inducibility of enzymes with phenobarbital were found to be similar in the microsomes of D. simulans mutant strain 364yv, which is sensitive to the toxic and mutagenic effects of benzo[a]pyrene (BP), and of the wild resistant Turku strain. In contrast, increases in the rate of BP turnover per molecule of cytochrome P-450, intensity of the hemoprotein band with apparent molecular weight 56,000 and the yield of BP 7,8-dihydrodiol and 9,10-dihydrodiol occurred only in microsomes of BP-pretreated 364yv flies but not of Turku ones. It is likely that BP induces an aberrant form of cytochrome P-450 in 364yv flies with a rare mutation in one of the P-450 regulating genes.  相似文献   

The yeast strain Candida guilliermondii 2581 was chosen for its ability to produce xylitol in media with high concentrations of xylose. The rate of xylitol production at a xylose concentration of 150 g/l is 1.25 g/l per h; the concentration of xylitol after three days of cultivation is 90 g/l; and the relative xylitol yield is 0.6 g per g substrate consumed. The growth conditions were found that resulted in the maximum relative xylitol yield with complete consumption of the sugar: xylose concentration, 150 g/l; pH 6.0; and shaking at 60 rpm. It was shown that the growth under conditions of limited aeration favors the reduction of xylose.  相似文献   

Candida guilliermondii produced β-phenethyl alcohol and β-phenyllactic acid when grown in a synthetic medium containing L-phenylalanine as sole source of nitrogen. The cell-free preparations from these cells showed the following enzymes: phenylalanine aminotransferase, phenylpyruvate decarboxylase, phenylpyruvate reductase and phenylacetaldehyde reductase. The cell-free preparations of C. guilliermondii grown in medium with ammonium sulfate, lacked these enzyme activities, indicating the inducible nature of these enzymes. The results indicate the role of β-phenylpyruvate as a key intermediate in the pathway of biosynthesis of β-phenethyl alcohol and β-phenyllactic acid from L-phenylalanine.  相似文献   

Candida guilliermondii UFMG-Y65, isolated from a gold mine, was able to utilize different nitriles and the corresponding amides as sole source of nitrogen, at concentrations up to 2 M. Resting cells cultivated on YCB-acetonitrile medium showed nitrile hydrolyzing enzyme activities against acrylonitrile and benzonitrile. These enzymes were inducible and intracellular; the optimum pH was 7.0-8.0, and the optimum temperature 25 degrees C-30 degrees C. Liquid chromatographic analysis indicated that C. guilliermondii UFMG-Y65 metabolized 12 mM benzonitrile to 11 mM benzoic acid and 10 mM acrylonitrile to 7.9 mM acrylic acid. The results suggest that C. guilliermondii UFMG-Y65 may be useful for the bioproduction of amides and acids, and for the bioremediation of environments contaminated with nitriles.  相似文献   

Multifactorial and multistep alterations are involved in acquired fluconazole (FLC) resistance in Candida albicans. In this study, a FLC-resistant C. albicans strain was obtained by serial cultures of a FLC-susceptible C. albicans strain in incrementally increasing concentrations of FLC. The comparative proteomic study, confirmed by real-time RT-PCR, was performed with the susceptible parental strain and the resistant daughter strain to identify proteins altered during the development of FLC resistance. Our analysis of the differentially expressed proteins identified 22 different proteins, most of which were related to energy metabolisms (e.g., Pgk1, Fba1, and Adh1), and some of which have been previously identified as being involved in FLC resistance in C. albicans (e.g., Ald5, Cdc19, and Gap1). Functional analysis revealed lower intracellular ATP level and mitochondrial membrane potential, less endogenous reactive oxygen species generation in response to antifungal agents, and identical susceptibility to exogenous hydrogen peroxide, heat, and hyperosmotic shock in the resistant strain compared with the susceptible strain. Our results suggest that a metabolism shift might contribute to FLC resistance in C. albicans.  相似文献   

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